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不断增加的城市空气污染 经过20年的改革开放,中国私人汽车数量迅速增加,汽车开始进入普通人的家庭生活。汽车需求的迅猛增长是推动2002年中国经济增长的重要力量。去年汽车制造商制造并销售了325万辆,比2001年增长了37%。此外,去年载客汽车的销售首次突破了100万大关,猛增56%,达到了万辆。 2001年后加入世界贸易组织(WTO),中国已经将汽车的进口关税从70-90%降低到44-51%,到2005年将进一步降低到25%。随着汽车价格的下降以及中国人较低的汽车拥有量,中国的汽车市场将会进一步繁荣。 随着轿车进入家庭,主要城市及近郊的交通拥挤状况会进一步加剧,从而使汽车废气排放问题更加严重。中国有2000万辆汽车和1亿辆摩托车,而其中大多数都在城市。在城市环境污染物中,汽车所排放的氮氧化物占到了45至60%,而一氧化碳则占到了85%。因此,中国城市居民所吸入的劣质空气主要是由汽车所排放的废气造成的。 除非政府愿意牺牲这方面的经济支柱产业,限制上路汽车数量。因此,要控制汽车废气排放问题,利用电子技术来减少汽车的废气排放是解决方案之一。 排放标准 2001年底,中国政府宣布对中国三大汽车制造商降低30%的汽车消费税,前提是他们所制造的汽车得满足欧II标准。六个月后,在第三届中国亚洲清洁燃料国际会议上,政府的另一项声明进一步表明了控制汽车排放的决心。声明称,北京将从2003年1月开始对在北京销售的机动车辆实行欧II标准,并计划于2005年实施欧III标准。 要控制废气排放所面临的挑战并不仅仅是要设计一个具有清洁燃烧能力的完美发动机,还要利用合适的半导体电子器件对发动机的燃烧过程进行合理的控制。英飞凌为今天的发动机管理平台提供了所需要的单片机、传感器和功率半导体器件。 用于动力总成系统的半导体器件 为控制废气排放量,可利用半导体传感器来精确测量吸入空气的成份。利用单片机快速计算出所使用的燃料数量,然后再起动燃料喷射器。由于有正确的空气-燃料比,因此可以达到近乎完美的燃烧状态,从而使废气的排放达到最少。 汽车动力总成应用中需要多个传感器来将"真实"环境与电子部分连接起来。基于半导体的传感器专用于测量速度、位置、温度和压力。对于动力总成应用来说,最大的变化趋势是利用集成了传感器单元和信号处理部分的有源传感器来代替过去的被动式传感器。由于需要更精确地测量发动机的状态,因此这一趋势发展很快。 在通过传感器测量到发动机的状态以后,单片机就可以处理这些数据并提供合适的控制信号来控制致动器的动作。单片机是利用逻辑技术制造的,而集成度的提高使得可以将功能强大的处理器与外设集成在一起。目前的趋势是将DSP功能集成进来,从而允许实现更为复杂和精确的信号处理软件算法。这样就可用软件实现以前采用硬件实现的功能。 一旦单片机"知道"下一步该做什么,单片机就发送合适的信号到致动器。通常,致动器需要高电压或者大电流才能动作。因此,需要利用功率半导体器件来驱动致动器,如燃料喷射器或火花塞。过去几年里,功率半导体技术的发展主要集中于优化现有系统的成本和部分集成。这产生了能够集成功率输出级(DMOS或双极)、模拟电路和数字逻辑的混合集成技术(BCD)。高集成度功率器件的优势是可以支持诊断,从而可使系统具有更好的可靠性(动力总成是汽车中的关键应用)。同时,这还可使最终产品所需要的外部器件数量大大降低。 系统解决方案 目前的动力总成电子控制单元(ECU)中,电子器件部分主要是半导体器件。 半导体传感器 传感器位于动力总成系统的前端。传感器用来测量物理参数,如水温、空气压力以及发动机曲轴的转动速度。这些数据非常关键,它们为闭环控制系统提供了关键信息。除了温度传感、压力传感和霍尔传感器以外,微机械技术还带来了崭新的加速和偏向角速度传感器,同时还允许利用标准晶圆制造工艺集成信号处理电路和数字化电路。 1.温度传感器 根据扩展电阻原理,线性和稳定的半导体传感器可低成本地替代镍或铂金属膜传感器,同时还可提供比PTC热电阻技术上更优越的器件。 2.位置和速度传感器 动态差分霍尔IC可以测量曲轴或凸轮轴速度、传动速度和车轮速度。通过使用位于单个芯片上的两个霍尔单元,一个差分放大器和处理电路,可以测量到磁场差。这意味着可以将温度漂移、制造容差和外部电磁环境等破坏性环境影响降到最小。同样的信号水平,与单片机的接口要比采用旧式的有感线圈简单得多、便宜得多。 英飞凌新开发的TLE4925C特别适合曲轴应用。其集成电路(基于霍尔效应)提供了频率与转速成正比的数字信号输出。额外的自校正模块提供最优的精度。利用新的模块型封装所集成的滤波器电容器可以减少干扰。 3.进气管绝对压力/大气绝对压力传感器 在新一代传感器中,复杂的处理电路完全集成在传感器芯片上。随着表面微机械技术得以在标准BiCMOS工艺进行微机械加工,利用其技术制造的传感器称为MEMS(微电子机械系统)。利用微机械技术,可以制作出厚度仅有400 m的多晶硅薄膜。这些薄膜构成在芯片上的多个电容器和两个参考电容器。信号则源于压感区域和参考区域的差别。 由于需要利用模拟的绝对压力传感器来测量进气管绝对压力和大气绝对压力,因此标准BiCMOS技术就特别重要。这是因为需要复杂的电路来提供模拟输出信号,进行线性化和偏差补偿。一个MAP传感器测量进气管中空气的绝对压力,并为发动机管理系统提供一个重要的参数(空气体积)。另一方面,一个BAP传感器则测量环境空气压力(是汽车高度的函数),这也是发动机管理系统所需要的同样重要的一个参数(空气密度)。有了这两个参数,就可算出空气的质量,并利用算出的空气质量来决定喷入多少燃料以实现最佳的燃烧。英飞凌的BAP传感器KP120适用于柴油和汽油发动机的管理。 单片机 单片机是动力总成系统的大脑。实时运行的高度复杂的算法用来在各种情况下管理发动机及传送动作。由于系统位于发动机罩下的恶劣环境中,因此除了合适的CPU以外,单片机的整个系统架构对于系统性能来说非常重要。目前在动力总成应用中使用的CPU架构有8位、16位和32位。 8位架构主要用于非常低端的汽车产品,但在摩托车ECU中的应用前景看起来很好。英飞凌提供低成本的增强8位C500核心,以及适合在成本敏感的摩托车市场中应用的高性能外设。由于相应的软件和工具集与业界标准的80C51单片机完全兼容,因此可加快软件开发周期。 32位单片机的市场份额正越来越大。但是,大批量生产的16位产品仍然在目前的汽车中有很大的市场。英飞凌的16位C167系列旨在满足实时嵌入式控制应用的高性能要求。该系列单片机的架构针对大指令吞吐量和对外部刺激(中断)的快速响应而优化。集成的智能外设子系统可将所需要的CPU干预降低到最低的程度。这还减少了对通过外部总线接口进行通信的需要。C167系列的成功源于其CPU,以及对于动力总成应用的要求来说非常理想的外设组合。 称为C166v2内核的新一代C166内核采用了单时钟周期执行技术,因此性能提升了一倍。内置的高级乘法和累加指令(MAC)执行单元极大地提高了DSP性能。 目前功能最强大的单片机采用了32位CPU。此类CPU中的一些源于单片机架构。