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Dear XXX,I apology that I didn't get my thesis done on time, sorry I caught a bad cold one week ago, and feel better now, I started the drafting already, and will try my best to hand it over to you soon. Thanks for your kindness and understanding, I will do my homewrok on time in the yours,

87 评论


学姐:只答不辩,评委提问,疯狂道歉, 评委老师,就坡下驴事实上,毕业答辩除了要对自己论文的内容和质量有一个清晰的认识以外,在回答老师问题时,还有一定的语言艺术。一般来说,评委老师都会指出一些论文中存在的问题,让学生回答,这时候如果你对问题有比较清晰的答复,那么可以礼貌地回答老师的问题。但如果老师提出的问题你没有理想的答案,那么就需要发挥“道歉”语录的魔力了。根据学姐本科和研究生论文答辩期间的亲身经历来看,答辩时除非你对老师提出的问题有特别强的理由说服老师,否则不建议跟老师“硬刚”,可以采用“道歉”的方式表达你的谦虚态度,只要问题不是太严重,评委老师一般都会“就坡下驴”。那么,有同学就会问了,应该如何“道歉”呢?下面就为大家分享毕业答辩四大“道歉”语录。第一种:轻松道歉当评委老师提出的问题比较小时,比如论文格式存在问题,论文表达存在问题,论文语句逻辑不够严谨等。面对这样的小问题,你需要表达出自己的谦虚态度,可以回复:好的老师,您说的这个问题我的确没有考虑周到/表述清楚,等回去我会对此进行完善,谢谢老师的建议!当然,为了表达你的谦虚,还可以添加一些面部表情和肢体语言,总之要让评委老师觉得你很谦虚认真。第二种:中度道歉一般来说,在经历了送审环节以后,学生对自己论文中存在的主要问题会非常清楚,甚至会出现一些来不及改善或者根本无法改善的问题。当这些问题被评委老师当面提出以后,你就比较危险了,如果你跟评委老师“硬刚”,或者“狡辩”,只会降低老师对你的印象。这种情况下,你应该表现得更为谦逊,用极为诚恳的语气进行道歉,可以借鉴如下语录:不好意思老师,这个问题的确是我之前没有考虑到的,导致我的论文结构不是很完整,回去后我一定尽快把这部分补上!一般情况下,评委老师看你态度不错,也就不会难为你了!第三种:深度道歉这种情况适用于你的论文特别水的情况下,虽然答辩之前有送审环节,但仍然不排除进入答辩的论文中有一些特别水的论文。如果你的论文属于这种情况的话,很可能要在答辩环节栽跟头,从而导致进入二辩。对于这种情况,你应该有深刻的思想准备,在老师提出这部分疑问时,你应该这样回答:老师您提出的这部分问题,一直是我在撰写论文过程中的疑惑,关于这个问题我一直没有找到合适的解决方法,不知道各位老师对此有什么建议吗,我回去后一定马上修改。总之就两个字,谦虚!

274 评论




Good morning, all appraiser committee members. I am… and my supervisor is …

With her constant encouragement and guidance, I have finished my paper Now, it is the show time. I will present my efforts to you and welcome any correction. The title of my paper is An Analysis of the Influence of Popularity of Western Festival in China in Respect of Culture Diversity.

I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. With the development of reform and the expanding of foreign exchanges in China, western festivals gradually become a fashion in China. It has a special and extensive influence on our culture diversity and the values of young people. Foreign festivals are celebrated for fun in China today and give people more opportunities to relax. However, many people worry about this phenomenon, so in the Internet and newspaper, many articles hold an opinion that western festivals should not be celebrated in China. So I want to know whether the popularity of western festivals only take disadvantages for China.

This paper aims to find out the underlying reasons of popularity of western festivals in China and their influences on our cultural diversity so as to guide people out of the wrong region inwardly and roster Chinese festival culture with an active attitude. That is, to absorb the foreign reasonable factors and use it. At the same time, we should exam and reform the unsuitable things with an epoch perspective so that we can meet the coming of the universal civilization.

Meanwhile, as a English major, learning western festival culture is important to the study of English. But in order to improve our culture awareness and language skills, we should know the western festivals origin connotation and influence so that we can work smoothly in the field of cross-cultural communication. Meanwhile, we should also understand deeply not only the western festival culture but also Chinese traditional culture and its festivals.

Next, it is an outline of my paper. In the main part of this paper, I divide it into five parts.

The first part introduces the background of popularity of western festivals in China and the meaning of researching.

The second part is about analyzing the result of the questionnaire of the investigation and drawing a conclusion that western festivals are quite popular but they don’t influence the leading position of tradition festivals; what’s more, they are helpful with cultural diversity.

The three part studies the reasons of popularity of western festival in China.

Analysis on the Influence of the Popularity.

Great Impact on Chinese Traditional Festivals.

Impact on Cultural Diversity.

The Correct Attitude to the West Festival in Cultural Diversity Part six draws some conclusions that the popularity of western festivals in China is just outward phenomenon and traditional festivals are still playing an important role in people’s daily life. However, everything has two sides. We do not receive all the popularity of western festival cultures, and we shouldn’t ignore our own festival cultures. The appropriate attitude may be “Remove the dross while keeping the essence”! Western cultures can serve for the development of our own cultures.

178 评论


  • 毕业论文答辩提问道歉语

    毕业论文答辩万能术语 毕业论文答辩万能术语,相信大家在自己的学校里面的时候都可能碰到过要写论文的情况,那么毕业论文的答辩大家都会吗,接下来就让我们一起来看看毕业

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    李晓诗125 4人参与回答 2023-12-12
  • 毕业论文道歉语录

    学姐:只答不辩,评委提问,疯狂道歉, 评委老师,就坡下驴事实上,毕业答辩除了要对自己论文的内容和质量有一个清晰的认识以外,在回答老师问题时,还有一定的语言艺术。

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