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第一篇Not long ago, many people believed that babies only wanted food and to be kept warm and dry. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is a federal government agency. Its goal is to identify which experiences can influence healthy development in human scientists at the institute note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings.第二篇Not long ago, many people believed that babies only wanted food and to be kept warm and dry. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is a federal government agency. Its goal is to identify which experiences can influence healthy development in human scientists at the institute note that babies are strongly influenced by their environment. They say a baby will smile if her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care possible by smiling to please her mother or other caregiver. This is how babies learn to connect and communicate with other human beings.第三篇The authors develop and test a multiclassifier-based near-real-time face detection system based on the premise that a three-part strategy is necessary for designing real-time face detection systems that provide high detection rates. The critical factors for real-time face detection are based on a framework of multiple classification functions: (1) a skin classification function is used as the preliminary stage in order to prune the search, localize the computation, and therefore improve performance time; (2) subsequently, three coarse-to-fine statistical model based classifiers are used to scan the windows and discard most non-face windows; and (3) finally, faces and non-faces are verified from images. The bagging ensemble algorithm (bootstrap aggregating) is also applied to improve the performance of detection rates. 第四篇Want a glance of the future of health care? Take a look at the way the various networks of people about patient care are being connected to one another, and how this new connectivity is being exploited to deliver medicine to the patient —no matter where he or she may be. Online doctors offering advice based on normal symptoms(症状) are the most obvious example. Increasingly, however, remote diagnosis(远程诊断) will be based on real physiological data(生理数据) from the actual patient. A group from the University of Kentucky has shown that by using personal data assistance plus a mobile phone, it is perfectly practical to send a patient’s important signs over the telephone. With this kind of equipment, the cry asking whether there was a doctor in the house could well be a thing of the past. Other medical technology groups are working on applying telemedicine to rural(countryside) care. And at least one team wants to use telemedicine as a tool for disaster need—especially after earthquakes. On the whole, the trend is towards providing global access to medical data and experts’ opinions. But there is one problem. Bandwidth(宽带) is the limiting factor for sending complex(复杂的) medical pictures around the world — CT photos being one of the biggest bandwidth users. Communication satellites may be able to deal with the short-term needs during disasters such as earthquakes or wars. But medicine is looking towards both the second-generation Internet and third-generation mobile phones for the future of remote medical service. Doctors have met to discuss computer-based tools for medical diagnosis, training and telemedicine. With the falling price of broadband communications, the new technologies should start a new time when telemedicine and the sharing of medical information, experts’ opinions and diagnosis are common.(这片有点长) 第五篇High-Tech Expo will be quietly into the footsteps of our campus, the annual "scientific and technological Month" activities started! We look forward to the most interesting is the High-Tech Expo will be it! Day after day passed, and finally to Saturdays! It is with emotion sitting in their seats, Hao teacher "order", we will quickly pick up the experimental equipment in high spirits to start the experiment. "We have to do is this group of 'interesting siphon' welcome to visit!" I cried loudly, Sun Xuhui only curiosity left over, we looked suspicious, I did not miss a good opportunity for each, said: " , Take a look at our test! "You do not want to see the glass reversed, changing the water will be able to go to it? "I like the" bombard "like to introduce a non-stop," Oh, look carefully! First of all, the pipe filled with water, followed after a glass of water, access to water 1 cup on the table, the empty 2 cup lightly boosting, and low point, "Bai Baishou I let Yan Kai-day 2 cups hold air at the same time Fanlianniejin the end of the tube, I gently hose and hold the other end, went on to say: "I have to do a good job of this process, and then look! Now, we were put on both ends of the glass are No. 1 and No. 2 empty cup, there have been wonderful scene, 1 cup of water flow on a 2 cup. Gradually, you will find that 1 cup of the air, on the contrary, the 2 cups filled with 1 cup of water. You want to know why? "Sun Xuhui see Huale Yan, Siyousiwu nodded, as if a child's desire for knowledge, taking advantage of this time, I had to step up the" attack ":" The principle is to siphon hose in the liquid, and the two ends are Niejin So Guanzi have a negative pressure, and then put them into two cups, to promote access to the water hose, which is siphon! "I nod after presentation, Sun Xuhui nodded, satisfied to leave our team. High-Tech Expo will, "visit" the group more and more people, this could be really popular science projects ah! High-Tech Expo will be the end, I think wistfully: Qin minds, our life is full of interesting, original, primary and secondary school students which we can hold our own, "Cobo" Yes!

