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论《洛丽塔》中纳博科夫的现代意识 (文化冲突)The Dispiriting Incompatibility of European and American CulturesThroughout Lolita, the interactions between European and American cultures result in perpetual misunderstandings and conflict. Charlotte Haze, an American, is drawn to the sophistication and worldliness of Humbert, a European. She eagerly accepts Humbert not so much because of who he is, but because she is charmed by what she sees as the glamour and intellect of Humbert’s background. Humbert has no such reverence for Charlotte. He openly mocks the superficiality and transience of American culture, and he views Charlotte as nothing but a simple-minded housewife. However, he adores every one of Lolita’s vulgarities and chronicles every detail of his tour of America—he enjoys the possibilities for freedom along the open American road. He eventually admits that he has defiled the country rather than the other way around. Though Humbert and Lolita develop their own version of peace as they travel together, their union is clearly not based on understanding or acceptance. Lolita cannot comprehend the depth of Humbert’s devotion, which he overtly links to art, history, and culture, and Humbert will never truly recognize Lolita’s unwillingness to let him sophisticate her. Eventually, Lolita leaves Humbert for the American Quilty, who does not bore her with high culture or grand passions.偶然和无常纳博科夫的《洛丽塔》中的混沌 (心里和心理学方面的混乱)The Inadequacy of PsychiatryHumbert’s passion for Lolita defies easy psychological analysis, and throughout Lolita Humbert mocks psychiatry’s tendency toward simplistic, logical explanations. In the foreword to Lolita, John Ray, Jr., ., claims that Humbert’s tale will be of great interest to psychiatry, but throughout his memoir Humbert does his best to discredit the entire field of study, heaping the most scorn on Freudian psychology. For example, he enjoys lying to the psychiatrists at the sanitarium. He reports mockingly that Pratt, the headmistress of Lolita’s school, diagnoses Lolita as sexually immature, wholly unaware that she actually has an overly active sex life with her stepfather. By undermining the authority and logic of the psychiatric field, Nabokov demands that readers view Humbert as a unique and deeply flawed human being, but not an insane one. Humbert further thwarts efforts of scientific categorization by constantly describing his feelings for Lolita as an enchantment or spell, closer to magic than to science. He tries to prove that his love is not a mental disease but an enormous, strange, and uncontrollable emotion that resists easy classification. Nabokov himself was deeply critical of psychiatry, and Lolita is, in a way, an attack on the field.以《洛丽塔》为例分析文学内在价值与社会道德规范的冲突解析《洛丽塔》中主人公的悲剧命运论《洛丽塔》的悲剧意义(这段3个主题都有相关,但是不详细)Humbert and Lolita are both exiles, and, alienated from the societies with which they are familiar, they find themselves in ambiguous moral territory where the old rules seem not to apply. Humbert chooses exile and comes willingly from Europe to America, while Lolita is forced into exile when Charlotte dies. She becomes detached from her familiar community of Ramsdale and goes on the road with Humbert. Together, they move constantly and belong to no single fixed place. The tourists Humbert and Lolita meet on the road are similarly transient, belonging to a generic America rather than to a specific place. In open, unfamiliar territory, Humbert and Lolita form their own set of rules, where normal sexual and familial relationships become twisted and corrupt. Both Humbert and Lolita have become so disconnected from ordinary society that neither can fully recognize how morally depraved their actions are. Humbert cannot see his own monstrosity, and Lolita shows only occasional awareness of herself of a Humbert sweeps Lolita away so that they can find a measure of freedom, their exile ultimately traps them. Lolita is bound to Humbert because she has nowhere else to go, and though Humbert dreams of leaving America with Lolita, he eventually accepts that he will stay in America until he dies. Though each of them undergoes one final exile, Lolita to Dick Schiller and Humbert to prison, it is clear that they are first and foremost exiled from their own selves, an exile so total that they could never return to their original places in the worlds they once left. Exile in Lolita is tragic and permanent.来源sparksnotes, 有角色分析和分篇的summary

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233 评论


真行 居然要写这个题目 我太惊讶了不过还真难 你给我10000分我也写不出来ps 我也是罗莉控啊哈哈哈

333 评论


—— 关于《洛丽塔》 LOLITA,少女的孤独之爱,绝望之爱,疯狂之爱;野菊花枯萎之后,用一个漫长夏天的绽放换取一次注定被忘记的爱情;白色的沙滩在十七岁的年华覆盖掉关于“他”的最后记忆… LOLITA,生命之光,欲念之火,她是他丢弃的时间,一块记忆的碎片;习惯了孤单的她一个人吟唱着给自己听的歌,她的落寞被黄昏吞噬,海风吹起的长发系住一生的惦念,想念一个人,但,只想念一天… 在十七岁结束以前,在习惯孤单以前,让LOLITA在这没有观众的舞台上再次起舞,面对着海的方向,面对着时光的方向起舞… 2006年,创盟音乐新人卓亚君初试啼声,由音乐人小柯和创作才女王筝联手打造一首唱尽少女心声的落寞心曲——《Lolita》。 听过《Lolita》这首歌的人几乎都被这个女孩声音中坚韧而脆弱的情绪所打动,就象看过《洛丽塔》那本小说之后心里久久不能释怀的伤痛,每个女孩子心里都会有一份对爱情的理解,在卓亚君的眼中,这份爱是娇纵、无所顾忌却又神秘而悲伤的,所以她才会在这首歌里以“LOLITA”的形象出现,用忧伤而感性的歌声表达一份关于爱情的夏日记忆… 知名音乐人小柯为歌坛新人卓亚君不遗余力,亲自挎刀完成整首歌的旋律与编曲,特有的忧伤浪漫的“柯式风格”十分贴合卓亚君的声线;创作才女王筝写下的情节感十足的歌词更是为歌曲锦上添花,每一句都编制出一个委婉动听的音乐画面,尽展十七岁少女的浪漫与梦想、绝望与疯狂。美丽的卓亚君不光让人眼前一亮,更让你的耳朵也为之沉醉,她的声音有中天生的魔力,人们在这首歌中不光听到的是浪漫唯美的曲风,更能收获一种令人感动的执着与勇敢,这也是她声音中被人欣赏的韵味与音色的原因。

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