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264 评论


哈我也愁论文呢,the life of vincet Van Gogh is short but legendary. except for his wide- appreciated paintings, his maddness is also well known and talked about. but the true deep understanding of art and his talents in literature is never covered up by his mad appearence. this article tries to explore the art and value of his works generalize his artistic theory and his painting experience and point ou the influence of his painting and theory on modern art through the analysis of his personal experience amd the comparison between him and the other : art of painting value artisitic theory.你是英语专业么?

256 评论


An Analysis of the Art Value of van Gogh's Paintings Abstract: The short life of Vincent Van Gogh was legendary. Except that he left a great number of well-known painting works, his nearly crazy behaviors were also the talk of the town for the people in the world. However, his profound art ideas and his talents in literature have not been concealed by his "insane" image. This essay explores the art and value of Van Gogh's paintings through comparing the life expriences of Van Gogh with those of other artists in all ages,discusses his painting experiences and art ideas, and points out the influence of Van Gogh's paintings and thougts on modern art. Keywords: painting art; value; art ideas 我英语专业的,纯手工的哦~!

300 评论


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