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请稍等!! above into account, we have proposed two efficient techniques for the design of 1-D and 2-D variable filters, which are based on the decomposition of the given 1-D and 2-D variable magnitude specifications [3, 4].请考虑一下,我们假设用两种有效的方法来设计线形(1-D)的和平面(2-D)可变滤波器,这是根据给定的1-D与2-D可变幅度技术条件[3, 4]分解的。The techniques are very computationally efficient because they solely need designing a set of 1-D constant filters and approximating several 1-D polynomials. 由于完全依赖设计一套1-D常量滤波器以及近似于数个1-D多项式,本技术是很有计算效率的。In particular, the techniques can always guarantee the stability of the resulting variable filters. 特别是,本技术始终能够保证可变滤波器结果稳定性。However, in the 2-D case, the variable filters designed by such a technique are constrained to only have quadrantally symmetrical magnitude characteristics. 然而,在平面条件下,用该技术设计的可变滤波器受到约束,仅仅只有象限幅度对称性。That is to say, assume that is the given 2-D variable magnitude specification, where and are the normalized frequencies, and is a real valued vector whose elements are spectral parameters. 也就是说,设: 为给定的2-D可变技术条件,式中 与 为标准化的频率,并且为值实向量,其要素为光谱参数。The technique [4] can only approximate the given 2-D variable magnitude specification in the case.本技术[4]仅在这种情况下能够近似算出给定的2-D可变滤波器技术条件 。 = (1) To circumvent this difficulty, this paper proposes a new method for designing 2-D variable digital filters with arbitrary magnitude characteristics. 围绕这一难题,本文提出了一项新方法,用于设计2-D可变数字滤波器,带有任意幅度性能。In other words, the technique can approximate 2-D variable magnitude specifications even though换言之,虽然 ≠ (2),本技术能够近似计算出2-D可变幅度滤波器。 The technique is based on the decomposition of the given 2-D variable magnitude specifications, which is different from the one proposed in [4], and it only requires the normal 2-D constant filter designs and 1-D polynomial approximations. 本技术根据给定的1-D与2-D可变幅度技术条件分解的,但不同于[4]中提出技术方法,并且只需要公称2-D常量滤波器结构以及1-D多项式近似法。Since 2-D constant filters are relatively easy to design by applying the existing design techniques and 1-D polynomials can be easily approximated by solving simultaneous linear equations, the technique significantly simplifies the original 2-D variable filter design problem. 由于,2-D常量滤波器用现有的设计技术以及1-D多项式也可用求出同步线形方程而相对简单,所以本技术相当地简化了原有的2-D可变滤波器设计的难题。In particular, it should be emphasized that this technique can guarantee the stability of the resulting 2-D variable filters so long as the 2-D constant filters are designed to be stable. An example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique. 特别应当提出的是,本技术能够只要在2-D常量滤波器设计得稳定的话,就能保证取得的2-D可变滤波器结果的稳定性。文中详细说明了所提出的技术的效力。2. Design problem formulation2.设计问题的说明 In this section, we formulate the problem of designing 2-D variable digital filters with arbitrary magnitude responses based on the newly proposed outer product expansion of the given 2-D variable magnitude specifications. 在本节中,根据给定2-D可变幅度技术条件提出的外围设备,我们阐述了任意幅度反应2-D可变数字滤波器的设计。Below, we first define an outer product expansion, then relate it with the 2-D variable filter design problem.下面,我们首次对外围设备做了定义,然后将其同2-D可变滤波器

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考虑到上述,我们提出了两个有效的技术设计的一维和二维变量过滤器,这是基于分解的考虑一维和二维变量规模规格[ 3 , 4 ] 。该技术是非常有效的计算,因为他们只需要设计了一套一维不断逼近几个过滤器和一维多项式。特别是,技术总是能够保证稳定的过滤器所产生的变数。然而,在二维情况下,变量滤波器设计的这种技术的限制只有quadrantally对称程度的特点。这就是说,假设这是给定的二维变量级规格,在那里,是normaliz教育署的频率,是一个真正的价值载体,其内容是光谱参数。技术[ 4 ]只能近似给定的二维变量规模规范的情况。= ( 1 )绕过这一困难,本文提出了一种新方法设计的二维变量数字滤波器任意规模的特点。换句话说,该技术可以近似二维变量级规格,即使≠ ( 2 )这项技术是基于分解给出二维变量级的规格,这是不同于中提出[ 4 ] ,而且只需要正常的二维恒定滤波器的设计和一维多项式近似。由于二维不断筛选,比较容易设计运用现有的设计技术和一维多项式可以很容易地逼近求解线性方程组同时,该技术大大简化了原有的二维变量滤波器设计问题。特别是,应该强调的是,这种技术可以保证的稳定造成二维变量过滤器,只要二维恒定的过滤器的目的是稳定的。一个例子说明的效力提出的方法。2 。配方设计问题在本节中,我们制定的问题,设计二维变量数字滤波器任意规模的答复的基础上新提议外产品扩大给予二维变量规模规格。下面,我们先定义一个外部产品扩展,然后与它与二维变量滤波器设计问题。假设这是给定的二维变量级规格,在那里,是正常频率分给我哦谢谢了

