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functional development direction (1) The user interface is graphical user interface with the CNC system of dialogue between the user interface. Since different users interface requirements are different, thus the development of the workload of great user interface, user interface software developed into the most difficult part of. At present INTERNET, virtual reality, visualization in scientific computing and multimedia technologies, such as the user interface has put a higher demand. Graphical user interface greatly facilitates the use of non-professional users, it can be carried out through the window and menu operation, ease of programming and blueprint for rapid programming, three-dimensional dynamic three-dimensional color graphics, graphics, simulation, graphics, dynamic tracking and simulation, and the different directions view and partial display ratio scaling function can be achieved. (2) visualization in scientific computing visualization in scientific computing can be used for efficient data processing and interpretation of data, so that the exchange of information is no longer limited to using the written word and language, and can direct the use of graphics, image, animation, video and other information. Visualization technology and virtual environment technology, to further broaden the application areas, such as a drawing design, virtual prototyping technology, which shorten product design cycles, improving product quality, reduce production cost is of great significance. NC technology in the areas of visualization technology can be used for CAD / CAM, such as automatic programming design parameters automatically set, tool compensation and tool management of dynamic data processing and display, as well as the processing of visual simulation, and other presentations. (3) interpolation, and a variety of methods of compensation interpolation methods such as multiple linear interpolation, circular interpolation, cylindrical interpolation, space elliptical surface interpolation, thread interpolation, polar coordinates interpolation, 2 D +2 helical interpolation , NANO interpolation, interpolation NURBS (non-uniform rational B-spline interpolation), spline interpolation (A, B, C kind), such as polynomial interpolation. A variety of functions such as compensation gap compensation vertical compensation quadrant error compensation, and measurement systems pitch error compensation, and speed-related feedforward compensation and temperature compensation, with nearly smooth and exit, as well as the opposite point of the cutter radius compensation. (4) high-performance PLC contents contents performance CNC system PLC control module can be directly used ladder diagram or high-level language programming, with intuitive online debugging and online help function. Programming tools include the standard used lathe and milling machine PLC user program an example, users may PLC user