而象英飞凌TriCore这样的CPU则是针对实时环境中的嵌入式控制应用而设计的,因此非常适用于象动力总成这样的应用。 功率半导体器件 在动力总成应用中,需要开关驱动喷射器、氧气传感器加热器、放气阀、冷却风扇以及一些继电器等负载。在单片IC中集成多个开关可以缩小电路板尺寸,从而降低成本。目前可提供2至18通道的多通道开关器件。根据特定的应用,可驱动从50mA直到30A的电流。负载可以是欧姆负载、容性负载或感性负载。 越来越多的数字逻辑可以在功率输出级一起实现。随着BCD技术的发展,可以在器件中集成许多此前必须由专用ASIC或单片机完成的新功能。 除了这一控制功能外,目前的开关器件还集成了保护和检测功能,如短路、过载、超温、过压、负载开路、静电放电(ESD)和反向电流保护等。此外,还可通过实现在过载时断路以及限流模式等故障保护模式来进一步提高系统可靠性。多通道开关器件通常可利用标准通信接口(SPI)进行控制。诊断信息通过SPI传输回单片机。英飞凌公司还提供了一种高速点到点通信接口,可为未来时间关键的应用(如PWM电流调整)提供更大的数据带宽,并降低微控制器和功率开关器件(如超过 8通道的器件)的I/O端口数量。




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这个比较简单的 题目确定了没有啊

Brand loyalty refers to consumers in the purchase decision-making has shown a certain brand of bias (as opposed to random) behavioral response. It is a course of conduct, but also a psychological (decision-making and evaluation) process. The formation of brand loyalty is not entirely dependent on the quality of their products, reputation, brand association and the spread of consumers it is closely related to the characteristics of their own, rely on the use of consumer products experience. Increase the brand loyalty of a business's survival and development, increase market share is extremely loyalty is the core brand value. It consists of five components:1, no brand loyalty areThis layer of consumers will continue to replace the brand, the brand did not agree with, is very sensitive to price. Low prices on which the election which many低值易耗品, the same habits of industry and consumer goods are of no brand , accustomed to the purchaserThis layer of consumers loyal to a brand or a few brands, the consumption of fixed habits and preferences, a pretty good idea at the time of purchase, our objectives are clear. If there are obvious incentives for competitors, such as price concessions, advertising, unique packaging, sales promotion to encourage consumers to try other means. Continued to purchase or purchase a product, brand switching will be carried out to buy other , satisfied buyersThis is one of the original consumer of the consumer is already quite satisfied with the brand, and brand switching has resulted in the risk of anxiety, that is to buy a new brand, there will be risks, the risks will be effective, the risk adjustment and so , emotional buyersThis level of consumer brand has a love and emotion, some brands is that they rely on emotions and the soul, such as the number of consumers every day with Chinese toothpaste, soap, some children Wahaha drink milk every day, Coca-Cola to incurred by the procession force formula, etc., can be enduring, that is, consumers have become friends, life, essential supplies, and not easily , loyal buyersThis layer is the highest brand loyalty, consumers not only have feelings for the brand, and even pride. Such as the Omega table, BMW cars, Rolls-Royce cars, Montagut clothing, alligator apparel, Nike shoes are in possession of the purchaser of such a value of brand loyalty is mainly reflected in the following aspects:1, lower marketing