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导语:唐初,文学机场了隋朝文学态势,继续蓬勃发展。下面是我收集整理的关于初唐文学的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 隋代虽国祚不长(581—618),但在结束长期分裂,重归统一的政治局面下,文学也出现若干值得注意的倾向。隋文帝时北方文化影响比较深。早在北魏、北齐时,郦道元、杨炫之、颜之推就以古文著称,文风比较刚健质朴,与六朝骈文的绮靡不同。后来北周的苏绰又明确地提倡复古,为文学的改革埋下了一颗种子。到隋文帝,逐渐认识到六朝时期政治的腐败和文化的腐败有一定的内在联系,曾云:“梁乐,亡国之音,奈何遣我用耶?”(《隋书·音乐志》)因此,他于公元584年下诏,命令“公私文翰,并宜实录”,以行政手段提倡务实文学,并将这一主张付诸实践,惩罚了文表华艳的泗州刺吏司马幼之,又向全国颁布了御史李谔批判南朝文风的上书,其中有云: 江左齐梁,其弊弥甚,贵贱贤愚,唯务吟咏,遂复遗理存异,寻虚逐微,竞一韵之奇,争一字之巧。连篇累牍,不出月露之形,积案盈箱,唯是风云之状。(《隋书》卷六) 这种历史的反思,说明隋代文学确实出现过一线中兴的希望,文帝将它颁示全国,更说明其用心之良苦。在这种背景下,隋代文学也确实出现了成就较高的刚健质朴的.从军、出塞类作品。但六朝以来长期形成的华艳绮丽文风积重难返,正像《隋书·文学传》所云;“高祖初统万机,每念斫雕为朴,发号施令,咸去浮华,然时俗词藻,犹多淫丽。”这种现象又构成了隋代文学的另一面。 如杨素(544~603),是一位以武功著称的开国元勋,“论文则词藻纵横,语武则权奇间出”,诗文写得“词气宏拔,风韵秀上”(均见《隋书》本传),处处显示出质朴刚健之气,与六朝文风迥别。如《出塞》诗云:“荒塞空千里,孤城绝四邻。树寒偏易古,草衰恒不春。……风霜久行役,河朔备艰辛。薄暮边声起,空飞胡骑尘。”其意境巳颇具盛唐边塞诗的规模,同时的著名诗人虞世基、薛道衡等都有和诗。又如《赠薛内史诗》,虽是传统的相思题材,但“待君春草歇,独坐秋风发。朝朝唯落花,夜夜空明月。明月徒流光,落花空自芳。别离望南浦,相思在汉阳”云云,感情相当深挚,语言质朴明快而又不失文彩,颇具初唐卢照邻、刘希夷的风格。 又如隋朝最著名的诗人薛道衡(539~609),诗风细腻而清新,语言华美而流畅,对唐初四杰的诗歌有更直接、更深切的影响,《昔昔盐》是他的代表作: 垂柳复金堤,蘼芜叶复齐。水溢笑蓉沼,花飞桃李溪。采桑秦氏女,织锦窦家 妻。关山别荡子,风月守空闺。恒敛千金笑,长垂双玉啼。盘龙随镜隐,彩凤逐帷低。飞魂同夜鹊,倦寝忆晨鸡。暗牖悬蛛网,空梁落燕泥。前年过代北,今岁往辽西。一去无消息,那能惜马蹄。 写得虽是传统的男女相思之情,但缠绵细腻之中别饶一种真挚深切之情,对后来四杰的诗歌影响尤深。尤其是“暗牖悬蛛网,空梁落燕泥”一联,尤见工力,历来被人称颂,以至有的笔记(如《隋唐嘉话》)称他因此而受到隋炀帝的妒忌而被害。他的五言绝句《人日思归》在意境上开启唐风: 入春才七日,离家已二年。人归落雁后,思发在花前。 通过两组触景生情的真切对比,委婉含蓄地刻画出思乡之情。他的边塞诗写得也很好,如《豫章行》:“不畏将军成久别,只恐封侯心更移。”显然提高了边塞诗的思想品位,不但具有盛唐边塞诗的格调,而且也开了中晚唐边塞诗的情韵。他和杨素的《出塞》诗云:“绝漠三秋暮,穷阴万里生。寒夜哀笳曲,霜天断雁声。”似比原诗更多一种悲壮的色彩。 另外,主要生活在北朝,晚年才人隋的卢思道(约530~582)也是当时著名的诗人。