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化石能源和核能被认为是不可再生能源 类型。不可再生能源的来源,得到的速率超过 的速度的来源补充。例如,如果生源 起源的化石燃料是正确的,我们可以考虑化石燃料的可再生能源 经过一段几百万年的时间,但现有的商店是化石燃料 被消耗了一段百年。因为我们是消费 化石燃料的速度超过了补充率,我们认为 化石燃料的不可再生。类似的评论适用于核燃料等 铀,因为我们观察在以后的章节。太阳能被认为是 可再生能源用于下列 可再生能源是能源的来源获得的速度小于 大于或等于速度源补充。如 太阳能,我们可以只使用的能源总量提供的 太阳。因为剩下的寿命测量太阳百万 多年来,许多人认为太阳能取之不尽的 能源。事实上,太阳能来自太阳是有限的,但应当提供 使用的许多代人。太阳能因此认为 可再生能源。能源相关的太阳能,如 风能和生物物质,也被视为可再生能源。 太阳辐射可能会转化为其他形式的能源由几个 转换过程。热转换依靠吸收太阳能 能源热酷表面。生物转化的太阳能依赖 光合作用。光电转换产生电力的 产生电流由于量子力学 进程。风力发电和海洋能源转换依靠大气 压力梯度和海洋温度梯度产生电 力量。在这一章中,我们侧重于热第一次讨论 来源可获得太阳能,然后考虑太阳能技术 在两年的三种形式:被动式太阳能,以及太阳活动。第三形式 太阳能,太阳能发电,是讨论在下一章。我们结束这一 本章讨论的太阳能发电厂。Fossil energy and nuclear energy are considered nonrenewable energytypes. Nonrenewable energy is obtained from sources at a rate that exceedsthe rate at which the sources are replenished. For example, if the biogenicorigin of fossil fuels is correct, we could consider fossil fuels renewableover a period of millions of years, but the existing store of fossil fuels isbeing consumed over a period of centuries. Because we are consumingfossil fuels at a rate that exceeds the rate of replenishment, we considerfossil fuels nonrenewable. Similar comments apply to nuclear fuels suchas uranium, as we observe in later chapters. Solar energy is considereda renewable energy for the following energy is energy obtained from sources at a rate that is lessthan or equal to the rate at which the source is replenished. In the caseof solar energy, we can use only the amount of energy provided by thesun. Because the remaining lifetime of the sun is measured in millionsof years, many people consider solar energy an inexhaustible supply ofenergy. In fact, solar energy from the sun is finite, but should be availablefor use by many generations of people. Solar energy is therefore consideredrenewable. Energy sources that are associated with solar energy, such aswind and biomass, are also considered radiation may be converted to other forms of energy by severalconversion processes. Thermal conversion relies on the absorption of solarenergy to heat a cool surface. Biological conversion of solar energy relieson photosynthesis. Photovoltaic conversion generates electrical power bythe generation of an electrical current as a result of a quantum mechanicalprocess. Wind power and ocean energy conversion rely on atmosphericpressure gradients and oceanic temperature gradients to generate electricalpower. In this chapter we focus on thermal first discuss thesource of available solar energy, and then consider solar energy technologyin two of its three forms: passive solar, and active solar. The third form ofsolar energy, solar electric, is discussed in the next chapter. We end thischapter with a discussion of solar power fuels in the petroleum and natural gas is the world's major one-time energy World Energy Council, according to statistics, has proven oil and gas recoverable reserves, according to the output of countries in 1992 terms, respectively, only the exploitation of 44 years and 60 years; although they may be recoverable reserves there will be new discoveries, but also the growth needs of the community, especially taking into account the economic development of Third World countries, the exploitation of oil and gas fuel for a long time. In fossil fuels, although the most abundant coal reserves, but the serious pollution caused by coal-fired so that it can not become large the major source of energy worldwide. On the other hand, nuclear fusion reactions can provide clean energy, in the ocean contains about 42 trillion tons of the major nuclear fusion of deuterium-reactive substances; fusion reactor but it is very difficult to study, it is estimated that the next century to the late nuclear poly substation be possible to achieve widespread commercialization. Therefore, in the 21st century, the prospects for energy, you may have to face the depletion of oil and gas resources, the commercialization of fusion power failure during the period of temporary shortage of such people. During this period in order to ensure sufficient human clean energy supply, use of solar energy for power generation is an inevitable choice. Solar energy is the most important renewable sources of energy, the planet with all kinds of energy are closely related. In fact, the sun in Earth's evolution, biological reproduction and human development, plays a very important role, but also provides a human inexhaustible source of energy. Solar interior ongoing response to the release of a high-temperature nuclear fusion power of about 3. 