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高考满分 作文 是在考场上临场发挥写出来的佳作,不是一朝一夕就可以写出来的,也不是碰运气的,需要平时的积累和练习。下面是我为大家收集的关于2022年语文高考800字满分作文五篇。希望可以帮助大家。
















正如当代诗人郭小川说:“但愿每次回忆,都对生活不感负疚。”希望家长们也明白,标准不能衡量一切,因而,有时我们也大可不必太注重标准,让我们对生活不感负疚,就像麦克阿瑟所言:“当生活都用标准来衡量时,那社会便不再有温情和喜悦。”对啊,标准确实可以衡量一些东西,但它只是一个标志性的东西,并不能代表一切。钱钟书在美国 留学 期间,他的导师并不用标准考试成绩来衡量一个人的付出而是结合他平时的表现综合思考。便对学生有一个很好的定论,学生也会不断努力向前奋进。因此,钱钟书一生最敬佩的人便是他的导师,因而钱钟书取得如此的成就也受其影响。试想一下,倘若这位导师也想漫画中的家长般,如此注重一个标准,结果又会如何?还会有如此成就的钱钟书吗?他还会成为钱钟书最敬佩的人吗?

































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在高考语文考试中,写出一篇文质俱佳的 作文 ,从而获得高分,乃至满分,是每个考生梦寐以求的愿望。下面是我整合的2022 高考作文 素材摘抄优秀 范文 ,一起来看看吧。

2022高考 作文素材 摘抄优秀范文1












西汉史学家司马迁遭受宫刑后,身心受到巨大的创伤,但他忍受着耻辱与痛苦,以“千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东南西北风”的执着,实现了当初“究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”的誓言。他用自己饱经沧桑的双手,完成了《史记》这一旷世奇着,给后世留下了“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”的宝贵 文化 遗产。而“一代君权痛蚕室,千秋史笔溯龙门”已成流传千古的佳话。他用全部精力编写的《太史公书》以及他在谤议和嘲讽阴影中磨砺出的坚强与刚韧,都被历史的记忆深深地镌刻。








丁俊晖之所以能在国际_克界取得如此的成绩,都是缘于他在初中时做出的一次选择,当时他十分喜爱 台球 ,并显示了一定的天赋。然而传统观念却是“万般皆下品,惟有读书高”,他的学习成绩很差,他不知如何选择。在与父亲商量之后,他毅然放弃升学,专攻“_克”,终于取得多次公开赛冠军和世界冠军,被称为“东方之星”。这些都源于他善于舍弃,放下顾虑,勇敢抉择,最终取得成功。

有这样一个真实的 故事 ,在马达加斯加群岛有一群顽皮的猴子,经常偷吃人们丰收的花生糯米,这里的人们想了个办法,将花生糖果放到了一个颈口瓶中,当猴子们看到瓶口的美味时,将手伸进去,抓一把花生糖果后才发现这时手已经出不来了,直到人们抓住它时,它依旧不想放弃糖果,不会适时的舍弃,使聪明的猴子落入人们的手中。





“ 传统文化 是我的精神食粮。”生于斯,长于斯,浑金璞玉,天然美质。文化盛宴,浸了你的魂,摄了你的魄,卒成丰富的内在。是的,文化是我一生的行囊。



抑或是叶子说她发了疯地想念南京,想念路边摊的虾皮小混沌,想念夜晚柏油马路上油沆气混着半酸半甜的果皮的味道。嗔怪南京人将车站修在周围绿得不像话的群山。这是石头城的美,南京人的品性。文化地域的美及魅力让生活丰富且安详。所以说,鸿蒙之初接受 教育 文化自然而然得了地域的灵气。



















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★ 2022年高考作文热门话题素材范文7篇

★ 2022高考满分作文写人叙事(素材)