costs and increase profitsThe value of loyalty to the creation of what is? Loyalty, value, profit is a direct correspondence between the existence of a causal relationship. Marketing in the famous "Second, the eight principles", that is, the performance of 80% from 20% of the regular customers patronage. Of enterprises self-evident the importance of finding new customers, but the maintenance cost of an old customer for the development of only one-seventh of a new customer. In low-profit era, becomes the value of loyalty marketing. Many enterprises in our country most of the focus on finding new customers, but to enhance existing customer satisfaction and loyalty are indifferent. The purpose of an enterprise is to create value,Not just to make a profit. Create value for customers is a basis for establishing successful enterprises. Create superior value in favor of the concept of cultivating customer loyalty, customer loyalty will turn into profit growth and enterprise value, enterprise value and loyalty to create a business together constitute the true meaning of , easy to attract new customersHigh brand loyalty on behalf of each user can become a living advertisement, it will naturally attract new customers. Under the effect of word-of-mouth marketing: a customer satisfaction will lead to potential business 8 T; a dissatisfied customer will affect the purchase of 25 individuals will, therefore, a satisfaction, and are willing to establish long-term stability for the enterprise customers will be considerable profits. Job on behalf of brand loyalty on the consumer is satisfied with the , expansion of sales channels to increase powerWith high brand loyalty and sales channels in members of negotiating the status of a relatively active. Of course, selling to dealers selling profitable products, products with high brand loyalty naturally welcomed by the dealer. In addition, dealers also depends on the self-image of its products sold to raise. Therefore, the high brand loyalty of the products in the development pathway more smooth, easy access to more favorable terms of trade, such as after the delivery shall run, the best location of the , there is greater flexibility in the face of competitionMarketing era of market competition is increasingly reflected in the competitiveness of the brand. When facing the same competition, with high brand loyalty, as consumers slow to change, so can have more time to develop new products, improve the dissemination of offensive strategy to deal with , user-friendly to meet consumer demandEnterprises to enhance brand loyalty, to win the goodwill and trust of consumers, enterprises should focus on all the activities of the consumer to start services to meet consumer demand. To allow customers to purchase products and enjoy the use of services, there are memorable, enjoyable, comfortable feel. Therefore, the process of brand marketing must put the interests of short-term interests and long-term relationship, we must faithfully fulfill