他的《从军行》将男女相思之情与征戍从军之苦融合在一起,语言清丽流畅,多用对偶,对初唐诗歌,特别是七言歌行体有深远影响。 隋炀帝“好为吴语”,又“三幸江都”,受南方文化特别是齐梁文学影响较深。他本人也是隋代后期最著名的诗文家,专门喜欢作宫体诗,《隋书》本纪称:他“所至惟与后宫留连耽湎,惟日不足。招迎姥媪,朝夕共肆丑言。又引少年,令与宫人秽乱,不轨不逊,以为娱乐”,其荒淫程度远超过梁简文帝、陈后主。他曾自诩,凭风流文章也应该由他作皇帝。《隋书·文学传叙》说:“炀帝初习艺文,有非轻侧之论,暨乎即位,一变其风”。这一变化,正好代表了隋代文学变化的轨迹。其代表作如《江都宫乐歌》: 扬州旧处可淹留,台榭高明复好游。风亭芳树迎早夏,长皋麦陇送余秋。渌潭桂檝浮青雀,果下金鞍跃紫骝。绿觞素蚁流霞饮,长袖清歌乐戏州。 虽然写得较为含蓄,但总跳不出宫体的窠臼。但他也偶有较刚健清新的作品,如《春江花月夜》云:“暮江平不动,春花满正开。流波将月去,潮水带星来。”《饮马长城窟示从征群臣》云:“秋昏塞外云,雾暗关山月”等等。 上有所好,下有所从。《隋书·音乐志》云:“炀帝矜奢,颇玩淫曲。御史大夫裴蕴,揣知帝情,奏括周齐梁陈乐工子弟及人间善声调者,凡三百余人,并付太乐,倡优獶杂,咸来萃止。”不但音乐如此,文学亦然,因而齐梁陈的色情文学在此时又泛滥起来。其中比较有清望的作家,当推主要生活在隋代后来入唐的虞世南(558~638)。后人常赞其某些边塞诗“声气稍雄”,为“唐音之始”,某些乐府诗“兴寄独远”,但总体看来,内容贫弱,成就不高,只能算是宫廷诗人中较卓越者。早在陈朝,,他就以“文章婉缛”,“徐陵以为类己”知名,在隋代,曾写过《应诏嘲司花女》等一大批奉和炀帝的诗。入唐后,几乎全部作品都属奉和应诏。 隋唐之际独树一帜的诗人当属王绩。王绩(585~644),字无功,自号东皋子,绛州龙门(今山西省稷县)人,是隋代大儒文中子王通之弟。但他的思想却以老庄为主,素性旷达,嗜酒如命,又喜操琴,“历职皆于好酒废”(吕才《东皋子集序》)。隋末大乱时,隐居故里。入唐后虽再入仕,但为的是“良酝三升,差可恋耳”(《唐才子传》),后来特供他每日好酒一斗,故时人称其为“斗酒学士”,颇具庄周、陶潜、嵇、阮之风。他也以此自负,曾披露自己的生活态度为:“此日长昏饮,非关养性灵。眼看人尽醉,何忍独为醒?”(《过酒家》)“时相往来,并弃礼数。箕踞散发,玄谈虚无。兀然同醉,悠然便归,都不知聚散之所由也。”(《答程道士书》)“阮籍生涯懒,嵇康事业疏。相逢一醉饱,独坐数行书。”(《田家三首})。有《东皋子集》。 鉴于这样的思想性格,饮洒、田猎、游山、交游、赏心于田园风光,流连于闲适生活,抒发陶然自乐的性情,暗寓对动乱社会的不满,成了王绩诗的主要内容。其风格也迥别于齐梁,“尽洗铅华,独存体质”(何良俊《四友斋丛说》),感情真实自然,语言淳朴无华,“以会意为功”(王绩《答处士冯子华书》),“高情胜气,独步当时”(《唐才子传》)在隋唐之际,有如“鸾凤群起,忽逢野鹿”(翁方纲《石洲诗话》)。其代表作如: 东皋薄暮望,徙倚欲何依。树树皆秋色,山山唯落晖。牧人驱犊返,猎马带禽 归。相顾无相识,长歌怀采薇。(《野望》) 北场芸藿罢,东皋刈黍归。相逢秋月满,更值夜萤飞。(《秋夜喜遇王处士》) 情调与风格都极近陶诗,但质朴之中不乏严整,如《野望》,已是完美的律调。王绩还有一首代征婚启事的诗《未婚山中叙志》:“物外知何事,山中无所有。风鸣静夜琴,月照芳樽酒。直置百年内,谁论千载后。张奉聘贤妻,老莱藉嘉耦。孟光倘未嫁,梁鸿正须妇。” 颇能体现其倜傥不群的思想特点。另外,他还效仿陶渊明的有关文章,写了《五斗先生传》、《醉乡记》、《自撰墓志》等散文,也深得陶文之神髓。

