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While China has for many uses adopted the Arabic numeral system familiar around the world, it also still uses its native Chinese character number system. The Chinese system is also a base-10 system, but has important differences in the way the numbers are represented. Chinese has characters for numbers 0 through 9, as seen above. In addition to the character shown above for zero, a simple circle is also used. Pronunciation for the characters uses the standard Romanization scheme in China called "pinyin". The number at the end of the pinyin indicates the tone. Eleven in Chinese is "ten one". Twelve is "ten two", and so on. Twenty is "Two ten", twenty-one is "two ten one" (2*10 + 1), and so on up to 99. One-hundred is "one hundred". One-hundred and one is "one hundred zero one". One hundred and eleven is "one hundred one ten one". Notice that for eleven alone, you only need "ten one" and not "one ten one", but when used in a larger number (such as 111), you must add the extra "one". One thousand and above is done in a similar fashion, where you say how many thousands you have, then how many hundreds, tens, and ones. An exception to this is for zeroes. When a zero occurs in the number (except at the end), you need to say "zero", but only once for two or more consecutive zeroes. So one-thousand and one would be "one thousand zero one", where zero stands in for the hundreds and tens places. Try different numbers in the converter above to practice and check on other numbers. What is different from American English is that when you get to ten-thousand, Chinese has its own word (wan4), unlike English where you must use a compound of ten and thousand. Only after ten thousand does Chinese start using compounds itself. One-hundred thousand is "one ten wan4" (where wan4 is the Chinese word for ten-thousand that English lacks). Chinese goes on like this until 100 million (yi4), where it introduces a new character. This happens every four decimal places, unlike American English where it happens every three decimal places (thousand, million, billion, trillion, etc. are all separated by three decimal places). Regular Chinese characters for numbers use relatively few strokes. The characters for one, two, and three are just one, two and three parallel horizontal strokes, respectively. To prevent fraud when writing checks and other cases where fraud is possible, Chinese also uses a series of more complex characters for the numbers. It is easy to change a "one" into a "two" in regular characters, but with the formal complex characters, this is impossible. See above for a listing of the equivalent formal characters. As in English, one can also abbreviate a number by just listing the digits with the tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. omitted (as the web counter below does). When talking about amounts, sometimes a variant of two is used in the hundred-million, ten-thousand, thousand, or hundreds place: (liang3). It is never used in the tens place. Sometimes when used as an amount it can also replace two alone. Shorthand characters also exist for twenty and thirty and are often used in newspapers, especially in dates. These are (nian4) for twenty and (sa4) for thirty. To express fractions and percents, Chinese uses the denominator followed by the two characters (fen1 zhi1, "parts of"), followed by the numerator. So two-thirds would be "three fen1zhi1 two". In the case of percents, you would say "hundred fen1zhi1 amount", . the way to say 63% is "hundred fen1zhi1 six ten three". When used in percents, just say hundred and not "one hundred".The decimal point is expressed with the character (dian3).

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电子商务专业毕业论文参考选题 1. 电子商务环境下供应链的构建研究 2.客户关系管理系统与电子政务 3.企业采用电子交易市场研究 4.中国电子政务应用市场现状及需求趋势分析 5.电子商务时代的竞争结构分析(课题) 6.我国电子商务的发展及其走向 7.美国电子商务发展态势及政府相关政策基点 8.缩小数字鸿沟的国际经验及我国的政策建议 9.电子政务以及国外的发展情况 10.我国电子政务的现状与问题 11. 网上银行安全问题与解决对策研究 12.我国电子商务发展存在的问题及其对策 13. 电子商务环境下的现代物流研究 14.论信息技术革命条件下的网络经济 15. 电子商务的发展及其对现代商务的促进作用 16. 基于电子商务的信用保障措施研究 17. 电子商务环境下消费者规避网络购物欺诈风险 18.互联网与战略 19.电子商务领域网络犯罪的对策研究 20.电子商务管理中的法律政策研究 21. 22.论信息技术革命条件下的网络经济 23. 基于B2B的在线交易系统的设计与实现研究 24.我国网络产业的制度建设探讨 25.网络化经济规律的新思考 26.透过Web站点看中美两国企业的营销理念 27.如何看待网络产业和网络股 28.物流企业如何进军电子商务 29.关于发展我国电子商务的对策研究 条件下我国发展电子商务的对策 31. 现代物流与电子商务中信息技术应用研究 32.中国电子商务的发展研究 33.信息时代如何增强中国企业竞争力 34. 基于消费者信息行为的电子商务营销策略的研究 35.我国外贸企业电子商务发展状况及政策建议 36.网络审计的结构和应用中的问题 37.试论我国电子商务发展现状及其所面临的若干政策问题 38. 基于Web服务的电子商务平台的研究与实现 39. 电子商务对中国对外贸易影响问题研究 40.防止网络新经济时代IT人才流失的策略研究 41.电子商务发展特征与我国的对策取向 42.电子商务对未来商业的影响 43. 电子商务合同立法研究 44.网上证券交易发展的主要趋势及其对我国证券市场的影响 45.电子商店经营模式之研究 46.我国电子金融业务发展现况及建议 47. 跨国企业电子商务的策略研究 48. 网络银行安全分析和方案设计 49.电子商务的交易成本分析 50.网络时代的企业经营与管理 51. 企业电子商务的风险分类及其管理策略 52.企业采用Intranet(企业网络)之成功关键因素研究 53.电子商务业者之资源优势、策略优势与绩效优势关系之研究 电子商务:中国企业应对策略 55. C2C电子商务的营销组合策略研究 56. 基于身份的数字签名及签密技术研究 57.传统企业与电子商务 58.打造我国电子商务基础服务产业 59.电子商务与企业业务流程再造 60. 电子商务企业综合评价体系研究 61. B2B趋势分析 62.资本与技术二重奏-透析B2B领先模式 63. 新农村电子政务建设模式研究 64. 电子商务环境下信用证收汇风险研究 65. 基于C2C的第三方协同支付研究 66. 基于电子商务供应链的伙伴关系管理研究 67. 电子商务盈利模式研究 68. 论电子商务环境下的品牌战略 69. 基于电子商务的物流策略研究 70. EDI+因特网:企业电子商务的助推器 71.中国企业B2B的障碍 72.企业采用Intranet(企业网络)之成功关键因素研究 73. B2C企业与第三方物流企业的战略联盟

97 评论


国建设还可 以优 化 城 市 的产 业 结 构 ,减 轻 盲 目 智慧 城市建 设成 果作用 为推进数 ...数字中国建设对于 城 市建设创 新 型不强 我们每个人都

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