文献(拼音wén xiàn),汉语词语,意思为有历史意义或研究价值的图书、期刊、典章。出自《论语·八佾》。下面为大家带来了中文参考文献格式及示例,欢迎大家阅读参考!
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希望对你有帮助。(给分)一、引言 中华民族同世界各民族友好往来的历史有多久,对外汉语教学的历史就有多久。中国同世界各国交往的密切程度,以及国力的强弱,直接影响着对外汉语教学的兴衰。至新中国成立以后,对外汉语教学逐渐成为一门学科和一项语言教育事业。目前这项事业正以崭新的姿态、面向世界、迎接未来。 以此为背景,我们尝试对对外汉语教学事业从20世纪50年代初开创至今的50多年历史中该领域内主要贡献者的观点进行综合分析、归纳整理,并梳理其时间逻辑发展的顺序,力求更直观、更系统、更有层次性地理解对外汉语专业的发展概况。 本文对文献的综述基本上按照对外汉语事业的实际发展进程展开。第二部分介绍对外汉语专业出现的历史渊源和初创阶段。第三部分介绍巩固和发展阶段中、围绕对外汉语事业提出的各种理论与见解。第四部分细致分析对外汉语专业的现状和趋势、展望对外汉语专业的发展前景。二、历史渊源与初创阶段(一)历史渊源 西汉时,我国周边的少数民族就有人来当时的长安学习汉语。而中国真正对外国人进行汉语教学的历史可以追溯到东汉。至唐代,由于国力强盛,世界上许多国家都派留学生来中国学习,如日本派遣了十几次“遣唐使”,每批几百人;新罗统一朝鲜半岛后,也派遣留学生到长安,每批有百余人。以后的各个朝代也都有留学生来中国学习(元代实行霸权,留学生数量锐减),其中《老乞大》、《朴事通》等就是明初教朝鲜人学习汉语口语(北京口语)的教材。而明末金尼阁的《西儒耳目资》和清末威妥玛的《语言自迩集》可算当时影响较广的汉语教材。民国期间,中国政府也同外国政府交换了少数留学生,当时也有许多知名学者先后从事过对外汉语教学或相关工作。如老舍先生在1924~1929年间,在英国伦敦大学东方学院担任汉语讲师,他当年讲课的录音,至今还保存在伦敦。(二)初创阶段(20世纪50年代初期—20世纪60年代初期) 尽管中国角外国人学习汉语的历史悠久,然而作为一门专业学科的“对外汉语”是一门年轻的学科。由于是一门新兴的学科,因此在其迅速发展的同时,社会上、学术界乃至本学科内部对本学科的名称、性质、任务等基本问题尚有不同的看法,甚至存在一些争议。一个学科的名称是该学科的内容和学科的本质特点的反映。在对外汉语专业的起步阶段,学术界对这个学科的名称提出了一些不同看法,这些不同看法也反映了人们对这个学科的认识: 1.“对外汉语”:目前除了本科有对外汉语专业或对外汉语系外,少数学校已经有“对外汉语”专业硕士点和博士点,如北京语言大学把国内唯一一个国家研究基地叫做“对外汉语研究中心”,该中心主任赵金铭教授的专论《对外汉语研究的基本框架》都使用“对外汉语”作为学科名。 2.“对外汉语教学”:这一名称基本上能体现教授外国人学习汉语这个学科的特点和内涵,但客观上说,由于有“教学”两字,很容易让人把它归入教育学或学科教学论等学科中去。 3.“汉语教学”:因为“对外汉语”本来是针对国内教外国人学汉语这一事业所起的名称,明显地带有以中国人的视角来指称这一学科的色彩。“对外”二字无法为国外从事汉语教学的同行所使用,因此它只适用于中国。当国内外的学者在一起讨论学科或学术问题时,这种情况下一般使用“汉语教学”这个名称。 4.“汉语作为第二语言教学”:从科学性上看,这一名称较为精确地指出了本学科的内涵和性质。但由于这一名称太长、不上口,再加上约定俗成的原因,它不太可能被广泛传播。 5.对外汉语教育学。从实际而言,我们认为今后应该加强对“对外汉语”这个学科本身的性质、任务、内涵的研究,没有必要把过多的精力放在学科名称的讨论和争论上。 1952年,著名语言学家朱德熙等人首次赴保加利亚教授汉语,这是解放后我国向海外派遣教师教授汉语的开始。这一阶段,对外汉语教学理论的研究已经开始,能见到的最早的论文是周祖谟的《教非汉族学生学习汉语的一些问题》(《中国语文》1953年第7期)。周祖谟先生一开始便明确了对外国人和汉族人的汉语教学不同于对我国汉族学生的“语文”教学,指出要针对非汉族成年人学习“汉语”的特点进行教学;明确了对外国人和非汉族人的汉语教学是培养他们实际运用汉语的能力;指出结合汉语教学需要加强汉语研究的必要性。 1958年正式出版的我国第一部对外汉语教材《汉语教学书》,以语法为主线,按照由浅入深、循序渐进的原则编排,为建立“对外汉语教学语法”体系奠定了基础。该教材集中体现了本阶段的理论和方法。三、发展阶段(一)巩固和发展阶段(20世纪60年代初期—20世纪60年代中期) 20世纪60年代以后,随着我国国际地位的提高,我国接受外国留学生和向外派遣留学生的规模都需要扩大。为了加强各院校对外汉语教学经验的交流,高教部决定由北京语言学院创办《外国留学生基础汉语教学通讯》,这是我国第一个对外汉语教学的专业刊物,于1965年创刊,共出版了11期。 这一阶段,对外汉语教学理论研究的重点是总结建国以来的教学经验,钟梫的《十五年汉语教学总结》(《语言教学与研究》1979年第4期)反映了这一点。在总结经验的基础上,进一步明确教学的特点、教学要求和教学原则,努力促进教材、课堂教学法等向规范性的方向发展。比如他提出:教学内容与学生专业相结合的学以致用的教学要求;“精讲多练、课内外结合”的实践性教学原则;“语文并进”,全面训练听说读写,阶段侧重的教学安排;语法的系统性与课文的生动性相结合的教材编写方式;尽可能使用汉语进行课堂教学的相对直接法。 本阶段还编写了《基础汉语》,由于“文革”影响,直至1971年修改后才正式出版,1972年又出版了和它相衔接的《汉语读本》。这套教材突出和强调了实际语言在教材中的地位,是“实践性原则”和“相对直接法”的直接体现。1966年爆发了“文革”,对外汉语被迫中断。(三)恢复阶段(20世纪70年代初期—20世纪70年代后期) 20世纪70年代初,国际形势发生了变化,我国在对外关系上有了较大进展。此时部分高等学校已恢复招生,许多因“文革”中断在华学习的留学生要求复学。由于“文革”的严重冲击,当时的对外汉语事业在各方面都面临着重重困难,接受留学生的能力还是非常有限。而师资力量不足是本阶段我国对外汉语教学所面临的最突出的问题。 这一阶段的对外汉语教学理论研究更加深入,论文主要发表在《语言教学与研究》上,如吕必松的《汉语作为外语教学的实践性原则》、杨俊萱的《课堂教学的“死”与“活”》、郑万鹏的《怎样对留学生进行〈文章选读〉课教学?》、林焘的《语音教学和字音教学》、石佩文和李继禹的《听力训练在语言教学中的作用》,等等。主要特点是:侧重于研究解决教学中的具体问题。但研究范围仍嫌褊狭,未上升到学科建设的高度,局限于教学原则和课堂教学的范围之内。(四)蓬勃发展阶段(70年代末以后) 党的十一届三中全会决定实行改革开放政策。政治上的转轨和因此带来的经济快速发展,引起了国外的极大关注,随之在世界上掀起了一股“中国热”,“中国热”又引起了“汉语热”。对外汉语事业在这样一个大环境中获得蓬勃的发展。 1978年吕必松在中国社会科学院召开的“北京地区语言学科规划座谈会”上首次提出应当把对外国人的汉语教学作为一个学科来建设。1983年中国教育学会对外汉语教学研究会(即“中国对外汉语教学学会”的前身)成立,1984年王力在为《语言教学与研究》创刊五周年题词时指出“对外汉语教学是一门学科”,同年时任教育部部长的何东昌在我国留学生工作会议的报告中明确指出:“多年的事实证明,对外汉语已发展成为一门新的学科。”国务院于1987年7月批准成立了由7个部委参加的“国家对外汉语教学领导小组”,这是主管全国对外汉语教学事业的政府机构。 这一阶段的理论研究成果更为丰硕。如刘珣主编的《对外汉语教学概论》及《对外汉语教育学引论》;吕必松的《对外汉语教学探索》及《对外汉语教学发展概要》;齐沪扬与陈昌来主编的《应用语言学纲要》;盛炎的《语言教学原理》;赵金铭主编的《对外汉语教学概论》,等等。