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4、关键词或主题词:关键词是从论文的题名、提要和正文中选取出来的,是对表述论文的中心内容有实质意义的词汇。关键词是用作机系统标引论文内容特征的词语,便于信息系统汇集,以供读者检索。 每篇论文一般选取3-8个词汇作为关键词,另起一行,排在“提要”的左下方。



引言:引言又称前言、序言和导言,用在论文的开头。 引言一般要概括地写出作者意图,说明选题的目的和意义, 并指出论文写作的范围。引言要短小精悍、紧扣主题。

论文正文:正文是论文的主体,正文应包括论点、论据、 论证过程和结论。主体部分包括以下内容:提出-论点;分析问题-论据和论证;解决问题-论证与步骤;结论。















147 评论


浅论《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻与金钱的关系Shallow theory "pride and prejudice" in marriage with money论文摘要:金钱在生活中占据着越来越重要的地位,连爱情也因为有了金钱的参与而变得不再那么神圣,还有什么是永恒的呢?简�6�1奥斯汀以女性独有的细腻的笔触描写了她那个时代的爱情及婚姻。 Abstract: money in the life of a more and more important role, even the love of money is because there are no longer participate and become sacred, and what is eternal? Jane? Austin in women unique and exquisite brush depicts her love and marriage of that era. 人们的择偶动机决定人们的择偶标准。择偶动机不同,人们的择偶标准也不会相同。简�6�1奥斯汀用一种轻松的方式对《傲慢与偏见》里的婚姻以及与婚姻相关的一系列活动进行了诙谐的描述。男士们如何挑选妻子,年轻的女子及她们的母亲如何为其挑选未来的夫君,构成了这部小说许多精彩的场景。在这部探讨婚姻关系的作品中,作者着力刻画了几种不同的婚姻和爱情关系。尽管他们都走进了婚姻的围城,但是婚姻的幸福度却各不相同。这是因为奥斯汀笔下的婚姻,不仅涉及到感情,而且还和经济紧密相关。“凡是有财产的单身汉必定要娶位太太,这已经成为了一条举世公认的真理。”[1]本书的第一句话就点出了影响婚姻的一个重要因素——金钱,然而,这果真是一条真理吗?通过对小说的分析,可以将书中的婚姻划分为三种不同的境界。 More people choose a spouse standard of motivation decision. The spouse different motives, people are not the same criteria. Jane? Austin in a relaxed manner of "pride and prejudice" in marriage and a series of activities related to marriage made humorous. Men how to select the wife, young woman and their mothers how to select the future for the Lord, the novel many wonderful scenes. In the discussion of the marriage, the author works to depict different marriage and love relationship. Although they have entered the castle, but marriage is the happiness of marriage is different. This pen is not only the marriage, Austin, but also involves emotional and is closely related to economic. "Anyone who has the property of single bound to a wife, and it has become one of the universally acknowledged the truth." [1] of the book is highlighted the first word is one of important factors affect marriage -- money, however, it really is a truth? Through the analysis of the book, can be divided into three different kinds of marriage. 一、莉迪亚和威克姆的婚姻:激情之爱First, Lydia and wacker's marriage: passionate love 在《傲慢与偏见》中,如果要选出一桩最荒诞且最不被看好的婚姻,无疑就是莉迪亚和威克姆的婚姻了。两个人之间很难说有什么爱情,即使勉强有,也只能算是“肉欲之爱”产生的盲目激情。简�6�1奥斯汀对他们的婚姻持一种批判的态度,莉迪亚轻浮、卤莽和无知,而威克姆狡诈、有野心又肤浅。理智、感情与道德可以说是婚姻精神层面上最重要的组成部分,而这对婚姻不具备其中的任何一项,他们婚姻的失败结局早已注定。 威克姆选择莉迪亚的原因,金钱发挥了重要的作用。威克姆作为地位稍低的中等阶级,并没有大量的财产可以继承,因而更加重了他对金钱的贪婪欲望。最终是达西先生出面,替威克姆偿还了债务,另外给了莉迪亚一千英镑,并给威克姆买了个官职,最终换来了威克姆和莉迪亚的婚姻。可见在这段婚姻中除了盲目的激情,金钱也扮演了关键的角色。 In "pride and prejudice", if you want to choose a bizarre and most underachieving marriage, undoubtedly is Lydia and wacker's marriage. What is it between two people, even love, also can be reluctantly. "the love of sensual passion" blind. Jane? For their marriage Austin, a critical attitude, Lydia frivolous, reckless and ignorance, and wacker's cunning, ambitious and superficial. Rational and emotional and morality is the most important mental level marriage, and part of the marriage does not have any of those things, they failed to the marriage. Xie xie wacker's choice, Lydia money plays an important role. Wacker's status as the lower middle class, and no large property can be inherited, thus more heavy him the greed for money. Finally, Mr. Darcy is out for a debt repayment wacker mu, in addition to give a thousand pounds, and Lydia's to buy a wacker, finally for wacker and Lydia's marriage. In this marriage, in addition to the passion, money also blind played a crucial role. 二、夏洛特和柯林斯的婚姻:为了巩固家庭的经济、政治或社会地位Second, charlotte and Collins marriage: in order to consolidate the family economic, political or social status 在《傲慢与偏见》中,金钱和爱情婚姻往往是形影不离、难分难舍的。小说里人们谈婚论嫁时总少不了金钱的影子,而阐述金钱对于婚姻的选择,一个最典型的例子就是柯林斯牧师和夏洛特�6�1卢卡斯的结合了。 柯林斯选择夏洛特做自己的妻子,显然不是因为爱上她,在柯林斯向伊丽莎白求婚时就已经详细阐述了他要结婚的理由:第一,给教区在婚姻方面树立一个榜样;第二,增进我的幸福;第三,那位贵妇人特别劝嘱我要结婚。因而当柯林斯向伊丽莎白求婚遭到拒绝后,他毫不犹豫地把结婚对象转向了夏洛特小姐。柯林斯急着完成结婚这项任务,至于结婚对象是谁,对她是不是有感情这些并不重要。In "pride and prejudice, money and love marriage usually is inseparable, one. The novel about marriage, people always without money, but the shadow of this money for marriage, one of the most typical example is Collins pastor and charlotte? Lucas combination. Xie xie Collins choose charlotte do his wife, obviously not for love, in her to marry Elizabeth Collins has expounded his wedding reason: the first, give parish in marriage has set an example, Second, improve my happiness; Third, the lady told me to marry special advise. Therefore when Collins proposes to Elizabeth refused, he don't hestitate ground to marry to miss charlotte. Collins nasty finish this task, but marriage is to marry her, who is feeling these is not important. 