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希望采纳!本人能力有限!只能帮到这图1显示金刚石粒子分散的铜基体。自从金刚石粒子比较容易在机械抛光脱下衣服,小坑里留下了。表面上的样品。当样品进行了分析通过电子探针对碳、粒子显示高碳的山峰,如图2号。图3的展品分析结果为提取出来copper-diamond产品的复合利用x射线衍射(XRD)分析。结果表明,三见dis -分数峰存在,表现为一,B和C,分别。距离的interplanar相应于这三套对钻石峰标准的比较表1。interplanar测量值的距离在标准的吻合很好,恶魔-起动,提取的产品应该是碳在钻石的状态。图4(a)给出了透射电镜显微图显示分布金刚石粒子形貌和(显示为A,B,copper-diamond和C)复合材料。 校准interplanar衍射环的距离图4中了(b)所给的表2。相比,表1,它也是恶魔-strated interplanar距离的校准的衍射环的符合标准的钻石。因此,人们相信石墨化的钻石在粒子1150-1220几乎不发生后的烧结Kcopper-diamond复合材料。尽管钻石是亚稳态allotropic modifica -实践,石墨化碳的金刚石粒子在copper-diamond复合,没有发生,或者程度石墨化太小,被发现。据说起始温度的graphi -tization会伴随着纯度的钻石粉末等。某些金属等杂质元素减少金刚石graphitiza起始温度-信息。金刚石是静态合成捏造出来的方法、铁、镍催化剂和经常被用于目前在钻饰作为杂质,降低开始蛋彩画颜料

Fig. 1 shows that diamond particles are dispersed in thecopper matrix. 图形一展示了 钻石颗粒可以分散在铜质型片里Since the diamond particles are easy to bestripped off during mechanical polishing, small pits are lefton the surface of samples. 由于这些钻石颗粒在化学抛光的过程中很容易分离出来,所以样品的表面会留下小凹痕When the samples were analyzedby electron probe for carbon, the particles displayed highcarbon peaks, as shown in Fig. 2.当这些样品电子探针被分解时,这些微粒表现出高的碳值(carbon peak是某化学术语吧,不了解)就如2图所示Fig. 3 exhibits the analyzed result for extractedproduct of the copper–diamond composite by X-raydiffraction (XRD) analysis.(图三展示了对铜钻石的提取物质用X-ray(XRD分析方法)分析的分析结果)。。 It is shown that three diffraction peaks exist, shown as A, B and C, respectively.(他说明如果衍射峰存在的话,就分别像A,B,C)The interplanar distances corresponding to the threepeaks and standard ones for diamond are compared inTable 1. (这些对应三个峰的晶面间的距离,和标准值在图一中作了对比)The measured values of the interplanar distancesare in good agreement with the standard ones, demon-strating that the extracted product should be the carbonin diamond state.(经过测试的晶面间的距离和标准值一致,说明这些提取物质应该是钻石形态时的碳 )(神马竟然还有钻石形态,总不能是钻石州吧) Fig. 4(a) gives a TEM micrograph showing distributionand morphology of diamond particles (indicated as A, B,and C) in the copper–diamond composite. 图四A是一个TEM显微照片展示了铜钻石合成体的的分布及形态,就如ABC图所展示的The calibration of interplanar distance for diffraction rings in Fig. 4(b) wasgiven in Table 2. 图四晶面间的距离衍射环的校准在图表2中Compared to Table 1, it is also demonstrated that the calibrated interplanar distances for thediffraction rings conform to the standard ones of diamond.与一相比,他也说明了图四晶面间的距离衍射环的校准与标准样本相符Therefore, it is believed that the graphitization of diamondparticles hardly occurs after sintering at 1150–1220 K in the copper–diamond composite.所以说,钻石颗粒的石墨化几乎不会发生在尽力了1150-1220k在铜钻化合物烧结过后Although diamond is a metastable allotropic modification of carbon, the graphitization of diamond particles in the copper–diamond composite did not occur, or the degree ofgraphitization was too small to be found.(尽管钻石是碳的同素异形体,钻石的石墨化在铜钻化合物中不会发生,或者就是石墨化程度很小,没有发现)It is believed that the beginning temperature of graphi-tization would be associated with the purity of diamond powders. 我们相信石墨化的温度和钻石的纯度有关The impurities such as some metallic elements reduce the beginning temperature of diamond graphitization.像金属元素这些杂志,减低了需要石墨化的温度 When diamond is fabricated by the static synthesis method, Fe and Ni are often used as catalysts and are present in diamond as impurities to decrease the beginningtemperature of graphitization(在用静电合成方法构造钻石时,Fe和镍是作为催化剂的,他们也作为杂质减低了钻石石墨化的温度) [6]. It is understandable that both for the graphitization and its reverse reactions, theiractivation energies can be decreased by catalytic agents.(这很容易理解,石墨化合它的逆向反应,他们的发生能力都会因为催化剂而降低)Compared with the diamond fabricated by static synthesis,the diamond powders prepared by explosion method do not contain metallic impurities, thus leading to an obviousincrease in the beginning temperature of graphitization.(与用静电合成方法构造的钻相比石,用爆炸方法取得的钻石不包含金属杂志,提高了石墨化的起始的温度)Hence, the detonation synthetic diamond might be moreresistant to graphitization and probably suitable for theelectric contact materials. (因此,爆炸合成的钻石更加能抵制石墨化,同时也更合适和电接触的物质,就是带电体)