高中 议论文 写作教学对于高中阶段语文教学的重要性不言而喻。在历届的高考中就有不少优秀的满分议论文出现。下面就是我给大家整理的 高考满分 作文 议论文,希望大家喜欢。高考满分作文议论文篇1:拥有的方式 自幼就听说猴子摘果子的 故事 ,淘气的小猴摘了苞谷丢了桃子,丢了苞谷去摘西瓜,结果却一无所获,年幼的我们都对那只可爱的小猴付之一笑。匆匆间我们都已长大,奔忙于晨夕之间,明白了很多道理,却依然在上演一幕幕小猴摘果子的现代剧。有人忙碌于追求自己的梦想,却认为失去的才最珍贵;有人怀揣着许多的获得,却身心疲惫,不敢放弃。静心去想,其实我们并不快乐。 如果说"拥有"是宝贵的财富,我们因为拥有知识和能力而骄傲自豪,因为拥有亲情和友情而幸福快乐;而不知道珍惜却使它埋没于凡庸,就会分文不值。 花开绚烂,只因有爱花的蜂蝶才倍加美丽;漠视它,只会在花败英残后哀叹感伤。日出灿烂,只因有热爱阳光的人才倍加温暖;藐视它,只会在黑夜里孤寒后悔。 饥饿者视粮食贵于金钱,寒冷者视衣帛重于珠玉,只因他们真正体会到衣食的重要。成功的人珍惜自己的成功,失败的人珍惜自己的付出,因为他们知道成功的不易,付出的辛劳。而智者,居陋室而自娱,无得失而自乐,他们珍惜自己所拥有的一切。因为他们知道,只有现在的拥有才最值得珍惜,失去的和将来的只是水中月镜中花,虽美却虚幻。 "悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追。"古风悠悠中陶渊明吟唱于田园菊下,坦然恬然笑嘲一切务幻望虚之子。 也有哲人说,人如负筐采石者,于岁月的崎岖蜿蜒间采撷心爱的珍宝,载着越来越重的行囊,追赶流逝着的光阴而怀揣曾经希冀的未来。当衣食使人沦于琐屑庸俗,成败使人堕为钩心斗角,拥有,竟成了累赘。或许,让昨天随风而逝,让明天姗姗而至,失去些拥有,我们会更轻松。 有登山者不幸将腿夹于两石间,呼唤、推石都不得救,他竟勇敢地用刀剪将腿卸下,血流殷红,浸润石土,他忍痛爬行找人帮助。后来他得救了,虽丢失了健壮的肢体却保住了完整的生命。 面对强权富贵的逼迫诱惑,职位荣耀都成了陷阱上的屏障。李白愤然甩袖而去,"安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜!"他超凡于名利之上,慨然摆脱拥有的羁绊,名垂千古。 壁虎能断尾,所以弱小的它们勇敢地长存于世;蜗牛不舍壳,所以只能缓慢地爬于尺寸之地。 舍弃,不是浪费。当前进的步伐因行囊而蹒跚,舍掉偌重的负荷,脚步才会更坚实。甚至舍弃比拥有需要更多的勇气,拥有是我们曾经辛苦的汗水、心爱的珍品,弃之,几许依依之情丝痛心呵! 许多的选择与行为都令人难以左右,处于昨日与明朝,总会有几多惆怅几多憧憬。人生就似乘车,于一站站的聚合离别而或喜或悲,成熟就在选择中成就。珍惜自己的拥有,学会割舍自己的拥有,才能真正拥有自我。 高考满分作文议论文篇2:莫把情云遮慧眼 人生活在世上,是在无数的感情里度过的。有人说一个人的生命从笑声中开始又在哭声中结束,这一笑一哭,莫不饱含着浓浓的人情,浸透了感情的一生,使生命有了支柱、目标、希望,使生命真正饱满、充实,使人性有了耀眼的光华。 人们重感情,人类也许永远也无法理解在一头饥饿的雄狮面前,它的孩子与猎物没有区别的那种无情兽性。然而深深浅浅的感情织成的云却又常常成为一种遮蔽,让人们原本智慧的眼蹿无法看到青天。 司马迁说,人情莫不念父母、顾妻子。人在很多时候都会自然而然地因情感的砝码将公正的天平偏向自己更在意更关心的人,就像俗话所说的“胳膊肘哪能朝外拐”。于是古代有了智子疑邻的寓言而今人也仍旧在走着这条老路,甚至走得很偏很远。一个年轻的女职员在她本该拥有幸福家庭,拥有灿烂前途之时却因贪污公款被投入监狱,当人们问她为什么要做这种傻事时,她的回答只有三个字:“为了爱。”一位母亲,因年幼的儿子身患绝症无药可治,竟抱着儿子一起踏上了黄泉路。一个老实的农民,却也知道讲哥们儿义气,将儿时同学偷盗来的赃款藏在了自己的被褥下,稀里糊涂地便成了窝藏犯……人们所犯的错误,小到考试时帮助作弊,大到杀人放火,有的只是一时的情不自禁,美好的情感却真的成了道家所说的“情劫”。 也有很多人认识到这一点,于是情似乎又变得可恶了。"杀熟",在很多不同的地方,不同的领域冒出头来。一样的顾客,陌生人就可以得到全面周到的服务,而熟人却被晾到了一边儿;有次品卖不出去,就联系一个熟单位做职工福利。反正是亲不见怪,抑或是熟人自然能够体谅,熟悉的人碍着面子不好说,只管让他们自咽苦水。感情又一次左右了人的态度,甚至还成为了一种被利用的工具。 我们景仰包公,不只是因为他不畏强权,更因为他大义灭亲,铡了自己的亲侄儿。 而事实上,每个人在感情占了上风的时候,只要能再有一刻的冷静,就能摆脱情感的纠葛,不论是偏向亲近的人还是故意"杀熟",都不再会成为人们心中对错的评判。 人是有感情的,但更是有理智的。当我们注视感情时也切记:莫把情云遮慧眼。 高考满分作文议论文篇3:公则生明 ____将"公则生明,廉则生威"这句话作为他的人生信条,于是,我们看见了一个公正无私、威严廉洁的高大形象。 "公则生明",单单四字,意韵深远。公正,不偏私地想问题、办事情,则处理问题明智正确;反之,带有主观色彩,便不能公正无私地认识和处理问题。而人往往受主观影响,难以对事物做出正确深刻的认识,所以要做到"公则生明"并非易事。 人们首先得克服感情上的亲疏远近才能客观地认识事物。《韩非子》中一则寓言日:宋国一富人,一日大雨把他家墙淋坏了,他儿子认为不修好,一定会有人来偷窃,邻家老人也如此认为,是夜,果然富人被窃。富人于是觉得他儿子很聪明,而怀疑邻家老人为窃贼。可见,富人对被窃一事,完全受感情亲疏所左右,自己的儿子、偏私地认为聪明,邻翁却是怀疑对象,这样不客观,很难认识到真相,或许,事情的真相恰恰相反也未可知。所以,感情上的亲疏远近在很大程度上影响着人们的判断,要想获得正确的认识,必须理智客观地分析研究事物,不带一丝感情色彩。 历览古来圣贤人,无不在对事物做出客观公正的评价,在处理事情上力求做到公正不偏私。 我们要向包拯学习,他公正廉洁,不包庇一切罪行。他的铡刀上斩昏君,下斩黎民,只要是真相,就能在他面前闪光,只要有罪恶贪婪,一律逃不过他公正无私的眼睛,于是,才在青史上永远携刻着他的名字。 我们要向岳飞学习,他训练的岳家军,行军迅猛,杀敌勇武,这与他的公正无私是分不开的,儿子岳云,犯军规违纪按军法处置,不因他是自己的儿子而有所偏颇,于是全军上下,无人不服,元人不赞,因此,岳家军才使金军闻风丧胆,才使得北宋得以保全,岳飞的精神一样在历史的长河中熠熠生辉。 不论是故去的古人,还是现存的今人,只有做到公正无私,才能在对事物的认识上得到真理,才能在对事物的处理上得到赞美。感情上的偏私只能陷人于不分青红皂白,不辨是非之中,我们要坚决拒绝让感情主宰理智。 "公则生明"这句话犹在耳边回荡,让我们掘除感情的干扰,理智公正地在世为人吧! 高考满分作文议论文篇4:勿以好恶论断之 人有七情,自有喜好与厌恶之情,然而,当这种好恶之情掺入对真理的认识时,又会有怎样的影响呢? 也许腊梅讨厌冬风的肆虐与无忌,却依然在寒冬中吐露芬芳;也许鱼儿讨厌巨浪的汹涌与狰狞,却依然与巨浪为伴,成全生命的真讳;也许落叶对这个天地无比依恋,然而,当秋风吹来时,它毅然地飘落,告别那个美好的世界,成全明年即将萌发的草芽…… 勿以好恶论断之,这是一种怎样的人生境界!这是一种何等的明智选择! 当一个人可以将对事物的判断游离于感情的亲疏之外,那他必是明哲之人了! 公子小白曾被管仲箭射衣带钩,自是对其痛恨无比。然而,当他认识到管仲的才识时,放下心里的厌恶,重用管仲,终成一代霸主。 刘邦不喜韩信的出言无忌,却委其以重任,让韩信统兵作战,征讨四方,终于灭了西楚霸王,成为天之骄子。 房玄龄曾为李建成出谋害李世民,李世民又岂能不恨?然而李世民不计前嫌,重用房玄龄为臣,遂有"贞观之治"之盛世, 感情的亲疏可以蒙蔽你的双眼,让你看不清事物的真面目,阻碍你对真理的认识,成为你求知路上的绊脚石。 勿以好恶论断之,楚王不听信郑袖之辞而疏远屈原,自不会为秦国所吞并。 勿以好恶论断之,李存勖不宠幸伶人,重用伶官,不谈国事,自不会因一人之乱而七庙隳,为天下苍生所笑。 勿以好恶论断之,诸葛亮不听信马谡的信誓旦且,自不会痛失街亭,一败千里,死不螟目。 举目四望,古今中外,有多少英雄豪杰因内心之好恶而惨遭滑铁卢?古代如此,今天亦如此,或许,将来也如此。 对真理的探求是独立的,对事物的认识也不能掺杂上感情,“做学问就是做学问”,陈景润的话也许揭示了这个真理。 自然,人非圣贤,孰能无过?我们不必苛求,不过,不可不求。 勿以好恶论断之,也许你会发现,狗尾草也会开出美丽的花。 高考满分作文议论文篇5:感情不是 保险 绳 中国是个人情大国,除原有的宗族关系之外,又重新发展了诸如情同手足、亲如兄弟之类的新感情。在处理各类事务中,喜欢拉关系找后门、找熟人等等,仿佛这样做才能万无一失,如同上了保险一样。 我们不能否定这样做带来的好处,但靠感情的亲疏来处理事务和认识事情,是否片面了些,岂不知这样做的后果往往会得不偿失,会蒙蔽我们看待事物真实一面的双眼! 《韩非子》中有这样一个寓言,说宋国有个富人,一天大雨把他家的墙淋坏了。他儿子说:"不修好,一定会有人来偷窃。"邻居家的一位老人也这样说。晚上富人家里果然丢失了很多东西。富人觉得他儿子很聪明,而怀疑是邻居家老人偷的东西。自己的儿子与邻居说同样的话,而宋人对此却做出了两种截然不同的论断,究其原因,都是感情惹的祸。邻人出于好心却被认作贼,只是缺少了一份血缘关系,宋人做此论断不但会伤了邻里关系,而且会有真贼逍遥法外,而他丢失的东西也不可能失而复得,片面地强调感情亲疏与事情发展的紧密联系,毕竟会使我们走进某些误区,而造成不必要的损失。 诚然与你关系亲密的人值得信赖,可以给予你帮助,但与你疏远或是完完全全的陌生人,就一定会陷你于不义,想加害于你,成为被怀疑、被仇视的对象吗?有一句老话:"世上总归是好人多。"在你处于困难的泥淖不能自拔,当你面临四面楚歌的境地无法突围,当你徘徊于迷途之中不能前进时,也许有些与你平时亲如手足的人只会观望,而许多好心的陌生人会交给你一根救命的稻草。多少人当官时门庭若市,又有多少人下台后门可罗雀,"人走茶凉"的话并不是平白无故就有的,"落井下石"者往往是你意想不到的人。所以不要把感情当做你惟一的筹码,信赖他人,以友善的目光去注视每一个你不认识或疏远的人,从而你便收获一份意想不到的惊喜;原来并非熟人才能把事情办得如此之好,并非手足才能给你亲人般的关怀,也并非亲朋好友才值得你信赖。 不要总以审视的目光打量陌生人,也不要把所有的筹码都正在感情的亲疏关系上,毕竟感情不是我们认识事情,处理事情的保险绳。 感情不是惟一筹码。 看过“高考满分作文议论文”的人还看了: 1. 2015年高考满分议论文作文5篇 2. 优秀议论文大全 3. 高考满分作文议论文5篇 4. 信念高考满分作文 5. 2015年全国卷高考优秀议论文作文4篇



Is It The Only Way Out To Go To College

We had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to vary from person to person.

The majority of us consider it very necessary to go to think it can widen their knowledge and improve their in this way can they find better jobs after few students,that is about ten percent of the students think it no use going university, because the tuition is too high for their family to ’s more, it’s rather hard for college graduates to seek satisfactory percent of the students, however, believe “All roads lead to Rome.” Therefore it doesn’t make any difference whether they go to college or not.

In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can serve our motherland.

Through observation, I found that plastic bags on people's harm and pollution is very large. People often use plastic bags: mother to buy food and plastic bags; to shopping malls with plastic bags; in the restaurant to eat rice is also packaged with plastic bags to take home; even I buy stationery also with plastic bags. People do not know what they do to the environment caused by pollution, their own body caused any harm. Such as: people often put useless plastic bags thrown into the garbage, plastic bags in the rubbish will be smelly, so that the pollution of the air. People also throw plastic bags anywhere, a wind, plastic bags flying in the sky, the branches also see the tree is a plastic bag, and even the river there are plastic bags. This plastic bag in addition to pollution of the air, but also polluted our water resources.

