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[1] Berger A N,Saunders A,Scalise J M,Udell G F. The Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Small Business Lending[J] .Journal of Financial Economics, 1998,50, 50 :187-229 . [2] Stiglitz, R. J. Reputation in a model of monetary policy with incomplete information .Journal of monetary Economics, 1986, (17) :3-20 . [3] David De Meza ,and David C. Webb. Too Much Investment:A Problem of Asymmetric Information .Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1987, (5) . [4] Sullivan, Teresa A, Warren, Elizabeth, Westbrook, Jay. Financial difficulties of small businesses and reasons for their failure .1998, .

除此,还有很多这类的附上网址 measurement is the process of assessing progress toward achieving predetermined goals. Performance management is building on that process, adding the relevant communication and action on the progress achieved against these predetermined goals.[1] In network performance management, (a) a set of functions that evaluate and report the behavior of telecommunications equipment and the effectiveness of the network or network element and (b) a set of various subfunctions, such as gathering statistical information, maintaining and examining historical logs, determining system performance under natural and artificial conditions, and altering system modes of operation.[2] In organizational development (OD), performance can be thought of as Actual Results vs Desired Results. Any discrepancy, where Actual is less than Desired, could constitute the performance improvement zone. Performance management and improvement can be thought of as a cycle: Performance planning where goals and objectives are established Performance coaching where a manager intervenes to give feedback and adjust performance Performance appraisal where individual performance is formally documented and feedback delivered A performance problem is any gap between Desired Results and Actual Results. Performance improvement is any effort targeted at closing the gap between Actual Results and Desired Results. Application Performance Management (APM) refers to the discipline within systems management that focuses on monitoring and managing the performance and availability of software applications. APM can be defined as workflow and related IT tools deployed to detect, diagnose, remedy and report on application performance issues to ensure that application performance meets or exceeds end-users’ and businesses’ expectations. Business performance management (BPM) is a set of processes that help businesses discover efficient use of their business units, financial, human and material resources. Operational performance management (OPM) focus is on creating methodical and predictable ways to improve business results, or performance, across organizations. Simply put, performance management helps organizations achieve their strategic goals. Rather than discarding the data accessibility previous systems fostered, performance management harnesses it to help ensure that an organization’s data works in service to organizational goals to provide information that is actually useful in achieving them. and focus on the Operational Networking Processes between that performance level. The main purpose of performance management is to link individual objectives and organisational objectives and bring about that individuals obey important worth for enterprise. Additionally, performance management tries to develop skills of people to achieve their capability to satisfy their ambitiousness and also increase profit of a firm. 英文文献:

提供一些关于企业绩效管理的外文文献,供写作参考。[1] Nilsson Fredrik,Kald Magnus. Recent Advances inPerformance Management:The Nordic Case .European Management Journal, 2002,Volume:20, Volume:20 (Issue: 3,) . [2] Otley David. Management control and performance management:whence and whither .British Accounting Review, 2003,Volume:35, Volume:35 (Issue:4,) . [3] bredrup, h. background for performance management .a. rolstadas(ed.). perpormance management: a business process benchmarking approach. london: chapman & hall, 1995a, . [4] martin j eppler, oliver sukowski. managing team knowledge: core processes tools and enabling factors .european management journal, 2000,vos. 18, vos. 18 (no. 3) : . [5] Lebas , MichelJ. Performance measurement and Performance management .International journal of Production Economics, 1995,Volume: 41, Volume: 41 (Issue: 1-3,) . [6] guzzo r ,& dickson. m. teams in organizations: recent research on performance and effectiveness .annual review of psychology. 1996,47, 47 :307-338 . [7] susan l kichuk, & willi h. wiesner. the big five personality factors and team performance: implications for aelecting successful product design teams .journal of engineering technology management, 1997, (14) :195-221 . [8] hackman, j. r. (ed.). groups that work(and those that don‘t work): conditions for effective teamwork .san francisco: jossey bass, 1990 . [9] mary cjones, and allison w. harrison. research is project team performance: an empirical assesssment .information & management. 1996,31, 31 :57-65 .


