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编译 | 未玖

Nature , 14 April 2022, VOL 604, ISSUE 7905

《自然》 2022年4月14日,第604卷,7905期

天文学 Astronomy

A dusty compact object bridging galaxies and quasars at cosmic dawn


作者:S. Fujimoto, G. B. Brammer, D. Watson, G. E. Magdis, V. Kokorev, T. R. Greve, et al.





研究组报道了一个紫外致密天体GNz7q的观测结果,它与一个红移为   、尘埃掩蔽的星暴有关。




Understanding how super-massive black holes form and grow in the early Universe has become a major challenge since it was discovered that luminous quasars existed only 700 million years after the Big Bang. Simulations indicate an evolutionary sequence of dust-reddened quasars emerging from heavily dust-obscured starbursts that then transition to unobscured luminous quasars by expelling gas and dust. Although the last phase has been identified out to a redshift of , a transitioning quasar has not been found at similar redshifts owing to their faintness at optical and near-infrared wavelengths. Here we report observations of an ultraviolet compact object, GNz7q, associated with a dust-enshrouded starburst at a redshift of    . The host galaxy is more luminous in dust emission than any other known object at this epoch, forming 1,600 solar masses of stars per year within a central radius of 480 parsec. A red point source in the far-ultraviolet is identified in deep, high-resolution imaging and slitless spectroscopy. GNz7q is extremely faint in X-rays, which indicates the emergence of a uniquely ultraviolet compact star-forming region or a Compton-thick super-Eddington black-hole accretion disk at the dusty starburst core. In the latter case, the observed properties are consistent with predictions from cosmological simulations and suggest that GNz7q is an antecedent to unobscured luminous quasars at later epochs.

物理学 Physics

Intelligent infrared sensing enabled by tunable moiré quantum geometry


作者:Chao Ma, Shaofan Yuan, Patrick Cheung, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Fan Zhang, et al.





研究组报道了在扭曲双双层石墨烯(TDBG)中观察到5 µm和 µm处可调谐中红外BPVE,由莫尔诱导的强对称性破缺和量子几何贡献产生。光响应在很大程度上取决于激发光的偏振态,且可通过外部电场进行高度调谐。

这种量子几何特性的广泛可调性使研究组能够使用卷积神经网络同时实现全斯托克斯偏振测量和波长检测,仅使用一个亚波长足迹仅为3  3  µm2的TDBG器件 。



Quantum geometric properties of Bloch wave functions in solids, that is, Berry curvature and the quantum metric, are known to significantly influence the ground- and excited-state behaviour of electrons. The bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE), a nonlinear phenomenon depending on the polarization of excitation light, is largely governed by the quantum geometric properties in optical transitions. Infrared BPVE has yet to be observed in graphene or moiré systems, although exciting strongly correlated phenomena related to quantum geometry have been reported in this emergent platform. Here we report the observation of tunable mid-infrared BPVE at 5 µm and  µm in twisted double bilayer graphene (TDBG), arising from the moiré-induced strong symmetry breaking and quantum geometric contribution. The photoresponse depends substantially on the polarization state of the excitation light and is highly tunable by external electric fields. This wide tunability in quantum geometric properties enables us to use a convolutional neural network to achieve full-Stokes polarimetry together with wavelength detection simultaneously, using only one single TDBG device with a subwavelength footprint of merely 3   3 µm2. Our work not only reveals the unique role of moiré engineered quantum geometry in tunable nonlinear light–matter interactions but also identifies a pathway for future intelligent sensing technologies in an extremely compact, on-chip manner.

材料科学 Materials Science

Uniting tensile ductility with ultrahigh strength via composition undulation


作者:Heng Li, Hongxiang Zong, Suzhi Li, Shenbao Jin, Yan Chen, Matthew J. Cabral, et al.



具有纳米晶粒的金属有接近2 GPa的超高强度。然而,这种极端的晶界强化导致几乎所有拉伸塑性的丧失,即使当金属具有面心立方结构(所有晶体结构中塑性最强的结构)时亦如此。

研究组证明了纳米晶镍-钴固溶体虽仍是面心立方单相,但其拉伸强度约为  GPa,塑性断裂伸长率约为16 %。





Metals with nanocrystalline grains have ultrahigh strengths approaching two gigapascals. However, such extreme grain-boundary strengthening results in the loss of almost all tensile ductility, even when the metal has a face-centred-cubic structure—the most ductile of all crystal structures. Here we demonstrate that nanocrystalline nickel–cobalt solid solutions, although still a face-centred-cubic single phase, show tensile strengths of about  gigapascals with a respectable ductility of about 16 per cent elongation to failure. This unusual combination of tensile strength and ductility is achieved by compositional undulation in a highly concentrated solid solution. The undulation renders the stacking fault energy and the lattice strains spatially varying over length scales in the range of one to ten nanometres, such that the motion of dislocations is thus significantly affected. The motion of dislocations becomes sluggish, promoting their interaction, interlocking and accumulation, despite the severely limited space inside the nanocrystalline grains. As a result, the flow stress is increased, and the dislocation storage is promoted at the same time, which increases the strain hardening and hence the ductility. Meanwhile, the segment detrapping along the dislocation line entails a small activation volume and hence an increased strain-rate sensitivity, which also stabilizes the tensile flow. As such, an undulating landscape resisting dislocation propagation provides a strengthening mechanism that preserves tensile ductility at high flow stresses.