8 × 1026 watts of huge radiation, of which only arrived in regard to the atmospheric level二十亿分之一; through the atmosphere, about 30% reflected, 23% be absorbed, only half (approximately 8 × 1016 watts) of energy reaching the earth's surface. Even so, as long as they can make use of the very few, will be able to meet all the needs of humanity today. However, due to its low energy density, but also by the day and night, seasons, climate, location and other factors, on the ground by the use of solar energy to power a lot of constraints. In order to avoid these shortcomings, natural to consider the use of solar power in space of the feasibility of the possibility. Power generation in 2010 is expected to the practical use of space Space Solar Power is the first way of Engineers first proposed by P. Glaser. The basic idea is in the earth's outer space or the moon to establish a base of solar power satellites, and then through the microwave energy transmitted to the scene to the receiving device, and then beam microwave energy into electrical energy for human use. Advantage of this program is to make full use of solar energy outside the atmosphere, the elimination of solar energy in the ground, changes in the density of small and large shortcomings, without a huge energy storage device, not only to reduce the square, but also save a lot of equipment investment. It can be expected, with the photoelectric conversion materials and delivery areas such as technology, space solar power generation costs will be greatly reduced. The idea is proposed, subject to national attention. 1977 -1980 in the United States Department of Energy and NASA organizations to the concept of space solar power study, believe that its implementation does not exist insurmountable technical difficulties. At that time, a design known as the "reference system" of power generation systems; from 60 to solar panels, each block 10 kilometers long, five kilometers wide, generating 5,000,000 kilowatts, with a total capacity of 300 million kilowatts. With such a power generation satellites, the United States will be able to replace all of the ground station. As the system is too large, about 3,000 of the money to invest 100 billion . dollars, at that time under the conditions of the Cold War can hardly be supported. With the energy of all the outstanding progress in space technology in 1995, NASA set up a study group to re-examine this issue, a more comprehensive analysis of space solar power generation technical and economic feasibility of the program also are very different: adopted a progressive self-development model, that is, the first 100-150 to launch a 100 million . dollars investment for 250,000 kilowatts of power satellites, the sale of electricity in order to recover their investment and profit, and then expand the scale of power generation satellites. The research group estimates that after 2010, space power will be practical. At present, a number of other countries and international organizations, space solar power generation is also carried out work.化石燃料中的石油天然气是当今世界的主要一次性能源据世界能源委员会统计,已探明的石油、天然气可采储量,按 1992 年各国的产量计算,分别只能开采 44 年和 60 年;虽然可采储量还会有新的发现,但社会需求也有增长,特别是考虑到第三世界国家的经济发展,油气燃料可供开采的时间不会很长。在化石燃料中,尽管煤炭的储量最为丰富,但燃煤造成的严重污染使其大不可能成为世界范围的主要能源。另一方面,核聚变反应可提供清洁的能源,在海洋中蕴藏着约 42 万亿吨核聚变的主要反应物质氘;但核聚变堆研究的难度很大,估计要到下一世纪后期核聚变电站广泛出现才有可能实现商品化。因此, 在展望 21 世纪能源问题的前景时,可能不得不对油气资源面临枯竭、核聚变发电又未能商品化的一段青黄不接时期。为保证这一时期内人类有充足的清洁能源供应,利用太阳能来发电是一种必然的选择 。 太阳能是最重要的可再生能源,地球上各种能源无不与之密切相关。事实上,太阳在地球的演化、生物的繁衍和人类的发展中,起了无比重要的作用,也为人类提供了取之不尽的能源。太阳内部不断进行的高温核聚变反应释放着功率约为 3. 8 × 1026 瓦的巨大辐射能,其中只有二十亿分之一到达至于大气高层;经过大气时,约 30% 被反射, 23% 被吸收,仅有一半(约 8 × 1016 瓦)的能量到达地球表面。即使如此,只要能够利用其万分之几,便可满足今日人类的全部需要。但是,由于其能量密度低,还要受昼夜、季节、气候、地点等因素的影响,在地面上利用太阳能来发电受到很大限制。为了避免这些缺点,自然要考虑在空间利用太阳能发电的可能性各可行性。 2010 年空间发电可望实用化 空间太阳能发电方式最初是 美国工程师 首先提出的。其基本构想是在地球的外层空间或月球上建立太阳能卫星发电基地,然后通过微波将电能传输到场面的接收装置,再把微波能束转变成电能供人类使用 。这一方案的优点是在大气层外充分利用太阳能,消除了在地面上太阳能密度小而变化大的缺点,无需庞大的储能装置,既减少占地,又节约大量设备投资。可以预计,随着光电转化材料和运载等方面技术的进步,太阳能空间发电的成本将大大降低。 这一设想提出后,受到了各国的重视。 1977 年 —1980 年美国能源部和航天航空局组织对空间太阳发电的概念进行研究,认为其实施不存在不可克服的技术困难。当时设计了一种称为“参考系”的发电系统;由 60 地太阳能面板组成,每块长 10 公里,宽 5 公里,发电 500 万千瓦,总发电量为 3 亿千瓦。用这样一颗发电卫星,便可取代美国所有的地面电站。由于该系统过于庞大,约需 3000 千亿美元的巨资投资,在当时冷战的条件下难以得到支持。随着能源问题的突出各航天技术的进步, 1995 年美国航天航空局成立研究组,重新审视这一问题,较全面地分析了空间太阳能发电的技术经济可行性,在方案上也有很大不同:采用渐进的自我发展模式,即先发射一颗投资为 100—150 亿美元的 25 万千瓦发电卫星,出售电力以回收投资并获取利润,然后再扩大发电卫星的规模。该研究组估计, 2010 年以后,空间发电将实用化。目前,其他一些国家和国际组织也在进行太阳能空间发电方面的工作。

