海明威的名著For Whom The Bell Tolls,共有三种译名:《战地钟声》、《丧钟为谁而鸣》、《钟为谁鸣》。西班牙内战期间,他3次以记者身份亲临前线,在炮火中写了剧本《第五纵队》,并创作了以美国人参加西班牙人民反法西斯战争为题材的长篇小说《丧钟为谁而鸣》(1940),人物你自己看一下就知道了,没什么特别的.
钢铁碎片下完以后,他还活着。这句话说明了什么?这说明主人公非常幸运,在如此的战乱中能够暂时死里逃生,躲过了钢铁碎片,实属奇迹。此文出自“战地钟声” 海明威著长篇小说,又译:“丧钟为谁而鸣”。附录:梗概:讲述的是美国青年罗伯特·乔丹在大学里教授西班牙语,对西班牙有深切的感情。他志愿参加西班牙政府军,在敌后搞爆破活动。为配合反攻,他奉命和地方游击队联系,完成炸桥任务。他争取到游击队队长巴勃罗的妻子比拉尔和其他队员的拥护,孤立了已丧失斗志的巴勃罗,并按部就班地布置好各人的具体任务。在纷飞的战火中,他和比拉尔收留的被敌人糟蹋过的小姑娘玛丽亚坠入爱河,藉此抹平了玛丽亚心灵的创伤。在这三天中,罗伯特历经爱情与职责的冲突和生与死的考验,人性不断升华。在炸完桥撤退的时候,自己却被敌人打伤了大腿,独自留下阻击敌人,最终为西班牙人民献出了年轻的生命。
《战地钟声》是海明威篇幅最长的一部小说,但全书情节局限于三天之内,写得紧凑非凡。 本书即从老向导塞尔莫带乔丹到桥头哨所侦察写起,接着两人就向游击队的营地进发……直到星期二早晨及时完成了炸桥任务,但不幸以身殉职。 海明威发挥他独特的叙事艺术,以细致入微的动作描写及丰富多彩的对白,紧紧环绕着罗伯特.乔丹的行动,一气呵成地把故事讲到底,同时,插入了大段大段的内心独白及回忆,使这个主人公的形象非常丰满。 对于生活在乱世的人们,我们除了同情他们,心里也充满了无奈,究其根本还是人类自己所造成的,玛丽亚的惨痛经历更使我了解到战争给人带来的痛苦和伤害,更让我觉得现今的和平是多么的来之不易,我们应更加珍惜今日的和平生活。 主人公罗伯特.乔丹在这次任务中邂逅了美丽善良的马丽亚,开始了纯洁美好的爱情,罗伯特.乔丹明知道这次任务艰险,而且认为“只要炸掉桥,送命不送命关系不大”,然而这样一来问题就复杂了:他憧憬着和马丽亚一起到马德里度假,甚至战后带她回蒙大拿,做他的妻子。如果没有战争,他们将会是多么幸福的一对……作者通过乔丹的内心独白,淋漓尽致地探讨了生与死的问题、个人幸福与人类命运的问题。凭着坚强的政治信念,乔丹忍痛处理了这些问题。个人幸福与人类命运的问题,交给现在的我们来决策,也会是踌躇不已的,它太沉重,令人有窒息之感,在战争中的人们太苦、太累,有太多的无奈、太多的磨难。 今天的和平、幸福的生活,值得我们每一个人去珍惜,经历过苦难的人都有过亲身的体验,没有经历过战争苦难的我们也应当以前车为鉴,不能让同样的痛苦再发生,祸及我们的后代以及更多的无辜的生命…… 同时,战争的危害远远不及这些,也许整个人类乃至整个地球将会被摧毁,那时人类的灭亡将是必然…… 美丽的东西谁都不愿错过,这个世界是那么地美好,令人留恋不已,它是人类世世代代生活过和生活着的地方,想要继续生活下去,那么就好好爱护它吧,好好爱护身边的人,只要每一个人都有一颗仁爱之心,那么生活将不会缺少奇迹…… 让《战地钟声》时刻提醒我们:保卫和平!
Title :Book Report of For Whom the Bell TollsName :Rose Wang(王秀莺)Date :March 6, 2002Familiar Quotations:1. It is better for a woman to marry a man who loves her than a man she loves. –Albanian Proverb2. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the . But all sunshine without shade, all pleasure without pain, is not life at . Every death itself makes life more loving.“Pain does not matter to a man.” Said Hemingway. The words completely revealed in this film. The film tells the love story about an American involved in Spanish civil war, then he had fallen in love with a pure girl in the battlefield. But unfortunately at the end he was shot and falling down from horse. There is not any fancy scene in this movie, even the audience just can see dark mountain scenery. Nevertheless, when you see the film, you will feel the best and the most attractive part of the film which touches the strings of the human heart is for sake of hearty, candid, breath of hero and heroines’s love. This is completely different from common agitato of love story my opinion about the character of this movie 巴劳1. He is not a bad man. Although he refused to accept the mission of blowing bridge, finally he attend the work and did it as in duty . It’s worthy to admire for his has told his cohorts the following words:(1) He said “I can live longer than you.”(2) He said “I am not having no brain.”3. He drinks all day long, but in the important moments, he does not forget his cohorts. In the film, he killed two men, in order to get two horses for his cohorts. So, he is loving his cohorts, but he is not self-concern. Pilar: is the wife of 巴劳. She looks uncivilized, but she is kind and very active. When she found that巴劳 was too self-concerned, she immediately initiatively replaced him to lead those soldiers to finish their laughts at herself “She is born ugly.” is sad because she can’t win the love from men. Once she tried to kiss a young man, but he ran away from her. The event make her feel very painful. No one would love her for her ugly appearance. Although Pilar didn’t get the love from other men, but she is a well-wisher, she loved hero and heroine and shared the love from is a woman of great insight and she knows chirognomy. She can read the way of Jordan’s life from his hand. Jordan:1. He is the representative of justice. After he finished blowing the bridge, his leg got hurt. When all the cohorts wanted to evacuate from the battlefield, Jordan decided to fight against the enemy to protect Maria and the others. This is the good deed of . Jordan’s deep love to Maria is touched the audience. He told Maria some words: “you must leave. Only after you leave, I can accomplish the task. If you don’t leave, I can’t do it. It’s a necessary that you have to leave. We will go to a permanent place. You go first, I will follow you.”3. When Maria try to tell Jordan about being treated to death by a strong-arm man, Jordan said to Maria:”I love thee, Maria,” he said ”I can love thee more.” According to Jordan’s words, we know that Jordan loves Maria with all his heart. And for Jordan, Maria is as pure as white snow. Maria:1. From the point of view of love, it’s the first love for Maria. In the film, when Maria wants to kiss Jordan, she said “Where do the noses go ? I always wondered where the noses would go.” From the words, we know that Maria’s cute and . Maria often show her love spontaneously, such as she wants to kiss Jordan, and says to him that she wants to live with him forever. Jordan laughs at her shamelessness and Maria answers him: ”Yes, I don’t know what shame is.” She really shows her mind to Joran. Maria should be admired for her . When Jordan fell from the horse, Maria screamed fiercely. We can feel the truth and health of course of true love never did run smothly. It’s a perfect description for hero and heroine in For Whom the Bell Tolls. Although people do think that they can’t be convinced by a love story without a miserable ending. I would rather believe that lovers can stay together longer than ever. They can own laughter instead of tears; sunshine instead of darkness.
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