首页 > 学术期刊知识库 > 单片机英语小论文题目




单片机控制自动恒温箱的设计(电路图+原理图+程序)双坐标步进电机控制系统的设计(论文) 原材料仓物位智能检测系统的设计 单片机多用宽频转速计的设计智能家居安防红外报警器设计(附protel文件)基于单片机的多功能信号发生器设计(新品)数字示波器的设计(AVR单片机)(新品)基于单片机的中文输入系统设计(程序+电路原理图+PCB图)农业暖棚(温室)温湿度控制系统的设计基于单片机喷泉控制系统的设计参考地址:

[通信工程]MCS-51 单片机温度控制系统 基于八位单片机的数字温度控制系统 基于单片机饮水机温度控制系统的设计 单片机温度控制系统的设计


5、 基于单片机的电子秤设计



随着时代的发展,网络通信已广泛地应用于政治、军事,经济及科学等各个领域,它改变了传统的事务处理方式,对社会的进步和发展起着很大的推动作用。下面我给大家带来通信工程专业 毕业 论文题目_通信专业论文怎么选题,希望能帮助到大家!


1、 通信工程项目管理系统集成服务浅探[J]

2、 试述我国通信工程发展现状与前景[J]

3、 网络传输技术在通信工程中的应用探析[J]

4、 通信工程中多网融合技术的应用问题探析[J]

5、 探究有线传输技术在通信工程中的应用及发展方向[J]

6、 探讨通信工程项目的网络优化[J]

7、 应用型通信工程专业计算机类课程建设研究[J]

8、 结合3G/4G网络与GPS定位技术实现通信工程现场监理[J]

9、 通信工程的风险管理探讨[J]

10、 如何解决通信工程管理中的问题[J]

11、 通信工程设计单位标准化管理研究[J]

12、 传输技术在通信工程中的应用解析[J]

13、 通信工程施工管理模式的创新研究[J]

14、 通信工程中有线传输技术的应用及改进[J]

15、 通信工程项目中的风险管理与控制策略研究[J]

16、 探析通信工程中传输技术的广泛应用[J]

17、 浅谈通信工程项目的质量管理[J]

18、 项目管理 方法 在移动通信工程管理中的应用研究[J]

19、 通信工程项目管理研究[J]

20、 通信工程光缆施工的质量控制探讨[J]

21、 试论在通信工程施工过程中信息化管理的应用[J]

22、 浅谈传输技术在通信工程中的应用及发展[J]

23、 浅谈通信工程技术传输的有效管理策略[J]

24、 信息通信工程中传输技术的有效应用[J]

25、 铁路通信工程中无线接入技术的应用探究[J]

26、 试论通信工程的特点及发展现状与前景[J]

27、 浅谈通信工程发展前景[J]

28、 以华为公司为例探析通信工程技术的社会经济价值[J]

29、 传输技术在通信工程中的应用与发展趋势[J]

30、 通信工程建设进度控制研究[J]

31、 关于多网融合在通信工程中的应用分析[J]

32、 基于通信工程传输技术的应用研究[J]

33、 强化通信工程安全管理的对策[J]

34、 通信工程存在的经济问题和发展分析[J]

35、 通信工程管理在项目中的应用[J]

36、 探讨通信工程项目的网络优化方式[J]

37、 传输技术对通信工程的作用[J]

38、 浅谈通信工程传输技术的应用[J]

39、 通信工程中有线传输技术的应用及改进[J]

40、 刍议通信工程传输技术的现状与未来发展[J]

41、 浅析我国通信工程发展现状与展望[J]

42、 通信工程项目管理中关键点的标准化研究[J]

43、 软交换技术在通信工程中的应用及发展方向[J]

44、 探究通信工程专业学生就业现状及对策研究[J]

45、 如何提高通信工程监理企业的竞争力[J]

46、 通信工程监理企业竞争力探析[J]

47、 浅谈通信工程信息技术[J]

48、 通信工程中土建工程质量控制探讨[J]

49、 通信工程项目管理中系统化、集成化实现的路径分析[J]

50、 通信工程中有线传输技术的改进研究[J]








7、“营改增”对内蒙古移动通信公司 财务管理 的影响及对策研究






















29、移动通信运营商产品品牌 文化 研究









38、移动通信企业 市场营销 成本管理研究

39、移动通信 无线网络 建设项目的质量管理研究













11、 篮球 赛计时记分器


















































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★ 通信工程的毕业论文参考范文

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★ 通信工程的毕业论文优秀范文(2)

