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Enterprise Human Resources role in the development of the great becoming increasingly prominent. Liquor business (including beverage) in human resources has its own particularities, such as training costs are relatively high, the internal staff of the company have more secrets and so on. Therefore, alcohol in human resources management firm grip on all aspects of the need. Alcohol at home and abroad enterprises 5P model is the use of human resources management is very important in a model, but also results soon, uses a model great. However, the application of this model need to pay attention to many problems and conditions, but also the needs of enterprises of various departments to coordinate and formulate corresponding policies, so enterprises should make use of according to specific circumstances. This paper attempts to human resources management through the "5P" mode, as well as the specific content of the Wine Group Rakuhoku spring model of the successful application of 5P to 5P are fully aware of the tremendous role model.
爱宝翻译结果网络释义OxbowExpobarI-BOXEiboo短语爱宝丁 Ebatha爱宝乐土 Everland Resort ; Everland ; Everland Amusement Park上海爱宝 FLAKE ICE MAKER ; ice machine ; Variable Volume Pipette ; chromatography freezer
毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs] 美 [ˈθisɪs] 。 n.论文,毕业论文;论点,论题;命题 1、There is no
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