Perovskite–organic tandem solar cells with indium oxide interconnect


作者:K. O. Brinkmann, T. Becker, F. Zimmermann, C. Kreusel, T. Gahlmann, M. Theisen, et al.





研究组展示了钙钛矿-有机串联电池的效率为(认证为),Voc高达 伏特。优化的电荷提取层使钙钛矿子电池具有高Voc和填充因子的出色组合。




Multijunction solar cells can overcome the fundamental efficiency limits of single-junction devices. The bandgap tunability of metal halide perovskite solar cells renders them attractive for multijunction architectures. Combinations with silicon and copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS), as well as all-perovskite tandem cells, have been reported. Meanwhile, narrow-gap non-fullerene acceptors have unlocked skyrocketing efficiencies for organic solar cells. Organic and perovskite semiconductors are an attractive combination, sharing similar processing technologies. Currently, perovskite–organic tandems show subpar efficiencies and are limited by the low open-circuit voltage (Voc) of wide-gap perovskite cells and losses introduced by the interconnect between the subcells. Here we demonstrate perovskite–organic tandem cells with an efficiency of per cent (certified per cent) and a high Voc of  volts. Optimized charge extraction layers afford perovskite subcells with an outstanding combination of high Voc and fill factor. The organic subcells provide a high external quantum efficiency in the near-infrared and, in contrast to paradigmatic concerns about limited photostability of non-fullerene cells, show an outstanding operational stability if excitons are predominantly generated on the non-fullerene acceptor, which is the case in our tandems. The subcells are connected by an ultrathin (approximately  nanometres) metal-like indium oxide layer with unprecedented low optical/electrical losses. This work sets a milestone for perovskite–organic tandems, which outperform the best p–i–n perovskite single junctions and are on a par with perovskite–CIGS and all-perovskite multijunctions.

机械工程 Mechanical Engineering

Thermophotovoltaic efficiency of 40%


作者:Alina LaPotin, Kevin L. Schulte, Myles A. Steiner, Kyle Buznitsky, Colin C. Kelsall, Daniel J. Friedman, et al.




自从在2000 下使用集成背表面反射器和钨发射极首次展示29%的高效TPV以来,TPV的制造和性能得到了改善。然而,尽管预测TPV的效率可能超过50%,但在温度低于1300 下,实际效率仍仅为32%。

研究组报道了效率超过40%的TPV电池的制造和测量,并通过实验证明了高带隙串联TPV电池的效率。TPV电池是由带隙在 eV的III–V材料组成的双结器件,针对1900-2400 的发射极温度进行了优化。

电池利用带边光谱滤波的概念来获得高效率,使用高反射背表面反射器来拒绝不可用的子带隙辐射返回发射极。在功率密度为 W cm –2 ,发射极温度为2400 的条件下, eV器件的最大效率为(   1)%。在功率密度为 W cm–2,发射极温度为2127 的条件下, eV器件的最大效率为(   1)%。



Thermophotovoltaics (TPVs) convert predominantly infrared wavelength light to electricity via the photovoltaic effect, and can enable approaches to energy storage and conversion that use higher temperature heat sources than the turbines that are ubiquitous in electricity production today. Since the first demonstration of 29% efficient TPVs using an integrated back surface reflector and a tungsten emitter at 2,000  C, TPV fabrication and performance have improved. However, despite predictions that TPV efficiencies can exceed 50%, the demonstrated efficiencies are still only as high as 32%, albeit at much lower temperatures below 1,300  C. Here we report the fabrication and measurement of TPV cells with efficiencies of more than 40% and experimentally demonstrate the efficiency of high-bandgap tandem TPV cells. The TPV cells are two-junction devices comprising III–V materials with bandgaps between and eV that are optimized for emitter temperatures of 1,900–2,400  C. The cells exploit the concept of band-edge spectral filtering to obtain high efficiency, using highly reflective back surface reflectors to reject unusable sub-bandgap radiation back to the emitter. A eV device reached a maximum efficiency of (   1)% operating at a power density of  W cm–2 and an emitter temperature of 2,400  C. A eV device reached a maximum efficiency of (   1)% operating at a power density of  W cm –2 and an emitter temperature of 2,127  C. These cells can be integrated into a TPV system for thermal energy grid storage to enable dispatchable renewable energy. This creates a pathway for thermal energy grid storage to reach sufficiently high efficiency and sufficiently low cost to enable decarbonization of the electricity grid.

地球科学 Earth Science

Realization of Paris Agreement pledges may limit warming just below 2

实现《巴黎协定》的承诺有望将全球变暖控制在2 以下

作者:Malte Meinshausen, Jared Lewis, Christophe McGlade, Johannes Gütschow, Zebedee Nicholls, Rebecca Burdon, et al.