这一阶段是真正把对外汉语教学作为一门专门的学科,从学科建设的高度开展教学理论研究。主要特点为:进行了对外汉语教学的宏观研究,对各个环节和各项活动展开了全面的研究。 另外,2000年《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》中规定对外汉语教学应当教授普通话和规范字。这是我国第一个涉及对外汉语教学的国家法律。One, forewordThe Chinese nation with the peoples of the world in the history of friendly exchanges have long, teaching Chinese as a foreign language and history is long. Close degree of China's exchanges with the countries of the world, as well as strength, directly affects the teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Until after the founding of new China, teaching Chinese as a foreign language has become a subject and a language education. At present, the cause is a brand-new posture, face the world, face the this as the background, we try to teaching Chinese as a foreign language from the nineteen fifties initial pioneering contributions in this field since 50 years of history from the perspective of a comprehensive analysis, summarized, and reviews the time sequence of the development of logic, strive to be more intuitive, more systematic, more levels to understand the development of teaching Chinese as a foreign language paper reviews the literature of basically launches according to the actual development process of Chinese enterprise. The second part introduces the history of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and the initial stage. The third part introduces the consolidation and development of stage, various theories and views of Chinese business. The fourth part of a detailed analysis of the status and trends of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the prospect of the development of teaching Chinese as a foreign , the historical origin and the initial stage(a) historyWhen the Western Han Dynasty, the minority nationalities in our country around someone came to Changan at that time to learn chinese. And China's real foreigners in Chinese teaching history can be traced back to the Eastern Han dynasty. To the Tang Dynasty, because of the powerful national strength, many countries in the world have sent students to study in China, such as Japan dispatched a dozen times "to the Tang Dynasty", hundreds of people each group; Xinluo reunification of the Korean Peninsula, send students to Changan, each batch of hundreds of people. Each dynasty after the also have students to study in China (the implementation of hegemony, the number of students, among them "Chinese language" drop), "Park" in the early Ming Dynasty that is taught Koreans learn oral Chinese textbook (Beijing dialect). And the "western scholars Trigault's eyes and ears." and the Wade-Giles of "Yuyan zierji" can be considered when wide influence Chinese textbooks. During the Republic of China, the Chinese government with foreign governments to exchange a few students, when there are many well-known scholars has engaged in teaching Chinese as a foreign language or related work. As Mr. Lao She in the years 1924~1929, served as a lecturer at the University of London School of Oriental and Chinese, his lecture recordings, still preserved in london.