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REFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS20051. Sheng-Li Chen, Ke-Qi Xu, and Peng Dong,Preparation of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Inorganic/Organic Bi-Continuous Composite Proton Conducting Membranes,Chemistry of Materials, 2005,17 (24),pp 5880 – 5883。2. Sheng-Li Chen, Jay B. Benziger, Andrew B. Bocarsly, and Tao Zhang, Photo-Cross-Linking of Sulfonated Styrene-Ethylene-Butylene Copolymer Membranes for Fuel Cells,Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.; 2005; 44(20) pp 7701 – 7705。3. Sheng-Li Chen, . Bocarsly, J. Benziger, Nafion Layered Sulfonated Polysulfone Fuel Cell Membranes, Journal of Power Sources, 2005, 151, 2,27~. Liu RX, Dong P, Shen-Li Chen, Monodisperse SiO2/TiO2 core-shell colloidal spheres: Synthesis and ordered self-assembling. Chemistry Letters, 34 (4), 548-549 APR 5 . 王小冬,董鹏,陈胜利,翟文嵩,乳液种子生长法制备亚微米单分散聚苯乙烯微球,中国粉体技术,2005,11卷(专辑), . 董鹏, 陈胜利, 王晓冬, 袁桂梅,纳米/亚微米级粒度标准物质的研究, 中国粉体技术, 2005,11卷(专辑). (Chinese)。10. 张胜振,董鹏,张毓莹,陈胜利,“TiO2/SiO2催化剂的1-己烯异构化性能研究”,石油与天然气化工,2005,34(1),3-7(Chinese)。20041. 仪桂云,董鹏,王晓冬,刘丽霞,陈胜利,“三维有序大孔聚苯乙烯底制备及表征”,物理学报,2004年,53(10),3311~3315。(Chinese)2. P. Dong, Q. Zhou, L. Liu, X. Wang, R. Liu, S-L Chen, B. Cheng, “Progress in the Ordered self-assemblies of monodisperse colloidal spheres and their application”, Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 2004, Suppl. 359-365. (Chinese)3. Sheng-Li Chen, L. Krishnan, S. Srinivasan, J. Benziger, . Bocarsly, “Ion exchange resin/polystyrene sulfonate composite membranes for PEM fuel cells’’, Journal of Membrane Science, 2004, 243, 327–. X-S Chai, . Hou, . Zhu, Sheng-Li Chen, . Wang and L. Lucia, “Carboxyl Groups in Wood fibers: Part I. Determination of Carboxyl Groups by Headspace Gas Chromatography”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2003, 42, 5440-54445. Sheng-Li Chen, and Lucian Lucia, “New insights into the fundamental nature of lignocellulosic fiber surface charge”, Journal of Colloid & Interface Sci。 2004, 275, 20041. Sheng-Li Chen, Lucian Lucia, “Improved Method for the Evaluation of Cellulose Degradation”, J. Wood Sci., 2003, 49, . Sheng-Li Chen, Lucian Lucia, “Fundamental Insight into the Mechanism of Oxygen Delignification of Kraft Pulps: II. Application of surfactants”, Cell. Chem. Technol. 2002, 5-64, . Sheng-Li Chen, Lucian Lucia, “Fundamental Insight into the Mechanism of Oxygen Delignification of Kraft Pulps: I. The Influence of a Novel Carbonhydrate Protective System ”, Cell. Chem. Technol. 2002, 3-4, . 劳力华,陈胜利,“合成温度对VPO催化剂比表面的影响”, 工业催化,2002,10(1),51-54. (Chinese)5. 劳力华,陈胜利,”VPO-U型催化剂用于正戊烷氧化生产苯酐和顺酐的研究”,山东化工,2001,30,20-24. (Chinese)6. Chen Sheng-Li; Shao Han-Cheng, “A New Route to Prepare VPO Catalyst for the Selective Oxidation of Pentane”, Chinese Journal of Catalyst, 1999, 20(5), 553-5567. Chen Sheng-Li, Dong Peng, et al.,“TEM Examination and mechanism of the Formation of Monosize Colloidal Silica Spheres”, Wuji Cailiao Xuebao (J. of Inorganic Materials),1998, (3), 368-374(Chinese).8. Chen Sheng-Li, “Preparation of monosize silica spheres and their crystalline stack”, Colloidal and Surface, 1998, 142(1), . Niu Gen-Lin, Chen Sheng-Li, et al. “Preliminary Study on Selective Oxidation of Pentane to Phthalic and Maleic Anhydrides”, Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals, 