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首页 > 毕业论文 > 欢迎用英语写毕业论文的话

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致谢,是感情的真实流露。想必这样的形式很多朋友都会套用,而往往动人之处,在于细节,在于一点微妙,在于一点人文情感的体现,在于真挚,在于有感而发。下面是我带来的关于的内容,欢迎阅读参考! ***一*** I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Zhou Yanxia, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Wang Jinsheng, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Ms. Wu Qing, Feng Shaozhong and Han Xiaoya, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow clas *** ates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. ***二*** I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Zhou Yanxia, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Wang Jinsheng, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Ms. Wu Qing, Feng Shaozhong and Han Xiaoya, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow clas *** ates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. ***三*** Acknowledgements I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms. Sun Yanlan, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of the thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful critici *** and expert guidance, the pletion of this thesis would not have been possible. I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis. I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of plaint. ***四*** Acknowledgements I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Gu Peiya, for all her effort devoted to the course of my thesis writing, including helping me choose the topic, decide on the research questions and thesis outline, polish my manuscript via E-mail and face-to-face instructions. I owe a great deal to Professor Gu for her critical insights, meticulous corrections, and invaluable advice throughout the thesis writing process. I owe many thanks to my tutor, Miss. Yan Liuhong, one of the graduate students of Professor Gu, for her help from the very beginning of topic decision to the final pletion of my thesis. She has given me much enlightening advice and encouragement. I am also indebted to Ms. Carton, my teacher of the writing course, whose interesting and thought-provoking lectures on research paper writing have benefited me significantly. Besides, Professor Bu Ping, with his meticulous teaching style in prehensive English course, has inspired me to write carefully. My thanks also go to Professor Zhu Xingfu and Professor Qin Weigang, whose literature courses have offered rich sources to my thesis. I am also obliged to Tan Qiuji for her devoted work in correcting my thesis. Finally, I would like to thank my clas *** ates for their unfailing support and patience in answering my questions in the interviews during my thesis writing.