除此,还有很多这类的附上网址 measurement is the process of assessing progress toward achieving predetermined goals. Performance management is building on that process, adding the relevant communication and action on the progress achieved against these predetermined goals.[1] In network performance management, (a) a set of functions that evaluate and report the behavior of telecommunications equipment and the effectiveness of the network or network element and (b) a set of various subfunctions, such as gathering statistical information, maintaining and examining historical logs, determining system performance under natural and artificial conditions, and altering system modes of operation.[2] In organizational development (OD), performance can be thought of as Actual Results vs Desired Results. Any discrepancy, where Actual is less than Desired, could constitute the performance improvement zone. Performance management and improvement can be thought of as a cycle: Performance planning where goals and objectives are established Performance coaching where a manager intervenes to give feedback and adjust performance Performance appraisal where individual performance is formally documented and feedback delivered A performance problem is any gap between Desired Results and Actual Results. Performance improvement is any effort targeted at closing the gap between Actual Results and Desired Results. Application Performance Management (APM) refers to the discipline within systems management that focuses on monitoring and managing the performance and availability of software applications. APM can be defined as workflow and related IT tools deployed to detect, diagnose, remedy and report on application performance issues to ensure that application performance meets or exceeds end-users’ and businesses’ expectations. Business performance management (BPM) is a set of processes that help businesses discover efficient use of their business units, financial, human and material resources. Operational performance management (OPM) focus is on creating methodical and predictable ways to improve business results, or performance, across organizations. Simply put, performance management helps organizations achieve their strategic goals. Rather than discarding the data accessibility previous systems fostered, performance management harnesses it to help ensure that an organization’s data works in service to organizational goals to provide information that is actually useful in achieving them. and focus on the Operational Networking Processes between that performance level. The main purpose of performance management is to link individual objectives and organisational objectives and bring about that individuals obey important worth for enterprise. Additionally, performance management tries to develop skills of people to achieve their capability to satisfy their ambitiousness and also increase profit of a firm. 英文文献:

Main references[1] Fu Qian-sheng, Dong Gang. The evaluation of the level of enterprise information model [J]. Business Studies, 2003, (23).[2] Chen Qishen. On the ERP implementation of the evaluation criteria [J]. E-commerce world, 2003, (6).[3] ZHANG Xiao-kang, Deng Jing-Yi. The process of enterprise information system concept [J]. Economist, 2004, (8).[4] Chen Xiaohong, Liu Lei light. Enterprise information construction of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation [J]. Operations Research and Management, 2003, (6).[4] LIU Xiao-song, Qiang Mei, Qin, Liu Yongfeng. SME Informatization Evaluation Index System of [J]. Jiangsu University: Social Science Edition, 2002, (3).主要参考文献[1]傅铅生,董岗.企业信息化水平的评价模型[J].商业研究,2003,(23).[2]陈启申.关于ERP实施评价的标准[J].电子商务世界,2003,(6).[3]张小康,邓景毅.企业信息化进程的系统观[J].经济师,2004,(8).[4]陈晓红,刘磊光.企业信息化建设的模糊综合评判[J].运筹与管理,2003,(6).[4]刘晓松,梅强,何勤,刘永凤.中小企业信息化评价指标体系的构建[J].江苏大学学报:社会科学版,2002,(3).

[1] Berger A N,Saunders A,Scalise J M,Udell G F. The Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Small Business Lending[J] .Journal of Financial Economics, 1998,50, 50 :187-229 . [2] Stiglitz, R. J. Reputation in a model of monetary policy with incomplete information .Journal of monetary Economics, 1986, (17) :3-20 . [3] David De Meza ,and David C. Webb. Too Much Investment:A Problem of Asymmetric Information .Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1987, (5) . [4] Sullivan, Teresa A, Warren, Elizabeth, Westbrook, Jay. Financial difficulties of small businesses and reasons for their failure .1998, .