在《格拉斯哥气候公约》签署前的过去五年中,154个缔约方在其国家自主贡献中提交了新的或更新的2030年减缓目标,76个缔约方提出了长期承诺。对2021联合国气候变化大会(COP26)之前承诺的量化表明,将升温控制在2 以下的可能性低于50 %。

研究组证明,如果所有有条件和无条件的承诺都得到充分和及时的执行,全球变暖可以控制在2  以下。根据政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第六次评估报告中第一工作组对地球系统不确定性进行的概率表征,在全面执行的情况下,峰值升温可被限制在  之间。

研究组回顾性地预测了21世纪的气候变暖,以显示2015-2021年雄心勃勃的总体目标水平如何变化。研究结果依赖于对2030年或2050年之后的限时目标外推、IPCC 特别报告()情景数据库的特征和承诺的全面实施情况。

对这些因素更悲观的假设将导致更高的升温预测。另一个独立的排放模型框架预测,全球升温峰值为 ,这支持了该研究发现,即各国兑现承诺可能会将全球变暖限制在略低于2 的范围内。

若不仅要将升温控制在“略低于”,还要控制在“远低于”2  或 ,则迫切需要制定政策和采取行动,以在本世纪中叶实现全球C O2 净零排放。


Over the last five years prior to the Glasgow Climate Pact, 154 Parties have submitted new or updated 2030 mitigation goals in their nationally determined contributions and 76 have put forward longer-term pledges. Quantifications of the pledges before the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) suggested a less than 50 per cent chance of keeping warming below 2 degrees Celsius. Here we show that warming can be kept just below 2 degrees Celsius if all conditional and unconditional pledges are implemented in full and on time. Peak warming could be limited to – degrees Celsius in the full implementation case—building on a probabilistic characterization of Earth system uncertainties in line with the Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We retrospectively project twenty-first-century warming to show how the aggregate level of ambition changed from 2015 to 2021. Our results rely on the extrapolation of time-limited targets beyond 2030 or 2050, characteristics of the IPCC   C Special Report () scenario database and the full implementation of pledges. More pessimistic assumptions on these factors would lead to higher temperature projections. A second, independent emissions modelling framework projected peak warming of  degrees Celsius, supporting the finding that realized pledges could limit warming to just below 2 degrees Celsius. Limiting warming not only to ‘just below’ but to ‘well below’ 2 degrees Celsius or  degrees Celsius urgently requires policies and actions to bring about steep emission reductions this decade, aligned with mid-century global net-zero C O2 emissions

编译 | 未玖

Nature , 20 January 2022, VOL 601, ISSUE 7893

《自然》 2022年1月20日,第601卷,7893期

天文学 Astronomy

Star formation near the Sun is driven by expansion of the Local Bubble


作者:Catherine Zucker, Alyssa A. Goodman, João Alves, Shmuel Bialy, Michael Foley, Joshua S. Speagle, et al.




研究组利用新的空间和动力学约束,对太阳200 pc范围内致密气体和年轻恒星的三维位置、形状和运动进行了分析。他们发现,太阳附近几乎所有的恒星形成复合体都位于局部气泡的表面,它们的年轻恒星主要垂直于气泡表面向外扩张。



For decades we have known that the Sun lies within the Local Bubble, a cavity of low-density, high-temperature plasma surrounded by a shell of cold, neutral gas and dust. However, the precise shape and extent of this shell, the impetus and timescale for its formation, and its relationship to nearby star formation have remained uncertain, largely due to low-resolution models of the local interstellar medium. Here we report an analysis of the three-dimensional positions, shapes and motions of dense gas and young stars within 200 pc of the Sun, using new spatial and dynamical constraints. We find that nearly all of the star-forming complexes in the solar vicinity lie on the surface of the Local Bubble and that their young stars show outward expansion mainly perpendicular to the bubble’s surface. Tracebacks of these young stars’ motions support a picture in which the origin of the Local Bubble was a burst of stellar birth and then death (supernovae) taking place near the bubble’s centre beginning approximately 14 Myr ago. The expansion of the Local Bubble created by the supernovae swept up the ambient interstellar medium into an extended shell that has now fragmented and collapsed into the most prominent nearby molecular clouds, in turn providing robust observational support for the theory of supernova-driven star formation.

Black-hole-triggered star formation in the dwarf galaxy Henize 2-10

矮星系Henize 2-10中黑洞触发恒星形成

作者:Zachary Schutte & Amy E. Reines




Henize 2-10是一个矮星暴星系,此前有报道称其中心有一个大质量黑洞,但由于某些观测证据与超新星残骸一致,这种解释一直存在争议。在大约9 Mpc距离处有一个机会可了解中心区域,并确定是否有证据表明黑洞流出影响恒星形成。

研究组报道了Henize 2-10的光学观测结果,其线性分辨率为几秒差距。他们发现了一条约150 pc长的电离丝状物,将黑洞区域与一个最新恒星形成区域连接起来。光谱学揭示了一种类似正弦波的位置-速度结构,通过一个简单的进动双极流出进行描述。研究组得出结论,黑洞流出触发了恒星的形成。


Black-hole-driven outflows have been observed in some dwarf galaxies with active galactic nuclei, and probably play a role in heating and expelling gas (thereby suppressing star formation), as they do in larger galaxies. The extent to which black-hole outflows can trigger star formation in dwarf galaxies is unclear, because work in this area has previously focused on massive galaxies and the observational evidence is scarce. Henize 2-10 is a dwarf starburst galaxy previously reported to have a central massive black hole, although that interpretation has been disputed because some aspects of the observational evidence are also consistent with a supernova remnant. At a distance of approximately 9 Mpc, it presents an opportunity to resolve the central region and to determine if there is evidence for a black-hole outflow influencing star formation. Here we report optical observations of Henize 2-10 with a linear resolution of a few parsecs. We find an approximately 150-pc-long ionized filament connecting the region of the black hole with a site of recent star formation. Spectroscopy reveals a sinusoid-like position–velocity structure that is well described by a simple precessing bipolar outflow. We conclude that this black-hole outflow triggered the star formation.

