LOGO website through a simple form, the meaning of a clear standard of visual symbols, the management philosophy, corporate culture, business content, such factors as product characteristics, delivery to the public to identify and recognize patterns and text enterprises. LOGO this site in Chinese traditional font based on the re-design, a manifestation of the Chinese traditional culture, the color orange gives appetite, very good performance characteristics of the industry. Web site is a window for foreign publicity, corporate image is an important part of the intangible assets of enterprises. This web page design to seize the theme, from the page layout, color, style and other aspects. In the page layout on the page in the visual elements as a whole, in order to well-organized and accurate positioning, with attention to color harmony and unity, the food culture of the full performance of the air; the entire page within the page, all unified planning unified style, partially adjusted, to enable visitors to appreciate the design of network vegetarian meal ideas and thinking. Key words: Diet; culture; traditions; color match;
Title: 我国商业银行开展企业年金业务的探索 China's commercial banks to explore business enterprise annuity 摘要: Abstract: 在企业年金业务中,通常认为商业银行只能从事资金托管业务。 Annuity business in the enterprise, is generally believed that commercial banks are only able to fund trusteeship business. 事实上,选择恰当模式和路径可以拓展在企业年金业务方面的深度,使商业银行在组织结构创新、业务领域拓展、客户资源有效利用和资源共享方面向作出相应的调整。 In fact, the choice of appropriate mode and the path can expand in the enterprise annuity business depth, so that commercial banks in the organizational structure of innovation, business development, customer resources, effective use and sharing of resources to make adjustments accordingly. 同时,商业银行须注意在挖掘托管行业利润、提高托管整合效率,严格控制风险方面做更大的投入。 At the same time, commercial banks should be noted that profits in the mining industry hosting, hosted integration to improve efficiency, rigorous risk control inputs to do more. 企业年金是指企业及其职工在参加基本养老保险的基础上,通过集体协商的方式,自愿建立的补充养老保险制度。 Enterprise annuity refers to enterprises and their employees participating in the basic old-age insurance on the basis of the way through the collective bargaining, the establishment of the supplementary voluntary pension insurance system. 企业年金业务是一项具有完全排他性特点且具有非常强的政策性和操作性的长期业务。 Enterprise annuity business is characterized by a full exclusive and has a very strong policy and operational long-term business. 企业年金作为社会统一保障基金基础上的第二支柱,在我国的发展还处于早期阶段。 Enterprise Annuity Fund as a social unity based on the second pillar of development in China is still in its early stages. 作为我国商业银行中的佼佼者们,工商银行、交通银行、招商银行、光大银行、建设银行、中国银行以及农业银行如同八仙过海各显神通,已经开始了对企业年金业务的各种研究和发展。 As China's commercial banks are the best, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of Communications, China Merchants Bank, China Everbright Bank, China Construction Bank, Bank of China and Agricultural Bank of Eight Immortals crossing the sea as各显神通, has already begun on a variety of enterprise annuity business research and development. 但是由于在我国企业年金制度启动和实施的时间不长,还存在着一些需要各大金融机构一同解决的问题,明确各自的分工和主要拓展的方向。 However, due to pension system in China's enterprises to start and implement a short period of time, there are a number of major financial institutions need to work together to solve the problem, a clear division of labor and their main direction of development. 然而,与此同时,商业银行却在企业年金业务中体现出其无可比拟的优势和动力。 However, at the same time, commercial banks in enterprise annuity business, reflecting its strength and power unrivaled. 全面参与企业年金市场是商业银行在组织结构创新、业务领域拓展、客户资源有效利用和资源共享、商业银行品牌优势方面向纵深推进的契机,符合其大力发展中间业务,提升利润贡献的经营理念。 Participate fully in the enterprise annuity market is the commercial banks in the organizational structure of innovation, business development, effective use of customer resources and resource sharing, the commercial banks to the depth of the brand advantage of the opportunity to advance in line with its efforts to develop intermediary businesses, to enhance the concept of profit contribution of business . 本文在宏观方面、银行内部、制度和政策方面针对企业年金业务开展的问题进行研究及探索,寻找改进措施。 In this paper, from a macro perspective, the banking-house, systems and policies for enterprise annuity business to undertake a study carried out and explore, looking for improvements. 就现今社会形式进行分析,在金融危机的大环境下,思考和探讨商业银行在开展企业年金业务时所要注意的细节问题。 On the form of an analysis of present-day society, the big financial crisis in the environment, to think and explore the commercial banks to carry out business in the annuity business should pay attention to details. 包括坚定信心保准目标,落实最基础的托管业务的同时更大限度的提高商业银行的盈利,为长期的企业年金业务深入做好充分的准备。 Including confidence保准firm targets and implement the most basic hosting business at the same time raise a greater measure of the profitability of commercial banks for long-term depth of the enterprise annuity business fully prepared.
