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At present, our country mainly adopts institution accounting period. Although this system on institutions can cash receipts and effective control, but with China's socialist market economy system, the improvement of public finance system of government functions, the changing environment and the social environment accountant such as changes of revenue and expenditure, the disadvantages and deficiency becoming increasingly apparent that the accounting information authenticity and effectiveness of, can better guard against and defuse financial risks, Unable to fully and accurately record and reflect the financial institutions, To accurately reflect the true and institutions provide public products and public service cost and efficiency, etc. Thus, the revenue and expenditure has not meet our institutions and social development and the need of economic development, must be based on the accounting system for business unit of reform and development. In view of this, the author collected institution accounting related data and analysis, the conclusion: institution accounting into the accrual accounting will become the development and reform of a trend. This article will introduce accounting institution accrual of feasibility analysis, Suggestions and measures, and the main economic business accounting information disclosure and discusses related : institution accounting, The accrual, Revenue and expenditure

270 评论


Accounting required is true, accurate, complete, timely and compared. Authenticity is required for accounting information quality the first "principle. The accounting information authenticity of the social economic activities has a very important impact on government departments: for national economy macro-control, Investors, make decisions on its relevant creditor, The enterprise management of accounting information to predict enterprise performance evaluation, and the future development trends. The accounting information authenticity refers to the accounting information should avoid errors and reduce the deviation, faithfully express objective phenomenon or condition, does not mean that must be 100% reflect the objective reality, as long as it is sensible, loyal to the regulations, then achieve authenticity requirement. While spreads healthily accounting information is lost the quality of accounting information. On its users, also lost its original usefulness and purpose. For the development of social economy brings great negative : the distortion of accounting information, and countermeasures

200 评论


各种各样的观察员描述今天全球性经济作为一个在与` 知识经济的转折', 或一个` 信息社会' 。但规则和实践坚定的成功在20 世纪需要的工业经济重写在资源譬如技术重要的一个被互联的世界比其它经济资源。这份简报突出最近认为和发展和提供教导在开发适当的组织战略成功入新千年。它得出关键结论从我们的趋向数据库和研究分析。 增长的兴趣 各种各样的管理作家吃几年被突出知识或智力资本的角色在事务。高技术公司譬如软件和生物技术公司的价值, 是没有在实物资产依照由会计测量, 而是在他们的无形资产譬如知识和专利。过去几年有增长的认识由认为的身体和国际代办处, 知识是生产一个关键的因素。例如, 经济合作与发展组织有小组调查` 人力资本' 和并且知识的角色在国际竞争性。1997 年几个会议, 包括一个由世界银行主办, 牢固地安置了知识在经济议程中心。 驱动力 我们的分析建议三连结的驱动力改变事务和全国竞争性规则: . 全球化- 市场和产品是更加全球性的。产品由Nike 和维京知道世界。今天, 甚而智谋变得全球性。因而许多公司outsource 制造业和软件开发对遥远的地点。 . Information/Knowledge 强度- 高效率的生产依靠信息和技术; 工作者的百分之70 在被开发的经济是信息工作者; 许多工厂劳工使用他们的头更比他们的手。 . 网络和连通性- 发展譬如互联网带来'global village' 曾经更近。 实际结果是, 物品和服务可能被开发, 买, 卖, 并且在许多情况下平衡被提供的结束电子网络。电子商务提供许多好处根据成本节省、效率和市场伸手可及的距离传统物理方法 特征 知识经济与传统经济不同在数关键尊敬: . 经济是没有缺乏, 而是宁可丰盈。不同于耗尽使用的多数资源, 信息和知识可能被分享, 和实际上增长通过应用。

121 评论



360 评论


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