物理学 Physics

Topological triple phase transition in non-Hermitian Floquet quasicrystals


作者:Sebastian Weidemann, Mark Kremer, Stefano Longhi & Alexander Szameit








Phase transitions connect different states of matter and are often concomitant with the spontaneous breaking of symmetries. An important category of phase transitions is mobility transitions, among which is the well known Anderson localization, where increasing the randomness induces a metal–insulator transition. The introduction of topology in condensed-matter physics lead to the discovery of topological phase transitions and materials as topological insulators. Phase transitions in the symmetry of non-Hermitian systems describe the transition to on-average conserved energy and new topological phases. Bulk conductivity, topology and non-Hermitian symmetry breaking seemingly emerge from different physics and, thus, may appear as separable phenomena. However, in non-Hermitian quasicrystals, such transitions can be mutually interlinked by forming a triple phase transition. Here we report the experimental observation of a triple phase transition, where changing a single parameter simultaneously gives rise to a localization (metal–insulator), a topological and parity–time symmetry-breaking (energy) phase transition. The physics is manifested in a temporally driven (Floquet) dissipative quasicrystal. We implement our ideas via photonic quantum walks in coupled optical fibre loops. Our study highlights the intertwinement of topology, symmetry breaking and mobility phase transitions in non-Hermitian quasicrystalline synthetic matter. Our results may be applied in phase-change devices, in which the bulk and edge transport and the energy or particle exchange with the environment can be predicted and controlled.

Quantum logic with spin qubits crossing the surface code threshold


作者:Xiao Xue, Maximilian Russ, Nodar Samkharadze, Brennan Undseth, Amir Sammak, Giordano Scappucci, et al.








High-fidelity control of quantum bits is paramount for the reliable execution of quantum algorithms and for achieving fault tolerance—the ability to correct errors faster than they occur. The central requirement for fault tolerance is expressed in terms of an error threshold. Whereas the actual threshold depends on many details, a common target is the approximately 1% error threshold of the well-known surface code. Reaching two-qubit gate fidelities above 99% has been a long-standing major goal for semiconductor spin qubits. These qubits are promising for scaling, as they can leverage advanced semiconductor technology. Here we report a spin-based quantum processor in silicon with single-qubit and two-qubit gate fidelities, all of which are above , extracted from gate-set tomography. The average single-qubit gate fidelities remain above 99% when including crosstalk and idling errors on the neighbouring qubit. Using this high-fidelity gate set, we execute the demanding task of calculating molecular ground-state energies using a variational quantum eigensolver algorithm. Having surpassed the 99% barrier for the two-qubit gate fidelity, semiconductor qubits are well positioned on the path to fault tolerance and to possible applications in the era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.

Fast universal quantum gate above the fault-tolerance threshold in silicon


作者:Akito Noiri, Kenta Takeda, Takashi Nakajima, Takashi Kobayashi, Amir Sammak, Giordano Scappucci, et al.








Fault-tolerant quantum computers that can solve hard problems rely on quantum error correction. One of the most promising error correction codes is the surface code, which requires universal gate fidelities exceeding an error correction threshold of 99 per cent. Among the many qubit platforms, only superconducting circuits, trapped ions and nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond have delivered this requirement. Electron spin qubits in silicon are particularly promising for a large-scale quantum computer owing to their nanofabrication capability, but the two-qubit gate fidelity has been limited to 98 per cent owing to the slow operation. Here we demonstrate a two-qubit gate fidelity of per cent, along with single-qubit gate fidelities of per cent, in silicon spin qubits by fast electrical control using a micromagnet-induced gradient field and a tunable two-qubit coupling. We identify the qubit rotation speed and coupling strength where we robustly achieve high-fidelity gates. We realize Deutsch–Jozsa and Grover search algorithms with high success rates using our universal gate set. Our results demonstrate universal gate fidelity beyond the fault-tolerance threshold and may enable scalable silicon quantum computers.

地球科学 Earth Science

Historical glacier change on Svalbard predicts doubling of mass loss by 2100


作者:Emily C. Geyman, Ward J. J. van Pelt, Adam C. Maloof, Harald Faste Aas & Jack Kohler




研究组将 历史 冰川和现代冰川的观测联系起来,预测21世纪冰川变薄的速度将是1936-2010年的两倍多。利用1936和1938年的 历史 航拍图像存档,他们通过运动结构摄影测量法重建了斯瓦尔巴群岛上1594条冰川的三维几何形状。


研究组发现融化速率对温度有很强的依赖性,即平均夏季温度每升高1 ,面积归一化质量平衡每年减少 m的水当量。最后,研究组设计了一个时空替代方案,将他们的 历史 冰川观测与气候预测相结合,并对斯瓦尔巴群岛的21世纪冰川变化做出一级预测。


The melting of glaciers and ice caps accounts for about one-third of current sea-level rise, exceeding the mass loss from the more voluminous Greenland or Antarctic Ice Sheets. The Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, which hosts spatial climate gradients that are larger than the expected temporal climate shifts over the next century, is a natural laboratory to constrain the climate sensitivity of glaciers and predict their response to future warming. Here we link historical and modern glacier observations to predict that twenty-first century glacier thinning rates will more than double those from 1936 to 2010. Making use of an archive of historical aerial imagery from 1936 and 1938, we use structure-from-motion photogrammetry to reconstruct the three-dimensional geometry of 1,594 glaciers across Svalbard. We compare these reconstructions to modern ice elevation data to derive the spatial pattern of mass balance over a more than 70-year timespan, enabling us to see through the noise of annual and decadal variability to quantify how variables such as temperature and precipitation control ice loss. We find a robust temperature dependence of melt rates, whereby a 1  C rise in mean summer temperature corresponds to a decrease in area-normalized mass balance of m yr 1 of water equivalent. Finally, we design a space-for-time substitution to combine our historical glacier observations with climate projections and make first-order predictions of twenty-first century glacier change across Svalbard.