their obligations and social responsibility, with practical actions and the integrity of the image to win the trust and support of consumers. With the credibility of the brand, why should we worry there will not be any market, brands do not wang? This is a brand operated by market rules,Loyalty tied to value creation, business customers create more value, in favor of cultivating customer loyalty, and brand loyalty and profits will bring about the growth of tied to value creation, business customers create more value, in favor of cultivating customer loyalty, and brand loyalty and profits will bring about the growth of to enhance brand loyalty, to win the goodwill and trust of consumers, enterprises should focus on all the activities of the consumer to start services to meet consumer demand. To allow customers to purchase products and enjoy the use of services, there are memorable, enjoyable, comfortable feel. Therefore, the process of brand marketing must put the interests of short-term interests and long-term relationship, we must faithfully fulfill their obligations and social responsibility, with practical actions and the integrity of the image to win the trust and support of consumers. With the credibility of the brand, why should we worry there will not be any market, brands do not wang? This is a brand operated by market rules,1, user-friendly to meet consumer demandOperation is also a universal law, but also the best way to increase brand loyalty. Brand should spare no effort to do it carefully, to avoid short-term interests in pursuit of aggressive impetuosity committed an error, otherwise, no way will inevitably lead to brand and eventually move toward is to meet consumer demand for a real understanding of the consumer. Only domestic brand to provide the vast majority of the product value and function of the main, but far from being refined to meet the demand can not be compared to foreign brands. China's superior nutrition ham flavor, easy to carry out, but the food did not open the hole must be cut to find a pair of scissors. . Gillette razor handle manually is not only convex pattern with a circle to increase friction to prevent slip razor hand and scratch the face, and think on the convex pattern onto a layer of rubber to allow customers to use when in the hands of a more fitting skin, more comfortable,Convex pattern in the wear layer of rubber so that when customers use more fitting in the hands of the skin, more comfortable,2, product innovation3, to provide value-added productsThe quality of the product is brand loyalty from customers on the basis of. Many brands of the world history tells us that consumer brand loyalty, in a sense can also be said that the loyalty of the quality of their products. Only excellent quality products in order to truly establish in people's eyes the "brand" by consumers. Product innovations so that consumers feel the quality has been increasing 's air-conditioning, washing machine, there will be new features