246 评论


希望能帮到你:Wang Ji is an important period of the Early Tang Dynasty poet, his poetry short Ueno Park sparse, fresh and clean, in the palace at the time the mainstream of verse for the poetry it is a unique environment. In this paper, three-Shi Wang Ji, through the three hidden and their life experiences to explore family roots poet, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism thought of the contradiction between the ideological unification of the three. Wang Ji in the complex cross-ideological level, the Confucian idea of the potential value of the mainstream, the idea of Taoism is outside of his means to survival, Buddhism is another of his good self-soothe. Wang Ji inclusive thinking of the three reflection of the complexity of his thinking side. Analysis of the second part of the inner poetry of Wang Ji, Wang Ji's is not the abstract philosophical inquiry, but they need to learn the make up of life in order to construct their own ideology to guide their cognitive life. Including the pursuit of real life and in life and retire from the混世negative thinking and the lives of sentimental theme of loneliness. All boils down to performance from the King's survival itself the principle that - "adaptive." Wang elaborated on the third part of the art of performance poetry and impact characteristics. Wang Ji's Poetry of the Early Tang Dynasty literature has made a unique contribution to promoting wind and Sheng Tang Poetry Metrical development and formation, pastoral life of the painted pastoral poetry is a pioneer in the Tang : Wang Ji; three official three hidden; poetry Implication; arts impact

235 评论


English Abstract: The period of performance is important in the Early Tang Dynasty poet, his poetry short Ueno Park sparse, fresh and clean, in the palace at the time the mainstream of verse for the poetry it is a unique environment. In this paper, three-Shi Wang Ji, through the three hidden and their life experiences to explore family roots poet, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism thought of the contradiction between the ideological unification of the three. Wang Ji in the complex cross-ideological level, the Confucian idea of the potential value of the mainstream, the idea of Taoism is outside of his means to survival, Buddhism is another of his good self-soothe. Wang Ji inclusive thinking of the three reflection of the complexity of his thinking side. Analysis of the second part of the inner poetry of Wang Ji, Wang Ji's is not the abstract philosophical inquiry, but they need to learn the make up of life in order to construct their own ideology to guide their cognitive life. Including the pursuit of real life and in life and retire from the negative thinking and the lives of sentimental theme of loneliness. All boils down to performance from the King's survival itself the principle that - "adaptive." Wang elaborated on the third part of the art of performance poetry and impact characteristics. Wang Ji's Poetry of the Early Tang Dynasty literature has made a unique contribution to promoting wind and Sheng Tang Poetry Metrical development and formation, pastoral life of the painted pastoral poetry is a pioneer in the Tang dynasty. Keywords: Wang Ji; three official three hidden; poetry Implication; arts impact 。 哥哥帮个忙嘛,我分很少啦^_^你可以取消悬赏,只要采用我就行啦