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在国内外学术期刊发表的主要论文如下:1. Nd-Fe-B (B≤50at.%)三元系相图的研究,《中国科学》A辑,, , 1985, . Phase Diagrams of Nd-Fe-B Ternary System, <>, , , 1986, . 混合自旋 (S=1,1/2)模型具有再次近邻反铁磁相互作用晶格基态,《物理学报》, , 1988, 17074. Ising 自旋 (s=1/2)反铁磁超晶格低温热力学,《低温物理学报》 , , 1989, . Ising 自旋 (s=1) 周期超晶格反铁磁基态,《低温物理学报》 , , 1989, . Thermodynamics at low temperature of Ising antiferromagnetic superlattices, Chinese Physics (USA), , , 1990, . Temperature dependence of magnetization and paramagnetism of ferromagnetic- antiferromagnetic superlattices, J. Phys. Condens. Matters, , , 1990, . Properties of a superlattice composed of identical ferromagnetic films with antiferromagnetic interfacial coupling, J. Phys. Condens. Matters, , , 1991, . Temperature and field dependence of magnetization of superlattices with antiferromagnetic coupling, Phys. Lett. A, , , 1991, . Magnetic properties of a transverse Ising film with s=1/2, J. Phys. Condens. Matters, , , 1992, . 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Rev. B. , 1999, . Magnetostatic waves of metal magnetic/nonmagnetic superlattices, Phys. Rev. B. 61, , 2000, . Magnetostatic modes of a lateral antiferromagnetic/nonmagnetic superlattice, Phys. Rev. B., , , 1997, . Magnetostatic modes of antiferromagnet in a magnetic field nonmal to the surface, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, , 1999, . Magnetostatic surface and guided modes of lateral-magnetic-superlattice films,Phys. Rev. B. , , 1994, . Magnetostatic modes on lateral magnetic superlattices, Phys. Lett. A. , 1994, . Standing waves in a rectangular magnetic wire, Phys. Lett. A , 1995, . Magnetostatic modes of lateral magnetic-superlattice films in a transverse field, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, , 1997, . Magnetostatic modes of lateral magnetic superlattice in an applied field arbitrary direction, Phys. Rev. , , 1997, . Reflection and transmission by magnetic multilayers, J. Magn. Magn. Materials , 2000, . Transmission by antiferromagnetic-nonmagnetic multilayers, J. . Matter , , 1999, . Retarded modes of a lateral antiferromagnetic/nonmagnetic superlattices, Phys. Rev. B. , , 1995, . Surface retarded modes of magnetic superlattices with antiferromagnetic coupling, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, , , 2003, . Nonlinear magnetostatic surface waves of magnetic multilayers: Effective- medium theory, Phys. Rev. B. , , 2001, . Magnetostatic surface waves of lateral-magnetic superlattices, Phys. Lett. A. , 1999, . Xuan-Zhang Wang and Shu-Fang Fu, Dispersion properties of nonlinear bulk polaritons in uniaxial antiferromagnetic/nonmagnetic superlattices, J. Magn. Magn. Materals, , , 334(2004).37. Xuan-Zhang Wang and Hua Li, Nonlinear polaritons in antiferromagnetic superlattices, Phys. Rev. B,, , 054403 (2005).38. Xuan-Zhang Wang, The Faraday effect of an antiferromagnetic photonic crystal with a defect layer, J. Phys.: Condens. Matters, , , 5447 (2005).39. Jing Bai, Sheng Zhou, Feng-Li Liu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nonlinear infrared transmission through and reflection off antiferromagnetic films, J. Phys.: Condens. Matters, , 046217(2007).40. Rui-Hua Zhu, Cheng Jia and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Magnetostatic modes of a lateral ferromagnetic/ferromagnetic superlattice, Physics Letters A, , , 77 (2006)41.类维萍,贾城,王选章,涡流对侧向反铁磁/非磁超晶格中表面推迟模的影响,<<物理学报>> , 535(2008)42.Di Zhang, Jianing Ma, Hua Li, Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Anti-resonance of electron tunneling through a four-quantum-dot ring with two side-coupled quantum dots, Phys. Lett. A, , , 3085 (2008)43. Hong Gao, Zhou mingyu, Ji Hong, Xuan-Zhang Wang and Zhiguo Zhang, Synthesis and photoluminescence of Sb-induced ZnO nanowires along [0-1,1,1] with island attached, J. Alloy and Compounds, . 234-237 (2008).44. Hong Gao, Xitian Zhang, Mingyu Zhou, Zhiguo Zhang and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nanohelices modified by SiO2 sheathed ZnO disks, Nanotechnology , 065601(2007)45. Yan Zhao, Hong Gao, Sheng Zhou, Hua Li Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nonlinear Response of Uniaxial Ferromagnets and Applications to Surface Magnetostatic Waves J. Magn. Magn. Materials, , , 2560-2567(2008)46. Zhou Sheng and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Method of enhancing second-harmonic generation of antiferromagnetic film, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, , , 1639-1644(2008).47. 宋玉玲,王选章, 一维受限反铁磁光子晶体的性质, <<光学学报>> No12 (2008)48. 