We should raise people's awareness, tell us the neighbors and friends and family together to beautify our environment. On the road to see the plastic bag quickly picked up, immediately took it to the garbage disposal. We want to start from my use less plastic bags, so that my mother every day to buy food or shopping when they first take their own bags, this is not very environmentally friendly? Or can use their own holding things as far as possible by hand, no plastic bags.

As the saying goes: "to protect the environment, everyone is responsible" We have to protect the home environment out of a force.




I love to travel the all my travels I have seen many grand sights and sounds,and every one of them was unforgettable.

However,of all the places I've seen,the city of Hong Kong left the deepest impression in my mind.

It was an wonderful experience seeing a city so close yet so different.

Hong Kong with its mixture of different peoples from different backgrounds is a change from my hometown,its impressive high rise buildings and the kindness of it inhabitants were awe-inspiring.

The city lights at night rivaled any fireworks display I've ever seen.

My time there has shown that we as citizens of the planet can indeed come together,live in peace and through our combined effort achieve great things.

The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation ( June, July, and August).

Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities durlng the summer, and ask friends and relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually

solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.

Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it.

Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.

My View on Hobby

Everybody has his own hobby. Hobbies not only make our life colorful, but also bring us lots of benefits. Hobbies help us to relax after a long period of hard work, and offer various activities for the people who are retiring. As to my mother, her hobby is to go square dancing after supper. She said, square dancing can make her forget her own problems and stay in good health. As to my father, his hobby is watching football games on TV. Among all my hobbies, the favorite one is reading. When I was a little girl, I love reading comic books. When I m getting old, I love fiction very much. I have so much fun from reading them. My favorite fiction is Pride and Prejudice. It not only provides knowledge, but also teaches us the right attitude toward life. I think reading makes my life complete. I will keep on reading. That s my favorite hobby.



Dear Librarian,


Thank you very much for offering me the chance to make suggestions to improve the service of library .I love our library which holds thousands of books and I want to give your some suggestions .


Due to the fact that there is no plant in our library, I hope that you can add some in it .It will be a great thing to read in a library filled with plants. In my spare time, I often go to the library and read some books .And I find students have to stand between the shelves for hours .It is a little tired for them to do so. It may be a good idea to add some chairs. Another suggestion is that school should reduce the students reading in the library. We are long for a quiet environment.


It also has another disadvantage——the communication problem .Since teachers are strict, we never tell teachers our personal affairs or secrets. Mostly we just tell them to our friends, but as students too, they couldn’t help to solve our problem, such as puppy love, communication problems or study problems .Not being solved completely, they always disturb us, influencing our daily life and study. I’m sure that you think that making friends with teachers can solve the problem, and you are eager to do so as well. But if we do so, new problems will come out .You see, an adult couldn't control himself well at times, let alone us students. However if teachers are our friends, I doubt whether their orders will take effect any more .You see, have we ever treated our friends’ orders as orders? We think they’re only jokes. This is another difficulty for teachers.

Additionally, our parents have the same problem. Yes, we need to be friends, but not complete friends. We need to keep a certain distance, making us communicate well and willing to take your orders. I remember a story.

One day, a lady had her rest room decorated. And a skilled worker was bricking up the wall. Seeing large cracks between the bricks, she questioned why. The worker told her after this summer, the bricks would become bigger, and those cracks would disappear.

During the ancient times the Greeks held swimming sessions in full respect and with was after more than a hundred years when swimming was reincarnated and became acompetitive sport.


Swimming is indeed a great kind of the whole body moving against the watercurrent,it is considered as an excellent form of physical and cardiovascular exercise.


Relieves stress because it is a relaxing exercise.

· 因为是放松运动,所以有减压功效;

· Increases the flexibility of the body,enhances balance and coordination.

· 增强身体灵活性,加强平衡力和协调力;

· Serves as a form of therapy for some ailments and medical condition.

· 作为某些疾病和医疗的治疗形式;

· Builds and tones the muscles.

· 锻炼肌肉;

· Helps maintain cardiovascular fitness.

· 保持心血管健康;

· Keeps the heart and lungs healthy.

· 维持心脏和肺健康.


The Mid-autumn Festival is around the corner. As a tradition of Mid-autumn Festival, moon cake is popular during this period that is the necessity for this festival. Previously, people often made moon cake by themselves, but now most people buy it from market. As time goes by, more and more moon cakes that are beautifully made are sold in the market.

However, the prices of moon cakes also increase correspondingly. Some people even pay hundreds or thousand yuan to buy a box of moon cake. In my opinion, it is totally not necessary. Moon cakes just a tradition of Mid-autumn Festival that owns good meaning. But more and more people regard it as gift to others and some others buy it to show their wealth, or take it as the symbol of status.

These are the reasons that increase the prices of moon cakes. I think its not a good phenomenon and we should enjoy this tradition or delicious food simply in such a good holiday.




It’s our duty to protect he environment. As we all know, with the global warming and energy consumption, the environment is becoming worse and worse. It is very important for us to start with a low-carbon lifestyle. But how can we live a low carbon life? Here are my ideas. Firstly, it is a very good idea for us to go to school on foot instead of by car. It is good for the environment and our health as well. Secondly, remember to turn off the lights, fans and computers when we leave the classrooms. Thirdly, it is important for us to turn off the tap when we finish using the water. We can reuse water, too. For example, we can reuse the water to water the flowers or trees. At last, try to use the cloth shopping bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. (In addition, it is important for us to use fewer fast food boxes or chopsticks so that we can reduce the white pollution.) I believe our life will become better and better if we can do these things. Lower carbon, happier life. Let’s take actions.

The summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the end of the school year,students begin their search for jobs during vacation ( June, July, and August).

Students send letters to businesses, talk to employers about job opportunities durlng the summer, and ask friends and relarives to be on the lookout for jobs for them. By June the students have usually

solved the problem and begin to make preparations for leaving their books to enter the business world.

Reasons for wanting a summer job are different from student to student. Some work to help pay their school expenses; others work to gain experience in their chosen professions; still others work just for the fun of it.

Typist, construction worker, salesman, lifeguard, and waiter these are some of the more common jobs that students try to find during the summer months. But many young people find work that is a little more unusual.

I have a dream --I dream that God has a happy life.

I hope he has a warm house to get out of the bad wweather outside. on his bed, hell have a wondreful pillow--not beautiful buit comfortable. I hope that he has healthy food, maybe some mushrooms, some cabbages, somew eggs, and so on. Oh, I persaude him not to eat any hamburgers, they are rubbish.

I bless God. I hope that he has an old tree in his yard. Its big leaves are green in summer and turn yellow in autumn, birds build their house in the tree, ants climb up and down for their own lives. God can read under the tree, or he can listen to the trees words---itll tell him a lot, making him laugh or cry.

My dream is that hell not be too busy to smile. I wish for a beautiful earth, which hasnt pain, hunger or wars, and which is only filled with lovely smile and sweety tears. then my dear God will be able to have a good bath and a goood sleep---for many years he cannot do this quietly.

Every night , I have the same dream , i dream that God can have a happy life and hope its not only a dream...



提示: 1. 实况描述

2. 对生活造成的影响

3. 分析雾霾形成的原因


注意:1. 上下文连贯,行文流畅。

2. 词数100-120 (首句已给出,并不计入词数)。

雾霾天气the hazy weather

空气质量指数 the Air Quality Index

Dear Editor,

Recently many places in China were blanketed with thick


Best regards




Dear Editor,

Recently many places in China were blanketed with thick fog. The Air Quality Index in most parts reached around disappeared from our sight. Some highways were closed. More traffic jams and accidents happened .People had to wear masks .What’s worse, many people found it difficult to breathe.

The heavy hazy weather in China has been caused by many factors. First, the severely polluted environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Second, the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role. The cars send off a lot of poisonous gases.

In my opinion, We should call on people to use more public transport, thus reducing the number of cars in the streets. Besides, some factories which cause pollution should be closed down. What’s more, We have to do more to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection . Only in this way can we expect to have more sunny days.

Best regards




In the 21st century, human's science economic development has reached a very high level. But I want to ask: do you have any aware of human activities on the environment will be what kind of impact?

The deforestation of the forest is not a serious problem? According to the survey the world forest area is in at an annual rate of millions of hectares of disappear. Caused a lot of water and soil loss, make many areas become desert. Scope of human activities in the declining, it's not scary?

What human besides destroying forests, don't damage the environment problems? It is not. Now, we should see the seriousness of water pollution. At present, 60% of the country in the world face the shortage of water, 20% of the population is difficult to get clean water, 51% of the people do not have access to sanitary water. This is caused by what? Is, that we are causing ourselves now factories and sewage in our life, not by processing is out. This is not proof of that? According to research, each 1 cubic meter of sewage discharge, 14 cubic meters of natural water pollution. Think of it, this is what a terrible number?