[1] Jasch C. Environmental performance evaluation and indicators [J]. Journal of CleanerProduct. 1999 (8)

[2] Berman E,Bui LT. Environmental regulation and Productivity: Evidence from oilrefineries[J].The Review of Economics and

[3] International Standard Organization. Environmental Performance Evaluation [J].ISO/

[4] . Measuring corporate environmental performance [J]. Journal ofAccounting and Public (17)

[5] 14031: Environmental performance evaluation: Guidelines [R],

[6] WBCSD. Measuring eco-efficiency. A guide to reporting company performance[R].

[7] ISAR. A Manual For the Preparers and Users of Eco-efficiencyIndicators[EB/OL].2004

[8] Joseph Sarkis and Srinivas of Environmental Assessment Policy (6)

[9] . A new approach to environmental-performance Evaluation. InternationalJournal of Production Research,Vol. 44,,15 September-1 October 2006.

[10] Idalina Dias—Saidinha, Lucas Reijnders. Evaluating environmental and socialperformance of large Portuguese companies. A Balanced. Scorecard Approach [J].Business Strategy and the Environment. 2005(3)

[11] Henri. Environmental performance indicators. An empirical study of Canadianmanufacturing firms [J]. Journal of

[12]Fabien Martinez. The syncretism of environmental and social responsibility with businesseconomic performance [J]. Management of Environmental Quality: An (23)




[16]徐颖.基于利益相关者的.企业社会责任评价指标体系研究[J].现代经济.2010 (2)










[25]胡星辉.企业环境绩效评价模型构建浅谈[J].财会通讯.2009 (10)

[26]刘建胜.循环经济视角下的企业环境绩效评价指标体系设计[J].商业会计.2011 (6)


[28]张天蔚,胡燕玲.基于信息公开的企业环境绩效评价存在的问题及建议[J].中国管理信息化.2013 (1)

[29]胡星辉.企业环境绩效评价模型构建浅谈[J].财会通讯.2009 (10)


[31]郭建平.我国环境绩效审计问题研究[J].合作经济与科技.2010 (3)

[32]]曹建新,詹长杰.我国环境绩效审计评价体系旳构建[J].审计研究.2009,8 (16)







[39]曹建新.詹长杰.我国环境绩效审计评价体系旳构建[J].审计研究.2009,8 (16)