尹永琦, 李华, 马佳宁, 贺泽龙, 王选章, 多端耦合量子点分子桥的量子输运特性研究, <<物理学报>> , 69(2009).49. Yu-Ling Song, Jing-Xing Ta, Hua Li and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Presence of left-handedness and negative refraction in antiferromagnetic/ionic-crystal multilayered films, J. Appl. Phys. , , 063119 (2009).50. Sheng Zhou, Hua Li, Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Second-Harmonic Generation from an antiferromagnetic film in one-dimension photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. B, , 205409 (2009) (12 pages)51. Jing-xiang Zhao, Yi-hong Ding, Qing-hai Cai, Xiao-guang Wang andXuan-Zhang Wang, Theoretical Studies of the Magnetism of the First-Row Adatom on the Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nanotube, J. Phys. Chemistry C , , 3825-3829 (2010)52. Jin-Xing Ta, Yu-Ling Song and Xuan-Zhang Wang, J. Appl. , 013520(2010)(4 pages)53. Shu Fang Fu, Jing Bai, Sheng Zhou, Xiu Rong Qu, Hua Li, Xuan Zhang Wang, Effects of molecular shape on polymeric liquid crystal, Key Engineering Materials, , 216-219(2010)54. Jing Bai, Shu Fang Fu and Xuan-zhang Wang, Dispersion properties of bulk polaritons in uniaxial antiferromagnetic film, Key Engineering Materials , 198-201 (2010)55. Jing Bai, Shu-Fang Fu, Sheng Zhou, Li Niu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nonlinear transmission through and reflection off antiferromagnetic sandwich, Materials Science Forum, (Optoelectronic materials), 995-998 (2010)56. Jing-Xiang Zhao, Yi-Hong Ding, Qing-Hai Cai, Xiao-Guang Wang, and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Chemical Functionalization of pyridine-like and porphyrin-like nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes with transition metal atoms: A theoretical study, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, (5-6), 727-733 (2010)57. Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Effects of magnetic field on shear stress of nematic liquid crystalline polymer under simple shear flow, Journal of Polymer Science: Part B48: Polymer Physics, (17), 1919-1926 (2010).58. Yu-Ling Song, Jin-Xing Ta and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Band gaps of two-dimensional antiferromagnetic photonic crystal, J. Appl. Phys. . 013525-5 (2011).59. Yan Zhao, Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Bistable transmission of antiferromagnetic Fabry-Perot resonator, J. Appl. Phys. . ,023512-6 (2011)59. Jing Bai, Shu-Fang Fu, Sheng Zhou and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Reflective optical bi-stability of antiferromagnetic films, The European Physical Journal B83, ,343-348(2011) Bo, Zhao J-x, Cai Qinghai, Wang Xiaoguang, and Wang Xuan-Zhang, Doping of Calcium in C60 Fullerence for enhancing CO2 capture and N2O Transformation: A Theoretical Study, J. Phys. Chem. A115 (36), 9969-9976(2011)61. Jin-Xiang Zhao, Yi-Hong Ding, Xiao-Gang Wang, Qing-Hai Cai, And Xuan-Zhang Wang, Diamond and Related Materials , 36-41(2011)62. Xuan-Zhang Wang and Hua Li, Nonlinear propagation of electromagnetic waves in antiferromagnets, in Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Complex Matter, edited by by Ahmed Kishk, (Intech-Open Access Publisher, 2011), . Zhao J-X, Gao Bo,Cai Qing-Hai, Wang Xiao-Guang, and Wang Xuan-Zhang,Theoretical study of phenol adsorption on the (8, 0) silicon carbide nanotube,Chemistry and Material Science : Theoretical Chemistry Accounts Vol29 , 85-92(2011).64. Dongmei Sun, Shufang Fu, Sheng Zhou and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Numerical simulation of optical bi-stability in antiferromagnetic sandwich structure, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, , , (2012)65. Jin-Xing Ta, Xuan-Zhang Wang, Optical properties of antiferromagnetic/ ion-crystal superlattices, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, , (2012) . Yu-Ling Song, Jin-Xing Ta and Xuan-Zhang Wang, High second-harmonic generation of antiferromagnetic/ion-crystal composite medium with negative refraction, J. Magn. Magn Materials , 1214-1217 (2012)67. Jin-Xing Ta and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Magneto-phonon polaritons in two-dimensional antiferromagnetic/ion-crystalic photonic crystal, Photonics and nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, (2012) . Yan Zhao, Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nonlinear Far Infrared Transmission of Antiferromagnetic Fabry-Perot Resonator, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, , 1597-1600(2012)69. 张强,周胜,厉强华,王选章,付淑芳,一维反铁磁光子晶体光学双稳效应研究,《物理学报》 , , 157501-7(2012)70. 周胜, 王选章,付淑芳,厉强华,曲秀荣,梁爽,张强,Voigt 位型下电介质/反铁磁体/电介质结构的二次谐波生成非倒易性研究,《物理学报》 , 187501-(2012)71. Shu-Fang Fu, Jing Bai and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Effects of magnetic field on discotic nematic liquid crystalline polymers under simple shear flow, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2012)72. Xuan-Zhang Wang, Coupled Edge Plasmon Modes of Metal/Dielectric Multi-Wedges, Chinese Physics B, (2013),accepted for publication73. Xuan-Zhang Wang and Yan Zhao, High Faraday effect of antiferromagnetic/ion- crystal photonic crystals in far infrared region, J. Appl. Phys. (2013), accepted for publication.