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考虑到以上因素,我们提出了基于给定1-D和2-D变量幅度规格[3, 4]的分解而设计1-D和2-D过滤器的两种高效技术。这两种技术在计算方面非常高效,因为它们只需要设计一组1-D常数过滤器和大约几个1-D多项式。特别的是,这些技术能保证生成变量过滤器的稳定性。但是,在2-D的情况下,这种技术设计的变量过滤器只有象限对称幅度特征。也就是说,假设【看不清的图片】是给定的2-D变量幅度规格,【看不清的图片】和【看不清的图片】是标准化的频率,【看不清的图片】是一个要素为光谱参数的有真实值的矢量。技术[4]只能在下列情况下大致估算给定的2-D变量幅度规格。【看不清的图片】=【看不清的图片】(1) 为了避开这个难点,本论文提出一种设计带有任意幅度特征的2-D变量数码过滤器的新方法。换句话说,即使在下列情况下该技术也能大致估算出2-D变量的幅度规格。【看不清的图片】≠【看不清的图片】(2)该技术基于给定的2-D变量幅度规格的分解,与[4]中建议的技术不同,它只需要常规2-D常量过滤器设计和1-D多项式近似值。由于采取现有设计技术2-D常量过滤器相对容易设计,1-D多项式也能通过解同步线性方程很容易地估算,该技术大大简化了原来的2-D变量过滤器设计问题。特别地,应当强调指出的是,只要2-D常量过滤器设计得很稳定,这个技术就能保证生成2-D变量过滤器的稳定性。本文给出了一个例子来说明所提出技术的有效性。

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Agriculture Technologies 900 Million Farmers in ChinaThe history of reform and opening up has witnessed three calls for the development of rural markets. 900 million farmers constitute the world's largest group of consumers and have created the biggest business opportunity in the face of the dual competitive pressure posed to China by the hi-tech advantage of the developed countries and the price advantage resulted from the currency devaluation in surrounding countries, China has clearly indicated: From the long-term point of view, while actively exploring international markets, it is essential to actively develop the domestic market, particularly the rural market. This is a strategic choice in conformity with China's national rural market is the most dynamic, practical pivotal point in expanding domestic demands and boosting economic growth. Inadequate effective demand has become the greatest hindrance to China's current economic development. In the series of macro-control measures to be adopted in the second half of this year, exploring the rural market is regarded as "a rope for capturing the tiger". Experts' estimation indicates: Every 100 billion yuan worth of final consumption realized in rural areas will generate billion yuan worth of consumption demand for the entire national is also a brand-new starting-point in the readjustment of economic structure and the readjustment of product mix. Today, the buyer's market has penetrated to every corner of China's economy. Of the 900-odd important industrial products, the utilization rate of over half of the production capacity is less than 50 percent, structural readjustment is thus the effort to successfully open up the rural market, industrial enterprises must produce commodities geared to rural demands; and commercial enterprises must skillfully build smooth and swift marketing are many difficulties confronting the effort to explore rural markets. Reasons for this are many. For example, some local governments have inadequate understanding of the importance and urgency of exploring rural markets, fear difficulty and lack confidence in accomplishing this task; quite a number of industrial and commercial enterprises still harbor the concept of "valuing cities while belittling the countryside", this is manifested in the fact that the product mix is incompatible with the rural market demand, the variety of commodities on sale is single and farmers find it inconvenient to fact, the rural market has enormous potential and there are many favorable conditions for developing the rural market. So long as industrial and commercial enterprises really attach importance to the rural market, carefully study farmers' demands, exert great efforts to do a good job in the work