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To Deliberately Crafted from Natural Revelation - The Unity of Architecture and Landscape Design of the Environment
Abstract:LOGO is through the website of the definite modelling is simple, meaning the visual symbol, uniform standard operating concept, the enterprise culture, management content and the characteristics of the product, transfer to the social public elements, the pattern recognition and identity and enterprise. This website in Chinese traditional font LOGO design basis, embodies the Chinese traditional culture, orange color gives a person with appetite, good performance characteristics of the is enterprise publicity window, also an important part of enterprise image, is the intangible asset of an web page design seize this theme, from web page layout, color, style, etc. In the web page layout, the visual elements as a whole, with careful and precise positioning, pay attention to the colour collocation of the harmony and unity of the diet culture breath, will show incisively and vividly, The web pages are the internal unified planning, unified style, local adjusted, allows visitors to experience the design concept of net food zhai with , Culture, Traditional, Colour is tie-in,
LOGO is through the website of the definite modelling is simple, meaning the visual symbol, uniform standard operating concept, the enterprise culture, management content and the characteristics of the product, transfer to the social public elements, the pattern recognition and identity and enterprise. This website in Chinese traditional font LOGO design basis, embodies the Chinese traditional culture, orange color gives a person with appetite, good performance characteristics of the is enterprise publicity window, also an important part of enterprise image, is the intangible asset of an web page design seize this theme, from web page layout, color, style, etc. In the web page layout, the visual elements as a whole, with careful and precise positioning, pay attention to the colour collocation of the harmony and unity of the diet culture breath, will show incisively and vividly, The web pages are the internal unified planning, unified style, local adjusted, allows visitors to experience the design concept of net food zhai with , Culture, Traditional, Colour is tie-in,这个行么??
Topic:Our country commercial bank in enterprise annuity business explorationAbstract:In the enterprise annuity business, we usually think of commercial Banks in capital custody. In fact, the proper choice model and path can extend the enterprise annuity business in the depth of the commercial Banks, make in the organizational structure innovation, business development, customer resource utilization and resource sharing aspects to adjust our prices accordingly. At the same time, commercial Banks must note in the mining industry's profits, improve the trusteeship managed strictly control risk and integration of efficiency, do more annuity is to show enterprise and its worker in attend primary endowment insurance, and on the basis of the way through collective negotiations and voluntary build system of compensatory endowment insurance. Enterprise annuity business is an exclusive characteristics and has fully operational policy is very strong and long-term business. The enterprise annuity fund as social unity based on the second pillar, in the development of our country is still in the early stage. As the leader of Chinese commercial Banks, commercial bank, the bank, China merchants bank, China everbright bank, the bank of China and China construction bank, agricultural bank, has eight as the situation of enterprise annuity business started all kinds of research and development. But because of the enterprise annuity system in our country and the time is not long, but also exists some need each big financial institutions to solve problems together, each division of labor and the main development , meanwhile, commercial Banks in the enterprise annuity business reflects its incomparable advantages and power. The enterprise annuity market is fully participate in the organization structure of commercial Banks and business areas, the innovation of customer resources utilization and resource sharing, the commercial Banks to further promote brand advantage of opportunities, accord with the developing business, improve profit contribution among the management this paper, the bank's internal macro aspect, system and policy for the enterprise annuity business research and exploration of the problem, for improving measures. Current social form analysis, under the environment of the financial crisis, and discusses the commercial Banks in the enterprise annuity business in which should pay attention to detail. Including the confidence, implement the goal protect the custody of more of the commercial Banks, earnings for long-term enterprise annuity business further ready.
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