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随着保险市场竞争的日趋加剧,投资收益已经成为保险公司最为主要的利润来源,是保险公司偿付能力额度增强的重要手段、是保险险种产品创新的重要推动力量、是提高保险企业竞争优势的关键举措。因此,出现了许多保险投资管理研究的优秀论文及文献,当然也存在很多不足。<<对我国保险投资政策的解析及建议>> (<<经济问题>>2002年,第10期 ,作者: 郝伟, 朱宇婷) 一文阐述了我国目前实行的严格限制的保险投资政策导致保险公司的投资效益低下,严重影响了保险公司的偿付能力,蕴藏着极大的风险。对这种保险投资政策产生的原因进行了分析,并提出了保险投资政策的改革方向——保险投资证券化,以及实现保险投资证券化的前提条件。<<保险资金最优投资组合研究及评价>>(<<廊坊师范学院学报(自然科学版)>>2008年 第8卷 第04期 作者: 张笑伟) 一文说明了保险资金运用渠道不断拓宽和保险业竞争的加剧都要求保险公司有较强的投资能力.应用现代投资组合理论建立保险公司投资组合模型,用规划求解方法解出保险公司最优风险资产组合,同时建立保险公司效用函数,以效用最大化得出保险公司的最优投资组合.最后,将理论结果与保险公司实际投资组合进行比较分析,提出政策建议.<<基于差异系数σ/μ的人寿保险公司最优投资组合方法>>(<<管理工程学报>>2003年 第17卷 第03期 作者: 安实, 张炀, 陈剑平,)该文通过对我国人寿保险公司的投资现状和Markowitz模型在人寿保险公司投资研究中的适用性分析,并根据人寿保险公司的特点,优化了Markowitz模型的边界条件,并通过最大化组合的期望收益率和最小化差异系数σ/μ,对Markowitz模型进行改进,建立了人寿保险公司最优投资组合模型,并利用Lagrange参数法给出了人寿保险公司运用该模型进行最优投资组合决策的方法.<<保险公司融资投资抉择顺序研究>>(<<上海金融>>2002年第07期 作者: 黄智锋)该文认为我国保险公司虽然存在巨额利差损和资本金缺口,但是从短期来看,这些都不会对保险公司造成严重影响.这也为提高我国保险公司的资产管理能力提供了缓冲的时机.本文从分析资本金缺口及保费收入入手,认为保险公司不要急于上市融资,而是在这段缓冲时间内放宽投资渠道和提高投资收益.最后对投资渠道的放开提出了一些建议.<<保险公司投资比例问题研究>>(<<财经研究>>2003年 第29卷 第02期 作者: 秦振球, 俞自由) 承保利润和投资利润是保险公司的两大利润源泉,本文把两者结合起来,先建立一个保险公司最优投资比例的理论模型,然后运用该模型从理论上推算出中国保险投资的最优比例.这一比例和保险公司的实际投资比例存在差距,主要表现在对风险性较高的证券投资基金不敢轻易投资.最后分析形成这种差距的原因,并提出改变这种状况的相应建议.

154 评论


投资组合 portfolio investmentIn economics and finance, Portfolio Investment represents passive holdings of securities such as foreign stocks, bonds, or other financial assets, none of which entails active management or control of the securities' issuer by the investor; where such control exists, it is known as foreign direct examples of portfolio investment are:purchase of shares in a foreign company. purchase of bonds issued by a foreign government. acquisition of assets in a foreign country. Factors affecting international portfolio investment:tax rates on interest or dividends (investors will normally prefer countries where the tax rates are relatively low) interest rates (money tends to flow to countries with high interest rates) exchange rates (foreign investors may be attracted if the local currency is expended to strengthen) Portfolio investment is part of the capital account on the balance of payments statistics.投资组合投资组合 (Investment portfolio),又名 资产投资组合,所重视的是资产,例如股票、债券、外币、期权、贵金属、衍生性金融商品、房地产、土地、古董、上市公司地位(俗称「壳」)、艺术品、及至红酒等。 一个投资组合是一个投资者手上持手的资产性投资组合的成分,其中可分类为进取型、保守型等。 一个优质的资产投资组合最理想的是具高流动性、平稳及较高收益、低投资风险等。资产投资组合的成份不会包括消费品,例如跑车、电视机、化妆品、成衣等,因为它们都并无增值潜力,甚至只有折旧。In finance, a portfolio is an appropriate mix of or collection of investments held by an institution or a private individual. In building up an investment portfolio a financial institution will typically conduct its own investment analysis, whilst a private individual may make use of the services of a financial advisor or a financial institution which offers portfolio management services. Holding a portfolio is part of an investment and risk-limiting strategy called diversification. By owning several assets, certain types of risk (in particular specific risk) can be reduced. The assets in the portfolio could include stocks, bonds, options, warrants, gold certificates, real estate, futures contracts, production facilities, or any other item that is expected to retain its management involves deciding what assets to include in the portfolio, given the goals of the portfolio owner and changing economic conditions. Selection involves deciding what assets to purchase, how many to purchase, when to purchase them, and what assets to divest. These decisions always involve some sort of performance measurement, most typically expected return on the portfolio, and the risk associated with this return (. the standard deviation of the return). Typically the expected return from portfolios of different asset bundles are unique goals and circumstances of the investor must also be considered. Some investors are more risk averse than fund have developed particular techniques to optimize their portfolio holdings. See fund management for details.[edit] Porfolio formationMany strategies have been developed to form a portfolio capitalization-weighted portfolio price-weighted portfolio optimal portfolio (for which the Sharpe ratio is highest) [edit] ModelsSome of the financial models used in the process of Valuation, stock selection, and management of portfolios include:Maximizing return, given an acceptable level of risk. Modern portfolio theory—a model proposed by Harry Markowitz among others. The single-index model of portfolio variance. Capital asset pricing model. Arbitrage pricing theory. The Jensen Index. The Treynor Index. The Sharpe Diagonal (or Index) model. Value at risk model. Portfolio returns can be calculated either in absolute manner or in relative manner. Absolute return calculation is very straight forward, where return is calculated by considering total investment and total final value. Time duration and cash flow in portfolio doesn't influence final calculate more accurate return of your investments you have to use complicated statistical models like Internal rate of return or Modified Internal Rate of Return. The only problem with these models are that, they are very complicated and very difficult to compute by pen and paper. You need to have a scientific calculator or some software. Both of these models consider all cash flow(Money In/Money Out) and provide more accurate returns than absolute return. Time is a major factor in these models.

336 评论


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