1998, 29(7), 7-9(Chinese).10. Chen Sheng-Li, Dong Peng, et al. The Size-dependence of the Growth Rate of the Monosize Silica Particles, J. Colloid & Interface Sci., 1997, 189, 2, . Chen Sheng-Li, Dong Peng, et al., The Kinetics of Formation of Monodisperse Colloidal Silica Particles through the Hydrolysis and Condensation of Tetraethyl-orthosilicate, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1996, 35(12), 4487~. Chen Sheng-Li, Dong Peng, et al., Characteristic Aspects of Formation of New Particles during the Growth of Monosize Silica Seeds , J. Colloid & Interface Sci., 1996, 180(1), . Chen Sheng-Li, Dong Peng, et al., “ Chemical State of Carbon in Monodisperse Silica Spheres Prepared from Alkoxysilanes”, Wuli Huaxue Xuebao (Acta Physco-chimica), 1995, (7), 646-649 (Chinese)14. Chen Sheng-Li, Jia Sheng-Sheng, et al., “ Mild Cracking Solvent Deasphalting: a New Method for Upgrading Petroleum Residue”, Fuel, 1994, (3), . Chen Sheng-Li, “Simple Method for Solving Batch Crystallizer Model”, Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (J. of University of Petroleum, China), 1994, 18(2), 81-85 (Chinese).16. Chen Sheng-Li, Jia Sheng-Sheng, et al., “Supercritical Solvent Deasphalting Process for Residual Oil”, Lianyou Sheji (Petroleum Refinery Engineering), 1993, 23(4), 17-21(Chinese).17. Chen Sheng-Li, “Energy Consumption of Supercritical Solvent Deasphalting Process for Residual Oil”, Qilu Shiyou Huagong (Qilu Petrochemical Technology), 1993, 21(3), 196-198 (Chinese).18. Chen Sheng-Li, Jia Sheng-Sheng, “Review on the Heavy Oil Processing, IV. Non-Catalytic Hydroprocessing and Other Processes”, Youqi Jiagong (Oil and Gas Processing) 1992, , 16-23 (Chinese)19. Chen Sheng-Li, Jia Sheng-Sheng, “Review on the Heavy Oil Processing, III. Catalytic Hydroprocessing”, Youqi Jiagong (Oil and Gas Processing) 1992, , 23-30 (Chinese)20. Chen Sheng-Li, Jia Sheng-Sheng, “Review on the Heavy Oil Processing, II. Thermal Cracking Process”, Youqi Jiagong (Oil and Gas Processing) 1992, , 15-22 (Chinese)21. Chen Sheng-Li, Jia Sheng-Sheng “Review on the Heavy Oil Processing, I. Characteristics, Desalting and Deasphalting Process”, Youqi Jiagong (Oil and Gas Processing) 1991, , 7-13 (Chinese)22. Jia Sheng-Sheng, Chen Sheng-Li, et al., “Upgrading of Shanjiasi Heavy Crude Oil by Supercritical Solvent Deasphalting”, Shiyou Lianzhi (Petroleum Processing), 1991,, 52-59 (Chinese)23. Jia Sheng-Sheng, Chen Sheng-Li, et al., “Deasphalting of Residue though Countercurrent Extraction with Supercritical Fluid”, Qilu Shiyou Huagong (Qilu Petrochemical Technology), 1991, 19(2), 102-105 (Chinese)24. Chen Sheng-Li, etal., “Study on Preparation of Primary Aliphatic Bromides from Alfa-Olefines”, Shiyou Daxue XueBao (J. of University of Petroleum, China), 1989,13(3), 70-75 (Chinese)OTHER PUBLICATIONS1. Sheng-Li Chen, Peng Dong, Qian Zhou, GuimeiYuan, “Progress in preparation and application of particle-based photonic crystals and macropore catalysts”. 