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Racial terrorismAfter its founding in 1867, the Ku Klux Klan, a secret vigilante organization sworn to perpetuate white supremacy, became a power for a few years in the South and beyond, eventually establishing a northern headquarters in Greenfield, Indiana. Its members hid behind masks and robes to hide their identity while they carried out violence and property damage. The Klan employed lynching, cross burnings and other forms of terrorism, physical violence, house burnings, and intimidation. The Klan's excesses led to the passage of legislation against it, and with Federal enforcement, it was squeezed out by anti-Republican and anti-freedmen sentiment only briefly went underground, as violence arose in other incidents, especially after Louisiana's disputed state election in 1872, which contributed to the Colfax and Coushatta massacres in Louisiana in 1873 and 1874. Tensions and rumors were high in many parts of the South. when violence erupted, African Americans consistently were killed at a much higher rate than were European Americans. Historians of the 20th century have renamed events long called "riots" in southern history. The common stories featured whites' heroically saving the community from marauding blacks. Upon examination of the evidence, historians have called numerous such events "massacres", as at Colfax, because of the disproportionate number of fatalities for blacks as opposed to whites. The mob violence there resulted in 40-50 blacks dead for each of the three whites killed.[23]While not as widely known as the Klan, the paramilitary organizations that arose in the South during the mid-1870s as the white Democrats mounted a stronger insurgency, were more directed and effective than the Klan in challenging Republican governments, suppressing the black vote and achieving political goals. Unlike the Klan, paramilitary members operated openly, often solicited newspaper coverage, and had distinct political goals: to turn Republicans out of office and suppress or dissuade black voting in order to regain power in 1876. Groups included the White League, that started from white militias in Grant Parish, Louisiana, in 1874 and spread in the Deep South; the Red Shirts, that started in Mississippi in 1875 but had chapters arise and was prominent in the 1876 election campaign in South Carolina, as well as in North Carolina; and other White Line organizations such as rifle clubs.[24]The Jim Crow era accompanied the most cruel wave of "racial" suppression that America has yet experienced. Between 1890 and 1940, millions of African Americans were disfranchised, killed, and brutalized. According to newspaper records kept at the Tuskegee Institute, about 5,000 men, women, and children were murdered outright, tortured to death in documented extrajudicial public rituals of mob violence —human sacrifices called "lynchings." The journalist Ida B. Wells estimated that lynchings not reported by the newspapers, plus similar executions under the veneer of "due process", may have amounted to about 20,000 killings.[citation needed]Of the tens of thousands of lynchers and onlookers during this period, it is reported that fewer than 50 whites were ever indicted for their crimes, and only four sentenced. Because blacks were disfranchised, they could not sit on juries or have any part in the political process, including local offices. Meanwhile, the lynchings were a weapon of white mob terror with millions of Afro-Americans living in a constant state of anxiety and fear.[25] Most blacks were denied their right to keep and bear arms under Jim Crow laws, and they were therefore unable to protect themselves or their families.[26]Politically and economically, blacks have made substantial strides in the post-civil rights era. Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who ran for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988, brought unprecedented support and leverage to blacks in 1989, Douglas Wilder became the first African-American elected governor in . history. In 1992 Carol Moseley-Braun of Illinois became the first black woman elected to the . Senate. There were 8,936 black officeholders in the United States in 2000, showing a net increase of 7,467 since 1970. In 2001 there were 484 black 38 African-American members of Congress form the Congressional Black Caucus, which serves as a political bloc for issues relating to African Americans. The appointment of blacks to high federal offices—including General Colin Powell, Chairman of the . Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1989-1993, United States Secretary of State, 2001 - 2005; Condoleezza Rice, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, 2001-2004, Secretary of State in, 2005 - 2009; Ron Brown, United States Secretary of Commerce, 1993-1996; and Supreme Court justices Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas—also demonstrates the increasing visibility of blacks in the political progress for blacks' reaching the extremes of wealth has been slow. According to Forbes richest lists, Oprah Winfrey was the richest African American of the 20th century and has been the world's only black billionaire in 2004, 2005, and 2006. [1] Not only was Winfrey the world's only black billionaire but she has been the only black on the Forbes 400 list nearly every year since 1995. BET founder Bob Johnson briefly joined her on the list from 2001-2003 before his ex-wife acquired part of his fortune; although he returned to the list in 2006, he did not make it in 2007. With Winfrey the only African American wealthy enough to rank among America's 400 richest people [2], blacks currently comprise of America's economic elite and comprise 13% of the . 2008, Illinois senator Barack Obama became the first black presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, making him the first African-American presidential candidate from a major political party. He was elected as the 44th President of the United States on November 4, 2008, and inaugurated on January 20, 2009.

