关于巧克力的英语文章Chocolate (pronounced /??t????kl??t/) comprises a number of raw and processed foods produced from the seed of the tropical Theobroma cacao tree. Cacao has been cultivated for at least three millennia in Mexico, Central and South America, with its earliest documented use around 1100 BC. The majority of the Mesoamerican peoples made chocolate beverages, including the Aztecs, who made it into a beverage known as xocolātl, a Nahuatl word meaning "bitter water". The seeds of the cacao tree have an intense bitter taste, and must be fermented to develop the fermentation, the beans are dried, cleaned, and roasted, and the shell is removed to produce cacao nibs. The nibs are then ground to cocoa mass, pure chocolate in rough form. Because this cocoa mass usually is liquefied then molded with or without other ingredients, it is called chocolate liquor. The liquor also may be processed into two components: cocoa solids and cocoa butter. Unsweetened baking chocolate (bitter chocolate) contains primarily cocoa solids and cocoa butter in varying proportions. Much of the chocolate consumed today is in the form of sweet chocolate, combining cocoa solids, cocoa butter or other fat, and sugar. Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate that additionally contains milk powder or condensed milk. White chocolate contains cocoa butter, sugar, and milk but no cocoa solids contain alkaloids such as theobromine and phenethylamine, which have physiological effects on the body. It has been linked to serotonin levels in the brain. Some research found that chocolate, eaten in moderation, can lower blood pressure. The presence of theobromine renders it toxic to some animals, especially dogs and has become one of the most popular food types and flavors in the world. Gifts of chocolate molded into different shapes have become traditional on certain holidays: chocolate bunnies and eggs are popular on Easter, chocolate coins on Hanukkah, Santa Claus and other holiday symbols on Christmas, and hearts on Valentine's Day. Chocolate is also used in cold and hot beverages, to produce chocolate milk and hot chocolate. The world's top continental producer of cacao beans is Africa, where recent controversy has focused on the use of child labor in cocoa production
Just briefly on the etymology of the word “chocolate”, the word chocolate probably domes from “chocolatl”, a Spanish combination of the Maya word for “hot water” and the Aztec word for “bitter water.”咱们简单地从“巧克力”这个词的起源说起吧。“巧克力”这个词大致起源于“chocolatl”,它是一个合成西班牙语,合成自玛雅语“热水”和阿芝特克语“苦水”。 Chocolate comes in many forms today. Regardless of the type, processing begins by extracting, fermenting, drying, and roasting the cacao seeds (also called beans), removing the shell and skin, and leaving the tasty nibs. 如今,巧克力正以多种多样的形式出现。我们先不提它们的形状,其加工过程始于提炼、接着发酵、干燥,然后烘烤可可种子(也称为可可豆),去壳去皮,最后留下美味的核。 There are three main forms of chocolate that one sees regularly. These are milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate. 大家通常看到的巧克力主要有三种口味,牛奶巧克力、纯巧克力和白巧克力。 Milk chocolate is a mixture of chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, milk, sugar, and flavorings. All milk chocolate made in the . contains at least 10% chocolate liquor and 12% whole milk. 牛奶巧克力由巧克力乳液、可可油、牛奶、糖和其它调味材料混合而成。美国制造的牛奶巧克力都含有至少10%巧克力乳液和12%全脂牛奶。 There are two kinds of dark chocolate. The first bittersweet and semisweet chocolate are the darkest eating chocolates and have at least 35% chocolate liquor. Sweet dark chocolate contains 15% to 35% chocolate liquor and less than 12% milk solids. It may also contain ingredients like condensed milk, cocoa butter, sugar, and vanilla. 