化学课程是从化学科学中选择部分内容,从学校课程体系出发,安排它的顺序、课时及期限。下文是我为大家搜集整理的关于初三化学小论文的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考! 初三化学小论文篇1 溶液溶解度的探究 上周,我们已经学完第九单元《溶液》课程的全部内容,在回顾单元知识的过程中,我着重回忆对溶解的加深理解,记得课后还曾经向刘老师求教空气和合金也是溶液,也有溶解度的概念,刘老师还在课上告诉我们一些溶液的形成和物质溶解时伴随着吸热和放热现象等等。为了深入理解溶液溶解度的概念,我和同学利用假日期间,通过做化学小实验来探究物质能不能无限地溶解在一定量的某种溶剂中,即溶解度的知识点。 我们在1月2日中午(室外温度13度左右)的情况下,做有关溶解度实验。 首先将超市购买的精制250克食用盐均匀分成5份,每份50克; 其次,将超市购买的550mL的农夫矿泉水缓缓倒入奶锅内,防止水溅出; 第三步,略微加热装有矿泉水的奶锅,并用筷子搅拌均匀后,用甩至0度的体温计测量奶锅内的矿泉水温度,为19度。随后加入1份50克的食盐,搅拌后全部融化。 第四步,再加50克的食盐,搅拌后仍能全部融化。 第五步,再加第3份50克的食盐,搅拌后观察,发现锅底有少量食盐未能溶解。 这时,我们查阅相关资料,得知“在20°C时,食盐的溶解度为36g”,我们计算550毫升的矿泉水约为550克,在20°C时可最多溶解146克的食盐。 因而,我们分析,此时奶锅里的溶液应为饱和溶液。 第六步,我们将奶锅里的溶液加热,一会儿,发现,沉淀锅底生物少量食盐不见了,因此,判定,此时溶液可能是不饱和溶液,说明溶解度与温度相关,随着温度升高,溶解度变大。 第七步,将热的奶锅放在室外(10度左右)1小时候后,观察,奶锅里又有少量的食盐沉淀物出现,说明溶解度与温度相关,随着温度降低,溶解度变小。 通过这次实验,我们进一步理解了以下几个知识点: 1、饱和溶液:在一定温度下,在一定量的溶剂里,不能再溶解某种溶质的溶液。 2、不饱和溶液:在一定温度下,在一定量的溶剂里,能继续溶解某种溶质的溶液。 3、将溶液加热(升温)可以使溶液由饱和状态变成不饱和状态,将溶液冷却(降温)可以使溶液由不饱和状态变成饱和状态。 初三化学小论文篇2 归纳一二三轻松学习碳 碳和碳的化合物可以说是化学世界里最庞大的家族,它们有超过二千万的成员。划玻璃用的金刚石,写字用的铅笔芯,我国古代的一些书法家、画家书写或绘制的字画用墨等等。近年来,科学家们发现,除了金刚石、石墨外,还有一些新的以单质形式存在的碳。其中,发现较早并已经在研究中取得重要进展的是C60分子等。那么同学们如何学好关于碳单质的知识呢?实际上我们只要善于总结,就能学好碳知识。 抓住一条主线 物质的结构决定物质的性质,物质的性质决定物质的用途。在学习碳的单质时要抓住“结构→性质→用途”这样一条主线。 对于几种常见的碳单质的结构、性质、用途,我们同学们要注意总结,并善于发现其中的内在规律,这对于掌握好碳的知识是非常有帮助的。 记住两种单质 金刚石和石墨是最常见的两种碳的单质,这就要求同学们记住这两种物质的性质和用途。金刚石和石墨虽然都是由碳元素组成的单质,但由于碳原子的排列方式不同,决定了它们的物理性质有很大的差异。 (1)金刚石中碳原子连接成牢固的立体网状结构,决定了金刚石具有坚硬的性质,由此决定了其可制作钻头、玻璃刀的用途。 (2)石墨中每个碳原子与同一个平面上周围的三个碳原子连成片,许多这样的片重叠起来构成石墨。由于每个碳原子都剩余一个电子成为自由电子,所以石墨能够导电,因此可制作电极;片与片之间可滑动,所以石墨质软,可制作铅笔芯、润滑剂;碳原子之间连接很牢固,所以它的熔点、沸点都很高,可用于制作航天飞机的绝热片。 另外,对于木炭和C60也要熟悉。木炭具有疏松多孔的结构,决定了它具有很强的吸附性,可作吸附剂。活性炭的吸附性比木炭还要强。可用于防毒面具里的滤毒罐、制糖工业上的脱色剂等。C60分子是由60个碳原子构成的分子,这种结构很稳定,决定了它具有许多特殊性能。 掌握三个性质 由于碳原子最外层有4个电子,在化学反应中,碳原子既不易失电子,也不易得电子,决定了碳是一种化学性质不活泼的非金属元素,而且同学们要注意,虽然金刚石、石墨、C60的物理性质不同,但化学性质却是一样的,因为构成它们的粒子是同一种粒子—碳原子。 (1)常温下的稳定性:在常温下,单质碳化学性质很稳定,不易与其他物质发生化学反应。因此,可用碳素墨水书写档案材料,这样可以长时间保存而不褪色。 (2)可燃性:在点燃的条件下,碳能与氧气反应,放出热量,决定了碳可用作燃料。 ①氧气充足时,碳充分燃烧,生成二氧化碳。 C+O2CO2 ②氧气不充足时,碳燃烧不充分,生成一氧化碳。2C+O22CO (3)还原性:在高温条件下,碳能跟某些金属氧化物发生反应,把金属氧化物还原成金属单质。碳表现出还原性,决定了碳可用于冶金工业。例如: C+2CuO2Cu+CO2↑ 3C+2Fe2O34Fe+3CO2↑ 猜你喜欢: 1. 化学毕业论文精选范文 2. 材料化学论文范文 3. 化工专业毕业论文范文 4. 化学毕业论文范文参考 5. 化学毕业论文范例