143 评论


姓名: 王绩 时间: 589-644年 籍贯: 绛州龙门人 绰号: 神童仙子 嗜好: 性简傲,嗜酒,能饮五斗 家庭关系: 兄长乃隋朝大儒王通、孙子王勃 专辑: 《杨盈川集》 代表作: 自作《五斗先生传》 ,撰 《酒经》 、《酒谱》 名言: 良酒三升,使人留恋。 社会履历: 11岁,游历长安,拜见杨素,被称为“神童仙子” 16岁,应孝廉举,中高第,授秘书正字。 56岁,作《自祭文》一样,卒。大唐诗人,多如星辰大海。 说起王绩,你可能一脸问号,这是哪位? 可要说起王勃,你可能脱口而出“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”之类的诗句。 王绩就是王勃的祖父。 王家在山西是世家,书香门第,在家庭的文化熏陶下,王绩跟孙子王勃一样,早早成名。 十五岁的时候,王绩跟着哥哥、也是当时著名的教育大家王通,前往长安,拜访了越国公杨素。 杨素读过王绩的诗后,连连赞叹,没想到他小小年纪就有如此才华,便将他介绍给当时长安的世家子弟。 于是,在短短几天的时间里,王绩就在长安声名鹊起,并得了一个“神仙童子”的称号。 隋大业元年,王绩不负众望,考取了举孝廉,除秘书正字,正式踏入官场。 官虽然不大,但常年陪在皇帝身边。而隋炀帝虽然昏庸,但本身才华出众,对待文人们非常好。 按照这个节奏混下去,再加上哥哥王通的高光加持,估计不用多长时间就能混出个名堂来。 但他为什么跑偏了呢? 因为害怕呀。 隋炀帝那个人,大家都知道吧,又是修运河,又是征伐高句丽,弄得民不聊生,还不让人提意见。 没过多久,王绩就厌倦了这种担惊受怕的日子:“有用虽自伤,无心复招疾。不如山上草,离离终保吉。” 所以,自请到去扬州担任六合县的县令之职。 虽然远离了家乡,远离了天子身边,但做一方父母官,也是件不错的事嘛。 全家人都为王绩高兴。 可刚到任上,他就出事了。 他被人弹劾了。 怎么回事? 原来王绩呀,平生最喜欢的事是喝酒。 他的偶像是刘伶、阮籍、陶渊明。 他曾经仿照这刘伶的《酒德颂》写下《醉乡记》,又模仿陶渊明《五柳先生传》写了篇《五斗先生传》为自己画像。 他自认:“其饮至五斗不乱,人有以酒邀者,无贵贱辄往” 所以,他每天都喝得酩酊大醉。 作为一县县令,他必须处理公务。 刚开始的时候,他还能极力压制自己的喝酒欲望,每天按时处理公务。 可没几天,就有些受不了了。 有一天,朋友来看他。 朋友来了有好酒嘛,王绩立刻有了喝酒的理由,就带着朋友去了当地最有名的酒楼。 两人许久未见,思念之情都在酒杯中了。 于是,推杯换盏好不快乐。 结果,烂醉如泥,一直睡到第二天的中午。 巧的是,王绩自上任以来,一直没有什么着急的公务,需要处理的也都是些小事。 可这天,上面却送来了一个重要的公文,需要王绩马上签发。 可是,属下几次敲王绩的房门都没叫醒他,只好焦急的等待着。 但送公文的公差就不耐烦了,开始在公堂上大声斥责,“这么紧急的公文,你们县令老爷都敢拖着不办,也不怕耽误了陛下的大事,看我回去不告你们。” 公差一边大声咆哮,一边将案子拍得啪啪直响。 公差这样一闹,反而将王绩惊醒了。 醒来后,王绩胡乱地穿上衣服,草草看完中文,签了字,赔着笑脸将公差打发走了。 经过这么一闹腾,王绩彻底不想干了。 他不待上级批准,就把自己的东西整理了一下,离开了。 船上,还发出著名的叹息,“网罗在天,吾且安之。” 意思是,反正天罗地网已经布下,我知道自己无路可逃,也可以安心了。 转眼间,到了唐武德年间。 王绩又被招录到门下省做了文官。 这一职位,工资微薄不说,日常的工作还非常忙碌。 但奇怪的是,王绩不仅没有抱怨逃跑,反而做得非常开心。 他每天开开心心、任劳任怨地工作着,大家都觉得很奇怪。 有一天,他弟弟王静来看他。 两人闲聊。 王静看四下无人,悄悄地问““大哥,你这次官做得怎么样啊?不会还想逃跑吧?” 王绩笑着说:“公务比较多,我不怎么喜欢,工资也很微薄,但我不会逃走,因为有一件事是我舍不下的。就是在这里为官,每天能喝三升好酒,这就是我留下的真正原因。” 王静听完,忍不住哈哈大笑。 不料,他们兄弟两的私人谈话,被悄悄从窗外经过的同僚给听到了,并且很快传到了门下省长官是陈叔达的耳朵里。 陈叔达也是个妙人,把王绩招过来说:“先生大才,每天只喝三升酒,怎么能够留得住你呢?我特批每天让你喝一斗,你看如何?” “当然好啊,那我就更不走了。”王绩听闻陈叔达的话后,乐得手舞足蹈。 第二天,王绩真的得到了每天一斗酒的待遇。 而他也真的留在了门下省很久。 正因为如此,他还得了个“斗酒学士”的称号。 转眼间,到了贞观年间。 王绩听说掌管宫廷音乐的太乐署史焦革酿得一手好酒,就天天到吏部去闹,说要调到礼部当当太乐署丞去。 吏部的官员一听裂了嘴,心说,大哥你搞什么呀,一来你五音不全,专业不对口,二来你级别不升反降,不合适吧? 但王绩不管不顾,每天去吏部却死缠烂打:“大爷,您就行行好吧,其实哥这么做已经赚翻了。” 吏部的人被闹得心烦,居然真的将他调过去了。 从此,王绩就爽翻了。 用《亮剑》中张大彪的话说就是,这天天焦革酿制的小酒喝着,胖了好几斤。 他不仅喝酒,还经常跟焦革探讨酒曲配料,醉心于酿酒理论和工艺研究。 不久,焦革挂了,王绩心说得了,看来老子也调回去了。 不承想,焦革的老婆也会酿酒,王绩有高兴起来了。 但天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,没过一年,焦革的老婆也死了。 王绩绝望地嚎啕大哭:老天啊,你成心不让我喝上好酒吗?既然如此,老子这破官还有啥当头! 于是,王绩就辞官回家了,开始研究焦家的独门绝技,又多方搜集古代的酒方酿法。 历经数年,终于撰写成《酒经》、《酒谱》二书。 当时的太史令李淳风听到这是,感慨地对王绩说:“君,酒家之南、董也!” 南、董是指春秋时期的史官南史氏和董狐。 可惜《酒经》、《酒谱》没能流传下来。