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Any survey of tax sources should begin with the nation’s fairest and most productive soure of revenue, the individual income tax. 任何税收来源的调查都应开始于国家最公正、生产性最强的国民收入来源--个人所得税. All advanced industrial countries levy a dircct tax on individual incomes, but nowhere is this tax as important as in the United States. In recent years,about 40 percent of federal cash receipts has been collected from this source. 所有先进的工业国家都对个人所得直接征税,但没有哪个国家在征此税时像美国一样重要。近年来,约40%的联邦现金收入都来源于此. The individual income tax is uniquely suited for raising revenue in a democratic country where the distribution of income, and therefore of ability to pay,is unequal. Theoreticians may disagree about the meaningfulness of the term “ability to pay,” but the close association between a man’s income and taxpaying ability is commonly accepted. There is also general acceptance of the idea of progression in income taxation. 个人所得税是非常适合民主国家增加国民收入的,在民主国家里收入分配和支付能力是不平等的. 理论家可能不赞成"支付能力"的长远意义,但个人收入和纳税能力间的密切关系却是普遍接受的. 级数所得税的观点也被普遍接受. The individual income tax has still another attractive feature. Income alone does not differentiate a man’s ability to pay—his family responsibilities are also important. A single person may be able to along on an income of $3000 a year, but a married man with two children would have great diffculty making ends meet. The individual income tax takes such differences into account through the personal exemptions and deductions, which are subtracted before arriving at the income subject to tax. 个人所得税还有另一个吸引人的特点. 收入不足以区分一个人的支付能力—他的家庭责任也是很重要的. 单身男士也许每年收入达3000美元, 但带着两个孩子的已婚男人要想收支相抵却很困难. 个人所得税通过个人豁免和扣除将这种差异解决了, 个人免税额在应纳税收之前就扣除了. The revenue potential of the individual income tax has been recognized only recently. For almost thirty years after its adoption in 1913, the tax applied mainly to a small group of high income people. Exemptions were high by current standards and few incomes were large enough rates. In the national effort to raise needed revenue during World War Ⅱ, exemptions were drastically were increased in 1946 and 1948,but have remained low by prewar standards. Tax rates were also raised in wartime, and have remained much higher than in earlier years. At the same time, personal incomes have continued to increase with the growth of the economy (and with the inflation that occurred during and after World WarⅡ and the Korean War). The combination of lower exemptions, higher rates, and higher incomes increased the yield of the individual income tax manyfold. In1939, tax liabilities were about $1 billion; in 1966, they are in excess of $50 billion. 个人所得税的收入潜力最近才得到公认. 在1913年实施后的30年里,个人所得税主要应用于一小部分高收入人士. 在现行标准下豁免是很高的,低收入者占很大的比率. 二战期间,国家努力增加收入,豁免急剧减少。1946年和1948年有所提高,但从战前的水准看,仍然很低。税率在战时也有人提出,但比起早些年仍高多了. 在此同时, 个人收入随经济增长继续增加,(也与其间和二战后的通货膨胀和朝鲜战争的因素) . 较低的豁免,高利率,高收入的结合成倍地增加了个人所得税. 1939年,纳税义务约为10亿美元; 但1966年,超过了500亿美元. This tremendous expansion could not have been possible without ready compliance with income tax laws and effective many countries where compliance is poor and administration is weak, there is great reluctance to rely heavily on the income tax. In this country, the record of compliance is good—although it can still be improved—and practical methods have been developed for administering a mass income tax (at a cost of only about 1/2 of 1 percent of tax collected). In the late 1930’s many people—even high-placed officials of the Internal Revenue Service—doubted that an income tax covering almost everyone could be administered effectively. Although some problems remain, in an advanced country the administrative feasibility of an individual income tax of almost universal coverage is no longer questioned. 没有所得税法律的遵守和有效的管理,这个巨大的扩张是不可能的。许多国家法律意识差,管理松散,过于依赖所得税就很困难. 在这个国家, 守法记录还好--虽然它仍可以得到改善--实用方法已制定用来管理大量所得税(按成本仅约为1%的税收额的1 / 2 ) . 在20世纪30年代后期,很多人甚至美国国内税局的高级官员都认为关系每个人的所得税应得到有效管理. 尽管一些问题依然存在, 在一个先进的国家个人所得税的几乎全面普及在行政上的可行性已不存在质疑. There are good economic reasons for using the income tax as a major source of revenue. The automatie flexibility of the income tax promotes economic stability and the progressive rates help prevent excessive concentration of economic power and control. Some believe that the income tax is also needed to moderate the growth of private savings of high income people, which is likely to hold down private demand for goods and believe that a high income tax impairs work and investment incentives and , therefore, reduces the nation’s economic growth. These are difficult questions which will be discussed later. Nonetheless, it is correct to say that the modern individual income tax. If carefully designed and well administered, is a powerful and essential economic instrument for a modern indusrtial econmy. 