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学历学位证书认证申请细节 15:33教育部涉外监管网1.留学人员国外学历学位认证申请须递交以下材料:一张二寸或小二寸证件照片(黑白或彩色半身免冠);本人留学期间护照(签证记录及出入境记录须全部复印;若护照已上交,请有关单位开具证明);在国外所获所有学位证书或高等教育文凭正本(含需认证的学位证书或文凭正本的翻译件原件);在国外学习期间所有成绩单(含翻译件原件);国外研究学位获得者,如无成绩单,需提供学校开具的相关研究证明;中国驻外使(领)馆开具的《留学回国人员证明》;硕士以上(含硕士)学位获得者,交验毕业论文原件并提供毕业论文目录及摘要;留学前最后学历证书:硕士学位获得者,如入学前学历为大专,须提交入学前全部工作经历证明;博士学位获得者,如入学前学历为硕士研究生(不含硕士研究生)以下,须提交入学前全部工作经历证明或职称证书;注:以上材料除照片外均须交验原件并收取一套复印件。外文的学位或文凭证书正本、留学期间成绩单或论文目录(摘要)等须经专业性涉外翻译机构进行翻译,并须提供翻译件原件。在俄语国家取得学位证书者,需提供预科证明。在日本取得论文博士学位者,另需提供研究证明、学位申请书等相关材料。在菲律宾取得学位证书者,需提供菲律宾总统府、高等教育委员会、外交部的认证等相关材料。2.合作办学学位认证申请须递交以下材料:一张二寸或小二寸证件照片(黑白或彩色半身免冠);本人身份证;本人护照(在合作办学外方学校有学习经历者提供;签证记录及出入境记录须全部复印;若护照已上交,请有关单位开具证明);所获国(境)外学位证书或高等教育文凭(含学位证书或文凭正本的翻译件原件);学习成绩单(含翻译件原件);由合作办学中方主办方开具的合作办学学习证明;硕士以上(含硕士)学位获得者,如入学前学历为大专,须提供入学前全部工作经历证明;硕士以上(含硕士)学位获得者,应提供毕业论文目录及摘要,验看毕业论文原件;入学前最后学历证书以及其他相关材料。注:以上材料除照片外均须交验原件并收取一套复印件。外文材料,如学位或文凭证书正本、学习成绩单等须经专业性涉外翻译机构进行翻译,并须提供翻译件原件。合作办学中方主办方按要求到我中心备案后,该项目学生的认证申请方可受理认证。如要了解合作办学备案细则,请中方项目负责人发电子邮件至:联系。3.香港、澳门特别行政区学历学位认证申请须递交以下材料:一张二寸或小二寸证件照片(黑白或彩色半身免冠);本人特区通行证(签注及出入境记录须全部复印;若通行证已上交,请有关单位开具证明);所获学位证书正本及其翻译件原件;如学位证书为中英文对照,则无须翻译;学习成绩单(含翻译件原件);中央人民政府驻特区联络办公室开具的在港澳地区学习证明;硕士以上(含硕士)学位获得者,需提供毕业论文目录及摘要,验看毕业论文原件;研究学位获得者,如无成绩单,需提供学校开具的相关研究证明;硕士以上(含硕士)学位获得者,如入学前学历为大专,须提供入学前全部工作经历证明;入学前最后学历证明以及其它相关材料;注:以上材料除照片外均须交验原件并收取一套复印件。外文学位证书、学习期间成绩单或论文摘要(目录)等须经专业性涉外翻译机构进行翻译,并须提供翻译件原件。在香港学习非本地课程并取得学位者,须提供相关单位出具的在港工作证明。4.台湾地区学历学位认证申请需递交以下材料:一张二寸或小二寸证件照片(黑白或彩色半身免冠);本人身份证件;所获学历学位证书或高等教育文凭;学习成绩单;获硕士以上(含硕士)学位者,需提供毕业论文目录及摘要;注:以上材料除照片外均须交验原件并收取一套复印件。5.申请者所提供的外文材料,如学位或文凭证书正本、留学期间成绩单、论文目录(摘要)等须经专业性涉外翻译机构进行翻译,申请者本人翻译无效。翻译件须提供原件。为保证翻译质量和专业水准,申请者可到北京嘉华世达国际教育交流有限公司办理。联系地址:北京嘉华世达国际教育交流有限公司(北京语言大学学一楼225房间)网址:联系电话:传真:010-823039976.在京申请者,可持以上所列材料直接到教育部留学服务中心(北京语言大学学一楼117室)提交申请。填写由教育部留学服务中心统一印制的《国外学历学位认证申请表》或《中外合作办学国(境)外学历、学位认证申请表》、《香港、澳门特别行政区学历学位认证申请表》、《台湾地区学历学位认证申请表》。在递交申请材料(包括中文翻译件)齐全后,申请人一般可于十五个工作日(双休日及国家法定节假日除外)之后领取《国外学历学位认证书》、《合作办学国外(境外)学位认证书》、《合作办学国外(境外)高等教育文凭认证书》、《台湾地区学历学位认证书》或《香港、澳门特别行政区学历学位认证书》等认证结果。因申请者没留下有效联系方式而引起的延误,责任自负。7.外埠申请者,可将上述材料的复印件寄到教育部留学服务中心。复印件须经指定的验证点审核,注明该复印件与原件相符,经办人签字并加盖公章。8.未通过认证的申请材料不予退还。9.因申请者提供虚假材料导致不能通过认证的,申请材料及费用不予退还。教育部留学服务中心将通过适当方式将提供虚假材料的申请者上网公示并通知用人单位。

