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The reference design of a large number of documents in the original device on the part of the move, have done a lot of bold ideas, basically to make the device more simple, reasonable results. Experienced a nearly four months of design work, and finally completed this design. , Wang Min Zhu teachers under the leadership of our ethylene plant in Fushun to a graduation practice, and visited the actual production equipment, in factories under the teacher's carefully explain the production process have a more profound understanding. Wang came back in the careful guidance of teachers, access to a lot of literature and related books, to ensure the accuracy of the data and calculation of the theoretical knowledge gained a deeper understanding and flexible application to the design, the smooth completion of this.绝对正确!!上面的有好几个单词写错了

242 评论


Abstract: The inspection of Hunan University of Science and Technology plant specimens and related documentation of Hunan is a false hair fern (Pseudocyclosorus Ching) of a systematic study and classification of the collation, the paper contained a total of six kinds of false hair fern species, which are false hair fern (P. tylodes), sickle-fake hair fern P. falcilobus, southwest of false hair fern P. esquirolii, King cracked fake hair fern P. tsoi, general fake hair fern P. subochthodes, fake hair narrow plume fern P. angustipinnus, which False hair fern P. tylodes were not kept in rooms, a narrow plume fern P. angustipinnus fake hair in Hunan distribution for the new record. The article by Jane v. false hair fern species characteristics for the classification features, to study natural Overview of Hunan, while listing some of this is a false hair fern (Pseudocyclosorus Ching) Plant minutes keys, summarized for each of false hair fern (Pseudocyclosorus Ching) and characteristics of plants have each appendix specimens, including collection sites, numbers, habitat and distribution of elevation.

157 评论


Hunan University of Science and Technology through the inspection of plant specimens and related documentation of Hunan is a false hair fern (Pseudocyclosorus Ching) of a systematic study and classification of the collation, the paper contained a total of six kinds of false hair fern species, which are false hair fern (P . Tylodes), sickle-fake hair fern P. falcilobus, southwest of false hair fern P. esquirolii, King cracked fake hair fern P. tsoi, general fake hair fern P. subochthodes, fake hair narrow plume fern P. angustipinnus, including fake hair Fern P. tylodes were not kept in rooms, a narrow plume fern P. angustipinnus fake hair in Hunan distribution for the new record. The article by Jane v. false hair fern species characteristics for the classification features, to study natural Overview of Hunan, while listing some of this is a false hair fern (Pseudocyclosorus Ching) Plant minutes keys, summarized for each of false hair fern (Pseudocyclosorus Ching) and characteristics of plants have each appendix specimens, including collection sites, numbers, habitat and distribution of elevation.

167 评论



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