In the discharge of smoke in the factory, we don't know the smoke is atmospheric pollution? Scientists have found that there are at least 100 species of air pollutants produced great harm to the environment, directly affect people's health.

Do we want to live in such an environment? Certainly don't want to; Then let us use action to prove it! We can start from me, start from now, start from the side. Love nature, the consciousness of environment protection! To do propaganda environmental protection angel! Let's take action to protect the environment






Generally speaking, life in high school is busy and fulfilling, due to the ultimate goal---College Entrance Examination. Many people say that there is no fun left but bored study and endless exercises. However, as a high school student, I can’t agree with them. Personally, I live a fruitful but happy life in high school. It can’t be denied that study is my priority that I must spend most of my time and energy on it. Sometimes, study may make me frustrated or even drive me crazy, but I still can adjust my mood to enjoy my life. Besides, I can also get a sense of achievement when I do well in my study or make progress. The most important is that my friends bring much happiness to me and my parents’ care inspires me to go on. I think friends in high school are my best friend forever, because they know me a lot and witness all of my emotions. They are the persons who grow with me. In addition, teachers in high school care much about our students both in study and life, and classmates are always friendly to each other. We build deep friendship together. All of these make up my fruitful life in high school, which I will cherish forever.


提示: 1. 实况描述

2. 对生活造成的影响

3. 分析雾霾形成的原因


注意:1. 上下文连贯,行文流畅。

2. 词数100-120 (首句已给出,并不计入词数)。

雾霾天气the hazy weather

空气质量指数 the Air Quality Index

Dear Editor,

Recently many places in China were blanketed with thick


Best regards




Dear Editor,

Recently many places in China were blanketed with thick fog. The Air Quality Index in most parts reached around disappeared from our sight. Some highways were closed. More traffic jams and accidents happened .People had to wear masks .What’s worse, many people found it difficult to breathe.

The heavy hazy weather in China has been caused by many factors. First, the severely polluted environment contributed a lot to this nightmare. Second, the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role. The cars send off a lot of poisonous gases.

In my opinion, We should call on people to use more public transport, thus reducing the number of cars in the streets. Besides, some factories which cause pollution should be closed down. What’s more, We have to do more to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection . Only in this way can we expect to have more sunny days.

Best regards



It is a celebrating day. I got in touch with Michael whom I have been losing contact for one year.

It is really magic. I was searching online aimlessly yesterday when an idea struck me suddenly: since Ben can find out my secret by keying in my name in the search engines, why cant I do so, either?

I intended to find out something about Ben in revenge in the first place, but soon extend my name list to a wider category. It was then that I recalled Michael suddenly.

We have lost contact since our last correspondence in my senior 3. He mentioned to me in his last letter that he was preparing for going to UK to further his education. I, shamefully, was too busy to reply his mail then. When I was recommended to ZJU and won the final freedom, I thought he had already been in UK so I had no idea where to write him.

I used to think that we would never meet again. However, when I browsed the entries about him, I found out excitedly that he is still in .!!

Without a moment hesitation, I ran upstairs to my dorm and found out my old address book. Thank goodness, his home no was still there.

After 3 times calling with no answer replies, I eventually got him on the phone. He was more surprised than I could imagine that when I asked for his hp no he was too nervous to remember it. :P Hehe.

I am very disappointed not to be able to go to see a film with my friends, to play my favorite musical instrument, or to watch TV with my family in the evening. I have to sit at desk and do my homework, which can not be finished until midnight, I'm tired of doing much homework, get bored at taking so many exams, and lose interest in studying.

Teachers, please get rid of homework and examinations. Examinations are nothing but anxiety-makers. Homework is nothing but interest-killers.

Teachers, we can learn more outside the classroom. Classroom gives us limited kinds of information. We can only learn some dead knowledge from the , please set us free, and let us learn more outside the classroom from the environment, from TV, from private study or from our friends.

My dear teachers, can you hear me? Please lighten the burden on students.


高考 作文 要在 开头 处用足功夫:或单刀直入,题旨显豁;或情景交融,美不胜收;或佳词丽句,神满气足;或饱含深情,淋漓酣畅;或引人遐想,启人深思;或俊美人物,闪亮登场。下面是Vanky我为大家整理 议论文 800字作文高中的相关资料,供大家参考!议论文800字作文高中【优秀篇】 提升语文素养 课堂教学做主 语文学习 是一种终身学习,语文素养的提升也贯穿着每个人的一生,那么对于中学生来说,提升语文素养的途径是什么?我认为主要是课堂有效教学。课堂教学教什么、提升什么呢?我认为主要是听说读写四种语文能力的培养和提升。 首先,“听”这一能力的培养和训练贯穿在语文课堂教学的始终。听老师讲解《沁园春·长沙》,我们感受到了伟人的气魄和胸怀;听鲍国安先生朗诵《赤壁赋》,我们感受到了苏轼的豁达和豪迈;听同学们探讨《记念刘和珍君》,我们感受到了青年的热血和执着。聆听老师声情并茂的讲解,欣赏名家感人肺腑的朗诵,我们提高了审美情趣,增长了欣赏水平,语文素养在倾听中慢慢提升。 其次,“说”在语文课堂上呈现的方式多种多样,成为提升语文素养重要的手段,受到了同学们的喜爱。在《再别康桥》的朗读中,我们体会到了浓浓的不舍情思;在《中国梦》的演讲中,我们体会到了祖国的繁荣昌盛;在“能否以成败论英雄”的 辩论 中,我们体会到了哲思的巨大魅力。在说中悟,在悟中提升语文素养。 再次,“读”作为提升语文素养最有效的手段,在语文课堂教学中的比重最大。我们对《荷塘月色》进行品味和鉴赏,感受语言之美;我们对《拿来主义》进行思考和领悟,感受思辨之强;我们对《宇宙的边疆》进行阅读和理解,感受着自然之神秘。通过这些优秀篇章的赏读,我们全面提高了语言鉴赏水平和语言运用能力,进而提升了语文素养。 最后,“写”是语言表达运用的重要方式,心灵的触动、情感的共鸣、理性的思考都可以在写作中呈现,没有“写”,语文素养就无法从根本提升。我们写作《难忘的瞬间》,表达生活的感动;我们写作《霜叶红于二月花》,描绘自然的美景;我们写作《我心中的孔子》,赞美先贤的智慧。写作完成了语文素养的提升。 这四种能力的培养最终达到了提升语文素养的目的,这是正在接受学校 教育 的中学生提升语文素养最有效的途径。当然,除了课堂有效教学之外,课外的大量阅读和社会生活实践对提升语文素养也起到了一定的作用。 议论文800字作文高中【经典篇】 “老腔”何以令人震撼 华阴老腔,在几年前还是个名不见经传的小曲目。然而,这样一个小众甚至是默默无闻的老腔,却让陈忠实先生情难自禁,沉醉其中,不可自拔。不禁很好奇,“老腔”究竟何以令人震撼? 也许是那一声声铿锵有力、直击人心的嘶吼,也许是那一段段百转千回、悠扬婉转的曲调,也许是台上台下演员的倾力演唱、人们的激情感染……或者,是藕断丝连的缕缕乡愁,是深结于心的归属与认同。前三者自不消说,确实打动了很多人,却难以让人有更深层次的、发自心灵的震颤和共鸣——这种共鸣,是需要共同的记忆和情感的。陈忠实生于关中,长于关中,他了解并几十年如一日地热爱着它;而在老腔中,在极富感染力和冲击力的表演中,他不能更加清晰地看到了故乡的面目,听到了自己引以为豪的土地的神灵之歌。 这才是老腔之所以让人震撼的原因。这种深刻而广阔的民族归属感和 文化 认同感,让我们在与西方文明接轨、渐渐西洋化、渐渐遗忘了民间小调的时候,可以被一曲乡音震得泪流满面。这实在是一件可喜又可悲的事情。喜的是,像老腔一样的民间文化依旧可以轻而易举地引起我们的感动和震撼;悲的是,像老腔一样的的民间文化居然可以轻而易举地引起我们的感动和震撼。难能方为可贵,都是越不容易得到,才越发觉得珍贵,觉得眼前一亮。本应深植于日常生活的风土民俗,什么时候竟到了能涤荡神魂的地步? 现在的人们,是不是已经走得太远,以至于都要看不见回家的路了呢? 两年前,坐在课桌前的考生们面对着“北京老规矩”的茫然无措依旧历历在目。家家户户四合院、七折八拐胡同湾的景象已经不复存在,似乎连带着那些陈旧又充满温情的习惯也跟着一同去了。听得别人提起,才会恍然大悟,惊喜非常:就应该是这样的啊!老腔是如此,老规矩是如此,甚至连大名鼎鼎的国粹京剧,也不知道有多少个孩子有过完完整整听一出戏的经历。这片土地记忆的格调,就在我们这一代中逐渐被更改;这片土地文化的精粹,就在我们这一代中逐渐被掩埋。偶然听到、看到、感受到,所带来的震撼终究是短暂的,短暂之后又是长久的遗忘;而我们需要的,从来都不是遗忘。 在追逐更加多样的未来的时候,有时也需要停下来,多看看来时的路。即使登上顶峰,一个没有自己独有回忆的人也不是一个完整的人;即使快速发展,一个没有自己独特文化的国家也不是一个值得尊敬的国家。希望在不久的将来,我们领略到和老腔类似的民间艺术时,不会再如此“肤浅”地被震撼。 议论文800字作文高中【推荐篇】 阅读的三重境界 人生天地间,总要与外界发生联系。而阅读,则是其最主要的通道。 阅读分为若干种,绝大多数人的阅读属于消遣性阅读。这种阅读的目的就是打发时间,说得高雅点,是让时间不至于白白流逝。浏览网页,翻翻报纸,看看电视,了解一些 热点 新闻,搜集几件明星八卦,打探哪里出了奇人异事,瞅瞅又有几个老虎被调查……边看边乐,然后与志同道合者大摆龙门,是很惬意很得意的事。 市井闲人们的阅读大抵如此,很多上班族的阅读有相当的比重也可归入此类,我们青年学子,有时也愿意做这些消遣性的阅读。为的是放松放松,调剂一下有些枯燥的学习生活。我觉得,“消遣”是个中性词,甚至在某种意义上可归入褒义,毕竟有所消遣便是有所寄托,这总比无所事事、无是生非要好得多得多。 阅读的第二重境界,我称之为充电式阅读。这种阅读有明显的现实“功利性”,颇有现趸现卖、临时抱佛脚的意味。以我为例,该交综合性研究作业了,我才上网搜索相关的材料,包括成本的书、杂志,相关论文,然后挑灯夜战,快速扫描,从中筛选自己用得着的矿石,冶炼、提纯,最终形成自己的产品。这样的阅读,效率高,印象深,积少成多,集腋成裘,我的大脑里面的东西感觉越来越多,越来越有品位。出于很近视的目的,其效果却是长久的,这样的阅读,其实就是我们成长的台阶。 听说大多数成年人尤其是上班族,其阅读大都含有某种“功利性”。这不是坏事。关键是要将这些信息合理转化,切忌生搬硬套,机械照搬。否则的话,这种阅读就成了鸦片,副作用可不是一般的大。 阅读的最高境界,是精神性阅读,或者叫心灵性阅读。这样的阅读完全是个人的兴趣所在,阅读的过程,也是修养身心、陶冶情操的过程。据说,这样的人,看经典的影视作品,会忘掉了世界的存在,能与剧中人的命运相喜悲;看喜欢的文学名著,常常会如五柳先生“每有会意,便欣然忘食”。可惜的是,我还没能达到这样的境界,但我会向这个方向努力。 鲁迅说过,要看各样的书,即使和本业毫不相干的,也要泛览。卢梭则强调,读书不要贪多,而是要多加思索。道出了读什么书和怎样读的问题,明乎此,力行之,便会臻于大境界。议论文800字作文高中相关 文章 : 1. 高中议论文800字作文 2. 高中议论文800字作文素材 3. 高中关于成功的议论文800字3篇 4. 800字作文议论文高中作文 5. 励志作文800字高中生议论文三篇