of exploring the rural market well, they can definitely achieve the anticipated enterprises stress production of commodities geared to market needs, while commercial enterprises emphasize smooth and fast marketing should be made to develop new sales methods, such as chain-store, agency and distribution center and to establish various forms of sales networks wherein industry and commerce, commerce and commerce, town and country, state-owned commerce and individually-run and privately-run commerce join hands. Chinese business people will have ample scope for their abilities in rural key to success in exploring rural markets lies in increasing farmers' income. It is necessary to open up the rural consumer goods market to allow farmers to buy things; and it is also necessary to first open up the rural agricultural produce market, so that farmers' purses will be bulgingFarmers' income is stepping into the period of a new round of growth at reduced increase in farmers' income is the greatest factor thwarting efforts to explore rural markets. When farmers' purses are not so bulging, increase in actual consumption demand will be slow. To increase farmers' income is, in essence, to enhance the rural economy's adaptability to the socialist market economy. In the opinions of authoritative persons, it is essential to get hold of two links: one is "what to grow". Farmers have to grow farm crops easy to yield added do so, it is necessary to readjust and optimize the agricultural structure, develop high-efficiency and high-value-added characteristic agriculture. Second is "how to sell the produce". To increase farmers' income, it is essential to solve the problem concerning ties between the farmer and the market, farmers should be enabled to smoothly enter the big, ever-changing market. This requires development of industrial management of agriculture, and cultivation of a wholesale market system, intermediary service system and information service a wholesale trading market system by making use of the advantages of tradition, regional location, resources and industry is an important aspect in invigorating the flow of agricultural produce and industrial products. This has been proved by the experience of many localities. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------China May Hold Future of Food TechnologyBy Dennis AverySenior fellow and Director, Center for Global Food Issues at the Hudson Institute Is it possible the First World will give China a virtual monopoly in agricultural biotechnology, destined to be one of the most valuable technologies of the 21st century? Have the United States and Europe thrown away billions of dollars in agriculture-related biotech earnings and hundreds of thousands of clean, high-tech research and support jobs? The United States and Europe have spent billions of dollars doing basic research in genetically modified crops and animals to make foods that are better-tasting, more nutritious and kinder to the environment. Will China now step in and charge the United States and Europe steep royalties for the right to grow the new organisms that result from this research? Those are all strong possibilities, in the wake of the environmental group Greenpeace's stunningly swift and successful campaign to ban genetically modified foods and crops. First World investors were afraid to be caught in another controversy like tobacco, or another set of baseless class-action lawsuits like the controversy over silicone breast implants. They've bailed out on agricultural biotechnology long before governments dared act. To duck the controversy, Monsanto's orphaned agricultural biotech unit will be dumped into a hostile stock market along with its multibillion-dollar laboratories and patents. Ditto for the big agricultural biotech units of Europe's Novartis and Zeneca. Look for layoffs from all three. And don't expect the laid-off scientists to land jobs at public research institutions. The publicly funded research labs will be even more gun-shy of agricultural