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1, is a gradual rise of the fitness sports. Tennis is the world's most popular sports items. Tennis 1 To the detention of "aristocratic sport," "elegant movement", as well as the reputation of being a civilized sport. Views important international Net Ball game, people are much leisure, vacation main content. Unique culture makes tennis tennis sports become now Advocating on behalf of human society way of life. There is a growing participation in tennis and cultural activities. 2, physical health Body, and enhance physique. Tennis is an aerobic exercise户内外one was busy all day long because of work, learning, and Health Live, most of the time spent in indoor, outdoor necessary to carry out some outdoor sports, tennis is the best One of the options. 3, tennis can improve people's overall quality. Tennis affect people's thinking and action For. Any kind of culture is a value orientation, and provides people the objectives pursued through the tennis sport Of skills, psychological, guidelines, tennis etiquette will be required by the cultural thought patterns, ethics, behavior Guidelines organically integrated in order to improve its overall quality. 4, tennis sports are one of the most stylish sports One. Tennis sports crowd the city is suitable. It seems most people, tennis is a gentleman's sport, tennis De Often give people a gentle feeling. Time to time at the forefront with the concept of ultra-Living organs do Department of white-collar and college students to play tennis as a fashionable. Standard of living so as to High, people's health awareness to strengthen, more and more people to participate in sports to tennis fashion. 5, Net Ball culture has the role of lifelong benefit. Tennis can exercise at 3 ~ 90-year-old men and women between the activities are not subject to The effects of age and sex. Youth can show their best physique, the strength of strong and rapid Run; children in the pleasure of playing tennis; age middle-aged and elderly, they can be in accordance with its own body ball Category Physical, psychological, physiological conditions, the appropriate exercise intensity. Because of the amount of exercise and sports tennis exercise intensity Can control and interesting can be a fast or slow, may Zhang Chi, the participants with enthusiasm and fit their own The intensity of exercise at unconsciously End run a few miles distance equivalent to the exercise time. Attained the goals of promoting health, Enhance physical, strong physical and psychological purposes. Tennis Nets against every other sport, does not belong to physical collision sport, can reduce the Unnecessary harm. So tennis is sport for all sports projects in one of the longest life expectancy. 6, tennis culture is a culture of honesty and trust of the people of outstanding quality. Events in amateur tennis competition are no Appear under the trust system competition, athletes must be honest, put good as out of bounds or into the Definition of a good The performance of the ball are dishonest. The embodiment of integrity quality tennis activities throughout the entire process, while the tennis live Actin is also a person can best embody the integrity of the quality of sports. 