纯巧克力主要有两种,一种是半苦半甜型巧克力,这是最纯的巧克力,至少含有35%巧克力乳液。甜纯巧克力含有15%至35%巧克力乳液和低于12%固体牛奶。当然,甜纯巧克力里也会含有其它成份,如炼乳、可可油、糖和香草等。 White chocolate is a blend of cocoa butter, milk, sugar, and flavorings. It contains no cocoa solids, and many people don’t consider it chocolate at all! 白巧克力是用可可油、牛奶、糖和其它调味成分混合制作而成的。其内并不含有任何可可固体成分,因此许多人认为这根本就不是巧克力! 关键词 etymology / / n.语源学 extract / / v. 提炼 ferment / / v. 使发酵 whole milk / / n. 全脂牛奶 condensed milk / / n. 炼乳——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————巧克力作为世界上最风靡的食品之一,它被赋予了种种意义。现在大家接触巧克力最多的场合当属“情人节”前男女双方为对方购买包装精美的巧克力作为礼物。可是当你美滋滋地在品尝情人送的巧克力时,你可想到过它的发明者和由来?我相信,如果大家下次再送巧克力作为情人礼物时,引经据典地讲讲巧克力的来历,肯定会让你的恋人倾倒不已! American-made chocolate and cocoa(可可) products number in the hundreds. There is a fascinating(迷人的)story behind these wonderful products. Chocolate Through the Years The story of chocolate, as far back as we know it, begins with the discovery of America. Until 1492, the Old World(指欧洲大陆,相对于美洲大陆)knew nothing at all about the delicious and stimulating flavor富有刺激性的口味) that was to become the favorite of millions. The Court of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella got its first look at the principal ingredient(调料、原料)of chocolate when Columbus returned in triumph from America and laid before the Spanish throne(王位)a treasure trove of many strange and wonderful things. Among these were a few dark brown beans(豆)that looked like almonds(杏仁)and seemed most unpromising(无指望的). They were cocoa beans, today's source of all our chocolate and cocoa. The King and Queen never dreamed how important cocoa beans could be, and it remained for Hernando Cortez(科尔特斯), the great Spanish explorer, to grasp(把握住)the commercial possibilities of the New World offerings. Food of the Gods During his conquest of Mexico, Cortez found the Aztec Indians(阿兹特克印第安人)using cocoa beans in the preparation of the royal drink of the realm, "chocolate," meaning warm liquid. In 1519, Emperor Montezuma, who reportedly drank 50 or more portions daily, served(提供,招待) chocolate to his Spanish guests in great golden goblets(高脚杯), treating it like a food for the gods. For all its regal(王室的) importance, however, Montezuma's chocolate was very bitter(苦), and the Spaniards did not find it to their taste. To make the concoction(调制品) more agreeable to Europeans, Cortez and his countrymen conceived the idea of sweetening it with cane sugar. The new drink quickly won friends, especially among the Spanish aristocracy(贵族). Spain wisely proceeded to plant cacao in its overseas colonies, which gave birth to a very profitable(利润高的) business. Remarkably enough, the Spanish succeeded in keeping the art of the cocoa industry a secret from the rest of Europe for nearly a hundred years. Chocolate Spreads to Europe Spanish monks, who had been consigned(托运) to process the cocoa beans, finally let the secret out. It did not take long before chocolate was acclaimed(受到欢迎) throughout Europe as a delicious, health-giving food. For a while it reigned(主宰)as the drink at the fashionable Court of France. Chocolate drinking spread across the Channel to Great Britain, and in 1657 the first of many famous English Chocolate Houses(作坊)appeared. The 19th Century marked two more revolutionary developments in the history of chocolate. In 1847, an English company introduced solid "eating chocolate" through the development of fondant(半软糖) chocolate, a smooth and velvety(光滑柔和)variety that has almost completely replaced the old coarse grained(颗粒粗糙的) chocolate which formerly dominated(统领) the world market. The second development occurred in 1876 in Vevey, Switzerland, when Daniel Peter devised a way of adding milk to the chocolate, creating the product we