biotechnology now than the private sector. The erstwhile scientists will have to lay aside their doctorates and start new careers. A lucky few may find jobs in human medical biotech, which the environmental movement has not attacked yet. This has nothing to do with risks to people or the environment. Despite media hype, no real dangers related to biotech foods have ever been documented. But Greenpeace seems to want a smaller, poorer human population, so they're willing to frighten the world back into the scientific Dark Ages. The one thing certain is genetic engineering in food production will not disappear. When the astronomer Galileo published his proofs in 1632 that the Earth revolved around the sun, the Catholic Church put him under house arrest. The church had declared the Earth the center of the universe. But people could never look at the sun in quite the same way again. They had new knowledge. The First World may be so comfortable it can afford to pass up biotech foods. But the Third World is still struggling to provide adequate diets for its growing population. For the developing world, the choices are stark. The can either use biotechnology to raise yields, grow more low-yield crops by clearing tropical forests or import food from the West. Given those choices, biotech foods look awfully attractive. Most Third World countries are too small or poor to advance agricultural biotechnology on their own. Countries like Brazil and Argentina could assemble the scientific resources but they're afraid of losing their export sales to nervous European and Japanese consumers. India might like to develop high-yielding biotech crops to ease its cropland shortage, but its own prickly activists are still arguing over hybrid seeds. They're likely to hamstring Indian biotech into the near foreseeable future. China is the one country in the world with the scientific power to carry biotechnology forward in agriculture, the urgent need for massive amounts of additional food and feed and no need to allow unfounded food scares to be published in its newspapers. China already has over 1 million farmers growing genetically modified cotton, corn and soybeans because of lower costs. Anyone who doubts China's ability to carry forward good science is ignoring the country's fabulous history and its recent ballistic missile tests. "Golden rice" by itself may be enough to secure genetically engineered foods' reputation among Chinese consumers. Asian women are at high risk of birth complications because of iron deficiency due to the phytate in the rice they eat. Golden rice counteracts the phytate and provides ample dietary iron. It also contains plenty of Vitamin A, also lacking in many rice-culture diets. The International Rice Research Institute is already breeding golden rice genes into popular rice varieties for the people of Asia and Africa. Is Greenpeace callous enough to try to frighten poor rice-culture consumers away from golden rice and back to childhood blindness? Using biotechnology, China should be able to produce highly attractive foods, such as healthier fats for cooking, allergy-free nuts, more tender steaks and, at last, a tasty off-season tomato. Every vitamin and mineral needed by the human body could be engineered into our foods, saving consumers billions of dollars in food supplements. When First World consumers find out about such goodies, China can export them or charge farmers in other countries a fee to grow them. The biotech crops will also feature sharply higher yields, especially on marginal farmlands where drought and acid soils currently limit production. Greenpeace should cheer this, since it will directly help save Asian tropical forests. First World farmers will lose a significant part of their export potential, of course, if Third World farmers can produce higher yields and more desirable specialty foods through biotechnology. At the moment, that seems to be the price they pay for farming in a rich, overfed country.

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