(two) the initial stage (the early nineteen sixties the early nineteen fifties.)Although the Chinese angle foreigners learning Chinese has a long history, but as a professional discipline "foreign language" is a young discipline. Because it is a new subject, so in its rapid development at the same time, there are still fundamental problems of internal social, academic circles and the disciplines of the name, the nature of the discipline, the task of different views, even there is some controversy. The name of a subject is to reflect the essential characteristics of the subjects and disciplines. In the initial stage of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, and puts forward some different views on this subject name, these different views also reflects people's understanding of the subject:1 "foreign language": in addition to the current undergraduate professional foreign language or foreign language department, already have a "Chinese" professional master's and doctoral few schools such as Beijing Language and Culture University, the only national research base is called "foreign language research center", the center director Professor Zhao Jinming's monograph "Chinese as a foreign language study the basic framework of" use "foreign language" as the subject "teaching Chinese as a foreign language": the name basically reflects the characteristics and connotation of teaching foreigners learning Chinese on this subject, but objectively speaking, as a result of "teaching", let a person very easily subject it in education or courses teaching theory 3 "Chinese Teaching:" because "foreign language" is the name of the domestic teach foreigners Chinese this cause the, obviously has the Chinese perspective to refer to this subject color. "Foreign" two words can not engage in teaching Chinese as foreign counterparts are used, therefore it is only applicable to china. When the scholars at home and abroad to discuss subjects or academic problems, in this case the general use of the name "Chinese teaching".4 "teaching Chinese as a second language:" from a scientific point of view, this name is more accurately points out the connotation and the nature of the discipline. But because this name is too long, not catchy, reasons and conventional, it is unlikely to be widely foreign language the practice, we think the future should strengthen the "foreign language" the nature of the discipline itself, task, content of research, there is no need to put too much focus on discussion and debate on the subject 1952, the famous linguist Zhu Dexi et al first visit to Bulgaria to teach Chinese, this is the beginning of our country after liberating to expatriate teachers in teaching the Chinese language. This stage, study on the theory of teaching Chinese as a foreign language has been, to see the earliest paper is Zhou Zumo's "some problems of the teaching non-Chinese students learning Chinese" ("Chinese language" in 1953 seventh period). Mr Zhou Zumo began with the foreigners and Chinese language teaching is different from the Chinese Han students "language" teaching, pointed out the need for non Han Adults in learning "Chinese characteristics" of teaching; the teaching Chinese to foreigners and non Han people is to cultivate their
语言学毕业论文参考文献 语言学毕业论文的参考文献有哪些呢?语言是我国非常重要的文学,也是人与人交流的重要桥梁。下面是我分享的.语言学毕业论文的参考文献,欢迎阅读
论文的题目是文章内容的高度概括,它对论文的质量具有影响力。下面我将为你推荐汉语言文学学术论文题目参考的内容,希望能够帮到你! 1. 语音和语义的静态概括性和动态
北京大学中文系教材及参考书目 “最低限度书目”中国古代文学教材:袁行霈主编《中国文学史》四卷,高等教育出版社。 林庚 《中国文学简史》北大、清华出版社都有。
起源 汉字的起源,可追溯到距今8000年左右的两类符号:汉字演变一类是以甘肃大地湾遗址的彩陶上的刻符为代表的抽象的、方折形的符号;另一类是以河南贾湖遗址的甲骨