关联检索:Web of Science
这个方法比较适合研究机构,因为Web of Science的数据库是要收费的,但其搜索引擎比Pubmed更高级,不但能够限定文章的学科,还能限定作者的国籍单位等等,非常好用。值得一提的是它里面的逻辑连接词比Pubmed多了一个很实用词——Near,这个能在相邻的两个句子中寻找关键词。
英语论文写作的重要性,做科研的小伙伴们肯定深有体会。Publish or Perish, 要想在科研界混,没有几篇拿得出手的SCI,还怎么愉快的在小伙伴们面前装X, 还怎么在标书课题申请的时候拿来装点门面。很多科研小伙伴,做起实验如鱼得水,潇洒自如,但对英文写作望而生畏,苦于入门难,写成难,想写好更难。 在基础科研中,要想文章写得准确清晰,首先要对自己研究术语表达和内涵要清楚,为了增加文章的多样化表达,对应常用专业术语的各种同义词表述要做一个整理。其次要掌握英语论文写作的高频词汇,比如逻辑连接词、程度副词、动词、上义词和下义词的指代等等。 (一) 常用的逻辑连接词使用: 逻辑连接词的作用就是把一个个的论点论据串起来,是文章逻辑最直观的体现。 1. 并列递进: moreover, in addition, furthermore, besides, likewise, also, then, additionally 2. 转折 : not, yet, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, meanwhile, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely, paradoxically, by contrast, in spite of, rather than, instead of, unfortunately 3. 解释 : in other words, in fact, as a matter of fact, that is, namely, in simpler terms 4. 对比比较 : likewise, similarly, in parallel to, while, whereas 5. 原因 : because, because of, as, since, owing to, due to, thanks to, for this reason 6. 结果: therefore, as a result, then, consequently, thus, hence, so, therefore, accordingly, consequently, as consequence 7. 举例 : for example, for instance, as such, such as, take ... for example, to illustrate, to name a few 8. 总结 : overall, eventually, consequently, in summary, in a word, as a result, together, collectively, thus, hence, consequently, on the whole, in conclusion, to sum up, in brief, to conclude, to summarize, in short, briefly 9. 强调 : surprisingly, interestingly, intriguingly, strikingly, unexpectedly, clearly, obviously, apparently, in fact, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact, undoubtedly, notably, specifically, particularly, especially, firstly, ... secondly, ... finally, ...; first, ... then ... etc. 10. 让步 : although, after all, in spite of ..., despite, even if, even though, though, admittedly, given that 11. 可能 : presumably, probably, perhaps ( 二 ) 一些词组的使用: 1. “不知道”的那些表述方式 virtually/largely unknown, elusive, unclear, much less explored, surprisingly limited, less understood, unsolved, scarcely understood 2. 研究某些新材料、新技术等,从哪些方面夸研究成果 reliability and validity, robust and fundamental, efficiency and specificity, cost-effectiveness (price), the simplicity of the protocols, the amount of labor required, equipment requirement, necessary or sufficient 3. 引用别人文献中的论点论据时,如何表述“别人说” clearly/obviously demonstrate, reveal, illustrate, prove, show, report, implicate, confirm, describe 4. 引述别人的工作时,别人如何“做” (“执行动词”的n种表示方法) examine, perform, carry out, observe, compare, investigate, indicate, show, manipulate, test, establish, identify, detect, stimulate, analyze, assess, suggest, propose, speculate, determine, find, apply, purify, construct a model, devised a protocol, calculate, categorize, conduct, imply, measure 5. “方式方法”的“效应”评价 plays a central/pivotal/vital key/essential role, a powerful regulator, a key molecular determinant, a well-accepted model, influence, affect, rescue, reverse, lead to, contribute to, attribute to, ascribe to, drop, reduce, increasing, attenuate, ameliorate, improve, mount, accumulate 6. 溯古论今的“时间表述词” recently, most recently, at the same time/period, since then, for several decades 7. 重大影响的描述,如何夸“成果” pushing the boundariesrecent/enormous advance, progress, knowledge, historic, perspectives, new/novel insights, seminal discovery, an emerging theme, major/important findings, a better understanding 写好的英文初稿反复修改过几遍后,如果还不是非常满意,或者投稿后期刊要求语言润色,可以联系专业的公司,比如我们,进行母语化润色!
毕业论文要有一个结束语,应该怎么来写呢?下面是我精心挑选的毕业论文常用结束语,供大学习和参阅。 毕业论文结束语 透过这三个月来的忙碌和学习,本次毕业论文设计已接
毕业论文结语要写出对论文指导老师或同学的感谢,总结整篇论文的内容,或者回答你提出的研究问题。 论文结尾是围绕本论所作的结束语,其基本的要点就是总括全文,加深题意
英语衔接词汇、过渡词汇有以下: 一、表逻辑上的先后顺序 (expressions enumerating or stressing facts) 1) 首先fi