作文 是语文考试的重中之重,想要写出好的作文,可以多看一些满分作文,灵活运用。下面给大家分享一些关于语文高中 议论文 范文 五篇,希望对大家有所帮助。




儿童 文学家冰心也说过这样一句话:“成功的花,人们只惊艳它现时的明艳!然而当初它的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪水,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。”她的这句话,告诉了人们花儿之所以艳丽,是因为在它还是芽儿的时候,做出了一个明智的选择。也说明了生活是自己的,命运是掌握在自己手中的。我们现实的态度,做出的每一个抉择,都决定着我们以后的路。




















高士其是我国科普作家。在外国 留学 时,有一次做实验,一个装有培养脑炎过滤性病毒的玻璃瓶子破裂了,病毒侵入了他的小脑。从此留下了身体致残的祸根。他忍受着病毒的折磨,学完了芝加哥大学细菌学的全部博士课程。回国以后,他拖着半瘫的身子,到达延安工作。解放后病情恶化,说话和行动都十分困难,连睁、合眼都需要别人帮助。但他仍以惊人的吃苦精神进行创作,先后写成100多万字的作品。有人问他苦不苦,他笑着说:“不苦!因为我每天都在斗争,斗争是有无穷乐趣的。”








不需要别人陪伴,只身一人,带着陈旧而称心的鱼杆,在风光秀丽,人迹罕至的小河边上垂钓,坐看风起云落时;一缕灯光,一杯绿茶,一本经典的 散文 集,还有一颗渴望宁静的心,衬着灰黑的穹苍……
























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★ 语文作文高一经典范文五篇

★ 语文高二作文800字五篇

作文教学是高中语文教学的重要组成部分,而议论文作文教学在作文教学中又占有极其重要的地位。现在我为大家搜集整理关于高中议论文的优秀作文,希望可以帮助到大家!高中议论文作文:呼唤 小时候在你摔跤的时候你会去呼唤你的母亲,让他来扶你一把,在你学习上遇到困难的时候你会呼唤你的老师或同学,让他们来帮助你解决难题。生活中缺少不了呼唤,一声呼唤,代表着你我的友谊,一声呼唤,代表着我们的情亲...... 许多留守儿童都很想念他们的父母,其实他们也曾呼唤过他们的父母可是那只是在心底,在那无声的撕心裂肺之中叫过,因为他们懂得,懂得父母外出打工都是为了他们好,所以他们理解他们的父母,即使很想念他们。 母亲的一声呼唤多没美好呀!那是洋溢着幸福的呼唤。母亲的一声呼唤代表着对你的关怀、代表着着对你的宠溺、代表爱她的母爱。母亲的呼唤就是荡漾着爱的涟漪。 朋友的一声呼唤代表着他对我们的珍惜,代表他珍惜你这个朋友。朋友之间的呼唤是最纯洁的友谊,是没有一点瑕疵的,朋友可以对你零距离、敞开心扉,心与心的交谈。 老师的一声呼唤代表着对你的重视、代表着他把你当成了自己的孩子,耐心地在教育你,对你的一声呼唤就是对你的教育,他们告诉你做题的错误在哪里,帮助你纠正错误。老师就像母亲一样会对你一在包容。老师的呼唤就是代表着我们父母亲的教育。 呼唤,多么美好的字眼啊!它父母对我们的关心、关爱,代表朋友之间单纯的友谊,代表着老师对我们的重视。 高中议论文作文:因信仰而蜕变 毛毛虫不断突破自己,蜕变成蝶,支撑它的是信仰;雏鹰不断突破自己,翱翔天空,支撑它的是信仰;我们不断突破自己,走向理想,支撑我们的同样是信仰。我们一步步的蜕变,为的是慢慢的靠近信仰。 信仰是支撑我们前进的力量。有了信仰,才会有前进的动力;有了信仰,我们才会不断努力。莱昂纳多的信仰是奥斯卡小金人,为了这个信仰,他不断突破自己,尝试了无数新奇的体验,他用最坚强的面孔,最执着的精神改变自己。通过不断的蜕变,他终于看到了信仰之光,拿到了向往已久的小金人。是信仰,让他的演艺事业变得丰富多彩,是信仰给了他前进的力量。把信仰作为动力,支撑我们成长 信仰是我们不断蜕变变得更加坚强。因信仰,我们流过无数眼泪,跨过无数荆棘。一步一步向前,一步一步走向信仰。因为廖智有信仰,所以她迈过无数困难,战胜天灾,战胜残疾,战胜命运,最终成功的站在舞台上,走近她的信仰。信仰是光,让我们从幼稚的孩童长大成人,变得更加坚强,使我们走向理想。 我们有信仰,就必须为之努力。信仰不是嘴头说说的虚名,而是要通过努力去实现的。刘伟曾说:“人生有两条路,要么赶紧死,要么精彩的活着,没有人规定钢琴一定要用手弹。”于是,他抬起双脚照样让钢琴发出悦耳的声音。没有人规定钢琴一定是用手弹得,只要心中有信仰,就一定会努力实现的。我们同样,既然心中有信仰,就别让人生留下遗憾! 因信仰而蜕变,为了信仰,努力吧! 高中议论文作文:我们的情 时光的流逝,使许多人从我身边渐渐离开,同时又使许多不同的人踏进我的生活。当如今的我驻足回首时,才发现岁月的洗礼真的歇斯底里。让人没有一点挽留的余地。 那年初夏我们刚刚染上网瘾,总会在闲暇时编出个总谎言双双出逃。我们走在初夏的大堤上,任沁人暖风吹的发丝狂舞。听着乐此不疲的蝉鸣,看着柔柔的垂柳在水面肆意滑动,踩着那阳光曝晒的柏油路,穿过那充满岁月的沧桑感的胡同,放弃青春年少的美好,一起挥霍着那段不堪回首的时光。 或许正像我初中班主任说的“往往和你玩的最好的朋友,就是和你一起干过坏事最多的朋友”。那些堕落的时光我却不愿忘记因为你的一切都留在那段时光里。这个世界就是这么现实,造化也常常愚弄世人。让我们在最美好的日子里相遇,却又在青春尚未消失殆尽时让你比我先一步踏入社会。留下我在求学的道路上左顾右盼似乎等待着你的出现。 如今的你依然背井离乡的在在打拼,从不在乎今天星期几,也不在去想编造一些谎言取片刻的自由。如今孤寂取代了我在你心里的位置,黑色的夜空里你是否也会悄悄流泪?我知道我会!每当深夜,寂寞无情的包围着我,我会想起你然后莫名的流泪。现在的我生活就像上班,明天都是一样。我厌倦了如今的生活。总是幻想回到从前,回到五年前那个夏天,我会搭着你的肩坐在水库边,听着悦耳的蝉鸣、体验这夏风丝丝的暖意、让清凉的河水没过脚面、高喊一声友谊万岁!!!猜你喜欢: 1. 高中鼓励优秀作文800字 2. 关于成功的议论文500字 3. 高中写景优秀作文 4. 高中青春励志作文500字 5. 成功在于坚持议论文500字


