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2004年12月7-8日,中国和亚洲领先的个人计算机厂商——联想集团有限公司(SEHK:992;ADR:LNVGY),和IBM (NYSE: IBM)宣布了一项重大协议:联想将收购IBM的个人电脑事业部,交易额包括亿美元的现金和股票;交易总额约亿美元,IBM将占有联想的股份,预计在2005年第二季度底之前完成交易。组建世界第三大PC领导厂, 全球总部设立在纽约,主要运营中心设在北京、罗利(Raleigh, 位于美国北卡州)。 现任IBM高级副总裁兼IBM个人系统部总经理Stephen M. Ward, Jr.先生将担任收购完后的联想CEO。而现任联想董事局副主席、总裁兼CEO杨元庆先生将担任收购完后的联想董事局主席。联想收购IBM全球PC业务,利大于弊还是弊大于利?是好是坏呢?有利之处:1、强强联合,打造全球PC领导企业。联想收购IBM全球台式电脑和笔记本业务, 与IBM组成战略联盟从而将IBM的企业级PC技术带给消费市场和高速增长的中国市场,同时赋予联想在中国和亚洲之外、全球市场范围的覆盖能力。 2、 以双方2003年的销售业绩合并计算,此次并购意味着联想的PC年出货量将达到1190万台,销售额将达到120亿美元,从而使得联想在目前PC业务规模的基础上增长4倍。 按照2003年同比计算,将产生收入约120亿美元的世界第三大PC厂商。 3、 收购完后的联想将把IBM举世闻名的“Think”品牌笔记本业务、联想在中国首屈一指的品牌知名度、对消费和商用客户的高品质服务和支持、在中国这个全球增长最快的IT市场上的强大实力和领导地位整合在一起,从而形成遍及全球160国家的庞大分销和销售网络和广泛的全球认知度。收购完成后,联想将拥有领先的商用笔记本产品、领先的研发和产品差异化能力、更强大的创新能力和更丰富的产品组合。新公司将具备全球市场覆盖、强大的品牌、多样化的产品和领先的研发能力。 4、使联想和IBM 双方在PC销售、服务和融资方面建立长期战略合作。 根据协议,联想和IBM将结成长期战略联盟,届时,IBM将成为联想的首选服务和客户融资提供商。 联想将成为IBM的首选PC供应商,这样IBM就可以为其大中小企业客户提供各种个人电脑解决方案。 5、总体上是肯定的。这对中国企业走上世界冲刺世界500强是一次很好的尝试。 联想现任董事局主席柳传志先生指出:“作为公司的创办人,我非常兴奋地看到,联想将迈上国际化发展的突破性的一步。在过去二十年中联想已经发展成为中国第一乃至亚洲第一的PC企业,我们始终不移的目标是要成为一家国际化的企业,从2003年联想更换标识,2004年签约成为国际奥委会全球合作伙伴,到今天与IBM形成战略联盟,我高兴的看到了联想正在一步步走向世界顶级企业的行列。” 6、能否是双赢局面呢?对IBM:甩掉了包袱,是股市利好消息。 IBM将持有联想集团的股份。IBM希望在交易完成之后获得收益。 IBM董事长兼CEO Samuel J. Palmisano说,“在过去的多年中,我们主动地将IBM重新定位为:全世界领先的‘随需应变’解决方案的提供商,为各种规模、各种行业的企业和机构提供服务。这要求我们专注于企业级客户,对研发持续大量投资以积累智力资本。同时,这一产业中的PC业务越来越需要巨大的规模经济,以专注于满足个人用户和个人购买者需求。今天的宣布进一步强化了IBM对企业级市场的专注,另一方面又打造了一个更好地定位于抓住PC产业发展机遇的全新的全球业务。” “联想是我们在中国和亚洲消费和台式机市场上具有强大实力的合作伙伴。我们积极与联想合作,力求提供形成这一强大、成功、长久的全球联盟所需要的所有因素。“IBM将持续地为我们的客户提供IBM、和Think品牌的PC。我们将通过为下一代计算平台开发更先进的微处理器和开放式的软件技术,参与到家用和消费市场中,而这一机遇也将凸显IBM独特的创新能力。” 对联想:是跨出国门走向世界成为IT业三巨头之一带有极大风险的一次冲刺。 联想集团现任总裁兼CEO杨元庆先生说:“互联网的发展为PC行业提供了广阔的发展空间,同时也带来了更大的挑战,只有具备世界级规模、领先技术、高效运作的企业,才能够决胜未来。通过收购IBM全球PC业务及与IBM形成战略联盟,联想将能够整合双方优势,迅速获得全球品牌认知、全球客户及庞大的分销网络,获得更丰富的产品组合、更高效益的运作及领先的科技。” 同时对联想可以拥有一个五年期的对全球知名的IBM商标的许可使用协议,并且拥有了享誉全球的“Think”家族商标,从而使得联想可以利用IBM强大的全球性品牌,帮助自身建立在国际市场上的品牌知名度。 不利或风险:1、股市反映是对IBM是利好消息,业界人士普遍认为是甩掉包袱。对联想持谨慎态度,因为到目前为止,所有企业间此类收购整合都不成功 2、对于联想,是背水一战。整合成功则成为世界第三大PC厂商,整合不好,将使联想因消化不良而陷入万劫不复之地3、 交易完成时,联想将拥有大约19,000名员工。其中大约10000名员工来自IBM(他们中间有接近40%的人现在已经在中国工作,少于25%的员工在美国工作),大约10000名员工来自联想。联想管理和驾驭全球市场的能力将经受严峻的考验,同时可以预见,管理成本和费用将不可小视。4、能否 使两家公司在持续创新、客户导向、创造股东价值方面拥有共同的文化理念,这也是一个艰巨的考验。