enjoy today known as milk chocolate. Chocolate Comes to America In the United States of America, the production of chocolate proceeded at a faster pace than anywhere else in the world. It was in pre-Revolutionary New England-1765, to be exact-that(可以肯定地说)the first chocolate factory was established in this country. During World War II, the . government recognized chocolate's role in the nourishment(营养品)and group spirit(士气、团队精神) of the Allied Armed Forces, so much so that(到这样的程度以至于)it allocated valuable shipping space(分配宝贵的船舱空间)for the importation(运输) of cocoa beans. Many soldiers were thankful for the pocket chocolate bars(块、条) which gave them the strength to carry on until more food rations(配给)could be obtained. Today, the . Army D-rations(美国陆军D类配给食品) include three 4-ounce chocolate bars(4盎司巧克力块)late has even been taken into space as part of the diet(食品供应、食谱)astronauts(宇航员).——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————When it comes to chocolate, order dark Dark chocolate -- but not white chocolate - may help reduce blood pressure and boost the body's ability to metabolize sugar from food, according to the results of a small study. After eating only 100 grams, or ounces, of dark chocolate every day for 15 days, 15 healthy people had lower blood pressures and were more sensitive to insulin, an important factor in metabolizing sugar. In contrast, eating roughly the same amount of white chocolate for the same period of time did not affect either blood pressure or insulin sensitivity. This is not the first study to demonstrate potential health benefits of dark chocolate, which contains high levels of a kind of antioxidant called flavonoids. Research shows that flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation and reduce blood clotting, which can lead to heart attacks and stroke. 吃巧克力时,选黑巧克力 一项小规模研究的结果表明,黑巧克力可能有助于降低血压、促进人体对食物中的糖分的代谢能力,而白巧克力则没有这些功能。 在连续15天每日食用100克或盎司黑巧克力之后,15名健康的受试者的血压有所降低,而且对胰岛素更为敏感--胰岛素是促进体内糖分代谢的重要成分。 相比之下,同样在15天中食用大致相同数量的白巧克力对血压和胰岛素的敏感性并没有影响。 这已经不是有关黑巧克力可能有益健康的第一项研究。黑巧克力富含一种叫作类黄酮的抗氧化剂,研究表明类黄酮有助于保持心脏的健康和血液循环的畅通,并减少可能导致心脏病和中风的血栓。
为什么喜欢巧克力 因为,万事万物,服用了,食用了多,都有可能产生反效果,这是真的。不好意思,我也是个巧克力爱好者,但是,我每天的食用两到三颗,绝不会再多,不会超过5粒。巧克力中,若说对身体好的,那是属黑巧克力,不过,不巧的是,我喜欢牛奶巧克力,还有白巧克力。(我个人不太喜欢过于甜腻的巧克力,我喜欢不是特别甜的巧克力。)曾经服务与咖啡店,外国人最最喜欢的是,坐下来,在咖啡店,点上数个巧克力,一杯咖啡,一圈下来,最起卖吃掉个2,3百块钱,不好意思,我这个人有点俗,又要俗套了。回到正题,随后,他们真的觉得自己很享受,数个小时,2,3个小时,一边唆一口咖啡,一边配数块巧克力,几乎尝遍了我们这里的所有巧克力。很享受的品味着,并且看着自己手中的小说书,悠闲自得,颐养天年。论喜欢巧克力,第一,我喜欢甜食。第二,我是个小资的人。第三,我是个喜享受生活的人。可以表达的就那么多,限于口才笨拙,文章叙述到此为止。Why do you like chocolate Because everything, taking, eating more, are likely to have the opposite effect, that is true. I am sorry, I am also a chocolate lover, but I take two to three a day, never more, not more than five. Chocolate, if that good for the body, it is the case of dark chocolate, but, unfortunately, I like milk chocolate, and white chocolate. Have served with the coffee shop, like most foreigners is to sit down at a coffee shop, a number of points on chocolate, cup of coffee, a lap down, the most since eaten sell a 2,3 100 dollars, sorry, I am the person a little vulgar, but also cliche. Back to the topic, and then, they really feel that they are enjoying a few hours, 2,3 hours, while instigate sip coffee, while with several pieces of chocolate, tasted almost all the chocolate we have here. Enjoyed the taste, and looked at his hands fiction book, leisurely, enjoying their later years. On like chocolate, first, I love sweets. Secondly, I am a petty person. Third, I am fond of people who enjoy life. You can express it so much, limited eloquence clumsy narrative articles so far.
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