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阿基米德说过:给我一个支点,我可以把地球支起来。现在,请各位给我三分钟,我将带领大家拯救地球。李白诗说“黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复还,”说的什么,说的是唐朝的黄河,而今天的黄河呢,我们大家可以看到,工厂、家庭废水是这么样地流进孕育我们中华文化五千年的长河之中,在上游地带,滥砍滥牧导致内陆沙漠化严重,滚滚黄沙是这么样的流入黄河之中,到了下游沉积,听说黄河到了下游已经成了陆上河,已经成了悬河。据专家判断,如果这么情形再不改善的话,那么不出十年,很有可能成为中国最长的内陆河。在中国沿海地带,工业发达,是的,工业发达带给人们无比的进步,可是也带来了空气污染问题,空气污染不但伤害人的呼吸系统,更重要的是,它带来酸雨的危机。这么说好了,在某些特定的沿海地区,酸雨的酸正可以跟醋相提并论。酸雨不但侵害了森林,使农作物减产,更侵害了建筑物。根据1999年,世界卫生组织作调查指出:在中国300多个大城市中,有70%以上的城市已经不适宜人类居住了,为什么?是因为空气太过污浊了。好,我们再把观点放到国际上来看,在中南美洲地带,人类照样砍伐热带雨林,导致种种严重的后果。如果说:很多生活在热带雨林中的珍贵物种,就这么样地从地球上消失了。砍伐热带雨林,还来一种严重的后果,对人们人类有所影响的,就是温室效应。大家可能会觉得,温度如果上升一两,并没有关系,大家错了。因为,温度的上升会导致南北两极冰山的融化,而冰山的融化则会使海平面节节升高。根本联合国的调查指出,当海平面只要升高一公尺,有许多低地国家就会消失。像马歇尔群岛,如果海平面上升一公尺的话,它将有80%的土地没入水平面以下。或许,我们再不作点努力的话,那么今天我们站的这个会场里面将会变成一片汪洋。说那多么,我们想要告诉大家的是,人类也就是作为环境的破坏者,那是毋庸置疑的。好,我们回到今天的题目来看,所谓的本是什么,我方认为所谓本是根本,根源。因为我方觉得,要做环境保护要从根源,根本来着手,才是正确的。人类既是环境的破坏者也是环境的保护者,各国元首制订了各种环境公约来保护这些环境。好,根据以上两点,第一点,人类是环境的破坏者;第二点,人类有能力来保护环境,因此我方认为环境保护应以人为本,谢谢大家。热带雨集中在南美洲亚马逊流域,非洲刚果河流域以及东南亚各岛屿,约占世界陆地面积的百分之十六,是地球上生物种类最多的生态系. 热带雨林同时具调节热量及水份的功能,且在氧气及二氧化碳循环中,扮演吸收二氧化碳释出氧气的功能,因此也有减缓温室效应的作用,故热带雨林的破坏,可能会对全球或局部区域的气候产生强烈变化,此亦为热带雨林引起国际社会重视,加强保护的原因. 热带雨林遭受破坏的原因,主要包括过度火耕,农地的转用,过度放牧,薪材的过度取用,商业用材的不当砍伐及森林火灾等,而这些原因的背景,则涉及开发中国家的贫困及人口增加等问题. 为保存热带雨林珍贵的自然功能及价值,目前可采取的行动包括: 鼓励开发中国家改变会刺激砍伐森林或误用土地的经济及其他政策,例如应该停止 对鼓励开发森林的个人或企业提供税务优待及补助. 促进鼓吹持久性土地及资源利用的政策,例如实行土地改革,对适当森林管理及再植森林的个人或企业,提供财政奖励或优待. 鼓励开发中国家发展能源政策,使其不再依赖破坏雨林来取得立即可用的资源.例如四线道高速公路使人容易进入丛林,大型水坝可以产生大量需要的电力,但是两项工程都威胁雨林的未来,因此应该谨慎行之. 热带木材的进口应该禁止,木材须来自适当管理的保留区. 以贷款,奖金及技术援助的方式,鼓励再植森林. 扶植培养雨林区的地方环保团体更加强合作,影响当地政府政策制定.

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亚马逊河向大西洋排放的水量达到了每秒18万4千立方米,相当于全世界所有河流向海洋排放的淡水总量的五分之一,从亚马逊河口直到肉眼看不到海岸的地方,海洋中的水都不咸,150公里以外海水的含盐量都相当低。 亚马逊河主河道有到12公里宽,从河口向内河有3700公里的行道,海船可以直接到达秘鲁的伊基托斯,小一点的船可以继续航行780公里到达阿Ku阿尔角,再小的船还可以继续上行。 亚Ma逊河流域面积达到6915000平方公里,相当于南美洲总面积的40%,从北纬5度伸展到南纬20度,源头在安第斯山高原中,离太平洋只有很短的距离,经过秘鲁和巴西在赤道附近进入大西洋。 英文: The amazon river water discharge from the Atlantic to 18 million per 1000 cubic meters, equivalent to around four rivers to the Marine discharge all the total freshwater one-fifth of the amazon river, until the coast of invisible, the water is not salty sea, 150 kilometers of seawater salinity is outside. Amazon ZhuHeDao has to 12 km wide, from the river to the inland waterway there 3700miles, ships can directly to Peru, a small boat can continue to sail 780 kilometers, library's Angle, again small boat can keep up. The amazon basin area reaches 6915000 square kilometers, equivalent to South America, north latitude 40 per cent of total 5 degrees from 20 degrees, stretching to the great source in the andes, from the ocean in the plateau is only a short distance, Peru and Brazil at the equator into the Atlantic are very dense,warm,wet are havens for millions of plants and animals. Rainforests are extremely important in the ecology of the plants of the rainforest generate much of the Earth's plants are also very important to people in other ways; many are used in new drugs that fight disease and illness.热带雨林是非常茂密、温暖、潮湿的森林。它们是数百万种动植物的避风港。热带雨林在地球的生态学中是极其重要的。热带雨林中的植物产生了地球上的大部分氧气。这些植物在其他方面对人们也非常重要;许多被用于对抗疾病的新药。