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毕业论文答辩的主要目的,是审查文章的真伪、审查写作者知识掌握的深度,审查文章是否符合体裁格式,以求进一步提高。学生通过答辩,让教师、专家进一步了解文章立论的依据,处理课题的实际能力。这是学生可以获得锻炼和提高的难得机会,应把它看作,治学的“起点”。 (一)答辩的准备工作学生可以从下列问题(第4~10题)中,根据自己实际,选取二三个问题,作好汇报准备,(第1~3题必选)。时间一般不超过10分钟。内容最好烂熟于心中,不看稿纸,语言简明流畅。 1.为什么选择这个课题(或题目),研究、写作它有什么学术价值或现实意义。 2.说明这个课题的历史和现状,即前人做过哪些研究,取得哪些成果,有哪些问题没有解决,自己有什么新的看法,提出并解决了哪些问题。 3.文章的基本观点和立论的基本依据。 4.学术界和社会上对某些问题的具体争论,自己的倾向性观点。 5.重要引文的具体出处。 6.本应涉及或解决但因力不从心而未接触的问题;因认为与本文中心关系不大而未写入的新见解。 7.本文提出的见解的可行性。 8.定稿交出后,自己重读审查新发现的缺陷。 9.写作毕业论文(作业)的体会。 10.本文的优缺点。总之,要作好口头表述的准备。不是宣读论文,也不是宣读写作提纲和朗读内容提要。 (二)答辩会程序 1.学生作说明性汇报。(5~10分钟) 2.毕业答辩小组提问。 3.学生答辩。(一定要正面回答或辩解,一般允许准备10至20分钟)。 4.评定成绩。(答辩会后答辩小组商定,交系、院学位委员会审定小组审定。) (三)学生答辩注意事项 1.带上自己的论文、资料和笔记本。 2.注意开场白、结束语的礼仪。 3.坦然镇定,声音要大而准确,使在场的所有人都能听到。 4.听取答辩小组成员的提问,精神要高度集中,同时,将提问的问题——记在本上。 5.对提出的问题,要在短时间内迅速做出反应,以自信而流畅的语言,肯定的语气,不慌不忙地—一回答每个问题。 6.对提出的疑问,要审慎地回答,对有把握的疑问要回答或辩解、申明理由;对拿不准的问题,可不进行辩解,而实事求是地回答,态度要谦虚。 7.回答问题要注意的几点: (1)正确、准确。正面回答问题,不转换论题,更不要答非所问。 (2)重点突出。抓住主题、要领,抓住关键词语,言简意赅。 (3)清晰明白。开门见山,直接入题,不绕圈子。 (4)有答有辩。有坚持真理、修正错误的勇气。既敢于阐发自己独到的新观点、真知灼见,维护自己正确观点,反驳错误观点,又敢于承认自己的不足,修正失误。 (5)辩才技巧。讲普通话,用词准确,讲究逻辑,吐词清楚,声音洪亮,抑扬顿挫,助以手势说明问题;力求深刻生动;对答如流,让我在今后的学习中学到更多。 谢谢! 1.小明的考试成绩不理想,他伤心地哭了,作为教师的你会怎么办? 首先,小明会因为自己的成绩不理想而哭泣,这说明小明是一个上进的学生,对于这一点, 欣慰。但这同时也说明了一个问题:小明承受挫折的能力可能不够强。对于这个问题,我想分两 说服力、感染力强,给教师和听众留下良好的印象。 下面,浩工精心收集咯几份较为满意的答辩给大家提供参考,祝各位兄弟姐妹都能顺利通过毕业答辩。 实例一: 各位老师,下午好! 我叫***,是**级**班的学生,我的论文题目是--------------------,论文是在**导师的悉心指点下完成的,在这里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。下面我将本论文设计的目的和主要内容向各位老师作一汇报,恳请各位老师批评指导。 首先,我想谈谈这个毕业论文设计的目的及意义。 作为计算机应用的一部分,图书销售管理系统对图书销售进行管理,具有着手工管理所无法比拟的优点,极大地提高图书销售管理效率及在同行业中的竞争力.因此,图书销售管理系统有着广泛的市场前景和实际的应用价值. 其次,我想谈谈这篇论文的结构和主要内容。 本文分成五个部分. 第一部分是综述.这部分主要论述本系统开发的目的和意义,与业务相关的管理原理,以及与系统相关MIS系统开发原理与方法。 第二部分是系统分析.这部分分析用户需求,进行调查研究和分析,目的是根据用户的需求和资源条件,以现状为基础,确定新系统的逻辑模型,即从抽象的信息管理角度出发,为使用户满意,系统应对哪些信息做怎样一些存储、变换与传递,具备哪些功能,从而明确系统应该做些什么。 第三部分是系统设计.通过系统总体设计及详细设计对系统分析的结果进行整合,目的是要得到一个令用户满意的良好的实现方案。 第四部分是系统实现.根据系统设计的内容,讨论了该系统对人员与平台的要求,以及数据库表结构的建立与数据输入,并进行应用程序设计与测试. 第五部分是系统运行.这部分描述了系统操作使用的方法,进行一些系统测试,并评价了该系统. 最后,我想谈谈这篇论文和系统存在的不足。 这篇论文的写作以及系统开发的过程,也是我越来越认识到自己知识与经验缺乏的过程。虽然,我尽可能地收集材料,竭尽所能运用自己所学的知识进行论文写作和系统开发,但论文还是存在许多不足之处,系统功能并不完备,有待改进.请各位评委老师多批评指正, 如果小明是一个成绩一直很优秀的学生,这样的.一次“失败”,对于他来说未尝不是一件好 理论告诉我们,在教育过程中,挫折教育能打击学生的骄傲情绪。对于一直很优秀的学生,往往 情绪,这样的一次挫折恰好可以帮助训练其对逆境的承受能力,以防今后一旦遇到挫折就一蹶不 去信心。对于这样的学生,我会用一周的时间静观其变,他一般都可以自己调整过来,如果情绪 会适当地进行激励,告诉他:这点挫折都接受不了,可不像我认识的某某了!老师相信你是一个 而如果小明是一个一直努力学习,却成绩上不去的学生,就要多费点心思进行引导。首先, 要在讲解试卷的过程中,告诉学生:“这次的考试,可能有的学生成绩不理想,但这原因是多方 是没有发挥好,有可能是学习方法不当,但是,这次考试并不是我们最后的结果,只要我们勇于 折,在后面的时间里,分析自己有什么不足,及时调整学习方法,继续努力,相信每个学生都会有 在说的过程中,我会有意识地多看小明几眼,并握拳微笑。倘若,小明依然不能振作,我会找他 他一起他分析考试成绩不理想的原因,并且告诉他,挫折是人一生中必然也必须经历的,但是面 不可以选择放弃,而是要越挫越勇,这样才是一个坚强的人!”这样做,首先会让学生觉得,自 师的重视,从而增加学习的动力和信心,也会通过老师的分析找到自己的问题,帮助接下来的学试问题的同时,也增进了自己与学生之间的感情。 2.假如你正在讲课突然两位同学在课堂上打起架来,作为教师的你会怎么办? 4.你的班上有一位同学经常迟到,作为班主任该怎么办? 自信、自负、甚至有点自傲,朝气蓬勃却又带着强烈的叛逆思想的当代中学生,打架往往是因为彼此抬杠, 不管是因为什么原因,经常迟到是不对的,除非家里有什么特别重要的事,没能按时上课,发生了口角,就认为自尊受到了伤害,一时冲动,必须打架消气。