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首页 > 毕业论文 > 时间序列应用毕业论文

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189 评论


Abstract Data mining is a database application and research of a new area, its objectives through the analysis of historical data, statistics of interest to users or valuable information. In stock trading business, every day large amounts of data into the data warehouse, the data on our understanding of market trends, make the right investment decision-making provides a theoretical basis for research. With time series analysis of theory and research methods to gradually mature, in the stock analysis of the forecast of time series analysis has become a practical significance. From the perspective of applications, data mining on the related concepts, through the time-series data analysis and processing, designed to achieve a stock transaction price forecast for the objectives of the intelligent data mining system. The system background SQL Server 2005 using the available time-series data for the pretreatment, and then build on these time-series data mining model. Outlook for the use of C # language design system interface, users need only a simple operation can view the time series mining model, and use the model to predict the stock transaction price. This study proposed the adoption of our history to predict the future provide a favourable environment for : data mining, time series analysis; Microsoft timing algorithm; time series mining model;

359 评论



271 评论


Abstract Data mining is a database application and research of a new area, its objectives through the analysis of historical data, statistics of interest to users or valuable information. In stock trading business, every day large amounts of data into the data warehouse, the data on our understanding of market trends, make the right investment decision-making provides a theoretical basis for research. With time series analysis of theory and research methods to gradually mature, in the stock analysis of the forecast of time series analysis has become a practical significance. From the perspective of applications, data mining on the related concepts, through the time-series data analysis and processing, designed to achieve a stock transaction price forecast for the objectives of the intelligent data mining system. The system background SQL Server 2005 using the available time-series data for the pretreatment, and then build on these time-series data mining model. Outlook for the use of C # language design system interface, users need only a simple operation can view the time series mining model, and use the model to predict the stock transaction price. This study proposed the adoption of our history to predict the future provide a favourable environment for evidence. Keyword: data mining, time series analysis; Microsoft timing algorithm; time series mining model; Stock prices were forecast;

129 评论


  • 毕业论文时间序列样本

    1、毕业论文是每位学生四年大学学习成绩的体现,同时也是检验教师教学效果和教学工作的重要一环, 因此,各位指导教师和学生要引起高度重视。 要彻底改变以前那种只有少

    笨笨的2003 5人参与回答 2023-12-11
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    羊咩咩要攒钱 3人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 时间序列应用毕业论文


    我是新悦 4人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • r语言时间序列毕业论文

    关于论文怎么写。标准步骤如下 1、论文格式的论文题目:(下附署名)要求准确、简练、醒目、新颖。 2、论文格式的目录 目录是论文中主要段落的简表。(短篇论文不必列

    janetwen1390 2人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 应用技术毕业论文答辩时间

    时间不是全国统一的,时间都是本校教研室,根据专业特殊性而自己确定的,一般都在5到15分钟左右。 一般答辩都分成,讲述自己论文,教师提问,学生回答,教师打分四个环

    一心不二 2人参与回答 2023-12-06