154 评论


先回答你的问题,热带雨林得靠人类保护,不分什么正方反方。 只是我觉得发达国家得负主要责任。巴西为了发展国家,开发雨林,其实也没什么。只是它向发达国家借外贷,为了还利息,继续开发雨林是个捷径。 如果发达国家肯将利息减去一些,或是推迟些,等巴西有点发展再还的话,雨林应该就不会被破坏得很严重了; 还有就是,巴西热带雨林中的硬木多销往的是发达国家,有人销售就是因为有客商。他们如果对硬木的需求量不多的话,又怎么会打雨林的主意呢?

221 评论


点拨:可以写我们为什么要保护雨林,要提出哪些举措。Many people understand the importance of saving therainforest .Many countries are rain forests and national parks .Farmersare learning how to grow crops do not harm the rainforest .It requires alot of people working together to make the tropical rainforest andrainforest wildlife can be saved ,your children see and enjoy.雨林。许多国家都是热带雨林和国家公园。农民正在学习如何种植庄稼,不会对雨林造成伤害。这需要很多人共同努力,才能拯救热带雨林和雨林野生动物,让你的孩子看到和享受。Maybe you can do something to help protect the Earth'srainforests .For example:How to tell the surrounding environment and the importance ofpeople to help protect the repair damaged ecosystems deforested areas .To encourage environmentally sound lifestyle around people .Established parks to protect rainforests and works relatively small company damage to theenvironment .也许你可以做一些事情来帮助保护地球的雨林。例如:如何分辨周围的环境和重要性,人们帮助保护雨林。在森林被砍伐的地区种植植物,修复被破坏的生态系统。鼓励人们采用环保的生活方式。建立公园以保护雨林和野生动物。支持工程,相对较小的公司损害环境。

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Strengthening of environmental education to raise environmental awareness of citizens;establishment of an international fund to enable local benefit from the management andprotection。

Strengthen forest management and protection, the establishment of nature reserves;selective logging and reforestation of forests combined。

To encourage the protection of sexual exploitation; reduce immigration and farming intothe rain forest zone opportunities。


加强环境教育,提高市民的环保意识; 设立国际基金,使地方能从管理和保护中受益。


鼓励保护性剥削; 减少向雨林地区移民和耕种的机会。

196 评论


【篇一】如何保护热带雨林英语作文my mother had to lead me to go to the tropical rain forest,listened to mother to say where the drink could drink casually,was soon as I run in the tropical rain forest swimming pool,inside the feeling has resembled with darkness,on the ceiling has many lamps,the number is also innumerable,probably the space “the small star” is the swimming pool has various basin,has in a big way,has slightly,has the depth,has shallowly,but also has the amusing slippery slide,I and the younger sister play step on the stone,the diving .Really amusing!Played has been tired,two buildings also had the warm kang to be possible to lie down in above short 6 hours have passed by,I have to go home longingly,the tropical rain forest I certainly also can again come!my day is happy very much!【篇二】如何保护热带雨林英语作文Rainforests are very dense,warm,wet are havens for millions of plants and are extremely important in the ecology of the plants of the rainforest generate much of the Earth's plants are also very important to people in other ways; many are used in new drugs that fight disease and illness.【篇三】如何保护热带雨林英语作文To strengthen environmental education and to enhance citizens' awareness of environmental protection; Establishment of an International Fund,the local benefit from the management and protection; rain forest management and protection,establishment of nature reserves; forest selective logging and reforestation; to encourage the development of protective; reduce the opportunities of immigrants and farming into the rain forest。

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With economic development and population growth, the city size grows larger and larger, which brings about both advantages and a result of the city expansion, local people are enjoying the convenience of commercial business and their residential conditions have also improved, which leads financial investment to pour into the area as the other hand, it is unavoidable to have a bad influence on farmland and even result in destruction of it when a city addition to all kinds of pollution done to the land, wildlife is in danger and therefore, all these ought to be paid attention my opinion, tearing down unusable buildings can spare many areas inside the city, so it's unnecessary to expand outside and at the same time, careful planning should be done by the government to protect the wildlife and maintain the natural beauty.随着经济迅速发展和人口增长,城市规模也不断扩大,这既带来了好处同时又产生了问题。由于城市的扩张,当地人民享受着商业的便利,居住条件得到了改善,也吸引了更多的投资。另一方面,当城市扩张时,不可避免地必须注意。依我看,拆除不用的建筑物在城里可以腾出许多地方,因此不必向外扩张,同时政府应做周密的计划来保护野生动植物,保存自然美景。

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