every year, the introduction of new technology products; Nokia, Motorola unveiled a new handset every year; P & G Oil & Ulan,海飞丝products such as modified from time to time the introduction of new formulations of its new products excitement, to make people feel that business has been working to improve product quality for can provide consumers with additional value-for-money interests who will be able to win , effective communicationThe quality of products by consumers to judge the satisfaction of truly consumer-centric done; not only have to pay attention to the core product and tangible products, but also to provide more additional products. Haier not only the maintenance staff time to fix the refrigerator, air-conditioning; customers can get more, maintenance staff courtesy warm greetings to the people, bring their own drinks do not drink a water user, the user sets of plastic shoes to avoid fouling the floor at home and so on Haier's Because after-sales service provided to consumers the benefits of an unexpected and greatly improve the consumer's brand evaluation and acceptance. Homogenization in the product of the times,Enjoy convenient, practical and full of interesting communication experience. At the same time, the club provided by Nokia is the world's fascinating photos. Club Nokia choose a series of international famous brands, including Hallmark, Sanrio, EMI, Universal, and so on, Nokia users can personalize their mobile through effective communication with consumers to maintain and enhance brand loyalty, such as the establishment of customer database, regular visits, public relations, advertising and so on. The establishment of customer database, choose the right customers, customer classification, choose to retain the value of customers to develop customer loyalty program; understanding of customer needs and effectively meet customer requirements; with customers to establish long-term stable and mutual need and mutual assistance relationship. Mainly to the dissemination of advertising, advertising can enhance consumer brand familiarity, trust, so that consumers love the brand and loyalty.(A) the purchase of the number of repeat customersA certain period of time, customers of a brand product of the number of repeat purchase more on the brand loyalty of the higher, the lower the contrary. Should be noted that this indicator in determining the limits of the reasonable, it must be based on different products be treated differently.(B) the length of the customer toAccording to the law of consumer psychology, customer purchases of goods, especially the purchase of goods, must go through the selection process of comparison. However, due to differences in the degree of trust for different products, customers to buy the length of the selection are different. In general, the shorter the time to select customers that he formed a preference for branded goods, the higher the brand loyalty, on the contrary that he is the brand loyalty of the lower. In the use of this standard to measure brand loyalty, it is important to remove the product structure, use of the impact of differences.