夏洛特�6�1卢卡斯可以说是《傲慢与偏见》里有头脑并富有理性的一位女子,她清楚地认识到了当时英国社会中上层阶级婚姻的普遍本质:“婚姻并不是为了满足个人心理和生理需要的私人结合,而是一种确保家庭和其财产永存的制度性策略。”[2]因而,属于破落贵族家庭的夏洛特没有多少可观的嫁妆,也无法攀高求贵,被迫嫁给柯林斯实际也是一种无奈的选择。而且在18世纪末、19世纪初的英国,这也是一个以男性为中心的时代,男女不平等,妇女的社会地位非常低下。法律规定,女性不拥有财产继承权,家庭生活被认为是最适合妇女的天地。妇女要生存,要获得生活上的保障和“财政保证”,婚姻是捷径也是唯一的途径。这就导致了当时的婚姻不仅仅是作为爱情的归宿,还会是“谋生”的手段,也就难免出现一些看似荒唐的事。Charlotte? Lucas is "pride and prejudice" in mind and a woman, her rational clearly recognized that British society of common nature upper-middle-class marriage: "marriage is not to meet personal psychological and physiological needs, but a combination of private property that the family and the institutional strategies." eternal [2] so, belongs to the rundown noble family without much considerable charlotte dowry, also cannot ask your jobs, was forced to marry Collins is a practical choice of helpless. And in the late 18th and early 19th centuries the British, it is a center with the age, male gender inequality, the status of women in society is very low. Law, women do not have property inheritance, family life is considered the most suitable for women. Women will survive, to obtain the safeguard of life and financial guarantee, "marriage is the only way to also. This leads to the marriage is not only as the end-result of love, also is a "means, also some seemingly absurd unavoidably. 三、伊丽莎白和达西:为了个人的感情、友爱和情谊 Third, Elizabeth and darcy: for my personal feelings, love and friendship 16至18世纪英国上层阶层的择偶标准一直没有多大的变化,注重婚姻的物质基础,强调门当户对,但是并不否认爱和感情是婚姻的前提。伊丽莎白与达西的婚姻是《傲慢与偏见》中最美满、最成功的理想婚姻,二人的结合是真正建立在爱情的基础之上的。伊丽莎白聪明伶俐、活泼可爱,有如出污泥而不染的白荷,有着丰富的个性和内涵。她认识到了当时社会上以财富和社会地位来谈婚论嫁的风气,自己最好的朋友的婚姻也不是建立在爱情的基础之上,但她并没有迷失自己,而是选择继续勇敢地追寻自己的爱情。正是伊丽莎白的这种不凡的谈吐和高贵的情操吸引了达西,让达西对她渐生爱意。这也体现出英国的传统的择偶观念,因为在美貌、血统和财富之外,社会上层也一直注重性格和美德。16-18th century English upper class spouse has no major changes, pay attention to the marriage material, equal, but did not deny feelings of love and marriage is the premise. Elizabeth and darcy's marriage is "pride and prejudice" in the most perfect, the most successful marriage ideal, is truly in love, establish the foundation. Elizabeth smart, lively and lovely, like the white chaste lotus, has the rich connotation and personality. She realized in society was to wealth and social status about marriage, his best friend's marriage is not based on love, but she did not lose oneself, but choose to continue to pursue his love bravely. Is this uncommon conversation Elizabeth and noble sentiment attracted darcy, for she was born darcy. This also reflects the traditional concept of British spouse, because in the beauty, and wealth, and always pay attention to social character and virtue. 伊丽莎白是一位中产阶级的小姐,受过中等教育,是一名绅士的女儿。但同贵族阶级相比家庭地位还是低下,亲友又没有教养,常常在公共场合丑态百出,使她自惭自愧,在这样的环境中就为她性格中的偏见奠定了基础;而达西性格偏内向,不喜欢和陌生人说话。再加上他出身豪门,拥有巨额财富,难免会给人以傲慢的印象。但随着两人接触的增多,慢慢被对方身上的优点所吸引。但是当达西自以为肯定会得到个满意的答案,脸上流露出一副稳操胜券的神气时,却激起了伊丽莎白的怨恨,并断然拒绝了他的求婚,还毫不留情地指责他的傲慢无礼。这里表现了爱情对于婚姻的崇高意义:哪怕再富有、再英俊,如果以一种居高临下甚至傲慢的姿态对待另一方时,那两者很难产生爱情,没有爱情就不会再有婚姻。后来达西渐渐认识到了自己的不足,接受了伊丽莎白的指责,并改正了自己傲慢自负的缺点。在达西挺身而出解决了莉迪亚和威克姆的婚姻危机后,他赢得了伊丽莎白的尊重。伊丽莎白逐渐接受了悔过的达西,两人之间终于产生了真挚的感情,并最终结成了美满的姻缘。 Elizabeth is an educated middle class education, miss, medium is a gentleman's daughter. But compared with the noble class family, friends and low status or without breeding, often in public, she choutaibaichu since will die, since in this environment for her personality laid the foundation of the prejudice, But darcy slant character, don't like and introverted to strangers. Plus he was born with a vast wealth giants,, can give a person with pride. But as they were increased contact slowly, the advantages of each other. But when darcy thinks he will get a satisfactory answer, face a shoo-in reveals the grand, aroused Elizabeth resentment, and turned down his proposal of marriage, also accused him relentessly insolent. Here the love for the noble marriage: even if again, handsome and rich with a commanding even if the other party attitude towards arrogance that both to have love, marriage without love is no more. Then gradually realized darcy, accepted the accused, and correct the queen Elizabeth the arrogance of his faults. In darcy stand solved Lydia and wacker, after the marriage crisis won him the respect of Elizabeth. Elizabeth is gradually accepted penitent darcy, between two finally produced sincere feelings, and finally formed a happy marriage.