找了09年的,仅供参考。望采纳!2009年高考英语作文题目预测及范文阅读高三学习 1. 书面表达热点预猜(1) 假设你是李红,你的一位美国笔友Robert写E-mail问及你高考后暑假的安排,请根据以下要点,写一封100词左右的email回复他, 可以适当增加细节。 1. 学开车 2. 参加英语培训课程 3. 去北京看奥运会 4. 游览北京的名胜 注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。2.要准确使用语法和词汇;使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思;3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。 Dear Robert, How time flies! _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 【命题方向与写作提示】 高考英语书面表达写作素材都是与中学生的日常生活相关的话题,会避免出现考生不熟悉的话题,也不会出现农村或城市学生不熟悉的话题,注重考查考生的语言表达能力。本篇素材考查书信体裁的作文,是应用文的写作,话题涉及社会热点:北京奥运会,内容与中学生的实际生活相关:高考后暑假的安排,体裁是书信体的电子邮件。写作要点包括:1)问候;2)引入话题:高考临近,高考后的安排;3)学开车;4)参加英语培训课程;5)去北京看奥运会;6)游览北京的名胜;7)结束语。 【写作提示】 书面表达一定要注意要点齐全,写作中要注意适当增加细节以使上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构。 范文 (One possible version) Dear Robert: How time flies! The happy days we shared often shines in my memory. What about you? As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life. However,I intend to have a meaningful summer vacation. First, I will learn to drive to get a driving license, which is a new activity for a high school graduate in China. I will have a good rest, enjoying my hobbies. Then I will take some English courses to improve my English communication ability, With the 2008 Olympics beginning, I will be a participant of it, watching the basketball match between China and the US. I have been dreaming of Kobe’s performance long. After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to widen my horizon. That is the plan for my vacation. I am looking forward to being told about your arrangements of vacation. Give me your quick reply soon, OK? Best wishes! 2. 书面表达热点预猜(2) 如今世界粮食短缺,价格飞涨,给部分地区造成社会动荡。假设在你校开展的研究性学习中,你们小组以“World Food Crisis”为题进行研究,现在请你代表你们小组向全体同学简要介绍你们的研究成果。主要内容如下: 造成的原因: 1. 气候变化,造成粮食减产 2. 工业发展,城市化加速,耕地减少 3. 世界能源价格上涨,使用粮食生产生物燃料 应对的措施: 1. 注重环保,改善生态 2. 严格保护耕地 3. 富国支持穷国,促进世界和谐 你如何做出自己的贡献 1.…… 2.…… 注意:1. 内容包括以上要点,但不要逐句翻译 2. 字数150左右,文章开头已提供,不计入总词数 3. 参考词汇:城市化 urbanization 生物燃料 biofuels Hello, everyone, Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of our group. As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 【命题方向与写作提示】 这是一篇提纲式的议论文写作素材,探讨国计民生的社会热点话题:粮食价格上涨。写作时要注意避免逐句翻译,并适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 范文 (One possible version) Hello, everyone, Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of our group. As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas. But who is responsible for the current world food crisis? First, annual world grains output has declined because of climate change. Then lots of farmland has been lost due to the rapid development of industry and urbanization. Besides, faced with the rising energy prices, people have turned to the production of biofuels, which has worsened the severe situation. Then what should we do to deal with the problem? On one hand, we should focus on the environmental protection and improve the ecology. On the other hand, strict measures should be taken to protect farmland. Of course, to build a harmonious world the developed countries should take their responsibilities to help the poor ones experiencing food shortage. As for me, I will call on the people around me to live thriftily. And for the moment, I think, we should study hard to develop science and help solve the food shortage in the future. 3. 书面表达热点预猜(3) 下表是某校关于中学生双休日活动现状的一份调查,请结合表格内容,用英语写一篇120—150单词的短文,就中学生应如何过双休日发表你的看法。 学习情况 几乎都在学习 半天学习半天活动 几乎都在做其他事情 16% 24% 60% 娱乐休闲 体育活动 游玩和购物 上网看电视 20% 40% 40% 去图书馆 经常 偶尔 几乎没有 5% 23% 72% 课外兴趣小组 经常 偶尔 不参加 10% 20% 70% 范文 (One possible version) This form displays the result of a survey on how to spend students’ weekend. It says that few students are glued to their schoolwork any more. Instead, they prefer to surf on the internet, watch TV, go shopping rather than involve in sports games. Library and interest groups are available but not favourable. Personally I think, students are now freed from heavy burden but their spare time is not well arranged. They are expected to spend some time on what they learn instead of hanging out. More time should be spent not only on green field but also in the libraries to build up themselves physically and mentally. Besides, more interest groups should be established for students to widen their horizon and sharpen their brains so that they can become more creative eventually. All these will contributes a lot to a well-informed and highly qualified teenager. In conclusion, students should be more scheduled with colorful and fruitful activities. 4. 书面表达热点预猜(说明文) 假如你是李明,你发现部分同学每次遇到重要考试,都会出现一些焦虑症状。请你用英语写一封信,向某学生英文报编辑反映该问题。信的内容应包括下列要点: 焦虑症状 建 议 头晕、乏力、睡眠不好、食欲不振等 1.考前制定好合适的复习计划 2.考试期间正常作息 3.睡前洗热水澡、喝热牛奶等有助于睡眠 其他建议(内容由考生自己拟定) 注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 2.要准确使用语法和词汇;使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思; 3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。 参考词汇:头晕—dizzy(adj.) Dear editor, I’m Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I’m writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams. __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Li Ming 范文 (One possible version) I am Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I am writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams. Most of us feel nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite. In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them. First of all, in my opinion, it’s important for us to have a fight attitude towards exams. They are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results. Study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam. In this way we can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams. Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam. Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late. We can also try a warm bath or a cup of warm milk before going to bed. They might help us to have a sound sleep. (We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before and during an exam so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.) 5. 书面表达热点预猜(5) 在紧张的高三备考阶段,英语老师为了提高复习效率,广泛征求学生意见。假如你叫张华,请根据以下提示,给英语老师写封信,表达你们的需求和建议。 ●适当放慢进度,留出思考时间 ●反复训练重要、易错知识点 ●指导方法 ●减少作业量以保证质量 ●给予更多鼓励 注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 2.要准确使用语法和词汇;使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思; 3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。 Dear Mr. Wang, We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views. In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 范文 (One possible version) Dear Mr. Wang, We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views. In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation. As you know, we didn’t learn well enough in the first two years, so please slow down and make sure we have really mastered something. Besides, we need a little more time to think for ourselves. As for those important points which also make us confused, would you please give us more practice in case we forget? Meanwhile, we need your instruction, for example, in how to write in natural English. I still have another request: assign us less homework in order that we can do it more efficiently. By the way, we often feel frustrated, which has a very bad effect on our study. We would appreciate it if you would give us some encouragement from time to time.


