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有一句话我没翻译,不太知道怎么翻译才好。。。很久没写英文,所以翻译应该不完美,但大概是这样子的。 High School Physics is one of the basic courses taught in ordinary high schools, physics and science courses being compulsory for nine years according to law, so as to improve students' scientific skills. Following the new education reform, people's views have changed, and now people esteem quality education more than exam-based education. Within the current framework of reducing students' workload and nurturing their interest for studies, the teaching method which consists in giving problems to students so as to improve their skills and knowledge faces a dilemma. If problems are numerous and difficult, then it increases students' workload, which is unwanted ; but if problems are reduced and made easier, then the resolution aiming at contending the current exam-based selection system and improving students' skills thanks to education reform may not be efficiently applied. The problems-teaching method used nowadays leads teachers to merely pay attention to the number of exercises given, thus neglecting the quality and efficiency of this exercises, which is why we are now stucked in a logic of “doing exercises just to do exercises”. The main point about the solving-problems-teaching-method is the type of exercises and the skills used to solve the problem. Usually the teacher tells the students how to solve the problem, and then give them a similar problem they will have to solve using the same method, thus helping the students remembering the method. So that they do not even mention why students have to use this way to solve the problem, nor do they mention the physic theory behind, thus neglecting 素质教育注重过程和情感态度价值观的培养。多少数量、多大难度的习题才能够达到我们理想的“恰到好处”?How to teach efficiently with exercises according to the new education reform then becomes the unsolved problem we have to for the functions of exercises, they allow students to review repeatedly, enrich their knowledge, improve their skills, dote them with new knowledge, test their study efficiency, expand their knowledge ; four main methods are used in that purpose, which are explaining and solving a problem example, doing exercises in class, making experiments and learning through practice. Whether it be during the teaching or learning process, problems may help understanding deeply further physics concepts and laws, and improve students' analysing and solving skills. Solving physics problems are a major way for students to apply theory to to the promotion of this education reform, junior high school physics and other subjects such as scientific techniques, social development, practical information, chemistry or biology are treated more closely, and the reform improved the innovation skills and thinking skills of students too. Education reform points out that, in order to improve junior high school scientific teaching quality, change is the key, especially changes concerning pedagogy and learning methods. The present study will proceed as follow : analyzing teaching methods and exercise types used in junior high school following the education reform ; exploring an efficient model of high school physics teaching, by taking into account the characteristics of scientific subjects such as physics, pedagogic and psychological rules or pedagogic : Junior High Physics, exercise teaching method, new curriculum, solving problems skills

336 评论


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236 评论


OutlineHigh school physics is one of basic courses in ordinary high school science learning areas, and it’s connected with physics or science courses in nine-year compulsory education, which is aimed at improving the students' scientific literacy. In the background of the new curriculum reform, the focus of people is promoted from the entrance exam education to quality education. To decrease students` schoolwork and cultivate students' interest, the way that improves students' ability of master the knowledge they have learned by doing exercises is in a dilemma. Too many exercises will increase students` schoolwork which is not consistent with the trend, but less、easier ones cannot be effective to deal with current exam-oriented selection system and the new curriculum reform . Nowadays the most teaching methods only single stays at the time that the teacher says and the students do , which only pays attention to the number but ignore the quality and effect of problems, so it's caught in a "work just for nothing" single-aim circle. In Solving-problem teaching, teachers' focus more on the skills and the topic of solving problems and directly tell students the skills in mathematics, and then let students imitate the same type of problem, trying to let students remember the type of problem and the skill of solving the problem. As for why we use these techniques and what physical method and thought is contained in they ignore. They pay more attention to process but pay less attention to improving students` emotion、 attitude and value. How many problems and how difficult problem will set can achieve what we call “prefect”? So under the new curriculum reform condition how to effectively teach is the problem which waited to solve. The function of doing exercise contains review consolidating, knowledge recombination, improve skills, construct the new knowledge, testing learning effect, the expanded aspect of knowledge etc. The main activities of dealing with exercises include four ways: exercise sample explanation, doing class exercises and conducting experiments, experiencing operation. Whether in the process of teaching or learning, problem sets can deepen our understanding of the physics concept and regularity and improve the students` ability to solve and analysis the problem. Solving physics problem is an important aspect that can test the students` ability on dealing with theory and practice. Driven by new curriculum reform and comprehensive examination, physics problem connect closely with science technology, social development, life practice and chemical, and acquire more on students` thinking ability and innovation ability. Put forward the new curriculum reform and comprehensive examination, physics teaching is required to enhance the students` scientific literacy and pay attention to the teaching method and shift of learning style, the main topic of this paper include as following: Analysis of the background of the types and high school physics exercises relevant teaching methods. Combined with physical discipline characteristic and education related education law, psychology theoretical exploration high school physics exercises and effective teaching mode. Keywords: middle school physics, problem sets, the new curriculum, teaching ability to solve

333 评论


AbstractHigh School Physics is one of the fundamental science courses in high schools. Being an integral part of the physics or science curriculum of the Nine Year Compulsory Education Program, it aims at enhancing the science capacities of high school students. As a result of the recent curricular reformation, main concern of the general public has shifted from enrolment-related and examination-oriented schooling to the effective provision of quality education. As homework reduction and interest-motivated learning have become the main trend in our education system, those teaching practices that emphaize on drilling for rapid enhancement in the knowledge or skill level of students have been put into a dilemma. Any increase in the amount or difficulty level of the drills will increase the "work-load" of students and are in contradiction with the goal of homework reduction, while a decrease in them will render that kind of teaching ineffective in coping with the existing examination-oriented enrolment selection mechanism. Moreover, the current practices of drilling-oriented teaching remain unanimously to be lessons on the question-answering skills of specific examinations. Their emphasis is on the amount of drilling exercises rather than the quality and effect of teaching, thereby making drilling to be the end rather than the means to an this form of "drilling-oriented teaching", teachers focus mainly on calssifying and typifying all questions anticipated to be found in speific examinations and the skills in answering each type of them. Some of the teachers may even give procedural instructions to their students and ask them to practise such procedural skills on similar or mock questions. The rationale behind such skills, as well as the physical theories and thoughts involved in those questions and answers are, however, totally skipped. Omitted together with them are the emotion, attitude and value development of the students, on which quality-oriented teaching approaches place so much emphasis. However, how much and how difficult drilling exercises should be in order to be considered "appropriate" remains and unanswered question. Hence, one of the imminent problems to be solved is: how "drilling-oriented teaching" can be effectively practised in the context of the newly reformed curricula?The functions of drilling exercises inculde consolidation and review, knowledge reconstruction, skill enhancement, new knowledge incorporation, learning result verification, and knowledge domain expansion. Activities involved in these exercises usually include example discussion, class room exercises, experiments and operation practices. These activities can help students better understand the concepts and laws of physics, as well as enhancing their ability to apply such knowledge to analyse and solve problems, which in turn is an important aspect of their ability to put theories into practical a result of the recent reforms in curricula and examinations, exercises in physics have become more related to technology, social development, daily life experiences, as well as other science subjects like chemistry and biology. More emphasis has also been placed on the development of the reasoning and innovation capabilities of the students. Furthermore, the recent curricular reformation has explicitly stated its objectives to be comprehensively enhance the scientific competence of high school students, with an emphasis on the transformation of teaching methods and learning patterns. In view of the above, the objectives of this thesis include: (i) to analyze the various types of exercises in high school physics and the related teaching methods in the context of the new curricular reformation; and (ii) explore the effective exercise patterns for high school physics, taking into account of the characteristics of physics as a high school subject and making use of pedagogical and psychological principles and theories.

109 评论



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