Key Performance Indicators (KPI)How an organization defines and measures progress toward its goalsKey Performance Indicators, also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI), help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational an organization has analyzed its mission, identified all its stakeholders, and defined its goals, it needs a way to measure progress toward those goals. Key Performance Indicators are those Are Key Performance Indicators (KPI)Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements, agreed to beforehand, that reflect the critical success factors of an organization. They will differ depending on the organization. A business may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators the percentage of its income that comes from return customers. A school may focus its Key Performance Indicators on graduation rates of its students. A Customer Service Department may have as one of its Key Performance Indicators, in line with overall company KPIs, percentage of customer calls answered in the first minute. A Key Performance Indicator for a social service organization might be number of clients assisted during the Key Performance Indicators are selected, they must reflect the organization's goals, they must be key to its success,and they must be quantifiable (measurable). Key Performance Indicators usually are long-term considerations. The definition of what they are and how they are measured do not change often. The goals for a particular Key Performance Indicator may change as the organization's goals change, or as it gets closer to achieving a Performance Indicators Reflect The Organizational GoalsAn organization that has as one of its goals "to be the most profitable company in our industry" will have Key Performance Indicators that measure profit and related fiscal measures. "Pre-tax Profit" and "Shareholder Equity" will be among them. However, "Percent of Profit Contributed to Community Causes" probably will not be one of its Key Performance Indicators. On the other hand, a school is not concerned with making a profit, so its Key Performance Indicators will be different. KPIs like "Graduation Rate" and "Success In Finding Employment After Graduation", though different, accurately reflect the schools mission and Performance Indicators Must Be QuantifiableIf a Key Performance Indicator is going to be of any value, there must be a way to accurately define and measure it. "Generate More Repeat Customers" is useless as a KPI without some way to distinguish between new and repeat customers. "Be The Most Popular Company" won't work as a KPI because there is no way to measure the company's popularity or compare it to is also important to define the Key Performance Indicators and stay with the same definition from year to year. For a KPI of "Increase Sales", you need to address considerations like whether to measure by units sold or by dollar value of sales. Will returns be deducted from sales in the month of the sale or the month of the return? Will sales be recorded for the KPI at list price or at the actual sales price?You also need to set targets for each Key Performance Indicator. A company goal to be the employer of choice might include a KPI of "Turnover Rate". After the Key Performance Indicator has been defined as "the number of voluntary resignations and terminations for performance, divided by the total number of employees at the beginning of the period" and a way to measure it has been set up by collecting the information in an HRIS, the target has to be established. "Reduce turnover by five percent per year" is a clear target that everyone will understand and be able to take specific action to Performance Indicators Must be Key To Organizational SuccessMany things are measurable. That does not make them key to the organization's success. In selecting Key Performance Indicators, it is critical to limit them to those factors that are essential to the organization reaching its goals. It is also important to keep the number of Key Performance Indicators small just to keep everyone's attention focused on achieving the same is not to say, for instance, that a company will have only three or four total KPIs in total. Rather there will be three or four Key Performance Indicators for the company and all the units within it will have three, four, or five KPIs that support the overall company goals and can be "rolled up" into a company Key Performance Indicator is "Increased Customer Satisfaction", that KPI will be focused differently in different Manufacturing Department may have a KPI of "Number of Units Rejected by Quality Inspection", while the Sales Department has a KPI