第1段:Recently we’ve had a discussion about whether we should... (导入话题)

Our opinions are divided on this topic.(观点有分歧) 正文:

第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)

Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由)

第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点)

Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由) 结论:

第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点)

第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages. 正文:

第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is


第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2个B的优势) 结论:

第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论) オ 3.观点论述类议论文模板: 导入:

第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:

第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:

第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)

4."How to"类议论文模板:


第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文:

第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法) 结论:

第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)

第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)

The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:

第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:

第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构) 4."How to"类议论文模板:


第1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题 正文:

第2段:Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法) 结论:

第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)



找了09年的,仅供参考。望采纳!2009年高考英语作文题目预测及范文阅读高三学习 1. 书面表达热点预猜(1) 假设你是李红,你的一位美国笔友Robert写E-mail问及你高考后暑假的安排,请根据以下要点,写一封100词左右的email回复他, 可以适当增加细节。 1. 学开车 2. 参加英语培训课程 3. 去北京看奥运会 4. 游览北京的名胜 注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。2.要准确使用语法和词汇;使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思;3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。 Dear Robert, How time flies! _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 【命题方向与写作提示】 高考英语书面表达写作素材都是与中学生的日常生活相关的话题,会避免出现考生不熟悉的话题,也不会出现农村或城市学生不熟悉的话题,注重考查考生的语言表达能力。本篇素材考查书信体裁的作文,是应用文的写作,话题涉及社会热点:北京奥运会,内容与中学生的实际生活相关:高考后暑假的安排,体裁是书信体的电子邮件。写作要点包括:1)问候;2)引入话题:高考临近,高考后的安排;3)学开车;4)参加英语培训课程;5)去北京看奥运会;6)游览北京的名胜;7)结束语。 【写作提示】 书面表达一定要注意要点齐全,写作中要注意适当增加细节以使上下文连贯,并使用一定数量的句式结构。 范文 (One possible version) Dear Robert: How time flies! The happy days we shared often shines in my memory. What about you? As you know, my college entrance exam is approaching, which also announces the end of this sort of pressing study life. However,I intend to have a meaningful summer vacation. First, I will learn to drive to get a driving license, which is a new activity for a high school graduate in China. I will have a good rest, enjoying my hobbies. Then I will take some English courses to improve my English communication ability, With the 2008 Olympics beginning, I will be a participant of it, watching the basketball match between China and the US. I have been dreaming of Kobe’s performance long. After that, I will pay a visit to some tourist attractions to widen my horizon. That is the plan for my vacation. I am looking forward to being told about your arrangements of vacation. Give me your quick reply soon, OK? Best wishes! 2. 书面表达热点预猜(2) 如今世界粮食短缺,价格飞涨,给部分地区造成社会动荡。假设在你校开展的研究性学习中,你们小组以“World Food Crisis”为题进行研究,现在请你代表你们小组向全体同学简要介绍你们的研究成果。主要内容如下: 造成的原因: 1. 气候变化,造成粮食减产 2. 工业发展,城市化加速,耕地减少 3. 世界能源价格上涨,使用粮食生产生物燃料 应对的措施: 1. 注重环保,改善生态 2. 严格保护耕地 3. 富国支持穷国,促进世界和谐 你如何做出自己的贡献 1.…… 2.…… 注意:1. 内容包括以上要点,但不要逐句翻译 2. 字数150左右,文章开头已提供,不计入总词数 3. 参考词汇:城市化 urbanization 生物燃料 biofuels Hello, everyone, Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of our group. As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 【命题方向与写作提示】 这是一篇提纲式的议论文写作素材,探讨国计民生的社会热点话题:粮食价格上涨。写作时要注意避免逐句翻译,并适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 范文 (One possible version) Hello, everyone, Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of our group. As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas. But who is responsible for the current world food crisis? First, annual world grains output has declined because of climate change. Then lots of farmland has been lost due to the rapid development of industry and urbanization. Besides, faced with the rising energy prices, people have turned to the production of biofuels, which has worsened the severe situation. Then what should we do to deal with the problem? On one hand, we should focus on the environmental protection and improve the ecology. On the other hand, strict measures should be taken to protect farmland. Of course, to build a harmonious world the developed countries should take their responsibilities to help the poor ones experiencing food shortage. As for me, I will call on the people around me to live thriftily. And for the moment, I think, we should study hard to develop science and help solve the food shortage in the future. 3. 书面表达热点预猜(3) 下表是某校关于中学生双休日活动现状的一份调查,请结合表格内容,用英语写一篇120—150单词的短文,就中学生应如何过双休日发表你的看法。 学习情况 几乎都在学习 半天学习半天活动 几乎都在做其他事情 16% 24% 60% 娱乐休闲 体育活动 游玩和购物 上网看电视 20% 40% 40% 去图书馆 经常 偶尔 几乎没有 5% 23% 72% 课外兴趣小组 经常 偶尔 不参加 10% 20% 70% 范文 (One possible version) This form displays the result of a survey on how to spend students’ weekend. It says that few students are glued to their schoolwork any more. Instead, they prefer to surf on the internet, watch TV, go shopping rather than involve in sports games. Library and interest groups are available but not favourable. Personally I think, students are now freed from heavy burden but their spare time is not well arranged. They are expected to spend some time on what they learn instead of hanging out. More time should be spent not only on green field but also in the libraries to build up themselves physically and mentally. Besides, more interest groups should be established for students to widen their horizon and sharpen their brains so that they can become more creative eventually. All these will contributes a lot to a well-informed and highly qualified teenager. In conclusion, students should be more scheduled with colorful and fruitful activities. 4. 书面表达热点预猜(说明文) 假如你是李明,你发现部分同学每次遇到重要考试,都会出现一些焦虑症状。请你用英语写一封信,向某学生英文报编辑反映该问题。信的内容应包括下列要点: 焦虑症状 建 议 头晕、乏力、睡眠不好、食欲不振等 1.考前制定好合适的复习计划 2.考试期间正常作息 3.睡前洗热水澡、喝热牛奶等有助于睡眠 其他建议(内容由考生自己拟定) 注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 2.要准确使用语法和词汇;使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思; 3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。 参考词汇:头晕—dizzy(adj.) Dear editor, I’m Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I’m writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams. __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Li Ming 范文 (One possible version) I am Li Ming of Senior Three, Guangming Middle School. I am writing to tell you about some symptoms of anxiety among us students before exams. Most of us feel nervous whenever we’re taking an important exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite. In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them. First of all, in my opinion, it’s important for us to have a fight attitude towards exams. They are only a means of checking how we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the results. Study hard every day and make careful plans for every exam. In this way we can avoid suffering from the pressure of exams. Besides, enough sleep can make us energetic and enable us to perform well in an exam. Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not stay up too late. We can also try a warm bath or a cup of warm milk before going to bed. They might help us to have a sound sleep. (We’d better go out for a walk or do some outdoor exercises before and during an exam so that we can keep ourselves relaxed and then concentrate ourselves on exams.) 5. 书面表达热点预猜(5) 在紧张的高三备考阶段,英语老师为了提高复习效率,广泛征求学生意见。假如你叫张华,请根据以下提示,给英语老师写封信,表达你们的需求和建议。 ●适当放慢进度,留出思考时间 ●反复训练重要、易错知识点 ●指导方法 ●减少作业量以保证质量 ●给予更多鼓励 注意:1.根据以上内容写一篇短文,不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 2.要准确使用语法和词汇;使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思; 3. 词数:100个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。 Dear Mr. Wang, We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views. In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 范文 (One possible version) Dear Mr. Wang, We’re so pleased that you are willing to share our views. In the course of the general revision, what we need is solid foundation. As you know, we didn’t learn well enough in the first two years, so please slow down and make sure we have really mastered something. Besides, we need a little more time to think for ourselves. As for those important points which also make us confused, would you please give us more practice in case we forget? Meanwhile, we need your instruction, for example, in how to write in natural English. I still have another request: assign us less homework in order that we can do it more efficiently. By the way, we often feel frustrated, which has a very bad effect on our study. We would appreciate it if you would give us some encouragement from time to time.



I was walking to school this morning when I caught sight of an old woman with a walking stick lying on the ground. I quickly ran over to help her up and asked her what was wrong with her. She told me she slipped and fell due to heart trouble. I was worried and decided to take her to a hospital. And then I went to a department store near the hospital and contacted her family. Soon her son and daughter came to the hospital. They thanked and praised me for my kindness by writing me a thank-you letter. Although I was late for school today, I felt very proud of what I had done.

1The first: English composition of environmental protection

"There is only one home, the earth cannot be cloned" is quite true. Yes, there is only one home, and it is our responsibility to protect and love our homeland. But there are people who intentionally destroy the environment, harm our homeland, and harm our mother earth.

In on that day, we went to the city square to play, I thought I was going in the wrong place: past there lush, occasionally also can see the butterfly in the colors of flowers, dance; People sit on stone benches and chat and enjoy a comfortable sunbath. Everything around was so neat and uncluttered... That day the people's square was a sea of people, with a thick, multicolored carpet on the floor -- all garbage, and the garbage added a heavy workload to the cleaners. There, I saw a lot of flies and mosquitoes that had long been lost, but now it was winter. The grass was strewn with garbage, and the wind blew and the garbage was everywhere, and the stench filled the square. It was a garbage dump.