program standards on the basis of editorial changes, thus easily build their own applications. (5) application of multimedia technology of multimedia technology-computers, audio-visual and communication technology, and it has the computer integrated voice, text, images and video information. In NC technology, multimedia technology can be applied to information processing integrated, intelligent, real-time monitoring system in the field and production equipment fault diagnosis, monitoring of process parameters such as production has a significant value.

246 评论


近年来,快速发展的数控机加工工艺技术促进了数控刀具结构基础科研和新产品的研发。世界各大厂商生产的数控机床用刀具种类、规格繁多,数量庞大,往往令人眼花缭乱,不得要领。现将有关数控刀具科普性知识和近几年来数控刀具材料、结构、应用等领域的新产品、科技现状及发展趋势就其精要,在此简要分述,以便了解掌握相关数控刀具新产品信息的要点。 一、数控刀具分类简要二、数控刀具材料新产品科技近况与发展趋势 1、概述: 近年来,数控刀具材料基础科研和新产品的成果集中应用在高速(超高速)、硬质(含耐热、难加工)、干式、精细(超精)数控机加工技术领域。刀具材料新产品的研发在超硬材料(金刚石、表面改性涂层材料、TIC基类金属陶瓷、立方氮化硼、Al203、Si3n4基类陶瓷),W、CO类涂层和细颗粒(超细颗粒)硬质合金基体及含Go类粉末冶金高速钢等领域进展速度较快。 2、超硬材料领域:金刚石(钎焊聚晶、单晶)各类刀具已迅速应用于高硬度、高强度、难加工有色金(合金)及有色金属-非金属复合材料零部件的高速、高效、干(湿)式机械切削加工行业中。其概况分述如下: 汽车、摩托车行业:聚晶、人造单晶金刚石面铣刀、镗刀、车刀、铰刀、复合(组合)孔加工等数控刀具等正大量应用于高强度、高硬度Si--Al合金零部件自动生产线上; 竹木地板、家具行业:聚晶、CVD厚膜沉积金刚石(复合片)立铣刀、三面刃成形铣刀、面铣刀等类刀具正大量应用于高硬度复合竹木地板、家具及门窗…等零部件自动生产线上; 航空、航天、汽车及电子信息技术行业:金刚石CVD薄膜涂层数控刀具(以整体WCO类硬质合金刀具为主)多应用于铣削、车削、钻削、铰削及锪削加工高强度铝合金(铸、锻)、纤维-金属层板、碳纤维热塑性复合材料、镁合金、石墨、陶瓷…等零部件,满足高速、高寿命、干式机加工技术要求。各厂商正不断地改进金刚石涂层工艺技术,提高金刚石薄膜与刀具基体的结合牢度和致密度; 精细(超精)机加工技术领域:单晶天然、人造金刚石刀具应用于各种精密仪器透镜、反射镜、计算机磁盘、复印机(录像机)磁鼓…等工件的精细(超精、纳米级)车削加工; 单晶金刚石刀具还被应用于眼科角膜手术精细切割和印刷制板精细雕刻…等行业。 各厂商正在不断改进金刚石各类刀具的刃磨工艺技术、刃磨精度及刃磨效率。 ●表面改性涂层材料主要有:TiN、TiCN、TiALN、ALTiN、Al2O3、CrN、ZrC、MoS2、WS2…等,采用计算机控制PVD、PCVD、CVD涂层工艺技术,将上述涂层材料用于对立铣刀、铰刀、钻头、复合(组合)孔加工刀具、齿轮滚刀、插齿刀、剃齿刀、成形拉(推)刀及各种机夹可转位刀片的表面改性涂层处理(基体为高速钢、WCo类硬质合金、Ti基类金属陶瓷),满足高速、高寿命切削加工高强度、高硬度铸铁(钢)、锻钢、不锈钢、钛合金、镍合金、镁合金、铝合金、粉末冶金、竹木…等材质工件的生产技术不同要求。刀具表面改性涂层工艺技术对于大幅度提高数控刀具的切削性能,具有成本低、见效快的特点,该工艺技术可根据各种切削加工技术要求,机动灵活地变换涂层材料,工艺技术较优。各厂商正在不断提高涂层工艺技术、改进涂层材料及开发纳米级多功能涂层材料,旨在不断提高涂层结合牢度、耐磨性、抗冲击韧性等,尽力扩大应用范围。 ●Ti基类金属陶瓷(TiCN系)各种机夹可转位车刀、镗刀、铰刀、铣刀、复合(组合)孔加工数控刀具及整体式立(球头)铣刀、铰刀等数控刀具正在应用于高强度、高硬度铸铁(钢)合金、锻钢合金、淬火钢合金、耐热合金、粉末冶金零部件自动生产线上,以满足高速、高效、硬质、干(湿)式精细机加工技术要求。各厂商正采用添加不同的微量元素及烧结工艺技术,研发新型金属陶瓷材料产品,旨在不断提高其抗弯强度、抗冲击韧性、耐磨性。日本的金属陶瓷刀具已经占硬质合金刀具总量的30%~40%。世界上,该类刀具应用面也呈迅速扩大的趋势。 ●立方氮化硼聚晶复合片铣刀(面铣刀、玉米齿立铣刀、球头立铣刀)、镗刀、车刀、铰刀、复合(组合)孔加工等数控刀具(钎焊、机夹可转位两种结构形式)大量应用于高强度、高硬度铸铁(钢)合金、锻钢合金、淬火钢合金、粉末冶金等零部件自动生产线上,满足高速、高效、硬质、精细机加工技术要求。 ●Al203、Si3N4基类陶瓷(晶须增韧类)各种机夹可转位车刀、铣刀等数控刀具应用于高强度、高硬度、耐磨铸铁(钢)、锻钢、高锰钢、淬火钢、粉末冶金、工程塑料、耐磨复合材料等零部件生产线上,满足高速、高效、硬质、干式机加工技术要求。目前,各厂商通过对Al203、Si3N4基类陶瓷材料添加不同微量元素及创新生产工艺技术,研发新型中、细颗粒陶瓷材料和功能梯度(多相)陶瓷材料产品,旨在不断提高其抗弯强度、抗冲击韧性。 3、W、CO类涂层和细颗粒(超细颗粒)硬质合金材料领城: W、CO类细(中)颗粒硬质合金基体材料为适应各种表面改性涂层材料的涂覆工艺技术要求添加各种微量元素,满足于各种机加工工艺技术对可转位刀片切削性能的要求而发展的;超细颗粒硬质合金基体材料研发和应用分两个方面:在电子、信息技术产业用于加工纤维-金属复合层板材料工件的微型钻头、立铣刀,其基体材料向着高韧性方向发展,表面涂覆金刚石薄膜,以增加刀具表面硬度和耐磨性;模具行业、飞机、汽轮机、汽车…等制造行业,用于切削加工高强度、高硬度铸铁(钢)、锻钢、铝合金(铸、锻)、粉末冶金材料工件的整体式立(球头)铣刀、专用挤压刀具、铰刀(Φ30mm<直径>Φ4mm)、钻头、复合(组合)孔加工刀具…等数控刀具,其基体材料向着高硬度、高韧性方向发展。一般不涂层,多次重磨使用。 4、含Co类粉末冶金高速钢材料领城: 以改进制粉、热压工艺、添加微量元素创新的粉末冶金高速钢(含Co类)材料,制成各种成形拉刀(整体式、组合式)、高速滚刀、剃(插)齿刀、丝锥、波纹刃立铣刀、成形立铣刀及滚(挤、碾压)压刀具,大量应用于轿车、摩托车、航空发动机、汽轮机…等制造行业,加工高强度、高硬度铸铁(钢)合金、合金结构钢(锻)、耐热合金钢、不锈钢、整体铝合金(热锻)、高Si--Al合金材料工件。