7, tennis is to develop the essence of unity and cooperation God. Tennis game is very particular about the spirit of unity and cooperation sport. Between coaches and players, team and Between teammates, doubles partner must have a tacit understanding between the co-ordination. Understanding on which each player has come from The spirit of teamwork. Especially in the doubles competition, the competition want to achieve at配合默契, we must always respect And encourage the partners, especially at mistakes after丢分must be responsible. This spirit of collaboration will greatly add Strong collective cohesion and combat effectiveness, its efficacy in the students into the community will naturally reflect the full COME. Such as Zheng Jie and Yan Zi won the Australian Open women's doubles winner, apart from good technical and tactical things, and they get along with 16 years of United Live in harmony,配合默契are inseparable. 8, tennis can help to cultivate a more confident state of mind. Confidence and Own are two completely different concepts. Conceit is an unrealistic ideas, and confidence is built on the recognition True learning, modesty and prudence, not afraid of difficulties in making progress on the foundation. Psychological state in tennis competition has re - To factors similar to those in the technology race between the players, the mentality is even more important. Tennis can train a person's heart Rationale, exercise is not due to himself or the opponent, and other reasons, the impact of the psychological state of the normal play. 9, tennis Win Actin is a civilized, polite, elegant Tennis cultural etiquette. This culture comes from more than 100 years of traditional Practices, managers manage and tennis crowd's wishes. Tennis etiquette is even more important. Players and the players, the Education Training, the audience always treated with courtesy; viewers watch tennis game half-way and should not Walk voice; modern Tennis has retained the culture of this ancient culture of tennis, courtesy and elegance, and has also been strengthened in modern tennis Popular culture. Sports Tennis, a civilized manner conservation there is a courtesy of the athletes have in any manner Parties are welcome by everyone. 10, tennis can fully exercise their individuality, mental and physical relaxation exercise project One. White-collar workers have the pressure of work, students have homework on the pressure, young men and women have love problems, Medium Years of marriage on people's troubles, the elderly have chronic diseases are the pressure, how to relieve the pressure, has become beset modern A major problem. Studies have shown that appropriate exercise can improve physical fitness and enhance the immune system for enhanced Used. Therefore, the selection of their fit with exercise and adequate