40th IUPAC, 5-O-031. August 14-19, 20052. Dong Peng, Chen Sheng-Li, Qi Yanping, Wang Dajun, Xu Chunming, Catalysts with Novel Pore Structure Prepared through Hard Template Technique, 9th China National Conference on Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, April 18-20, 2005, -. Sheng-Li Chen, L. Krishnan, J. Benziger, . Bocarsly, Cation Exchange Resin/ Sulfonated Poly (Styrene-ethylene-butylene) Composite Membranes for PEM Fuel Cells, 9th China National Conference on Chemical Technology, Beijing, China, April 18-20, 2005, . Sheng-Li Chen, Xu KQ, Dong P , “Three dimensionally ordered inorganic/organic composite proton exchange membranes for fuel cells”.Abstract of papers of the ACS 229: U749-U749 642-Coll., Part 1 , . Qi YP, Dong P, Sheng-Li Chen, Baojian Shen. “Primary study on macro porous FCC catalysts prepared using the nano polystyrene particles as template”. Abstract of papers of the ACS 229: U871-U871 130- Fuel, Part 1 , . Liu RX, Dong P, Sheng-Li Chen, “Fabricating TiO2/SiO2 3D ordered colloidal crystal by gravity sedimentation self-assembling”, Abstracts of Papers of the ACS 229: U663-U663 209-Coll Part 1, Mar. 13 . Zhou Q, Dong P, Chen SL, “Study on the preparation of TiO2 inverse opal through a modified filling process”. Abstracts of Papers of the ACS229: U663-U664 210-Coll Part 1 Mar. 13 . P. Dong, C. Li, G. Yi, , Q. Zhou, , , S-L Chen, Progress on the Selfassembling of Colloidal Particles, 10th National Symposium on Colloidal and Interface Chemistry, , 2004, p177-178. (Chinese).9. Sheng-Li Chen, L. Krishnan, S. Srinivasan, J. Benziger, . Bocarsly, “H+-Exchange Resin/Polystyrene Sulfonate Composite Fuel cell Membrane”, The 36th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, June 8-11,. Chen Sheng-Li, Shao Han-Cheng, “The Synthesis of The VPO Catalysis for Selective Oxidation of n-Pentane”, The 3rd International Symposium on Group Five Elements, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 22-23, . Chen Sheng-Li, Shao Han-Cheng, “Study on the Activation Condition of VPO and the Selective Oxidation of n-Pentane to Phthalic and Maleic Anhydrides”, National Meeting of American Chemical Society, the Division of Petroleum Chemistry, Anaheim, CA, March 21-25, . Chen Sheng-Li, Shao Han-Cheng et al, “The Investigation on Activation of VPO and Reaction Temperature of Selective Oxidation of Pentane”, Proceedings of the 9th. China National Conference on Chemical Engineering, Aug. 26-30, 1998, Qingdao.(Chinese).13. Chen Sheng-Li, Dong Peng, et al., The Mechanism of Formation of Monodisperse Silica Particles by the Hydrolysis and Condensation of Tetraethylorthosilicate, 36th. IUPAC International Symp. on Macro-molecules. Aug. 4-9, 1996, Seoul, Korea, . Chen Sheng-Li, Dong Peng, et al., A Method for Determining Reaction Kinetics of Unstable Intermediates Formed in Series Reactions, Proceedings of 1996 Asian -Pacific Chemical Reaction Engineering Forum, June 26-28, 1996, Beijing, P. R. China, . Chen Sheng-Li, Dong Peng, et al. “ The Kinetics of Hydrolysis and Condensation of Tetraethylothosilicate”, Proceedings of the 7th. China National Conference on Chemical Engineering, , 1994, Beijing, 1066-1069. (Chinese).PATENTS1. 董鹏,陈胜利,王大军,大孔重油加氢催化剂的合成和应用,中国发明专利,200510089821, 2005年。(Chinese)2. 陈胜利,董鹏,祁彦平,徐克琪,重质油加工大孔催化裂化催化剂合成方法,中国发明专利,200510082624, 2005年。(Chinese)3. 陈胜利,燃料电池多层复合质子膜,中国发明专利,200410098797, 2005年。(Chinese)

146 评论



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我日哦 分都不给。。。还让人帮你做毕业设计。。。

229 评论


1 、本科论文:邻二甲苯氧化生产苯酐传热传质研究( 1990 );2 、硕士论文:新型塔填料—共轭环的流体力学与传质性能研究( 1996 );3 、博士论文:两性官能团化合物络合萃取及其规律的研究( 1999 );4 、博士后研究报告:城市生活垃圾热解气化焚烧及其机理研究( 2001 )。

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