呵呵 这个很简单啊 只要写1500字就好了啊 “这个CVD金刚石涂层刀具的热力研究”你去网上查下他的用处 怎么做出来的。。。然后在说明哪里哪里设计的好 哪里哪里设计的不好(说不好的时候一定要加个我认为) 再提出改进方案 这样就OK了啊 1500个字一定超的了呵呵~~ 还有就是你在网络上“借鉴”网络资源时要小心哦 国家规定两篇论文里面有连续500个字不变动(不包括标点符号)的话 你的论文就当抄袭的。。呵呵不过一般学校也不会怎么在意你的论文的。。楼主如果是转科毕业 只要你填好了就业协议书 就基本能过了 不需要太担心的 。。。。毕业论文可以赶时间赶出来的 一先开始是这样的 你不会人家也都不会的啊 学校一定会给你某个时间段。。和同学。指导老师一起把这项艰巨的任务完成的 呵呵 (本文纯属笔录 绝无抄袭 谢谢) 不想从网上找来的资料来回答你的问题 我觉得楼主既然知道从百度上发布问题就应该知道从这里找到答案 而且学。。要学习方法


















按照字面的意思,参考文献是文章或著作等写作过程中参考过的文献。然而,按照GB/T 7714-2015《信息与文献 参考文献著录规则》”的定义,文后参考文献是指:“为撰写或编辑论文和著作而引用的有关文献信息资源。








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第一类是收录文献全文的数据库,以 sciencedirect 、springer 和wiley 为代表。

第二类是收录摘要、文献来源和文献引证关系的数据库,以所谓的三大索引数据库为代表。(三大索引数据库统一于 ISI web of knowledge)




This paper introduced the theory of Markowitz portfolio, including the use of geometry in the three securities have an effective portfolio (efficient portfolios) method, as well as the use of the critical line method (critical line) and the simplex method (simplex method) in any kind of Access to effective securities portfolio approach and use of China's Shanghai Stock Exchange's 50 listed stocks was verified.

The subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 of the . has exerted a strong impact on countries around the globe, causing the obvious decline of the economic growth of our country, the bankruptcy of numerous enterprises in small and medium size, and the severe unemployment. This crisis has been bringing enormous damage to the economy of China on a wide scale. This article analyses the financial problems faced by the enterpries in small and medium size of our country and gives some initial suggestions on how to overcome the difficult situation by evaluating the financial environmentTo Foreignize or To Domesticate Abstract1: Domesticating translation and foreignizing translation are two different translation strategies. The former refers to the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers, while the latter designates the type of translation in which a target text deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreigness of the original. But what is the translation practice like in China? Do translators tend to use foreignizing methods or domesticating ones? What are the factors that affect their decision making? This paper tries to find answers to the questions by looking into the translation of English metaphors into Chinese. Key words: domesticating translation; foreignizing translation; metaphor; target language reader 1. Introduction "Domesticating translation" and "foreignizing translation" are the terms coined by L. Venuti (1995) to describe the two different translation strategies. The former refers to the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers, while the latter designates the type of translation in which a target text "deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreigness of the original" (Shuttleworth &Cowie, 1997:59). The roots of the terms can be traced back to the German philosopher Schleiermacher’s argument that there are only two different methods of translation, " either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him; or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him" (Venuti, 1995: 19-20). The terms "foreignization" and "domestication" may be new to the Chinese,

The financial crisis in terms of the world is a huge disaster, as a result of the development of economic globalization, China can not survive naturally. In that context, the outbreak of the crisis in-depth study of a variety of reasons, and prevention, has now become urgent problems. In this paper, the research has been based on research literature and descriptive study of the crisis emerged in some of the practices and theories to be described and explained by the phenomenon of nature to explore. The crisis is the American model of market economy treatment ideology, the neo-liberal ideas and distorted the international monetary system, as well as lack of supervision of the joint effect of factors such as the results. Growing crisis, the slowdown in global economic growth environment, starting from the root causes and adopt appropriate strategies to deal with the crisis brought about by a variety of negative effects, is particularly urgent and important. Keywords: financial crisis, the international monetary system, the new liberalism, regulation, high-leverage ratio

Mortgage-backed Securitization (MBS) is in the field of finance in recent 40 years, the most important innovation in its research in the field of finance has always been a hot issue. This paper developed by the MBS market research compared to the current combination of our MBS of the actual situation, to explore ways to learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries in China to better implementation of the mortgage 's MBS began in 2005, although the rapid development of China's implementation of the MBS in the process of facing many difficulties and obstacles, difficulties and obstacles in both of these market-based reasons as well as environmental reasons for the system; existing mortgage A reason for the market as well as the secondary market. I come to the following conclusions of the , our MBS market should be a draw on the experience of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; MBS in the secondary market system and the system can learn from the experience of the United States; in the securities of the law-making may refer to Japan. In learn from these countries (regions) of experience, not copying machine must be combined with China's actual conditions, step by step, out of the MBS in line with the national conditions of China's development , our mortgage payment in advance of the risks and the level of income, housing prices and mortgage rates are a positive correlation between income levels which affect the role of the largest income growth in the average level of 1% of the mortgage was ahead of schedule The payment will increase the possibility of , on the strengthening of our MBS system building and construction markets, I believe that in the MBS market level, should establish and improve mortgage risk prevention mechanism, the Government has to consider the establishment of the nature of the mortgage loan guarantees or insurance system; in the secondary Markets should continue to expand the scope of MBS issuance and distribution of the main scale, MBSs improve the credit rating service system, regulate credit rating, and further growth of institutional investors to cultivate and improve the mobility of MBSs;MBS in the system of environmental construction, the need to improve the legal system and the securitization of personal credit system and improve the MBS related to the accounting system and tax , the United States sub-loan crisis of our MBS to carry out a wake-up call. Although the loan-to-dimensional crisis, we can not totally reject the MBS, but the use of MBS in the process of the MBS must risk control in a prominent position to strengthen the MBS in the process of the link and the regulation of participants, especially from the source A guard on the mortgage market risks.

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