其实,两个人不见得有多大的仇恨,甚至是我会想办法与家长沟通,让他们明白,孩子正是读书的重要年龄,要尽量把精力都放在学习上,很好的朋友。 持和监督,相信孩子迟到的机会就不多了。 碰到这样的事,我会停止讲课,用沉默来提醒他们这是课堂。如果他们还不停止,我会直呼其名要求停止 如果只是因为态度问题,我有以下几个办法: 动作,回到自己的位置坐好。然后继续讲课,给他们时间彼此冷静冷静。或许在他们冷静后自己就可以认识到 1.买了小闹钟送给他,告诉他,老师希望这个小闹钟可以帮助老师叫你起床 自己的错误,双方和好。 2.把班里的钥匙交给他保管,我想他应该不好意思让全班同学等他一个人 接下来,我会及时跟进,了解事情的原委,除了找两个同学单独了解,还有必要找知情人进行询问,得出 一致的说法,以为我下一步处理做好准备。 3.一般学生迟到一般就是迟到几分钟,通知上第一节课的任课老师,等他来了再讲课,然后 在同学们都到齐了,我们开始上课”。下课后,其他同学就会帮老师对他进行教育了。他就不好 在了解了整个事情经过后,分别针对双方所犯的错误及认错态度,力求让学生真正意识到自己打架的不良 后果,说服其向对方道歉。 5.当你上课时发现你的小黑板上画着一只乌龟和鲜花,你会怎么办? 如果性质比较恶劣的话,会要求其做书面检查,并通知家长,不过不到万不得已,我不愿意这样做,因为 绝对不可以动怒,我会一笑了之,让后擦掉,那个学生自己也会觉得自己很无聊 如果做的不妥,很可能让两个学生内心结下怨恨。 6.“给学生一杯水,教师应有一桶水。”这是人们经常提到的一句话。请你谈谈你对这句“至理 3.上课铃响了,你走进教室了,班里还是一团糟。这时你怎么办? 如果有必要,请你按照自己的想法对这句话进行改造,重新写一句 这是很正常的事情,没有必要动怒,我会径直走到讲台上,宣布上课。如果学生还是在下面议论纷纷,想 “教给学生一杯水,教师要有一桶水”。是说相对于学生获得的“杯水”知识,教师必须拥必在上节课或课余时间发生了什么事情,我会沉默地注视着学生,用这样的安静来提醒他们上课。讲一个简短于学生的“桶水”知识。这形象地反映了人们对教师知识存量的期望,也体现了传统社会一般的的小故事,小笑话,然后对课程做精彩的引入,把他们的注意力引到我的课堂。 “学高为师”,教师要教好学生,必须要有丰富的知识,这无疑是十分正确的。 但是,如今很多人开始质疑这句话,认为要给学生一杯水,教师仅有一桶水是不够的。这只是思考的角度不同了而已,如果我们更深地去琢磨这句话。就会发现有不完美的地方。现如今,知识更新的速度越来越快,数量越来越多;知识传播途径越来越多,传播速度越来越快。在这样的社会背景下,教师知识观就必须变革,教师必须树立终身学习的观念,不断充电,与时俱进,变原来的“一桶水”为“长流水”。同时要改变过去”教书匠“的形象,用心做一名引导者。 因此,这句话可以改为“要给学生一杯水,教师要有长流水”,这也是教育观的重大变革 论文答辩程序及开场白 结束语集锦中英文 [篇2] 毕业论文答辩的主要目的,是审查文章的真伪、审查写作者知识掌握的深度,审查文章是否符合体裁格式,以求进一步提高。学生通过答辩,让教师、专家进一步了解文章立论的依据,处理课题的实际能力。这是学生可以获得锻炼和提高的难得机会,应把它看作,治学的“起点”。 (一)答辩的准备工作学生可以从下列问题(第4~10题)中,根据自己实际,选取二三个问题,作好汇报准备,(第1~3题必选)。时间一般不超过10分钟。内容最好烂熟于心中,不看稿纸,语言简明流畅。 1.为什么选择这个课题(或题目),研究、写作它有什么学术价值或现实意义。 2.说明这个课题的历史和现状,即前人做过哪些研究,取得哪些成果,有哪些问题没有解决,自己有什么新的看法,提出并解决了哪些问题。 3.文章的基本观点和立论的基本依据。 4.学术界和社会上对某些问题的具体争论,自己的倾向性观点。 5.重要引文的具体出处。 6.本应涉及或解决但因力不从心而未接触的问题;因认为与本文中心关系不大而未写入的新见解。 ~毕业论文答辩的主要目的,是审查文章的真伪、审查写作者知识掌握的深度,审查文章是否符合体裁格式,以求进一步提高。学生通过答辩,让教师、专家进一步了解文章立论的依据,处理课题的实际能力。这是学生可以获得锻炼和提高的难得机会,应把它看作,治学的“起点”。 (一)答辩的准备工作学生可以从下列问题(第4~10题)中,根据自己实际,选取二三个问题,作好汇报准备,(第1~3题必选)。时间一般不超过10分钟。内容最好烂熟于心中,不看稿纸,语言简明流畅。 1.为什么选择这个课题(或题目),研究、写作它有什么学术价值或现实意义。 2.说明这个课题的历史和现状,即前人做过哪些研究,取得哪些成果,有哪些问题没有解决,自己有什么新的看法,提出并解决了哪些问题。 3.文章的基本观点和立论的基本依据。 4.学术界和社会上对某些问题的具体争论,自己的倾向性观点。 5.重要引文的具体出处。 6.本应涉及或解决但因力不从心而未接触的问题;因认为与本文中心关系不大而未写入的新见解。 7.本文提出的见解的可行性。 8.定稿交出后,自己重读审查新发现的缺陷。 9.写作毕业论文(作业)的体会。 10.本文的优缺点。总之,要作好口头表述的准备。不是宣读论文,也不是宣读写作提纲和朗读内容提要。 (二)答辩会程序 1.学生作说明性汇报。(5~10分钟) 2.毕业答辩小组提问。 3.学生答辩。(一定要正面回答或辩解,一般允许准备10至20分钟)。 4.评定成绩。(答辩会后答辩小组商定,交系、院学位委员会审定小组审定。) (三)学生答辩注意事项 1.带上自己的论文、资料和笔记本。 2.注意开场白、结束语的礼仪。 3.坦然镇定,声音要大而准确,使在场的所有人都能听到。 4.听取答辩小组成员的提问,精神要高度集中,同时,将提问的问题——记在本上。 5.对提出的问题,要在短时间内迅速做出反应,以自信而流畅的语言,肯定的语气,不慌不忙地—一回答每个问题。 6.对提出的疑问,要审慎地回答,对有把握的疑问要回答或辩解、申明理由;对拿不准的问题,可不进行辩解,而实事求是地回答,态度要谦虚。 7.回答问题要注意的几点: (1)正确、准确。正面回答问题,不转换论题,更不要答非所问。 (2)重点突出。抓住主题、要领,抓住关键词语,言简意赅。 (3)清晰明白。开门见山,直接入题,不绕圈子。 (4)有答有辩。有坚持真理、修正错误的勇气。既敢于阐发自己独到的新观点、真知灼见,维护自己正确观点,反驳错误观点,又敢于承认自己的不足,修正失误。 (5)辩才技巧。讲普通话,用词准确,讲究逻辑,吐词清楚,声音洪亮,抑扬顿挫,助以手势说明问题;力求深刻生动;对答如流,说服力、感染力强,给教师和听众留下良好的印象。