rest, are to ease the pressure, the most immune Best means. At tennis, there is a need to eliminate all concentrate on ideas and personal considerations, to run fast ball, and vigorously smash Such activities could put one-day fatigue, distress, such as artificial too clean, so that complete physical and mental relaxation, especially At hit a good shot, hit a ball should not have errors, you can fully咆吼, jumping, throwing Beat and so on, the release of your personality temperament. 11, to play tennis to fitness, good health is to lay a good foundation tennis. Ren He has a PE project with the project-related chain study human anatomy, sports psychology, nutrition and other disciplines Contact each other and promote each other. Tennis is no exception. Whether adults, children, learn to play tennis to be sincere, Are able to exercise and for the study. Tennis sports can enhance blood circulation system improvements, excess consumption of hot Volume, improve heart and lung function, can increase the body's immune ability to enhance disease resistance capacity and speed recovery after Degrees, to promote health, enhance physical fitness, and strengthen the physical and psychological purposes. This is a game of tennis can be a starting point for fitness, Once the tennis skills of the people you have fighting skills of the master, through the tennis match was happy to see their own by Win, and enjoy sports on this after further enhance their skill level, only just a little regulated actin For it is not enough. This requires a good physical 、是一项逐渐兴起的健身运动。网球是世界上最流行的运动项目之一。网球一 向被扣以“贵族运动”、“高雅运动”以及文明运动的美誉。观看重要的国际网 球比赛,是许多人休闲、度假的主要内容。独特的网球文化使得网球运动成为现 代社会中人的崇尚的生活方式之一。人们逐渐参与网球文化活动。2、强身健 体,增强体魄。网球是一种有氧户内外运动之一,由于成天忙于工作、学习和生 活,大多数的时间在室内中度过,需要到室外进行一些户外运动,网球就是最好 的选择之一。3、网球可以提高人们的综合素质。网球影响着人们的思想和行 为。任何一种文化都是一种价值取向,规定着人们所追求的目标,通过网球运动 中的技能、心理、准则、礼仪等将网球文化所要求的思想模式、道德规范、行为 准则有机地融为一体,以提高其综合素质。4、网球运动是一种最为时尚的运动 之一。网球运动很适合都市人群。一般人看来,网球是一项绅士运动,打网球者 经常给人们一种温文尔雅的感觉。对赶在时代最前沿,具有超生活理念的机关干 部、白领阶层和高校大学生们把打网球当作一种时髦。所以随着生活水平的提 高,人们的健康意识的加强,越来越多的人们参与到网球时尚运动中来。5、网 球文化具有终身受益的作用。网球运动能在3~90岁男女之间进行的活动,是不受 年龄和性别的影响。年轻人可以显示他们优良的身体素质、强劲的力量和快速的 奔跑;少年儿童在愉悦中打网球;中年人及古稀老人,可以根据自身的身球分类 体、心理、生理条件,进行适宜的运动强度。由于网球运动的运动量和运动强度 可调控性和趣味性,可快可慢、可张可驰,使得参与者以饱满的热情和适合自己 的强度在不知不觉中运动完相当于跑完几里路程的运动时间。达到了增进健康、 增进体质、强壮身心的目的。网球运动隔网对垒,不属于肢体碰撞运动,能减少 不必要的伤害。所以网球也是所有体育运动项目中运动寿命最长的项目之一。 6、网球文化是培养人的诚实守信的优秀品质。业余活动中的网球比赛大多是无 裁判下的信任制比赛,运动员一定要做到诚实,把好球说成出界或把出界说成好 球都是不诚实的表现。诚信品质的体现贯穿在整个网球活动的全过程,而网球活 动也是最能体现一个人诚信品质的体育活动之一。7、网球是培养团结协作的精 神。网球比赛是非常讲究团结协作精神的运动项目。教练与球员之间,团体赛与 队友之间,双打搭档之间都要有默契的配合。而这种默契就来自每个球员所具有 的团队协作精神。特别是在双打比赛中,想在比赛做到配合默契,就要始终尊重 和鼓励伙伴,特别在失误丢分后,一定要勇于承担责任。这种协作精神将大大加 强集体的凝聚力和战斗力,它的功效在学生进入社会后自然会淋漓尽致的体现出 来。如郑洁和晏紫获得澳网女双冠军,除了技战术好外,与她们相处16年的团结 和睦相处,配合默契是分不开的。8、网球能培养更加自信的心理状态。自信和 自负是两种完全不同的概念。自负是一种不切实际的想法,而自信则是建立在认 真学习,谦虚谨慎、不怕困难的基础上奋发向上。心理状态在网球比赛中具有重 要的因素,在技术相近的选手之间比赛,心态更显重要。网球能训练一个人的心 理,锻炼出不因自己或对手及其它原因而影响心理状态的正常发挥。9、网球运 动是一种文明、礼貌、高雅的网球文化礼仪。这种文化来源于100多年来传统的 习俗、管理者的管理和网球人群的意愿。网球礼仪就更显重要。球员与球员、教 练、观众之间始终以礼相待;观众观赏网球比赛中途不能走动和发出声音;现代 网球文化既保留了这种古代网球的文化、礼貌和高雅性,又增强了现代网球运动 文化的大众性。