Now, the plum blossom has shown a brilliant smiling face, while the grass on the ground is trying hard to find the green head. And people in order to appreciate flos mume, but neglected the grass of the earth, littering the foot feet trample them at the same time, some people play also pick some flowers wintersweet flower in his hand or take pictures, it's the last straw......

"There is only one home, the earth cannot clone" let us cherish the living environment around us, protect our homeland well, protect our mother earth!

2Chapter two: environmental protection English composition

Hi, everyone! Do you know what day is March 28th? Well, it's earth hour, the day the world lights out for an hour. What day is March 22? Yes, world water day! Have you found out, class? These festivals are all about protecting the environment.

Today, we are going to send this initiative to our entire school students: protect the environment, start from me, care for the earth, everyone is responsible! On hearing the protection of the environment, some people may think: the earth is too big, we a normal primary school students, do not have the care of the earth at all! In fact, it is not difficult to protect the environment and cherish the mother earth. As long as we start from the small things around us, do a good person, see what, do what. For example, there is a small piece of paper crumb in the classroom, although not a bit small, but you just bend waist, move hands, gently pick it up, put in the garbage can, the campus is clean; Of course, you can still at home and do some useful things, like saving water, close the tap in time, taking environmental protection bags when shopping, at the same time, turn off the lights when no one else is in the home, also is a move to save electricity, although this is just a moment, a little affectations, however, many a mickle makes a muckle, and the earth will become more beautiful because of you. Of course, there are so many kinds of behaviors that can't be said.

Students, for the good tomorrow, for the green earth, let us act! Take care of the earth and protect the environment from me! Thank you!

3Chapter three: environmental protection English composition

The mirror lake is a household name in wuhu city, and the outsiders come to wuhu to see the scenery. Now the scenery is beautiful, it is a good place for the public to relax. But do you know what the old mirror lake looked like? Let me tell you something.

In the mid - to late 1990s, the water in the lake was enriched with eutrophication. Water quality deteriorated and water became yellow. The main reasons for the deterioration are: in wuhu city, a hospital discharge a large amount of untreated sewage and sewage into the mirror lake. Some of the less qualified citizens poured waste into the lake. The most gas is the picture lake scenic spot some staff should be washing mop in the picture lake! Slowly, the water in the lake turned yellow, and there was a lot of garbage floating on the lake, and it smelled bad. The people who came to the side of the lake covered their noses and ran away. They kept saying, "it stinks! It stinks!"

In 1999 DDD 20xx, the people's government of wuhu called on the whole city to clean up the lake. First, the staff used machines to drain the lake, then the party members took the lead and the citizens dug up the mud and finally injected the clear water. My grandfather is a member of the party, he has a personal experience, the grandfather said, that labor was very tired, but improved the water quality of the mirror lake, everyone was very happy.

Now people's awareness of environmental protection has been enhanced, and no one has thrown rubbish or sewage into the lake. When you come to the lake, you will see a clear lake of water, the fish swimming in the bottom, the graceful willows of the lake and the young grass that has just come out.

With the lessons of the 1990s, we must be a civilized good boy to protect the water quality and maintain ecological balance.

The seas and oceans receive the brunt of human waste, whether it is by deliberate dumping or by natural run-off from the land.

In fact over 80% of all marine pollution comes from land-based activities and many pollutants are deposited in estuaries and coastal waters.

Here the pollutants enter marine food chains, building up their concentrations until they reach toxic levels.

It often takes human casualties to alert us to pollution and such was the case in Minimata Bay in Japan when many people died as a result of a pollutant building up in food chains.

A factory was discharging waste containing methyl mercury in low concentrations into the sea and as this pollutant passed through food chains it became more concentrated in the tissues of marine organisms until it reached toxic levels.

As a consequence 649 people died from eating fish and shellfish contaminated with mercury and 3500 people suffered from mercury poisoning.




Today is Teacher 's Day, I did not give gifts to the teacher. In fact, I made a gift to the teacher last night, I used a color paper bag on a carton, which put two pieces of chocolate and a love key chain, which says "I wish the teacher happy holiday!" Box with silver white stars Yellow stripes, and my mother gave me the love of cutting.

I really like that gift! I am going to give this gift to the teacher. To the school, I saw other people gave the teacher to send flowers, I think my gift is too small, sorry to send to the teacher, I put the gift to the children.

Back home, I feel so pity! That was what I did personally, but I did not give it to the teacher. Teacher, my next teacher section will give you a gift! I will be very hard to learn, every day up.

I like Christmas, it is just like our Spring Festival.

Maybe the Spring Festival is much more important and interesting than Christmas, but I like Christmas Day better. Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during Christmas. When it is snowy,

Christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. I can imagine I am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. What a beautiful place! So we can also call Christmas “Snowy Lovely Day.”

On Christmas Day, shops are red and green. There are so many Christmas cards, Christmas hats, Christmas dolls and many colourful things. So shops look very beautiful. We can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “Merry Christmas.” By the way, I think studying can also become much more interesting.

Christmas is coming, it also means a new year will come. Let’s study harder to welcome







One should know how to Thanksgiving, the Institute of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving parents, Thanksgiving parents give everything we have, on the road of life, who gave you life, who is to teach you the truth in life, it is you who give when you fail to encourage...... Of course, your parents, is that they give you endless love.


They want to the top of the mountain in the morning, lit up the dark earth; they like the rainbow after the rain, warm the heart of each person; they want to the blue sky, red throughout the world! How great they are ah, not only gives us life, gave us the infinite love, give us a room for survival.


Ah! Father, mother, you are great, your blood dyed the whole sky, with your love to describe the whole world!


The word of gratitude, we should always bear in mind, Thanksgiving parents give us everything, even should Tu Yongquan, repay, but Thanksgiving is the word we must always bear in mind.


Father, mother, thank you very much for your help, I now just want to say to you, my dear father and mother, I love you, thank you for my love, that the one and only love thank you, mom and dad.


Everyone should learn to be grateful, grateful, only in this way, the world will be more beautiful!


Globally, we have moved from a culture centered on network television, cable, AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information, intelligent shift to a digital economy, best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet, is transforming everyday products and expressed in soft wares, chips, communication systems, financial institutions and mass media have enormous leverage emails and online shopping, the Internet promises to change dramatically huge spectrum benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects.

在全球范围内,我们已经从一个文化中心为网络电视,有线电视,AM和FM收音机,电话的社会进入到以大众媒体,信息流,智能计算机的数字社会。转变 成数字经济,最明显体现在互联网的爆增,它正在改变日常产品和实践。思想体现在软件,芯片,通信系统,金融机构和大众媒体拥有巨大的全球影响力上。除了电 子邮件和网上购物,互联网还承诺大改光谱活动。它的好处可以在以下几个方面说明。

In the first place, it contributes to escape us from laborious work, save our time, facilitate our , with computer’s extensive reach into every corner of the world, a perspective of human life can be shown only with a single matter where we are, in school, business workshops, operating rooms, labs, banks of halls of government, the Internet appears to reflect a perspective of human , computer profits us by relaxation and entertainment it provides.

首先,它有助于我们摆脱费力的工作,节省时间,方便了我们的生活。其次,计算机的广泛延伸到世界的每个角落,只需一个单一的按键就可以透视人类生 活。不管我们在哪里,在学校,企业车间,手术室,实验室,银行政府大厅,因特网似乎都可以反映人类生活。此外,电脑不仅提供放松和娱乐还有利润。

But on the other hand, some people debate that it is also inconvenient, waste the time, isolated us from people, and make our lives more people repair the most sophisticated computer but can’t mend a pair of in fact, computer collapse the distances and demolishes all computer is a blessing or a curse, depends on different circumstance and the way you use it.<


As a new millennium appoach, we look forward to constructing a new fantasy land by combination with the wealth this new age will bring and the high technology it will provide.




a) 请谈谈你是如何理解梦想在人生当中所起的作用的。

b) 列举一个正面或负面的实例支持你的观点,可以是你自己的亲身经历也可以是他人的例子。

By presenting examples of successful people whose dreams contributed greatly to their success, this passage emphasizes the importance of dreams and advocates that people should have dreams and never give them up。

Nobody will deny that dreams play a very important part in one’s life。 I think dreams influence people in the following ways。 Firstly, having dreams means intense concentration on specific goals, which undoubtedly increases the possibility of success。 Besides, dreams can serve as great motivations, pushing the dreamers to go ahead with courage and overcome difficulties with effort。 Lastly, those who have dreams are more likely to be self—disciplined and well—organized, which are necessary qualities for ambitious people。

I have witnessed how much dreams have meant to my father’s life。 Country born and country bred, he dreamed of becoming an architect as a kid。 For many years, he spared no effort to approach his dream by working extremely hard at his lessons and reading books related to architecture。 As was expected, he was finally admitted to his ideal university and majored in architecture。 Now he is an authority in architecture and is well—known at home and abroad。

To be brief, no matter who you are and what you are doing, you should have your dreams and hold on to them because they give you chances to taste success。

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