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With the highly development in social and internet techonoly, the demand for digital database usage and its application fromt the people are also increased. The Ditigal database(DDB)'s emergence has provided our daily life and works with lots of conveniences but on the other hand, the assoicated security issues from the DDB ought to be taken care of. What if our DDB are damaged, modified and leaked, these will certianly affect our work life. Fortunately, our DDB system has its own security measurement and protection against these threats. The use of SQL database may still have some security issues, if there is any abrupt threat in security, we have to follow an effective and proactive security measurement to protect the system, and when we derived such feasible way to do so then it is a affirmed security measurement and procedures for the DDB. As such, SQL DB security issues are important for article is based on the above issues in SQL digital database security and provides us with the analysis and study of it.

117 评论



127 评论


With the progress of The Times and development, people on network cognitive unceasing enhancement, enterprise's information management has become an indispensable part of the enterprise. The enterprise production, sales, human and equipment and office are entered the era of information management. To the development of an enterprise, we must adopt the new way of life, means of competition to adapt it. Sales system is also becoming a enterprise information management is one of the important conditions. Sales system is presented based on B/S model sales system development, and the system is the requirement analysis and system design method to realize is introduced in this paper. The basic function of the system mainly includes login, users and administrators to management. User use part includes price management, inquires the management, accounts receivable and exit; Administrator management part includes basic management and out from the system. This system is divided into two pieces, namely the backend database and Web sites. Because of this system is based on the modular design, so it can be very convenient to expand into suitable for the future more complex environment. The sales system is based on as a platform, SQL Server 2005 as the backend database development application. Paper system from the sales system design background, function analysis, data analysis and design method and detailed design process and so on various are summarized.

360 评论


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  • 毕业论文翻译工作迷茫

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