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分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 口语课要考试了,我想说说自己感兴趣的黑人文化,但是稿子很难找啊!有好的素材的同志能不能帮我找一篇啊?谢了。明天晚上就要啊!~谢谢各位了! 解析: Hip Hop Culture Essay Since the early to mid 90’s, hip-hop has undergone changes that purists would consider degenerating to its culture. At the root of these changes is what has been called “mercial hip-hop". Commercial hip-hop has deteriorated what so many emcees in the 80’s tried to build- a culture of music, dance, creativity, and artistry that would give people not only something to bob their head to, but also an avenue to express themselves and deliver a positive message to their surroundings.. What does the term “mercial” mean? It can take on various meanings, but in essence that term is used to label artists who have alienated parts of the hip-hop culture in their work. The High and Mighty, a duo from Philadelphia signed to Rawkus Records, summed up what mercial hip-hop is in their 1999 single release “The Meaning”. Mr. Eon says: “…they’re tryin’ to turn hip-hop to just plain rappin’/let the poppers pop/and the breakers break…”But the disenchantment with artists who don’t appreciate hip-hop as consisting of emceeing, breaking, graffiti art, beat boxing and dj-ing is not new. Underground artists, predominately hip-hop purists, have lashed out at biters and perpetrators for many years. For example, in 1989 3rd Bass released their first album, The Cactus Cee/D. Throughout the album, MC Serch and Prime Minister Pete Nice scold the mercialized booty shakers like MC Hammer for corrupting hip-hop, particularly on the track “The Gasface” they specifically call out Hammer for his antics. Inside the album jacket, Serch sums up hip-hop in ‘89: “There was a time when nothing was more important than the New York Rap Scene.” It’s dilluted, but not divided.” To hip-hop afficionados, Serch’s quote sounds like the equivalent to a Vietnam soldier’s letter home. Obviously, the group saw the possibility of the hip-hop culture being tainted. Another good example of a group batting the increase in mercial hip-hop was The Boot Camp Clik, consisting of Buckshot, Helter Skelter, Cocoa Brovaz, OGC, Illa Noyz and The Representativz. The Clik’s slogan throughout the duration of their 1997 release Album for the People was: “Commercial rap get the gun clap”. A descendent of the early backpacker days, Buckshot has always been opposed to mainstream artists who sacrfice artistic integrity in the lure for more money. The underground hip-hop scene has emerged as a circuit where young, talented and intelligent emcees can thrive. Their message is less abrasive and violent. While not all underground artists are choir boys, they are not barking over mics in a frenzy either.. They play *** all, sometimes dark and dank venues in front of a couple hundred people or much less than that. Like the Christians in ancient Rome who held mass in catabs and spread their religion secretly, underground artists are privately leading a revolution in these *** all clubs now in promotion of returning rap to hip-hop, and there probably has never been such a fierce fire lit under the artists like there is now to bring change. Underground artists are fed up with how hip-hop is treated by a lot of major labels that have changed the structure of songs. In 2000, especially on the radio, you may hear one or o verses, an R&B singer lacing the track and then a hook that is repeated enough times to take up 3 plus minutes. This is a brash example of today’s state of hip-hop, but the point is made- creativity in hip-hop has been pushed aside for tracks that incorporate overused samples, have no real message, and have virtually eliminated the DJ from the music. Remember when you could listen to a song for five minutes and all you heard was Rakim bouncing outrageous similes and euphemi *** s off his tongue and Eric B. blessing the 1s and 2s. Not only was there depth in those types of tracks, but there was creativity and ingenuity. What about groups like Afrika Baambata whose songs lasted as long as infommercials. Eric B. & Rakim and Baambata are perferct examples of the true hip-hop culture because they were innovators and trendsetters, and Rakim never had enough to say. Unless you are an underground fan, you never hear artists like that on the radio. In reality, people have been brainwashed into thinking that what they hear on the radio is hip-hop. It falls terribly short of hip-hop, and may not be worthy of being called rap. Since 1995, we have seen a trend in the implementation of R&B into hip-hop music. The problem with that is it has dilluted the music. Commercial artists like Jay Z, for example, know that the dough will roll in if Blackstreet does the hook for one of his tracks that he, as stated earlier, only writes a couple versus to. Money now controls hip-hop instead of the artists controlling it, and label execs have bee more powerful in determining how an artist’s music will sound. This explains the increase in the number of independent labels because artists have discovered that they lose creative control over their music when they sign on with major labels. Now that I’ve ranted over the gripes we purists have about hip-hop as a whole, the next few chapters will deal with separate issues surrounding the decline, yet hopeful resurrection of the elements of the hip-hop culture.