of "Minutes A Customer Is On Hold Before A Sales Rep Answers". Success by the Sales and Manufacturing Departments in meeting their respective departmental Key Performance Indicators will help the company meet its overall Key Performance Indicators vs. BadBad:• Title of KPI: Increase Sales• Defined: Change in Sales volume from month to month• Measured: Total of Sales By Region for all region• Target: Increase each monthWhat's missing? Does this measure increases in sales volume by dollars or units? If by dollars, does it measure list price or sales price? Are returns considered and if so do the appear as an adjustment to the KPI for the month of the sale or are they counted in the month the return happens? How do we make sure each sales office's volume numbers are counted in one region, . that none are skipped or double counted? How much, by percentage or dollars or units, do we want to increase sales volumes each month?(Note: Some of these questions may be answered by standard company procedures.)Good:• Title of KPI: Employee Turnover• Defined: The total of the number of employees who resign for whatever reason, plus the number of employees terminated for performance reasons, and that total divided by the number of employees at the beginning of the year. Employees lost due to Reductions in Force (RIF) will not be included in this calculation.• Measured: The HRIS contains records of each employee. The separation section lists reason and date of separation for each employee. Monthly, or when requested by the SVP, the HRIS group will query the database and provide Department Heads with Turnover Reports. HRIS will post graphs of each report on the Intranet.• Target: Reduce Employee Turnover by 5% per Do I Do With Key Performance Indicators?Once you have good Key Performance Indicators defined, ones that reflect your organization's goals, one that you can measure, what do you do with them? You use Key Performance Indicators as a performance management tool, but also as a carrot. KPIs give everyone in the organization a clear picture of what is important, of what they need to make happen. You use that to manage performance. You make sure that everything the people in your organization do is focused on meeting or exceeding those Key Performance Indicators. You also use the KPIs as a carrot. Post the KPIs everywhere: in the lunch room, on the walls of every conference room, on the company intranet, even on the company web site for some of them. Show what the target for each KPI is and show the progress toward that target for each of them. People will be motivated to reach those KPI targets.关键绩效指标(KPI)组织如何针对其目标界定和衡量业绩关键绩效指标(KPI),也称作关键成功指标(KSI),可以帮助组织针对其目标界定和衡量业绩。一旦组织分析了它的使命,使其所有股东达成一致,并确定了它的目标,它就需要一种测量针对那些目标的工作业绩的方法。关键绩效指标就是一种测量工具。什么是关键绩效指标(KPI)关键绩效指标是量化测量工具,它能映射出组织的关键成功因素。关键绩效指标区别于不同的组织。一个企业可能会把老客户收入百分比当作它的一个关键绩效指标。一个学校可能会把关键绩效指标集中在学生的毕业率上。客服部门可能分担整个公司指标中的一个作为关键绩效指标,即第一时间客户回应率。社会服务机构的一个关键绩效指标可能会是一年当中帮助的委托人的数量。无论选择什么关键绩效指标,他们都必须放映组织目标,必须是组织成功的关键坐在,必须是可量化的(可测量的)。关键绩效指标通常是长期考虑的。它们的界定和测量方式是不经常更改的。关键绩效指标的目标随着组织目标的改变或更加靠近成功而改变。关键绩效指标反映组织目标如果组织有一个目标是成为本行业最有利可图的公司,那么他会设定关键绩效指标来测量利润和其他财务指标。“税前利润”和“所有者权益”就在其中。而“对社会事业的利润贡献百分比”则可能刨除在外。另一方面,一个学校与创造利润无关,因此它的关键绩效指标会有所不同。但是尽管不同,像“毕业率”和“就业率”这样的指标也可以精确的放映学校的使命和目标。关键绩效指标必须可量化要想使关键绩效指标有什么价值,就必须用一种方式来定义和衡量它。作为关键绩效指标,“营造更多的回头客”将会变得毫无价值,如果不能却分老客户和新客户的话。“成为最受欢迎的公司”不能作为关键绩效指标,因为没有方法能测量公司的名望或与其他公司比较。界定关键绩效指标并连年坚持也是非常重要的。对于“增加销售业绩”这个指标,你需要考虑采用销售量还是销售额来衡量。回扣从当月销售额中扣除还是从当月回扣中扣除?销售额将会以标价记录还是以售价记录?你还需要为每个关键绩效指标设定目标。一个雇主选择的公司目标可能包含“雇佣率”这样一个关键绩效指标。在它的背后市这样的定义:由于绩效自动辞职和结束工作的人数除以期初雇佣的工人总数,还有通过人力资源信息系统收集的信息建立起来的测量它的方法。,目标就建立起来了。“雇佣率每年降低5%”这样一个清晰的目标可以让每一个人都明白并且能够采取专门行动去实现它。关键绩效指标必须是组织成功的关键所在许多事情是可测的,但那并不使它们成为组织成功的关键所在。在筛选关键绩效指标时,将它们限制在对组织实现目标必要的因素上是非常关键的。将关键绩效指标的数量控制的较小也是非常重要的,这就像使每个人的注意力都集中在同样的关键绩效指标上。那并不是说,例如,一个公司总共只要三四个关键绩效指标。宁可公司有三四个关键绩效指标,其中的部门有三五个指标支持整个公司目标并且能够与他们紧密相关。如果公司关键绩效指标是“增加顾客满意率”,这将使不同的部门关注于不同的的方面。制造部门可能将“产品合格率”作为关键绩效指标,而销售部门则可能是“销售回应钱的客户等待时间”。销售和制造部门各自的部门关键绩效指标的成功将会帮助企业实现其整体关键绩效指标。优劣关键绩效指标的对比差的:• 指标名称:增加销售业绩• 定义:逐月增加销售量• 测量:所有地区向售量的加总• 目标:每月增加缺少了什么?增加销售业绩用销售量来衡量还是销售额?如果通过销售额来衡量,那是用标价纪录的价格来衡量还是用售价来衡量?考虑回扣吗?如果考虑,它们会作为当月关键绩效指标的调整还是计入发生折扣的月份?我们如何确保每个销售办事处的业绩在同一地区计算,每于一个被落掉或者重复计算?不管用何种标准衡量,我们希望销售业绩每个月增加百分之多少?(注:其中的一些问题可能会在标准的公司工作流程中回答。)好的:• 指标名称: 雇员雇佣率• 定义:无论何故辞职的雇员总数加因为绩效表现方面的原因而被解雇的雇员总数除以年初雇员总数。权力衰减导致的员工流失不计入其中。• 测量:人力资源信息系统包含每个员工的纪录。离职科会纪录每个员工离职的原因和日期。每个月,或者当被特别重要的人物询问时,人力资源信息系统小组将查询数据库冰箱部门主管提供离职报告。人力资源信息系统会将每份报告的图表发到内联网上。• 目标:雇员雇佣率每年降低5%关于关键绩效指标我做了什么?一旦你确立了好的关键绩效指标,能够反映组织目标,并且能够测量,那么你将用它们做些什么?关键技校指标不仅是一种绩效管理工具,也是一种鲜明的暗示。关键绩效指标展示给组织里的每个人一个清晰的画面,让他们知道什么事情是重要的,什么事情需要做。你是用它们去管理绩效,确保组织成员做的每件事情都集中在实现关键绩效指标上。你还要把他们当成一种鲜明的暗示。把他们放到每一个角落,餐厅里,每个会议室的墙上,公司内联网上,甚至在公司网页上。标明每个关键绩效指标的目标是什么还有针对目标所做出的成绩,这会激励人们努力达到那些目标。