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1. 基于FX2N-48MRPLC的交通灯控制 2. 西门子PLC控制的四层电梯毕业设计论文 3. PLC电梯控制毕业论文 4. 基于plc的五层电梯控制 5. 松下PLC控制的五层电梯设计 6. 基于PLC控制的立体车库系统设计 7. PLC控制的花样喷泉 8. 三菱PLC控制的花样喷泉系统 9. PLC控制的抢答器设计 10. 世纪星组态 PLC控制的交通灯系统 11. X62W型卧式万能铣床设计 12. 四路抢答器PLC控制 13. PLC控制类毕业设计论文 14. 铁路与公路交叉口护栏自动控制系统 15. 基于PLC的机械手自动操作系统 16. 三相异步电动机正反转控制 17. 基于机械手分选大小球的自动控制 18. 基于PLC控制的作息时间控制系统 19. 变频恒压供水控制系统 20. PLC在电网备用自动投入中的应用 21. PLC在变电站变压器自动化中的应用 22. FX2系列PCL五层电梯控制系统 23. PLC控制的自动售货机毕业设计论文 24. 双恒压供水西门子PLC毕业设计 25. 交流变频调速PLC控制电梯系统设计毕业论文 26. 基于PLC的三层电梯控制系统设计 27. PLC控制自动门的课程设计 28. PLC控制锅炉输煤系统 29. PLC控制变频调速五层电梯系统设计 30. 机械手PLC控制设计 31. 基于PLC的组合机床控制系统设计 32. PLC在改造z-3040型摇臂钻床中的应用 33. 超高压水射流机器人切割系统电气控制设计 34. PLC在数控技术中进给系统的开发中的应用 35. PLC在船用牵引控制系统开发中的应用 36. 智能组合秤控制系统设计 37. S7-200PLC在数控车床控制系统中的应用 38. 自动送料装车系统PLC控制设计 39. 三菱PLC在五层电梯控制中的应用 40. PLC在交流双速电梯控制系统中的应用 41. PLC电梯控制毕业论文 42. 基于PLC的电机故障诊断系统设计 43. 欧姆龙PLC控制交通灯系统毕业论文 44. PLC在配料生产线上的应用毕业论文 45. 三菱PLC控制的四层电梯毕业设计论文 46. 全自动洗衣机PLC控制毕业设计论文 47. 工业洗衣机的PLC控制毕业论文 48. 《双恒压无塔供水的PLC电气控制》 49. 基于三菱PLC设计的四层电梯控制系统 50. 西门子PLC交通灯毕业设计 51. 自动铣床PLC控制系统毕业设计 52. PLC变频调速恒压供水系统 53. PLC控制的行车自动化控制系统 54. 基于PLC的自动售货机的设计 55. 基于PLC的气动机械手控制系统 56. PLC在电梯自动化控制中的应用 57. 组态控制交通灯 58. PLC控制的升降横移式自动化立体车库 59. PLC在电动单梁天车中的应用 60. PLC在液体混合控制系统中的应用 61. 基于西门子PLC控制的全自动洗衣机仿真设计 62. 基于三菱PLC控制的全自动洗衣机 63. 基于plc的污水处理系统 64. 恒压供水系统的PLC控制设计 65. 基于欧姆龙PLC的变频恒压供水系统设计 66. 西门子PLC编写的花样喷泉控制程序 67. 欧姆龙PLC编写的全自动洗衣机控制程序 68 景观温室控制系统的设计 69. 贮丝生产线PLC控制的系统 70. 基于PLC的霓虹灯控制系统 71. PLC在砂光机控制系统上的应用 72. 磨石粉生产线控制系统的设计 73. 自动药片装瓶机PLC控制设计 74. 装卸料小车多方式运行的PLC控制系统设计 75. PLC控制的自动罐装机系统 76. 基于CPLD的可控硅中频电源 77. 西门子PLC编写的花样喷泉控制程序 78. 欧姆龙PLC编写的全自动洗衣机控制程序 79. PLC在板式过滤器中的应用 80. PLC在粮食存储物流控制系统设计中的应用 81. 变频调速式疲劳试验装置控制系统设计 82. 基于PLC的贮料罐控制系统 83. 基于PLC的智能交通灯监控系统设计 1.基于labVIEW虚拟滤波器的设计与实现 2.双闭环直流调速系统设计 3.单片机脉搏测量仪 4.单片机控制的全自动洗衣机毕业设计论文 电梯控制的设计与实现 6.恒温箱单片机控制 7.基于单片机的数字电压表 8.单片机控制步进电机毕业设计论文 9.函数信号发生器设计论文 变电所一次系统设计 11.