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随便上网down一篇,都这么做的= =

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Animation is being revived, especially in three-dimensional animation, it can be said that the era of human weave a dream. From ancient times, tens of thousands of years later, people in the pursuit of video art, a hard go a long way - from the ancient Egyptian tomb murals of temple on the decomposition of painting, to our country's revolving door of ancient rage , shadow, hand open book, to the French Aimileinuo invented optical shadow play machine, Lumiyier brothers shot the first movie "the train arrival" ... ... and then to today, people can comfortably watch "Monster Shrek, "" Monsters, Inc. ", both from a technical, artistic or commercial point of view, of the 20th century is the period of the fastest growing animation, 3D animation has finally occupied the field of popular culture in a prominent position. Using sophisticated computer animation to create the illusion of color seems to be the focus of the mainstream film world real. In less than 20 years time, 3D animation from the slow-moving form of development to the rapid flow of movement forms and the development of the evil actor growled to attack Virtual carnivorous dinosaurs. With the hardware and software functions and performance of rapid promotion, most complex and realistic 3D animation has also emerged. We are on television, cinemas, or CD to watch a long animation with digital production, it is to let people view as a sigh of. Animation is a magical process, so that generation after generation around the world, viewers addicted, intoxicated. When you see the graphics begin to exercise, few can resist the charm he brought. Dependence on one kind of animation called "persistence of vision" of the visual phenomenon. When a series of pictures first came out, it will show a picture with a continuous movement. Although we see is a group of rapidly changing images, but this is nothing to prevent it generates realistic. Can, in fact 3D modeling and animation space, the basic steps as the traditional clay model or a static action and then to the digital version of the animation. Producers can create almost anything imagined. 3D animation is being revived, its impact can be seen everywhere. With the network transmission capacity of the 3D animation who discovered a vast new arena, the network animation can be an exciting and pleasurable experience, it can be an integral part of web design. Key words: three-dimensional development of rehabilitation

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你可以先去【绘学霸】网站找“动漫设计”板块的【免费】视频教程-【点击进入】完整入门到精通视频教程列表: 想要系统的学习可以考虑报一个网络直播课,推荐CGWANG的网络课。老师讲得细,上完还可以回看,还有同类型录播课可以免费学(赠送终身VIP)。自制能力相对较弱的话,建议还是去好点的培训机构,实力和规模在国内排名前几的大机构,推荐行业龙头:王氏教育。 王氏教育全国直营校区面授课程试听【复制后面链接在浏览器也可打开】: 在“动漫设计”领域的培训机构里,【王氏教育】是国内的老大,且没有加盟分校,都是总部直营的连锁校区。跟很多其它同类型大机构不一样的是:王氏教育每个校区都是实体面授,老师是手把手教,而且有专门的班主任从早盯到晚,爆肝式的学习模式,提升会很快,特别适合基础差的学生。大家可以先把【绘学霸】APP下载到自己手机,方便碎片时间学习——绘学霸APP下载:

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    间和精力原因,收集了一些资料,如果需要专门的论文,可以联系本站管理员. 又称3D动画,是近年来随着计算机软硬件技术的发展而产生的一新兴技术。三维动画软件在计算机

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