电力系统黑启动过程中的合环研究论文编号:ZD299 论文字数:12054,页数:41摘要 由于长时间的大停电将会造成巨大的经济损失和恶劣社会影响,因此黑启动是所有电力公司十分关注的问题。近年来,随着经济竞争和市场化的进行,电力系统越来越接近稳定极限运行,同时系统的规模和复杂性日益增加,使得系统大停电的风险大大增加。大停电后,要求系统能够快速可靠的恢复,因此建立有序、可靠的黑启动方案是十分必要的。 本文以东北电网太平湾地区黑启动方案为背景,对小系统合环操作过程中遇到的若干问题进行了分析探讨,特别对其中的同期合闸操作进行了深入的研究,同时利用 MATLAB和PSCAD两种软件对黑启动过程中的合环操作进行了仿真计算。经过分析比较,得出了发电机与系统并网时在幅值和初相角方面应满足的条件,在故障恢复的实际操作中具有一定的指导意义。关键词: 电力系统;黑启动;合环Abstract Because the long time's big power cut will create the huge economic loss and the bad social impact, therefore the black start will be all Electricity company very matter of concern. In recent years, along with the economic competition and marketability advance, the electrical power system was getting more and more close the stability limit movement, simultaneously system's scale and the complexity increased day by day, cause the system big power cut the risk to increase greatly. After big power cut, the request system can the fast reliable restoration, therefore the establishment order, the reliable black start plan is very essential. This article take the Northeast electrical network peaceful bay area black start plan as a background, to small was certain questions which in the integration link operating process met has carried on the analysis discussion, switched on the operation to same time to conduct the thorough research specially, simultaneously gathered the link operation using MATLAB and the PSCAD two kind of softwares to the black startup procedure to carry on the simulation computation. After the analysis comparison, has obtained time the generator and the system incorporation the condition which should satisfy in the peak-to-peak value and the initial phase angle aspect, restores in the breakdown in the actual operation has certain guiding sense. key word: Electrical power system; Black start; Gathers the link 目 录第一章 绪论 国内外研究的现状 课题背景 黑启动的一般过程和恢复原则 课题研究的主要内容 3第二章 同步发电机的自动并列 概述 准同期并列 发电机非同期并列的危害及对策 本章小结 13第三章 3 基于Simulink的黑启动合环仿真 试验系统简介 PSB仿真模块介绍 合环系统建模及仿真分析 本章小结 30第四章 4基于PSCAD的黑启动合环仿真 PSCAD仿真软件介绍 合环系统建模及仿真分析 本章小结 37结论 38参考文献 39以上回答来自:
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