报警门铃设计论文 单片机交通灯控制 13.单片机温度控制系统 通信系统中的接入信道部分进行仿真与分析 15.仓库温湿度的监测系统 16.基于单片机的电子密码锁 17.单片机控制交通灯系统设计 18.基于DSP的IIR数字低通滤波器的设计与实现 19.智能抢答器设计 20.基于LabVIEW的PC机与单片机串口通信 设计的IIR数字高通滤波器 22.单片机数字钟设计 23.自动起闭光控窗帘毕业设计论文 24.三容液位远程测控系统毕业论文 25.基于Matlab的PWM波形仿真与分析 26.集成功率放大电路的设计 27.波形发生器、频率计和数字电压表设计 28.水位遥测自控系统 毕业论文 29.宽带视频放大电路的设计 毕业设计 30.简易数字存储示波器设计毕业论文 31.球赛计时计分器 毕业设计论文 数字滤波器的设计毕业论文 机与单片机串行通信毕业论文 34.基于CPLD的低频信号发生器设计毕业论文 变电站电气主接线设计 序列在扩频通信中的应用 37.正弦信号发生器 38.红外报警器设计与实现 39.开关稳压电源设计 40.基于MCS51单片机温度控制毕业设计论文 41.步进电动机竹竿舞健身娱乐器材 42.单片机控制步进电机 毕业设计论文 43.单片机汽车倒车测距仪 44.基于单片机的自行车测速系统设计 45.水电站电气一次及发电机保护 46.基于单片机的数字显示温度系统毕业设计论文 47.语音电子门锁设计与实现 48.工厂总降压变电所设计-毕业论文 49.单片机无线抢答器设计 50.基于单片机控制直流电机调速系统毕业设计论文 51.单片机串行通信发射部分毕业设计论文 52.基于VHDL语言PLD设计的出租车计费系统毕业设计论文 53.超声波测距仪毕业设计论文 54.单片机控制的数控电流源毕业设计论文 55.声控报警器毕业设计论文 56.基于单片机的锁相频率合成器毕业设计论文 57.基于Multism/protel的数字抢答器 58.单片机智能火灾报警器毕业设计论 59.无线多路遥控发射接收系统设计毕业论文 60.单片机对玩具小车的智能控制毕业设计论文 61.数字频率计毕业设计论文 62.基于单片机控制的电机交流调速毕业设计论文 63.楼宇自动化--毕业设计论文 64.车辆牌照图像识别算法的实现--毕业设计 65.超声波测距仪--毕业设计 66.工厂变电所一次侧电气设计 67.电子测频仪--毕业设计 68.点阵电子显示屏--毕业设计 69.电子电路的电子仿真实验研究 70.基于51单片机的多路温度采集控制系统 71.基于单片机的数字钟设计 72.小功率不间断电源(UPS)中变换器的原理与设计 73.自动存包柜的设计 74.空调器微电脑控制系统 75.全自动洗衣机控制器 76.电力线载波调制解调器毕业设计论文 77.图书馆照明控制系统设计 78.基于AC3的虚拟环绕声实现 79.电视伴音红外转发器的设计 80.多传感器障碍物检测系统的软件设计 81.基于单片机的电器遥控器设计 82.基于单片机的数码录音与播放系统 83.单片机控制的霓虹灯控制器 84.电阻炉温度控制系统 85.智能温度巡检仪的研制 86.保险箱遥控密码锁 毕业设计 变电所的电气部分及继电保护 88.年产26000吨乙醇精馏装置设计 89.卷扬机自动控制限位控制系统 90.铁矿综合自动化调度系统 91.磁敏传感器水位控制系统 92.继电器控制两段传输带机电系统 93.广告灯自动控制系统 94.基于CFA的二阶滤波器设计 95.霍尔传感器水位控制系统 96.全自动车载饮水机 97.浮球液位传感器水位控制系统 98.干簧继电器水位控制系统 99.电接点压力表水位控制系统 100.低成本智能住宅监控系统的设计 101.大型发电厂的继电保护配置 102.直流操作电源监控系统的研究 103.悬挂运动控制系统 104.气体泄漏超声检测系统的设计 105.电压无功补偿综合控制装置 型无功补偿装置控制器的设计 电机调速 频段窄带调频无线接收机 109.电子体温计 110.基于单片机的病床呼叫控制系统 111.红外测温仪 112.基于单片微型计算机的测距仪 113.智能数字频率计 114.基于单片微型计算机的多路室内火灾报警器 115.信号发生器 116.基于单片微型计算机的语音播出的作息时间控制器 117.交通信号灯控制电路的设计 118.基于单片机步进电机控制系统设计 119.多路数据采集系统的设计 120.电子万年历 121.