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Acknowledge First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.

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如今,在很多国外大学要求的毕业论文也是英文的,因此他们在面对英文的毕业论文时一定能够用得上英文毕业论文致谢词。下面是我带来的关于的内容,欢迎阅读参考! ***一*** At the very first, I am honored to express my deepest gratitude to my dedicated supervisor, Miss Wang Chao, with whose able guidance I could have worked out this thesis. She has offered me valuable ideas, suggestions and critici *** s with her profound knowledge and rich research experience. Her patience and kindness are greatly appreciated. Besides, she always puts high priority on our dissertation writing and is willing to discuss with me anytime available. I have learnt from her a lot not only about dissertation writing, but also the professional ethics. I am very much obliged to her efforts of helping me plete the dissertation. I am also extremely grateful to Prof. Wei Xiaohong whose patient and meticulous guidance and invaluable suggestions are indispensable to the pletion of this thesis. Thanks are also due to my roommates, who never failed to give me great encouragement and suggestions. Special thanks should go to Miss Dong, Miss Ma, and Miss Wei for their brainstorming with me when I failed in ing up with ideas. At last but not least, I would like to thank my family for their support all the way from the very beginning of my study. I am thankful to all my family members for their thoughtfulness and encouragement. ***二*** First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. I gratefully acknowledge the help of my supervisor, Ms**, who has offered me valuable suggestions in the academic studies. In the preparation of this thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful critici *** and expert guidance, the pletion of this thesis would not have been possible. Second, I also owe a special debt of gratitude to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis. Last, I should finally like to express my gratitude to my beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of plaint. ***三*** First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor,***, for her instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the pletion of this thesis. High tribute shall be paid to Ms. ***** whose profound knowledge of English triggers my love for this beautiful language and whose earnest attitude tells me how to learn English. I am also deeply indebted to all the other tutors and teachers in Translation Studies for their direct and indirect help to me. Special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their ments on the draft. Finally, I am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement. (四) Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow clas *** ates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.

309 评论


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