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《美国历史发挥作用的黑人》美国南北战争 亦称“美国内战”(1861—1865),美国北部诸州同南部发动叛乱的各奴隶制州之间的战争,是资本主义北部同奴隶制南部之间对抗性矛盾激化的结果。在美国历史上,黑人的作用比较明显的在体育运动上外,在政治上、宗教上都是很重要的,特别是奥巴马当选为美国总统,这种在政治上的地位黑人已经达到了巅峰;主要有以下方面的内容可以参考:1、在美国黑人政治地位明显提高,从林肯总统呼吁并解决对黑人的奴役和歧视被暗杀到现在出现美国历史上第一位黑人总统,可以看作是美国国内人权进步的一种象征。2、南北战争时期《解放黑人奴隶宣言》后积极参军,击败南方政府,促成国家再统一和强大;美国南北战争 约有19万黑人(其中72%来自南部各州)入伍,25万黑人在后方勤务部队中服役。3、人种融合,使用社会的发展,20世纪前绝大部分黑人生活的处境,他们先是充当奴隶,后来成为谷物分成制佃农,而后者是20世纪的产物,是农村黑人大规模迁往城市带来的后果。在这样两种环境下,黑人既吸收了白人文化,又发展了自己独特的亚文化。一方面,黑人接受了美国民主信条中的平等价值观;另一方面,他们不得不面对不平等和不为社会接受的现实。这促进了一个独特的文化共同体的形成。4、身体素质良好,推动了美国体育发展;这个比较多的,资金找找补充。5、黑人民权领袖马丁路德金为美国民主献出生命,马丁·路德·金为黑人谋求平等,发动了美国的民权运动,功绩卓著,闻名于世。金在成为民权运动积极分子之前,是黑人社区必有的浸礼会的牧师。民权运动是美国黑人教会的产物,本文记叙金的第一次民权演说,揭示了民权运动与黑人教会的关系。6、马尔科姆·艾克斯于1925年出生在美国内布拉斯加州东部的奥马哈市,少年时期是个不学无术的街头混混,贩毒、吸毒、滥交、抢劫、杀人几乎无恶不作。终于自食恶果,被抓入监狱。入狱后,他居然从看字典开始,学习了世界历史,哲学,政治,自然科学等方面的知识,并参加了黑色穆斯林组织。出狱后,他投身黑人运动,成为声望仅次于马丁·路德·金的黑人运动领袖。

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The history of English language英语的历史The history of the English language began over 1500 years ago in the north of Europe. Around the fifth century ., tribes of people known as the Angels, Saxons, and Jutes traveled west from Germany and Denmark across the North Sea. They settled in Britain, and by the late seventh century, they were speaking an early form the English. In the late eighth century, the Vikings attacked England. Fighting continued for almost two hundred years. During this time, many Latin, Danish, and Norse words entered the English language. Latin gave English words like kitchen and cup. From Danish and Norse, English borrowed skin, leg, and the pronouns them, their, and they. many synonyms from the Norse language became integrated into English, for example, wrath(English),anger(Norse);sick(English),ill(Norse). In 1066, the Normans conquered England. French became the language of the wealthy and powerful, and English was spoken mostly by poorer people. In the late fourteenth century, English became the first language again. By this time, many words used in English came from French or Latin, and a lot of the early words no longer existed. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, people became interested in the classics. At this time, words from Latin and Greek were included in the English language. a lot of words, or parts of words, from those languages are used in modern English. Today, English has loan words from many of the world’s languages. You can probably find a word used in English that first came from your native language.英语的历史从1500多年前的北欧开始。 在公元5世纪左右,称为天使、撒克逊和黄麻的人们的部落从德国和丹麦旅行向西过北海。 他们迁入英国,并且在7世纪末以前,他们讲早期的形式英语。在8世纪末,斯堪的那维亚人攻占英国。 战争持续了将近200年。 在这个时期,很多拉丁语、丹麦和古斯堪的那维亚的单词融入英语。 象炊具和杯子与生活息息相关一样,拉丁语给了英语很多单词。 从丹麦语和古斯堪的那维亚语中,英国人借鉴过来了皮肤、腿、以及各种词格的代词“他们”、“他们的”。 来自古斯堪的那维亚语的很多同义词统一到英语中,例如,愤怒(英语的wrath和古斯堪的那维亚语的anger);生病(英语的sick和古斯堪的那维亚语的ill),都在英语中进行了统一。1066年,诺曼人征服英国。 法语成为富人的语言和强有力的象征,但穷人主要讲英语。 在14世纪末,英语再次成为第一语言。 到这时,英国人使用的很多词汇来自法语或者拉丁语,并且许多早期的词汇已经不复存在。到了第16和17世纪,人们对古典作品感兴趣。 在这个时期,来自拉丁语和希腊语的词汇被归入英语。 许多词汇或者单词的组成部分,从那些语言被用现代英语引进使用。 今天,英语有来自大多数世界性语言的泊来单词。 你或许能找到英语使用的某个词汇是最先来自你的母语。 148回

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