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您好,意得辑对新客户都有新客折扣,针对字数多的稿件我们也有特殊折扣价,每月也会推出各式不同优惠活动,欢迎百度"意得辑",到官网咨询客服,给您最优惠的价格。意得辑editage 成立于2002年5月,主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务。已协助全球 34 万名科研作者, 编辑 106 万份论文稿件, 目前在英国、美国、中国、日本、韩国等地均设有办公室, 我们提供论文英文润色、翻译、投稿指导等服务, 协助您顺利发表国际期刊。欢迎百度"意得辑",到官网咨询客服,给您最优惠的价格与可信赖的品质。

316 评论


:这是一家专业的学术论文翻译和润色服务公司,服务范围包括SCI论文翻译和润色、学位论文翻译和润色、期刊投稿准备等,有着丰富的经验和专业的团队。:这是一家专业的学术出版服务公司,提供SCI论文翻译和润色、学位论文翻译和润色、期刊投稿准备等服务。他们有专业的团队,能够为客户提供高质量的服务。 Editing Services:这是Wiley出版公司旗下的学术论文翻译和润色服务品牌,提供SCI论文翻译和润色、学位论文翻译和润色、期刊投稿准备等服务。他们有专业的团队,能够为客户提供高质量的服务。当您选择机构时,可以考虑机构的专业性、服务质量、价格和客户评价等因素,以及是否有合适的语言专业人员来完成您的翻译和润色任务。

314 评论


Dear sir or madam: Dear sir or madam: Thank you for your attention. This is CBA (Chinese Basketball Association) which aims to find any potential cooperation opportunities. As the authority orgnization of Chinese basketball game, we deeply know that the responsibility to develop this sport in all aspect. Besides the effort we did, we still need direct and indirect connexions over the world to enhance the lack. Thus, we look forward an opportunity that will make a cooperation with you? Any forms of cooperation will be appreciated, if it would benefit the development basketball game for both of us. The Chinese Basketball Association and Chinese Basketball Sports Development Center (Exclusively-invested enterprise of CBA) own the most widely resources of Chinese basketball. As you know the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games are coming, and we should take advantage of this chance to improve our basketball level. Also, we should prepared fully for the Olympic hope a good cooperative relationship will be established not only during the 2008 Olympic Games but a long period! Looking forward your quickly more details, please visit the website: Best regards

358 评论


Dear sir or madam: Thank you for your attention to this letter. It is from CBA (Chinese basketball Association) which aims to find any potential cooperation opportunities. As the authority of Chinese basketball we feel that we have the responsibility to develop this sport in all fields. Besides our effort we also need direct and indirect connexions over the world to provide things others lacks. So is there any opportunity that will make a corporation between us? Any form of corporation will be appreciated as long as it's beneficial to the basketball for both of us. The Chinese basketball association and Chinese basketball sports development center (Exclusively-invested enterprise of CBA) own the most widely resources of Chinese basketball. As you know the 2008 Olympic-games will open in Beijing, and we should take advantage of this chance to improve our basketball level. We hope a good corporative relationship will be established not only during the 2008 Olympic game but also in a long time! Looking forward to hear from you soon. For more details, please visit the website: Best regards

217 评论


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