(C) customers of the price sensitivity of theConsumer prices are very important, but this does not mean that all kinds of products consumers the same degree of price-sensitive. Facts have proved that love and trust for the products, consumers bear the price changes of their ability, that is, low degree of sensitivity; and who do not like the product, consumer price changes on their ability to bear, that is highly sensitive. Which can also be a measure of consumer brand loyalty. Applying this standard, the customer should pay attention to the extent necessary for the products, product supply and demand situation and market competition of three factors. In practical application, the measure of price sensitivity and the relationship between brand loyalty,To exclude these three factors.(D) the customer's attitude to the competitive productsOf a change in brand attitude, and more competitive products by comparison with the generated. Products according to customer's attitude to the competitors, customers can determine the products of other brands of high and low loyalty. If customers are interested in strong competitor products, goodwill, and on the description of a low brand loyalty. If customers are not other good brand, a low level of interest on the notes of a high brand loyalty.(E) the quality of products the customer's attitudeAny one enterprise may occur due to various reasons the issue of product quality, even if the brand is also inevitable. If a customer's impression of a good brand, high loyalty, the problems of enterprises will be tolerant and sympathetic attitude, I believe that businesses will soon be addressed. If the customer brand loyalty of a low quality issues once the products, customers will be very sensitive, very likely no longer purchase the product. 中文再这个网址

《网路书店关系行销结合方式对顾客忠诚度影响之研究》 资讯科技的进步使网路成为了崭新的通路,也使虚拟通路蓬勃发展。 资讯科技的进步使网路成为了崭新的通路,也使虚拟通路蓬勃发展。 在网路的发展下,关系行销是否也能在网路的虚拟通路上发挥它的作用,再度成为企业销售的利器? 在网路的发展下,关系行销是否也能在网路的虚拟通路上发挥它的作用,再度成为企业销售的利器? 亦或是关系行销的概念已无法在网路时代中应用? 亦或是关系行销的概念已无法在网路时代中应用? 奠基於此,本研究期盼以研究网路书店关系行销的应用,以及网路书店之关系行销在顾客忠诚上的实践是否有其正向相关性,藉以了解虚拟通路之关系行销的策略方向与可行性。 奠基于此,本研究期盼以研究网路书店关系行销的应用,以及网路书店之关系行销在顾客忠诚上的实践是否有其正向相关性,借以了解虚拟通路之关系行销的策略方向与可行性。 本研究发现,网路书店在执行关系行销的策略时,在运用社交性与结构性结合方式时,对於消费者忠诚度的提升,有明显的帮助。 本研究发现,网路书店在执行关系行销的策略时,在运用社交性与结构性结合方式时,对于消费者忠诚度的提升,有明显的帮助。 三大结合方式中,结构性结合对於消费者忠诚度的提升有最大的效益。 三大结合方式中,结构性结合对于消费者忠诚度的提升有最大的效益。



TOP .1《读者》《读者》杂志创刊于1981年1月,是甘肃人民出版社主办的一份综合类文摘杂志。原名《读者文摘》,1981年创刊时的《读者文摘》只有48页,而且是双月刊,新闻纸黑白印刷,售价三角。杂志创刊一年,发行量达到16万。1982年底,发行量达到42万。1983年,发行量突破136万。最后使用了《读者》一名。1993年第七期,《读者文摘》正式改名为《读者》。《读者》杂志发掘人性中的真、善、美,体现人文关怀。《读者》在刊物内容及形式方面与时俱进,追求高品位、高质量,力求精品,并以其形式和内容的丰富性及多样性,赢得了各个年龄段和不同阶层读者的喜爱与拥护。发行量稳居中国期刊排名第一,亚洲期刊排名第一,世界综合性期刊排名第四。被誉为“中国人的心灵读本”、“中国期刊第一品牌。TOP .2《知音》《知音》杂志创刊于1985年。高举“人情美,人性美”的旗帜,坚持“篇篇可读、期期精彩”的精品办刊意识。 《知音》杂志是中国发行量最大的新闻纪实类杂志,创刊以来,一直坚持真实、及时、生动、独家地报道丰富多彩的社会生活,在报刊市场激烈的竞争中发行量一路攀升,不断创造出辉煌。 《知音》中国期刊界的知名品牌,发行量居世界综合性期刊最新排名第六位。