141 评论


V. Thesis Outline:

I. Introduction.

II. On Developing English Reading Skills in Junior High School.

. Current Situation and Problems of Junior High School Students in English Reading.

. Reasons of Currents Problems in English Reading.

Ⅲ. Ways to develop Students’ English Reading Skills.

. Developing Students’ Reading Habits.

. Specific Measures in developing Reading Skills.

Broadening Students’ Vocabulary.

Improving Students’ Reading Interests.

Training Students’ Reading Speed While Reading.

Choose Proper Reading Materials and Strategies.

Ⅳ. Extending Students’ Eye Shot in Extracurricular Reading.

Ⅴ. Conclusion.




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JavaScript 语法:"#0000FF dotted thin"


177 评论


V. Thesis Outline:I. Introduction II. On Developing English Reading Skills in Junior High School . Current Situation and Problems of Junior High School Students in English Reading . Reasons of Currents Problems in English Reading Ⅲ. Ways to develop Students’ English Reading Skills . Developing Students’ Reading Habits . Specific Measures in developing Reading Broadening Students’ Improving Students’ Reading .Training Students’ Reading Speed While Reading . Choose Proper Reading Materials and Strategies Ⅳ. Extending Students’ Eye Shot in Extracurricular ReadingⅤ. Conclusion

342 评论


outline 有三种 很简约的说 outline thesis:XXXXX(是一句话,要打句点)(下面的都是单词和短语 不打句点) Ⅰ.XXXX Ⅱ.XXXX Ⅲ.XXXXX outline (格式和TOPIC OUTLINE 是一样的,但是下面的小点和层次都是一句话的形式) thesis和下面的层次是一排起头的 outline 格式也是一样的 但是第一层是要是一句话的 ,一下的都是短语和单词组成,是前面2种的混合体

96 评论


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