根据切削加工技术不同的要求,其表面分别配涂TiN、TiCN、TiALN、CrN、MoS2、ZrC…等涂层材料,满足高速、高效、硬质精密机加工技术要求。 数控刀具材料是较活跃的材料科技领城,其每一新产品的面市,会使机加工技术跃上一个新台阶,各厂商历来十分重视该领城的研发科技。三、数控刀具新结构、新品种科技发展近况与趋势 1、概述: 近年来,数控刀具的科技成果主要体现在研发一刀多切削功能、提高其刀刃切削性能方面,适应高速(超高速)、硬质(含耐热、难加工)、干式、精细(超精)切削及高效率数控机加工切削技术要求。随着零件毛坯制造技术进步,零件毛坯几何尺寸及切削余量控制较为精确,数控刀具新结构、新品种的研发主要集中在轻、中负荷切削范围内,并以专用孔加工、拉削、滚(挤、碾压)压、铣削及车削等五类刀具的变革较为活跃,配套研发其相应刀片断屑槽形。 2、数控工具系统: 近几年国际上出现了以"HSK"工具系统逐步替代各厂商研发的其它各类工具系统的发展趋势。欧州发达国家沿用德国DIN69893-1号HSK工具系统标准,国际标准化组委会为其制定了ISO/DIS标准。HSK工具系统具有动、静刚度高、定位(迥转)精度好、充许转速高(≤150000p.r.m)等特点。既便于规笵工具管理,又总体上节约了工具费用、降低生产成本。其首先应用于加工中心、数控镗铣床,逐渐扩大到各类车床(车削中心)、磨床(磨削中心)、数控专机及数控加工自动生线上,使用范围几乎覆盖所有刀具领域。 3、孔加工刀具类: 在刀具门类中,孔加工刀具是一大家族,其小改小革层出不穷,在此就其主要突出的新结构、新品种简要分述如下: ● 数控钻头: 整体式钻头:钻尖切削刃由对称直线型改进为对称圆弧型(r=1/2D),以增长切削刃、提高钻尖寿命;钻芯加厚,提高其钻体刚度,用"S"型横刃(或螺旋中心刃)替代传统横刃,减小轴向钻削阻力,提高横刃寿命;采用不同顶角阶梯钻尖及负倒刃,提高分屑、断屑、钻孔性能和孔的加工精度;镶嵌模块式硬质(超硬)材料齿冠;油孔内冷却及大螺旋升角(≤40°)结构等。最近研制出整体式细颗粒陶瓷(Si3N4)、Ti基类金属陶瓷材料钻头。 机夹式钻头:钻尖采用长方异形专用对称切削刃、钻削力径向自成平衡的可转位刀片替代其它几何形状、钻削力径向总体合成平衡的可转位刀片,以减小钻削振动,提高钻尖自定心性能、寿命和孔的加工精度。 ● 复合(组合)孔加工数控刀具: 集合了钻头、铰刀、扩(锪)孔刀及挤压刀具的新结构、新技术,整体式、机夹式、专用复合(组合)孔加工数控刀具研发速度很快。总体而言:采用镶嵌模块式硬质(超硬)材料切削刃(含齿冠)及油孔内冷却、大螺旋槽等结构是其目前发展趋势。 ● 数控铰刀: 大螺旋升角(≤45°)切削刃、无刃挤压铰削及油孔内冷却的结构是其总体发展方向,最大铰削孔径己达φ≤400mm。 ● 镗刀: 单刃微调精密镗刀正被多刃扩(锪)孔刀、铰刀及复合(组合)孔加工专用数控刀具替代。国外研制出采用工具系统内部推拉杆轴向运动或高速离心力带平衡滑块移动,一次走刀完成镗削球面(曲面)、斜面及反向走刀切削加工零件背面的数控智能精密镗刀,代表了镗刀发展方向。 ● 丝锥: 研发出大螺旋升角(≤45°)丝锥,其切削锥视被加工零件材料软、硬状况,设计专用刃倾角、前角等。 ● 扩(锪)孔刀: 多刃、配置各种数控工具柄及模块式可调微型刀夹的结构形式是目前扩(锪)孔刀具发展方向。 4、数控铣刀类: 整体式立铣刀:硬质合金立铣刀侧刃采用大螺旋升角(≤62°)结构,立铣刀头部的过中心端刃往往呈弧线(或螺旋中心刃)形、负刃倾角,增加切削刃长度,提高了切削平稳性、工件表精度及刀具寿命。适应数控高速、平稳三维空间铣削加工技术的要求。 机夹式立铣刀:由各类机夹立铣刀的由可转位刀片(往往设有三维断屑槽形)组合而成的侧齿、端齿与过中心刃端齿(均为短切削刃),可满足数控高速、平稳三维空间铣削加工技术要求。 数控铣刀均已采计算机辅助设计、切削摸拟仿真及数控加工技术成形制造。 机夹式数控面铣刀:刀体趋向于用轻质高强度铝、镁合金制造,切削刃采用大前角、负刃倾角,可转位刀片(几何形状多种)带有三维断屑槽形。 数控铣刀、专用复合孔加工刀具均应用了高速回转体动平衡及安全夹固技术,一些高速回转刀体上还应用空气动力学原理,利用旋风冷切削刃,在干式切削加工时降低切削刃的温度,提高刀具寿命。 5、车刀、 切槽、切断类型车刀发展了集车端面、外园、仿形、切槽、切断、倒角加工的一刀多功能车削刀具,刀片夹紧方式采用镶嵌式弹性刀体、切削力自位固定的结构,十分适用和新颖。 6、拉削刀具类: 在现代数控加工技术的支持下,研发出各种专用外轮廓精密成形、组合拉刀及车-拉组合成形拉削刀具,配以专用数控机床。使汽车部分工件批产效率成几十倍提高,而且产品质量、精度十分稳定。 7、其它刀具: 汽车、摩托车专用的小模数渐开线外齿轮、花键轴零部件批产工艺采用滚压、搓挤无屑加工工艺技术,研发出专用刀具及特种数控机床,使特定的工件批产效率提高几十倍,而且质量、精度十分稳定。四、结束语 拉削、滚压、搓挤刀具和复合(组合)孔加工数控刀具的创新成果往往会引起机加工观念上的巨大变革,再集成刀具材料及特种数控机床领域的创新科技成果,所产生的社会效益和经济效益也是巨大的。 In recent years, the rapid development of technology for NC processing technology of NC machine tool structure of basic scientific research and new product research and development. All major manufacturers of the world many kinds of cutter for NC machine tool production, specifications, the large number of often dizzying, to no avail. Now the NC cutting tools of science knowledge and application in recent years CNC tooling materials, structures, new product, present situation and development trend of science and technology in areas such as its essentials, this summary as described, numerical control tool to understand the relevant new product information. Classification brief