126 评论


首先要了解王绩的生平,他在隋末唐初动荡的时代做过官 ,但仕途不顺。入唐以后 ,由于眷恋前代, 对新朝有所不满, 终于归隐 。《野望》就是抒发他心怀归隐的代表之作 ,但流露了诗人易代之悲 。

98 评论


English Abstract: The period of performance is important in the Early Tang Dynasty poet, his poetry short Ueno Park sparse, fresh and clean, in the palace at the time the mainstream of verse for the poetry it is a unique environment. In this paper, three-Shi Wang Ji, through the three hidden and their life experiences to explore family roots poet, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism thought of the contradiction between the ideological unification of the three. Wang Ji in the complex cross-ideological level, the Confucian idea of the potential value of the mainstream, the idea of Taoism is outside of his means to survival, Buddhism is another of his good self-soothe. Wang Ji inclusive thinking of the three reflection of the complexity of his thinking side. Analysis of the second part of the inner poetry of Wang Ji, Wang Ji's is not the abstract philosophical inquiry, but they need to learn the make up of life in order to construct their own ideology to guide their cognitive life. Including the pursuit of real life and in life and retire from the negative thinking and the lives of sentimental theme of loneliness. All boils down to performance from the King's survival itself the principle that - "adaptive." Wang elaborated on the third part of the art of performance poetry and impact characteristics. Wang Ji's Poetry of the Early Tang Dynasty literature has made a unique contribution to promoting wind and Sheng Tang Poetry Metrical development and formation, pastoral life of the painted pastoral poetry is a pioneer in the Tang dynasty. Keywords: Wang Ji; three official three hidden; poetry Implication; arts impact

119 评论


English Abstract: The period of performance is important in the Early Tang Dynasty poet, his poetry short Ueno Park sparse, fresh and clean, in the palace at the time the mainstream of verse for the poetry it is a unique environment. In this paper, three-Shi Wang Ji, through the three hidden and their life experiences to explore family roots poet, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism thought of the contradiction between the ideological unification of the three. Wang Ji in the complex cross-ideological level, the Confucian idea of the potential value of the mainstream, the idea of Taoism is outside of his means to survival, Buddhism is another of his good self-soothe. Wang Ji inclusive thinking of the three reflection of the complexity of his thinking side. Analysis of the second part of the inner poetry of Wang Ji, Wang Ji's is not the abstract philosophical inquiry, but they need to learn the make up of life in order to construct their own ideology to guide their cognitive life. Including the pursuit of real life and in life and retire from the混世negative thinking and the lives of sentimental theme of loneliness. All boils down to performance from the King's survival itself the principle that - "adaptive." Wang elaborated on the third part of the art of performance poetry and impact characteristics. Wang Ji's Poetry of the Early Tang Dynasty literature has made a unique contribution to promoting wind and Sheng Tang Poetry Metrical development and formation, pastoral life of the painted pastoral poetry is a pioneer in the Tang dynasty. Keywords: Wang Ji; three official three hidden; poetry Implication; art video

235 评论


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