328 评论



137 评论


Spring the river is containing the rich hydro-electric resources, valley section suits in the construction hydro-junction, the hydro-junction main goal is prevents floods the electricity generation. This article unifies opens the valley terrain geology characteristic, the hydrology characteristic, has carried on the preliminary design to its hydro-junction. The main content opens the valley hydro-junction including the spring river the basic document, the main building design, the key position scheme of arrangement, ground processing as well as the construction leads dams the current and so on the content. In had considered under each kind of factor, the choice second grade - second grade took this key project the dam spool thread, in the dam choice, carries on the good and bad points comparison after each kind of dam, unifies this project the local characteristic, chose the concrete entity gravity dam to take this hydro-junction the dam. Adjusts Hong to calculate uses the quite universal semigraphical method, after has compared three accents Hong plan had determined an appropriate plan, its design flood level is meters, the examination flood level meters, the definite top of dam elevation is meters. This key position main building by keeps off the water building, the drainage building, the electricity generation building, blows off the building to be composed. Passes the charging after to calculate (gravity dam is stable and stress computational procedure) and the stress and stably compares the nucleus, obtains the non- overfall dam the economical section plane, the top of dam width meters, the height meters; The drainage building uses the table hole overflow the way, the top of dam curve uses the practical WES curve, disappears can the way adopt selects class disappearing energy; The workshop dam section including three flow conditions and installment field sections, after the workshop uses the dam the type; Uses the deep hole achievement to blow off the building, the hole figure selects does not have presses in the dam the sluiceway. Finally constructs the conduction current to select two issues of two section of conduction current methods, an issue by ties the narrow river bed to release the class, two issues release the class by the conduction current bottom hole, opened the valley hydro-junction to the spring river to produce a quite complete design proposal.

137 评论



173 评论


The spring river contains abundant water power resources, among them, ZHANG GU3 DUAN4 suiteds for to fix to set up the water conservancy vital point, the main purpose of the water conservancy vital point is a flood control to generate electricity. This text combines a valley form geology characteristics, the hydrology characteristic, as to it's the water conservancy vital point carried on the first step main contents includes the spring river ZHANG GU3 the basic data, main building design, vital point of the water conservancy vital point arranges the project, the foundation processing and constructions to lead to cut to flow etc. contents. Considered various factor under, the choice B - B conduct and actions originally the dam stalk line of the vital point engineering, choice in the dam type, to various dam type after carrying on the merit and shortcoming comparison, combine the local characteristics of this engineering, choose the concrete entity gravity dam conduct and actions originally the dam type of the water conservancy vital the 洪 calculation adoption more widespread half illustrated manual table method, at compare three adjust the project of 洪 after made sure a fit project, get it designs the flood as meters, the flood a meters of the school pit, make sure that a high distance of dam is building of this vital point from block the building of water, leak water the building, generate electricity the building and put the empty building to machine-readable( the gravity dam stability and should dint calculation procedure) and should to compare with pit, the dint and stabilities are after, getting to overflow the economic section of flow the dam not, meters of a breadth of dam, high meters;Leak water the building adoption watch bore overflows the way for flow, a curve of dam adopts the practical curve of WES, eliminating the ability method to adopt to pick to flow to eliminate the ability;The factory premises dam segment includes a segment of three machines and an installs a segment, the factory premises adoption dam is behind type;Adoption deep bore conduct and actions put the empty building, the bore figure choose and use and did not press the dam inside end construction leads to flow to choose to use two expect the two pieces to lead to flow the method, on expect from tie the narrow river bed to leak to flow, two expect from lead to flow the bottom bore to leak to flow, to the spring river ZHANG GU3 the water conservancy vital point give a the design project that compares the integrity.

292 评论


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