使用所得税作为财政收入主要来源有很好的经济原因. 该所得税的自动灵活性能促进经济稳定,累进税率有助于防止经济权力和控制过分集中. 有人认为所得税也需缓和高收入人群的私人储蓄增长, 这很可能压抑商品的服务的私人需求。有人认为高所得税降低工作和投资动力,因此,减少了国家的经济增长. 这些都是日后讨论的难题. 但是,现代的个人所得税是正确的. 如果经过精心设计和良好管理,是现代工业化经济的有力而必要的经济手段。 Structure of the Federal Income Tax 联邦所得税结构 The basic structure of the federal income tax is simple. The taxpayer adds up all his taxable sources of income, subtracts certain allowable deductions and exemptions for himself, his wife, children, and other dcpendents,and then applies the tax rates to the difference. But this procedure has many pitfalls for the taxpayer, and difficult questions of tax policy arise at almost every stage. Consequently, it is important to understand the main features of the income tax structure. 联邦所得税的基本结构是很简单的. 纳税人增添了他的一切应纳税收入,减去某些自己的、妻子的、孩子的和其他相关人的允许扣除和豁免权,然后适用税率差额. 但这种程序对纳税人也有很多陷阱,税收政策的难题几乎出现在每一阶段. 因此,了解所得税结构的主要特征是重要的. Adjusted Gross Income and Taxable Income调整过的总收入和应纳税收入 The two major concepts of income that appear on the tax return are: adjusted gross income and taxable income. 出现在纳税申报单上的两大收益好象是:调整过的总收入和应纳税收入. Adjusted gross income is the closest approach in tax law to what all economist might call “total income.” But it departs from an economic definition of income in some important respects. It represents the total income from all taxable sources, less certain expenses incurred in earning that income. In general, only money income is treated as taxable, but many items are excluded. Such exclusions include one-half of realized capital gains on assets held six months or more, interest on state and local government bonds,all transfer payments(for example,social security benefits and unemployment compensation), fringe benefits received by employees from their employers(the most important of these are contributions to pension plans), and income on savings through life insurance. The emphasis on money income automatically excludes unrealized capital gains and such imputed income as the rental value of owner-occupied homes. 在税法上调整的总收入是所有经济学家称之为"总收入"的最接近说法。 但是,在某些重要方面,它背离了收入的经济学定义. 它表示所有应纳税来源的总收入,较少的赚取收入中的确定开支. 一般说来,只有货币收入被视为应税的,但很多项目都被排除在外. 这种排除包括二分之一的持有六个月或以上的已实现资本收益,国家和当地政府公债的利息,所有的转移支付(例如,社会保障福利和失业补偿) , 雇员从其雇主那得到的附加福利(贡献中最重要的是为养老金计划) , 和加入了人寿保险的储蓄收入. 对货币收入的强调自动排除了未实现资本收益和这种像所有者租税价的推算收入. Adjusted gross income is used on the tax return in two ways. First, it is the income concept built into the simplified tax table, which is used for determining tax on more than 25 million returns. Second,it provedes the basis for placing limits on some of the personal deductions which are subrtacted in computing taxable income. 调整后的总收入用于纳税申报单有两种方式. 第一,它是收入概念建成的简易税表, 用于决定税收突破2500万美元的回报. 第二,它提供了限制某些个人扣除的基础,个人扣除在计算应纳税收入时已经减去了. Taxable income is computed by making two sets of deductions from adjusted gross income. The rirst are personal expenditures which are allowed as deductions by law—charitable contributions, interest paid,state-local income, general sales, property and gasoline taxes, medical and dental expenses above 3 percent of adjusted gross income, and casualty and theft losses above $100 for each lieu of these deductions, the taxpayer may use the standard deduction of 10 percent of adjusted gross income(with a minimum of $200 plus $100 for each exemption,and a maximum of $1000 for single persons and married persons filing joint returns and $500 for married couples filing separate returns). 应税收入是从调整过的总收入中制作两套扣除法计算而来的. 剩下的是法律允许扣除的个人支出--慈善捐款,所付利息,国有地方收入,一般销售 财产和汽油税, 高于调整后总收入3%的医疗及牙科服务费用, 伤亡和每次损失100美元以上的偷盗损失。代替上述扣减, 纳税人可使用10%调整后的总收入的标准扣除额 (最低200美元,加上每项豁免100美元,单身和夫妻联合备案的已婚人士每人最高1000美元,并返回500美元为已婚备案夫妻分开报税) . When the present standard deduction was first adopted in 1944, it was used by over 80 percent of the persons filing incomes have risen and deductible expenditures have increased,the percentage using the standard deduction has declined. In 1963, the standard deduction was still being used on million returns, or 56 percent of the million filed(Appendix Table C-6). But the amount of the standard deduction was small compared to home ownership, state-local taxes,and use of consumer credit, as well as the normal increase in expenditures that occurs as incomes rise. Total deductions reported on all 1963 returns amounted to $ billion; of this amount, $ billion were itemized deductions and $ billion were standard deduction. 现行标准扣除额首次在1944年应用时, 它被用于个人存档返还的80%以上.随着收入的增加和可扣除支出增加, 用于标准扣除额的比率也有所下降. 1963年标准扣除额仍被用于3580万的回报, 或6390万存档56% (附录表C 6 ) . 但征收的标准扣除额是比较小的,与国有、地方税,消费品信贷的使用, 以及随收入增加而不断增加的正常开支相比.1963年报告的总扣除额回到了592亿美元; 这一数额中, 有461亿美元详细说明了扣除项目,131亿美元为标准扣除额.


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