毕业设计不会做,抄也要讲究方法作为一个已经毕业了的大学生,在做毕业设计的过程中,无论是设计成果的研究还是毕业论文的撰写,不可回避的一个问题就是抄袭。作为一个过来人,我想说的是,做毕业设计难免会有抄袭的现象,但是一定要掌握方法,千万不要盲目的抄完了事,那样做是非常危险的。有的同学看都不看就抄到论文上去了,有的同学拿着别人做完的东西都不研究一下就参加答辩去了。我就听过一个活生生、血淋淋的例子——老师问:“你这段代码是什么意思?”答:“我不知道。”老师又问下一段代码,又不知道,老师问:“这是你做的吗?”答:“不是,老师给的。”其结果可想而知了。你们想想,那些东西都是往届毕业生做出来的,老师们能看不出来吗?掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人,大家都是成年人,我想不用多说了吧。大家在完成毕业设计的过程中肯定会遇到各种各样的现实性困难,成果做不出来了怎么办?论文写不出来了怎么办?外文文献不会翻译怎么办?其实这都好办,世界上再难的技术也是人做出来,没有成果就找个现成的东西;论文写不出来就多看几本书,多引用书里的内容;外文水平不高就用翻译软件。总之一句话,你有张良计,我有过墙梯,物竟天择,适者生存。文章转自 众赏文库 毕业设计论文,专业文档下载
Abstract:In summing up the previous research papers on the basis of information through data collection, data analysis, a formation backstripping law (Backstrippingmethod) of the study area seven representative profile for the basin restoration of buried history, on the basis of this structure in the area Evolution for analysis. By analyzing a number of seismic profiles, described Tg7-Tg of the earthquake sequence and the reflection characteristics of geological significance, on various floors of the formation of the distribution. Layered described Cambrian - the Triassic formation, with the period of tectonic events on the sedimentary layers and structural features several important period of formation is not integrated interface, and Tajikistan low uplift tectonic evolution into paleouplift a period ( As early as the late Ordovician), paleouplift stereotypes period (late Ordovician late), the uplift of ancient period (Silurian Period to the Devonian), partial adjustment period (late Hercynian) in four phases. At the same time period the main structural style was analyzed. Papers further study of the work area and tectonic evolution of the relationship between oil and gas accumulation, Ordovician oil and gas exploration in the Tarim Basin is the main purpose of layers. Research shows that: the main source Depression, the Tarim Basin in the Cambrian an Ordovician, the first distribution of the reservoir basin structural framework and system control oil and gas, followed by the source-portfolio, integrated fault and not control. Ⅰ fracture in the tower of the study area of oil and gas accumulation effect Obviously, the fault is the major oil and gas migration channels.
Heart sounds is normal or pathology can reflect the heart of acoustics, it is due to the heart throb process in open and close the valve and myocardial blood and movement produced vibration. Through in vitro for human organs, medical personnel activities of the lesion and preliminary judgment can cause, clinical work often with stethoscope. The traditional stethoscope although the use of simple, but often difficult to capture inside the body organs issued some weak but very important biological and environmental noise is larger also, have led to doctors being unable to make timely diagnose and diagnosis based on the experience, according to the doctors, at the same time, because of poor accuracy pressure pipe pressure problems in his ears are uncomfortable with the biggest drawback is not output signals to store, recording, display and heart, unfavorable cardiography medical graduation thesis will in knowledge and skills, on the basis of the specific characteristics of the heart, combined with appropriate treatment method for the design of a clinical teaching of electronic auscultation teaching instrument multi-purpose. It is a kind of batteries, easy to carry to ward, with portable auscultate teaching electronic instrument.
第一段翻译如下Cardiac sounds is that being able to reflect the heart is regular or the pathological mechanism audio , it are that every valve's coming untied shuts and oscillation produced by cardiac muscle and blood motion takes form in process since the heart beats rhythmically. Pass extracorporeal gain flexible human body internal organs organ sound, medicine protects a personnel being able to be preliminary judging out nidus and cause of disease , often need to be backed by a stethoscope in clinical job. Clinical tradition stethoscope sometimes is difficult to catch the few faint but but very important living things sound that the visceral organ issues to inside of the human body although using a simplicity,the effect accepting ambient noise is also bigger, lead to a doctor have no way to do out the correct diagnose in time, diagnostic experience , accuracy according to being based on a doctor mainly are relatively poor and, problem squeezes the medical science being that the unable output electric signal does memory , the sound recording , demonstrating and depicting mark cardiac sounds picture, Bu Li Yu in extremely not comfortable maximal ear lining shortcoming in at the same time since pressure is in charge of pressure teaching.第二段翻译如下My graduation thesis mounts the basis in the what be grasped knowledge and technology , to designs combining with the cardiac sounds characteristic concretely , adopt the right treatment means. It is that one kind of reason is battery-powered , easy to carry arrive at a ward , provides the auscultation teaching electron instrument with the portable type.文章有些长、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、
With the rapid development of our country,the new management model of Projects Integrated management system,it has increasingly been recognized by the people which is in the same kind industry,Integrated management system is the use of electronic information platform for the entire project cycle management costs,Reduce unnecessary expenditure,increase the economic efficiency of enterprises,Create a long-term business development of the enterprise strategic thinking. this acticle has in-depth research for how to manage cost in this situation,and conduct the prospect for the future research directions
With the rapid development of our country,the new management model of Projects I
毕业论文总结的范文如下: 范文一: 参加完论文答辩,做了最后的修改,整个毕业论文写作已接近尾声。从去年至今,在这半年的时间里,从最初的选题到文献、资料的查阅、收
翻译实践工作总结1 两个月的实习期很快就过去了,美好的东西总是稍纵即失。 “千里之行,始于足下”,这短暂而又充实的实习,我认为对我走向社会起到了一个桥梁的作用,