1985年1月创刊时为月刊,1999年1月在全国同类期刊中率先改为半月刊。TOP .3《中国国家地理》《中国国家地理》原名为《地理知识》。是具有很强的可读性和收藏性的关于地理的月刊杂志。具有很强的独家性和权威性。其内容以中国地理为主,兼具世界各地不同区域的自然、人文景观和事件,并揭示其背景和奥秘,另亦涉及天文、生物、历史和考古等领域。 此书无论是从收藏、观赏、阅读等诸多方面都是一本难得的好书。本书极具阅读性、观赏性、收藏性于一身。无论对于从事专业地理的研究人员还是普通的地理爱好者或者中小学生都是很值得看的一本书。作为旅游爱好者,你需要一本了解各地景观的杂志。作为收藏家,你需要珍藏具有权威性的地理杂志。作为人文爱好者,你可以不出远门就会了解到不同地方的风俗。作为一名摄影达人,你将需要专业并且美观的杂志。作为历史的爱好者,你将需要权威的历史发展途径的杂志,最为一名商业人士,需要一本可读性很强的杂志提高自身修养的杂志。那么《中国国家地理》将带您进入一个全新的领域,一个你所看不到的世界。TOP .4《南风窗》《南风窗》杂志1985年创刊。二十多年来一直坚持严肃的新闻理念,敏锐而深刻的新闻价值探索与判断,强调建设性与分寸感的务实新闻操作,形成了特有的品质和气质,形成了对社会问题特有的解读和视角,形成了特有的文采风格,因而,吸引了中国社会的主流人群,并得到读者认可,巳经成为中国最具影响力的新闻杂志。《南风窗》与共和国同行,深切关注中国社会的转型问题,以开放的心态透视全球化背景下的世界形势,紧密追踪中国政经领域和社会文化变革中的重大事件、热点难点、汇聚主流精英和人民大众的声音,提供有建设性的思考,形成推动中国社会前行的精神合力。TOP .5《新周刊》《新周刊》,“中国最新锐的时事生活周刊”,创办于1996年8月18日,已形成包括《时代周报》、《香巴拉》、广州新锐贰千广告有限公司和广东飘壹代书刊发行有限公司在内的媒体方阵。创刊十五年来突飞猛进,已成为中国社会变迁最敏锐的观察者与记录者。《新周刊》是读者眼中畅快淋漓的“观点供应商”,它始终给读者带来新鲜的撞击与概念,引导读者关注正在发生和将要发生的趋势。阅读着《新周刊》成长的新锐青年,如今已成为推动社会前进的中坚力量。 《新周刊》所有特点中,到今天仍然有意义的一条,是具有收藏价值。你要问,为什么要具有收藏价值?这和中国人到现在买杂志不是买了就扔的消费习惯有关,所 谓“中国特色”,这就是在杂志市场的典型表现之一。所以我们以具备书的特征的形态给读者,首先是暗合这种消费心态。准确地说,我们在刊物和书之间找到了一 种合适的形态。 市场上可能有上百种影响产品形态的因素,剥离出来,一一分析,才能知道自己存在的市场逻辑。书的特征是上架子,《新周刊》目前仍是被收藏的同类杂志的老 大,我们完成了书都未必做得到的特点,如内容丰富,版式,图片及纸张等,表现形态超越了书。TOP .6《家庭》《家庭》原名《广东妇女》,创办于1982年,1983年1月起更名为《家庭》,1999年1月,增出下半月版,是中国国内第一家以恋爱、婚姻、家庭为报道和研究对象的综合月刊。 《家庭》本着在婚姻家庭领域里倡导精神文明、促进现代家庭生活方式的变革、竭诚帮助读者营造幸福美满的家庭这一办刊宗旨,不断强化精品意识和读者第一意识,注意刊物的思想力度和内容的厚实,赢得了广大读者的厚爱,《家庭》品牌日益深入人心,发行到海外27个国家和地区,发行量一直稳居文化综合类期刊前茅。世界期刊联盟公布《家庭》的发行量在全球文化综合类期刊中排名第八。TOP .7《财经》秉承“独立立场、独家报道、独到见解”的理念,《财经》全面观察并追踪中国经济改革的重大举措、政府高层的重要动向、市场建设的重点事件,及时予以分析和评论,对于资本市场在中国的成长变化更给予特别关注;对于海外发生的重大经济、时政要闻,《财经》亦经常派出记者现场专访,其报道以新闻的独家性和权威性见长。 《财经》杂志的领衔栏目“封面文章” 因深度报道堪称具有史实记录价值。其他重要栏目如“经济全局”、“资本市场”、“财经观察”、“观点评述”、“产业纵深”、“公司透视”等,每有真知灼见迸发,为业内好评。TOP .8《博物》《博物》是2004年《中国国家地理》杂志社出版的杂志,《博物》是《中国国家地理》青春版,是在CNG同一品牌下,依据读者定位不同而产生的两本杂志,是《中国国家地理》杂志有益的补充。以青少年为主要读者对象,引导学生走进自然、勇于实践、博学广纳、探索求实的世界。杂志是一本面向青少年学生的自然人文综合知识类刊物,它提倡博物学的复兴,引导学生走进自然、勇于实践、博学广纳、探索求知。它集知识性、趣味性、互动性于一身,图文并茂,紧跟时代。内容广泛涉猎天文、地理、生物、历史等诸多领域,具有科学性、权威性、趣味性,对青少年的健康成长起到良性的引导作用。博物学强调主体的情感渗透,要去亲身体悟自然之整体性和玄妙。博物学以宽广的视野把自然看成一种密切联系的有机体,而我们人类只是此有机体的一部分。博物学将导致一种生活方式,一种人与自然和谐生存的艺术。TOP .9《Vista看天下》《Vista看天下》创刊于2005年,短短四年中,成长为中国第一本发行量超50万的新闻周刊,创造了中国媒体的“看天下模式”。 在《Vista看天下》中,没有沉重的表达,没有板起的面孔,只有独特的视角和精彩的言说,将过去10天发生在全球的最精彩故事呈送给读者。 《vista 看天下》主要以政治、历史、社会(包括财经)为主要内容,回顾精彩历史事件,报道和评论时政热点。也有关于文娱和日常生活常识及最新科技小发明介绍的文字,以及一些世界新闻趣图。《vista 看天下》的亮点主要是在于其对所陈诉的历史或政治事件十分客观,尽量让读者能以一个独立的观察者身份去省视一些事件,而不会受到撰稿者的主观感情左右,也就是说《vista 看天下》中所包含的撰稿者主观情绪很少。但对于一些主流道德观念所公认的事件评论,字词中也能感受到作者的讽刺,但仅仅只是一点,相较于一些报纸杂志不负责任地作一些偏激言论哗众取宠、不惜歪曲事实拿含混的字词误导读者来说,是相当难能可贵的。《vista 看天下》也不是一本因没有激烈言辞而显得很乏味的杂志,其向读者所展示的世界,正如其名字一样,能让人有透过这扇明窗一览天下的感觉。TOP .10《青年文摘》《青年文摘》由共青团中央主管、中国青年出版总社主办,创刊于1981年1月,自2000年起改为半月刊,是中国发行量最大的青年杂志,单期发行145-150万册。 《青年文摘》是一本面向全国、以青少年为核心读者群的文摘类综合刊物,刊物集萃来自报纸、期刊、图书等大众媒体的名篇佳作,旨在为青少年打造一个丰富生动、健康向上的精神空间。刊物分上下半月刊(上半月刊红版,下半月刊绿版)、彩版( 半月刊 )。









《时尚》与全球著名时装杂志《Harper's BAZAAR》版权合作的结晶,全球引导潮流的高端时装月刊,服务于中国精英女性阶层的时尚杂志。


























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