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China's Lenovo Group signed a definitive agreement on Wednesday to acquire IBM's personal computing division. Lenovo will pay $ billion in cash and equity for the business, which is expected to transform it into the world's No. 3 PC maker, the companies addition to money, IBM will also take a percent stake in Lenovo, they said. The cash and equity, combined with the assumption of debt, brings the total value of the deal to about $ billion. It is expected to be completed in the second quarter of deal between the two companies comes as no surprise. It's been the talk of the PC industry since last week, when reports of IBM's plans to sell its PC business appeared in The New York Times. However, few details were known about the nature of the deal and its possible affect on IBM's existing PC customers until the announcement on and Lenovo said customers will see no change in product availability and support, either while the deal is being completed or afterward, while the PC operations of the two companies are integrated. Beyond the integration, the impact is of the deal is less the deal, the two companies will enter an alliance under which IBM becomes the preferred services and customer financing provider to Lenovo and Lenovo becomes the preferred supplier of PCs to IBM, they said."Lenovo products will be co-branded for the next few years, to leverage the power of the IBM ThinkPad brand with our existing and future customers," said Mark Loughridge, chief financial officer of IBM in a telephone conference call."We will have a phased implementation with products initially using the IBM logo as the primary brand and transitioning over 60 months to an IBM endorsement of the Lenovo-branded products," Loughridge , financing, warranty and maintenance services will be provided by IBM Global Financing and IBM Global Services to Lenovo customers, he is getting out of the PC manufacturing business because it sees greater profits in the services market, Loughridge said."Our strategy is clear, to be the world-leader in high-value solutions," he said. The deal "helps IBM focus on enterprise and SMB (small and medium-size business) segments where we can best leverage our value-add," Loughridge 2002, IBM has spent about $9 billion to acquire over 30 companies including Price Waterhouse Coopers Consulting. In the same period, it has divested several businesses where it lacks scale or market opportunities, such as its hard-disk drives and displays units."The PC business is rapidly taking on the characteristic of the home and consumer industry, which favors enormous economies of scale focused on individual users and buyers. This agreement continues IBM's strategic rebalancing of our portfolio on the high-value enterprise market," Loughridge headquarters of Lenovo's new PC business will be in New York and it will have major operations in Raleigh, North Carolina, in the . and in Beijing. Stephen Ward, currently the senior vice president and general manager of IBM's personal systems group, will become chief executive officer of Lenovo. Yuanqing Yang, currently vice chairman, president and CEO of Lenovo, will become chairman of Lenovo once the deal is will have about 19,000 employees following the acquisition. Of these, about 10,000 are current IBM employees, of which about 4,000 are based in deal requires the approval of Lenovo shareholders and relevant regulatory authorities. Lenovo Holdings, Lenovo Group's largest shareholder, has already agreed to vote in favor of the transaction.

332 评论


China's Lenovo Group signed a definitive agreement on Wednesday to acquire IBM's personal computing division. Lenovo will pay $ billion in cash and equity for the business, which is expected to transform it into the world's No. 3 PC maker, the companies addition to money, IBM will also take a percent stake in Lenovo, they said. The cash and equity, combined with the assumption of debt, brings the total value of the deal to about $ billion. It is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2005.我A deal between the two companies comes as no surprise. It's been the talk of the PC industry since last week, when reports of IBM's plans to sell its PC business appeared in The New York Times. However, few details were known about the nature of the deal and its possible affect on IBM's existing PC customers until the announcement on and Lenovo said customers will see no change in product availability and support, either while the deal is being completed or afterward, while the PC operations of the two companies are integrated. Beyond the integration, the impact is of the deal is less the deal, the two companies will enter an alliance under which IBM becomes the preferred services and customer financing provider to Lenovo and Lenovo becomes the preferred supplier of PCs to IBM, they said."Lenovo products will be co-branded for the next few years, to leverage the power of the IBM ThinkPad brand with our existing and future customers," said Mark Loughridge, chief financial officer of IBM in a telephone conference call."We will have a phased implementation with products initially using the IBM logo as the primary brand and transitioning over 60 months to an IBM endorsement of the Lenovo-branded products," Loughridge , financing, warranty and maintenance services will be provided by IBM Global Financing and IBM Global Services to Lenovo customers, he is getting out of the PC manufacturing business because it sees greater profits in the services market, Loughridge said."Our strategy is clear, to be the world-leader in high-value solutions," he said. The deal "helps IBM focus on enterprise and SMB (small and medium-size business) segments where we can best leverage our value-add," Loughridge 2002, IBM has spent about $9 billion to acquire over 30 companies including Price Waterhouse Coopers Consulting. In the same period, it has divested several businesses where it lacks scale or market opportunities, such as its hard-disk drives and displays units."The PC business is rapidly taking on the characteristic of the home and consumer industry, which favors enormous economies of scale focused on individual users and buyers. This agreement continues IBM's strategic rebalancing of our portfolio on the high-value enterprise market," Loughridge headquarters of Lenovo's new PC business will be in New York and it will have major operations in Raleigh, North Carolina, in the . and in Beijing. Stephen Ward, currently the senior vice president and general manager of IBM's personal systems group, will become chief executive officer of Lenovo. Yuanqing Yang, currently vice chairman, president and CEO of Lenovo, will become chairman of Lenovo once the deal is will have about 19,000 employees following the acquisition. Of these, about 10,000 are current IBM employees, of which about 4,000 are based in deal requires the approval of Lenovo shareholders and relevant regulatory authorities. Lenovo Holdings, Lenovo Group's largest shareholder, has already agreed to vote in favor of the transaction.

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