second, NC, CNC tool tool material new product overview of the current situation and development trend of science and technology 1,: in recent years, the results set for basic scientific research and new product CNC cutting tool materials in high speed (high speed), hard (including heat-resistant and hard machining), dry, fine (Super fine) CNC machining technology. Tool material new product research and development of superhard materials (surface modification of diamond, coating materials, TIC-based metal ceramic, CBN, Al203, Si3n4 ceramic base class), w, CO classes, coatings and fine particles (ultrafine particles) Go-containing powder metallurgy high-speed steel and cemented carbide substrate areas of progress more quickly. 2, super hard materials: Diamond (brazing polycrystalline, monocrystalline) tool was quickly applied to high hardness, high strength, difficult to process color gold (alloy) and non-ferrous metals-non-metallic composite material parts and components of high speed, high efficiency, dry (wet) in the mechanical machining industry. Their profiles are as follows: automotive and motorcycle industry: polycrystalline, synthetic single crystal diamond face milling cutters, boring, turning tools, reamers, composite (combined) holemaking NC cutting tools are used, such as Si--Al of high strength, high hardness alloy parts on automatic production line; Bamboo flooring and furniture industry: poly Crystal, CVD diamond thick film deposition (PDC) Mills, three side milling cutters, cutters, and other such tools are widely used in high hardness combined with bamboo wood floors, furniture and door forth Parts on automatic production line; Aviation, aerospace, automotive and electronic and information technology industry: CVD diamond thin film coated CNC tool (WCO class cemented as a whole) applied to milling, turning, drilling, reaming and with feedout heads machining high strength aluminum alloy (casting, forging), fibre-metal plates, carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic composite material, magnesium alloys, graphite, ceramics forth Parts for high speed, high life expectancy, dry machining technology requirements. All the manufacturers are constantly developed diamond coating process technology, improving the fastness and the combination of diamond-like carbon films with tool substrate density; Fine (superfinish) machining technology: single crystal lens with natural and synthetic diamond cutters used in precision instruments, mirrors, computer disks, copiers (VCR) drum SB Work fine (Super fine and nanometer) turning; Single crystal diamond cutting tool has also been applied to the eye cornea surgery fine cutting and fine printing plate engraving sth And other industries. Manufacturers are constantly improving grinding technology of diamond cutting tools, sharpening ...

