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首页 > 职称论文 > 糖类化合物毕业论文

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205 评论


Sugars commonly found in the in vivo oxidation to release energy to meet the needs of the activities of life. And carbohydrates is an important part of the cell membrane, its conformation expression of the cell structure. The organism's basic life processes and the occurrence of certain diseases, the development process involves the participation of sugar. Therefore, the identification and detection of the sugar of great significance to the developments in the field of medicine, cell biology and help. To a certain extent by the determination of the sugar content of the human body can understand the health status of the human sugar chromatography, enzymatic method. Enzymatic methods susceptible to interference caused by contaminants in the sample limitations, and the source and purification of the enzyme is a critical issue. Detected by chromatographic methods sugar as follows: gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), affinity chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), capillary electrophoresis (CE), ion chromatography, but they have their own recent years, the synthesis can be selective recognition of biologically active molecules sensing material has attracted extensive attention from scientists. Phenylboronic acid to identify the body as a fully synthetic multi-hydroxy compounds, with low prices, strong stability, difficult to inactivation, etc., so in the past few decades, concern and attention of many researchers. Based on the above in this experiment. This paper discusses the synthesis process of the two kinds of Novel amide compounds. These two kinds of 3 - amide phenyl boric acid compound is a single-boric acid compounds, not yet in SciFinder included, respectively:In this study, simple and quick steps, and less product loss. The obtained products were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, 1 H NMR spectral analysis and melting point determination for the structural characterization, the experimental data show that the structure of the product in line with the structure of the target product, indicating that the experimental words: benzene boronic acid derivatives chloride 3,4,5 - fluorophenyl borate 2,3,4,5,6 - pentafluorophenyl borate characterization of synthetic

360 评论


Polysaccharide is a ketose aldose or linked through glycoside chain polymers, are a class of widely distributed in higher plants, fungi, algae, bacteria and animal cell membranes of biological macromolecules, constitute the four basic substances of life one. So far, from natural products have been isolated from hundreds of polysaccharide compounds, including herbal source of most water-soluble polysaccharide。Polysaccharide is not only the main structural components of living organisms, but also has a complex biological activity and function. Modern research shows that Chinese Herbs can activate macrophages, T and B cells, complement system, NK cells and anti-tumor, antiviral, Hypoglycemic effect of such activity. Many tonic herbs, such as ginseng, which contains polysaccharides have been shown to stimulate the immune regulation.

268 评论


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