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(美)康斯坦斯·M.卢瑟亚特()等著,英勇,于小东总译校.财产与责任保险原理[M]. 北京大学出版社, 2003 (美)小哈罗德·斯凯博()等编著,荆涛等译.国际风险与保险[M]. 机械工业出版社, 1999 (美)所罗门·许布纳()等著,陈欣等译.财产和责任保险[M]. 中国人民大学出版社, 2002 【英】Malcolm A. Clarke 著、 何美欢、吴志攀等译:《保险合同法》,北京大学出版社 2002 年版。 Mckendrick :“Contract Law”(影印本),法律出版社 2003 年版。 H. Whincup:“Contract Law and Practice—the EnglishSystem and Continental Comparisons” 中信出版社,2003 年版。 F. Dobbyn : “Insurance Law”(影印本),法律出版社 2001年版。 Lowry , Philip Rawlings : “Insurance Law :Doctrines andPrinciples” , Hart Publishing Ltd. (1999). Hodgin :“Insurance Law :Text and Materials” (SecondEdition) Cavendish Publishing Limited (2002) . L. Emanuel:“Contracts”,中信出版社 2003 年版。 A. Eisenberg:“Disclosure in Contract Law”,91 CaliforniaLaw Review (2003). T. Kronman :“Mistake, Disclosure, Information, and theLaw of Contracts”,7(1) Journal of Legal Studies (1978). J :“Insurer’s breach of good faith——a newtort?”,(1992) 108 LQR 35.这些都是比较好的

126 评论



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58、[美]卡特 [美]希普曼著,李珍译,《信守诺言——美国养老社会保险制度改革思路》中国劳动社会保障出版社,2003年1月版59、[美]约翰B?威廉姆森著,马胜杰,刘艳红,赵陵译, 《养老保险比较分析》,法律出版社,2002年版60、武川正吾,佐藤博树著,李黎明,张永春译,《企业保障与社会保障》, 中国劳动社会保障出版社,2003年版61、卡特琳?米尔丝著,郑秉文译,《社会保障经济学》,法律出版社,2003年版62、国际劳工局著,《社会保障”新共识》, 中国劳动社会保障出版社,2004年版63、达尔默?D?霍斯金斯著,侯宝琴译,《21世纪初的社会保障》, 中国劳动社会保障出版社,2004年版64、阿伦S?摩拉利达尔著,沈同华译,《养老基金管理创新》,上海财经大学出版社,2004年版65、大卫?桑普斯福特,泽弗里斯?桑纳托斯著,卢昌崇,王询译,《劳动经济学前沿问题》, 中国税务出版社,2000年版66、丹尼思?缪勒著,杨春学等译,《公共选择理论》,中国社会科学出版社,1999年版67、尼古拉斯?巴尔, 大卫?怀恩斯著,贺晓波,王艺译,《福利经济前沿问题》, 中国税务出版社,2000年版68、鲍德威,威迪逊著,邓力平主译,《公共部门经济学》,中国人民大学出版社,2000年版

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farm families through an experiential learning model, by John Smith, Journal of Agricultural Education, 2010 farm principles for sustainable agriculture in developing countries, by Donald Brown and William McBride, World Development, 2011 family farms: Supporting the global food system, by Ernesto Pollitt and Elizabeth G. Pringle, Annual Review of Environmental Resources, 2012 farmers in a global economy: The need to invest in small-scale agriculture, by William C. McKillop and Cheikhou Bop, International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2013 capital and family farm sustainability: An empirical analysis of New Zealand farms, by Richard B. Howitt and Stuart Locke, Rural Sociology, 2014 farms and regional development: Evidence from smallholder agriculture in the Andean Highlands, by Gonzalo Alfonzo, Ecological Economics, 2015 family farming: Enhancing agricultural productivity and environmental protection, by Frank J. Convery and Jonathan R. Gillard, Journal of Organic Systems, 2016 approaches to family farming: A case study from Mexico, by Joanne E. Taylor, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 2017 role of family dynamics in the success of small-scale farms, by Carolina L. T. dos Santos, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2018 from family farmers: Best practices for agri-food system resilience in times of global change, by María del Pilar Olmedo and Stephen G. Sherwood, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 2019.

116 评论


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    (美)康斯坦斯·M.卢瑟亚特(ConstanceM.Luthardt)等著,英勇,于小东总译校.财产与责任保险原理[M]. 北京大学出版社, 2003 (美)小

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