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2 NC technology development trends Performance development direction (1) high-speed high-precision efficient speed, accuracy and efficiency of machinery manufacturing technology is the key performance indicators. As a result of the high-speed网 CPU chips, RISC chip, as well as multi-CPU control system with high-resolution detector of the absolute exchange digital servo system, taken at the same time improve the machine dynamic and static characteristics of effective measures, the high-speed high-precision machine has been efficient greatly enhanced. (2) Flexible includes two aspects: CNC system itself flexibility, NC system is modular in design, functional coverage, can be cut and strong, and easy to meet the needs of different users; group control system flexibility, with a control system pursuant to the requirements of different production processes, materials flow and information flow automatically dynamically adjusted to maximize their group control system performance. (3) Process of composite and multi-axis to reduce the process time for the main purpose of supporting the composite processing, and are moving towards multi-axis, multi-function control of the direction of series development. NC Machine Tool Technology composite refers to the workpiece in a single machine on a fixture, through an automatic tool change, rotating spindle head or turntable, and other measures to accomplish multiple processes, multi-surface machining compound. Axis CNC technology, Siemens 880-axis control system for up to 24 axes. (4) Real-time Intelligent early for the real-time system is usually relatively simple ideal environment, and its role is to scheduling tasks, to ensure that the task be completed within a specified time limit. And artificial intelligence is used to model the realization of mankind''s various intelligent behaviors. To the development of science and technology today, real-time systems and artificial intelligence combined with each other towards artificial intelligence is a real-time response, a more realistic field of development, and also in the real-time system with intelligent behavior, the more complex application development, resulting in the Intelligent real-time control of this new area. NC technology in the field, real-time intelligent control of the research and application of development along several main branches: adaptive control, fuzzy control, neural network control, experts control, learning control, feed-forward control. For example, in CNC programming system with expert systems, fault diagnosis expert system parameters automatically set and tool management and automatic compensation, such as adaptive conditioning systems, in high-speed processing of the integrated motion control ahead of the introduction of budget projections and functional, dynamic Feedforward functions in pressure, temperature, position, velocity, control, fuzzy control, the control of the NC system performance greatly improved, so as to achieve optimal control purposes.

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