绩效考核的论文参考文献有哪些绩效考核能够有效提升员工的积极性,所以大部分的企业都会实行绩效考核制度。下面为您精心推荐了绩效考核的管理论文参考文献,希望对您有所帮助。绩效考核的论文参考文献:化工企业绩效考核管理模式探讨 [1]田伟.绩效考核、晋升激励与中国经济社会非均衡发展[J].统计与决策,2012,(01).[2]张毅斌中小企业绩效考核在人力资源管理中的问题与对策研究[J].现代工业经济和信息化,2011,(10).[3]孔玉生,童珍.绩效考核指标与组织目标一致性研究[J].财会通讯,2011,(11).[4]夏恩君,霍海涛,孙兰.浅析绩效考核在企业人力资源管理中的应用[J].北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2006,(05).[5]房艳君,贺亮.如何使360度绩效考核制度更有效[J].商业经济,2006,(10).绩效考核的论文参考文献:财务人员绩效考核分析 [1]周晓玲.基于绩效管理视角的财务人员绩效考核分析[J].财经界(学术版),2015(13):294.


绩效考核的论文参考文献有哪些绩效考核能够有效提升员工的积极性,所以大部分的企业都会实行绩效考核制度。下面为您精心推荐了绩效考核的管理论文参考文献,希望对您有所帮助。绩效考核的论文参考文献:化工企业绩效考核管理模式探讨 [1]田伟.绩效考核、晋升激励与中国经济社会非均衡发展[J].统计与决策,2012,(01).[2]张毅斌中小企业绩效考核在人力资源管理中的问题与对策研究[J].现代工业经济和信息化,2011,(10).[3]孔玉生,童珍.绩效考核指标与组织目标一致性研究[J].财会通讯,2011,(11).[4]夏恩君,霍海涛,孙兰.浅析绩效考核在企业人力资源管理中的应用[J].北京理工大学学报(社会科学版),2006,(05).[5]房艳君,贺亮.如何使360度绩效考核制度更有效[J].商业经济,2006,(10).绩效考核的论文参考文献:财务人员绩效考核分析 [1]周晓玲.基于绩效管理视角的财务人员绩效考核分析[J].财经界(学术版),2015(13):294.