网球运动中,一个举止文明有礼节有涵养的运动员不管在任何地 方都是受到大家的欢迎。10、网球运动可以充分施展个性,身心放松的运动项目 之一。上班族有工作上的压力,学生有课业上的压力,青年男女有恋爱问题,中 年人婚姻上的烦恼,老年人则有慢性病的压力,如何缓解压力,成了困扰现代人 的一个主要问题。研究表明,适当的运动可以增进体能并增强免疫系统强化的作 用。因此,选择适合自己的运动并配以充足的休息,是疏解压力、调节免疫的最 佳手段。在网球运动中,需全神贯注排除一切杂念,快速的奔跑击球、大力扣杀 等活动可以把一天的疲劳、困扰等挥洒得干干净净,使身心完全地放松,特别是 在击出了一个好球,击出了一个不该失误的球时,你可以充分的咆吼、跳跃、丢 拍子等,释放你的个性气质。11、打网球能健身,好身体是打好网球的基础。任 何一项体育项目都有与该项目相关链的人体结构学、运动心理学、营养学等学科 的相互联系、相互促进。网球运动也不例外。无论大人、小孩、被衷学打网球, 都是为了能锻炼身体而学的。网球运动能增强血液循环系统的改善,消耗多余热 量,心肺功能得到提高,可以增加人体免疫能力,提高抗病能力和病后康复速 度,达到增进健康、增进体质、强化身心的目的。这是打网球能健身的出发点, 一旦对网球的人技战技能有一下的掌握,通过网球比赛获得快乐,看到自己的获 胜,并喜欢上这项运动后,起进一步提高自己的技术水平,仅只是一点规范的动 作是不够的。这就需要一个好的身体素质为基础。

116 评论


论文题目:浅谈网球运动中身体保护与常见伤病的预防 学生姓名:高国伟 所在班级:运动系2001级4班 所学专业:网球 指导教师:陈禹 2005年3月27日 摘 要:本文主要介绍网球运动员在网球场上应该如何保护自己,如何避免一些常见的伤病及具体的治疗,和出现突发性拉伤、网球肘、抽筋、腱鞘炎等。 关键词:热身与放松;网球肘;抽筋;腱鞘炎 1。3 疲劳 运动时人体产生的疲劳是一种综合的生理过程。它首先伴有内环境的变化和不同生理功能的失调,从而导致中枢神经系统的保护性反应。疲劳的症状大致包括以下几个方面: 一是自我感觉方面:如全身疲倦、头重、嗜睡、无力等。 二是精神方面:如精神不集中、焦躁不安、没有耐心、情绪低落、经常判断错误。 三是全身方面:面色苍白、眩晕、肌肉抽搐、呼吸困难、口干舌燥、声音嘶哑、腰酸腿痛等。 当机体出现这些疲劳症状时,要及时休息,并对运动内容进行必要的调整,才有利于疲劳的恢复。消除疲劳的方法很多,大致有以下几种;2。 常见伤病的预防 参加网球运动,不能忽略安全性问题。即使是活动强度相当,也会因实施方法(准备活动等)、气象条件(高温等)或当日身体情况(睡眠不足等),给身体带来不安全的因素,有时难免会发生运动损伤或运动性疾痛。大量事实表明,认为因素是发生伤害事故的根本原因。因此,有思想准备和预防意识,并采取切实有效的措施结束语 做好预防工作,“常见”伤病是可以变成“罕见”伤病的,在这里,科学的态度和方法至关重要。愿所有喜欢打网球或参加与其他体育运动的朋友都恩能够拒伤病于体外,在运动中毫无障碍地感受生命的活力,释放肌体的能量,最终得到愉快的身心享受! 网球作为一项极具形象感染力和观赏性、娱乐性的竞技运动项目。以它独特的魅力放射异彩,展示了形态美和动感美,它是人体形态艺术的动态展现。一代球王桑普拉斯的威猛发球、新秀休依特的灵动步伐,玉女辛吉斯的钢柔并济,美丽库娃的婀娜身姿......构成一道亮丽的风景线,让亿万观众如痴如醉,在美丽的意境、美的享受中得到快乐。,努力消除各种致伤因素,能达到以防为主,防患于未然的目的。

240 评论


高校体育教育是学校体育教育的一部分,在终身体育中具有及其重要地位,高校体育教育承担着对大学生进行“健康教育、终身教育”的重任,近几年来,网球作为一项健康、高雅、时尚的运动越来越受到大学生的喜爱,研究高校网球运动与终身体育对于普及和推广网球运动有着重要的推动作用。 一、高校网球运动与终身体育的关系 终身体育的思想来源于终身教育,是人们在一生中所受各种体育教育与培养的总和。[1]终身体育的核心在与使体育教育贯穿于人的一生,使学前体育、学校体育、社会体育紧密衔接,以保持体育教育的统一,完整与连贯,实现一体化。学校体育作为终身体育的中间环节,起着程前启后的“桥梁”作用,特别是学校体育具有显著的“奠基”功能。高校体育是作为具有“奠基”功能的中间环节的学校体育的一部分,通过高校体育教学活动,课外活动和竞赛活动,促使青少年学生接受体育教育,学习并掌握体育的基本知识、技能和科学锻炼身体的方法,使他们在紧张学习生活中身心得到最佳的放松与调节,在各种体育教学活动过程中充分享受青春的活力。 二、高校体育中网球运动的独特优势 网球运动过去一段时间曾被称为贵族运动,随着我过经济的快速增长,特别是我国运动员在一些重大比赛中获得骄人的成绩后带来的网球热,网球运动在我国也得到了快速的发展。从心理学的角度来说,学生对某一运动的心理需要,决定了对这一运动的投入程度,良好的学习动机,有利于大学生终身体育思想的形成。 1. 健身功能:网球运动是一项有氧和无氧交替的运动,它可以最大限度的使希望锻炼身体的人得到不同层面的满足。经常系统地、科学地参加网球运动,能促进人体机能的发展,能够改善人体健康水平和提高工作能力。 2. 健心功能:网球运动是一项情趣高雅、健康时尚的运动。它既是一种消遣,是一种减轻思想压力的尚佳方式,是一种促进健康的重要手段,也是一种对艺术的追求和享受。喜欢网球本身就是一种心理作用。文明、优雅地打出一个个好球时,不仅自己感觉兴奋异常,愉快无比,旁观者也会为之击节叫好。大学生通过参与网球运动, 可以陶冶情操、提高自身修养,达到健心的作用。 3. 促进社会交往:体育已成为人类生存的一种有效方式,人们文化生活的重要组成部分,文明社会的显著标志。它在鼓舞民族士气,愉悦民族精神方面的作用是其他文化形式无可替代的。“小球带动地球”的外交策略,使中国人民受到了鼓舞。打网球可以交流球技,增进友谊,开展社会交往活动。在球场上,球友之间很容易拉进关系,取得信任。球友们在一起不仅能相互交流共同提高球技,还能够在其它方面相互学习,取长补短,提升自身的素质。网球运动已被现代作为一个非常便捷的社交途径,这也是网球运动具有很强吸引力的一个重要原因。 三、网球运动的终身体育教育特征是学校体育与社会体育接轨的有效结合点 世界经济的全球化和科学技术的迅猛发展,对人的身体素质的要求越来越高。只有具备良好的身体素质, 才能适合高速度、高强度、高效率的工作, 才能在激烈的竞争中赢得主动权。因此,人们对锻炼身体不仅更为自觉, 而且要求作为基础的学校体育能够培养出学生终身从事体育锻炼的志向和能力。学校体育与终身体育的接轨已成为学校体育改革急需解决的问题。[2]终身体育思想的树立与学校体育有着密切的关系, 学校必须把终身体育作为其主要的教学指导思想,使学校体育与终身体育接轨, 从而才能实现终身锻炼,终身受益的目标。网球运动具有的普遍性、可调节性、娱乐、观赏性等终身体育教育特征决定了网球运动是学校体育与终身体育接轨的有效结合点。

106 评论


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