亲,你要的是如下这种嘛?如有疑问,请追问,如满意,还望采纳。 盛运华, 赵宏中. 绩效管理作用及绩效考核体系研究[J]. 武汉理工大学学报, 2002, 2: 92-94. 李红卫, 徐时红. 绩效考核的方法及关键绩效指标的确定[J]. 经济师, 2002, 5: 152-153. 刘帮成, 唐宁玉. 对团队绩效考核体系的战略性思考[J]. 上海管理科学, 2003, 3: 59-60. 赵曙明, 吴慈生. 中国企业集团人力资源管理现状调查研究 (二)——人力资源培训与开发, 绩效考核体系分析[J]. 中国人力资源开发, 2003 (3): 48-50. 周渠诺, 何坪, 殷丽霞, 等. 重庆市基本药物和绩效考核制度的实施现况调查[J]. 中国全科医学, 2012, 15(10): 1090-1092. 黄荔红, 宋斌, 黄春霞, 等. 运用信息化平台构建护理绩效考核体系[J]. 护理管理杂志, 2012, 12(2): 150-151.


科学信息化管理作用 整个绩效考评体系配合网络信息管理系统的应用,实行全程网络管理,每月第一个工作日发放考评表,全程网上考核、管理、信息畅通,提高考核工作的效率,起到护理绩效考评科学信息化管理高效有序的作用。同时利用网络程序分析各种护理信息,有利于全面掌握护理现状和动态,提供人力资源管理决策,通过对护理工作人员的绩效评价,管理部门可以采取人员调整、培训、转岗、留聘等多种措施,以保证用较少的人力资源获得较大劳动成果,使各护理岗位的人员使用更加合理,更加有效,达到提高护理人力资源管理效益的目的〔5〕。 通过建立系统、客观、科学的绩效考评体系,运用目标管理法、强制分配法等管理方法,配合网络信息化系统管理,经过3年多的护理绩效考评信息化管理模式应用实践,使护理管理步入科学化、规范化、信息化和标准化的轨道,最大限度地激发了护理人员的积极性和创造性,促进工作绩效,责任心进一步增强,护理队伍整体素质提高,保证了医院的可持续性发展。 【参考文献】 1 孙玲芬,张洁.绩效考评在护士专业发展中的作用.护理研究,2004,18(10):1768. 2 高静,成翼娟.护理人员绩效考评体系设计.护理管理,2003,17(11):1282. 3 廖玉联,黎月英,梁锦屏,等.护理人员绩效考评体系的建立与实施效果分析.实用护理杂志,2003,19(7):224. 4 加里,肯尼斯.绩效考评,第2版.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2002,2-6. 5 林菊英.护理人员绩效考评.北京:人民卫生出版社,2003,96.上一页 [1] [2] [3]

[1] Berger A N,Saunders A,Scalise J M,Udell G F. The Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Small Business Lending[J] .Journal of Financial Economics, 1998,50, 50 :187-229 . [2] Stiglitz, R. J. Reputation in a model of monetary policy with incomplete information .Journal of monetary Economics, 1986, (17) :3-20 . [3] David De Meza ,and David C. Webb. Too Much Investment:A Problem of Asymmetric Information .Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1987, (5) . [4] Sullivan, Teresa A, Warren, Elizabeth, Westbrook, Jay. Financial difficulties of small businesses and reasons for their failure .1998, .

亲,你要的是如下这种嘛?如有疑问,请追问,如满意,还望采纳。 盛运华, 赵宏中. 绩效管理作用及绩效考核体系研究[J]. 武汉理工大学学报, 2002, 2: 92-94. 李红卫, 徐时红. 绩效考核的方法及关键绩效指标的确定[J]. 经济师, 2002, 5: 152-153. 刘帮成, 唐宁玉. 对团队绩效考核体系的战略性思考[J]. 上海管理科学, 2003, 3: 59-60. 赵曙明, 吴慈生. 中国企业集团人力资源管理现状调查研究 (二)——人力资源培训与开发, 绩效考核体系分析[J]. 中国人力资源开发, 2003 (3): 48-50. 周渠诺, 何坪, 殷丽霞, 等. 重庆市基本药物和绩效考核制度的实施现况调查[J]. 中国全科医学, 2012, 15(10): 1090-1092. 黄荔红, 宋斌, 黄春霞, 等. 运用信息化平台构建护理绩效考核体系[J]. 护理管理杂志, 2012, 12(2): 150-151.

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