遥控式数控电源设计 降压变电所一次系统设计 变电站一次系统设计 124.智能数字频率计 125.信号发生器 126.基于虚拟仪器的电网主要电气参数测试设计 127.基于FPGA的电网基本电量数字测量系统的设计 128.风力发电电能变换装置的研究与设计 129.电流继电器设计 130.大功率电器智能识别与用电安全控制器的设计 131.交流电机型式试验及计算机软件的研究 132.单片机交通灯控制系统的设计 133.智能立体仓库系统的设计 134.智能火灾报警监测系统 135.基于单片机的多点温度检测系统 136.单片机定时闹钟设计 137.湿度传感器单片机检测电路制作 138.智能小车自动寻址设计--小车悬挂运动控制系统 139.探讨未来通信技术的发展趋势 140.音频多重混响设计 141.单片机呼叫系统的设计 142.基于FPGA和锁相环4046实现波形发生器 143.基于FPGA的数字通信系统 144.基于单片机的带智能自动化的红外遥控小车 145.基于单片机AT89C51的语音温度计的设计 146.智能楼宇设计 147.移动电话接收机功能电路 148.单片机演奏音乐歌曲装置的设计 149.单片机电铃系统设计 150.智能电子密码锁设计 151.八路智能抢答器设计 152.组态控制抢答器系统设计 153.组态控制皮带运输机系统设计 154..基于单片机控制音乐门铃 155.基于单片机控制文字的显示 156.基于单片机控制发生的数字音乐盒 157.基于单片机控制动态扫描文字显示系统的设计 158.基于LMS自适应滤波器的MATLAB实现 功率放大器毕业论文 160.无线射频识别系统发射接收硬件电路的设计 161.基于单片机PIC16F877的环境监测系统的设计 162.基于ADE7758的电能监测系统的设计 163.智能电话报警器 164.数字频率计 课程设计 165.多功能数字钟电路设计 课程设计 166.基于VHDL数字频率计的设计与仿真 167.基于单片机控制的电子秤 168.基于单片机的智能电子负载系统设计 169.电压比较器的模拟与仿真 170.脉冲变压器设计 仿真技术及应用 172.基于单片机的水温控制系统 173.基于FPGA和单片机的多功能等精度频率计 174.发电机-变压器组中微型机保护系统 175.基于单片机的鸡雏恒温孵化器的设计 176.数字温度计的设计 177.生产流水线产品产量统计显示系统 178.水位报警显时控制系统的设计 179.红外遥控电子密码锁的设计 180.基于MCU温控智能风扇控制系统的设计 181.数字电容测量仪的设计 182.基于单片机的遥控器的设计 电话卡代拨器的设计 184.数字式心电信号发生器硬件设计及波形输出实现 185.电压稳定毕业设计论文 186.基于DSP的短波通信系统设计(IIR设计) 187.一氧化碳报警器 188.网络视频监控系统的设计 189.全氢罩式退火炉温度控制系统 190.通用串行总线数据采集卡的设计 191.单片机控制单闭环直流电动机的调速控制系统 192.单片机电加热炉温度控制系统 193.单片机大型建筑火灾监控系统 接口设备驱动程序的框架设计 195.基于Matlab的多频率FMICW的信号分离及时延信息提取 196.正弦信号发生器 197.小功率UPS系统设计 198.全数字控制SPWM单相变频器 199.点阵式汉字电子显示屏的设计与制作 200.基于AT89C51的路灯控制系统设计 200.基于AT89C51的路灯控制系统设计 201.基于AT89C51的宽范围高精度的电机转速测量系统 202.开关电源设计 203.基于PDIUSBD12和K9F2808简易USB闪存设计 204.微型机控制一体化监控系统 205.直流电机试验自动采集与控制系统的设计 206.新型自动装弹机控制系统的研究与开发 207.交流异步电机试验自动采集与控制系统的设计 208.转速闭环控制的直流调速系统的仿真与设计 209.基于单片机的数字直流调速系统设计 210.多功能频率计的设计 信息移频信号的频谱分析和识别 212.集散管理系统—终端设计 213.基于MATLAB的数字滤波器优化设计 214.基于AT89C51SND1C的MP3播放器 215.基于光纤的汽车CAN总线研究 216.汽车倒车雷达 217.基于DSP的电机控制 218.超媒体技术 219.数字电子钟的设计与制作 220.温度报警器的电路设计与制作 221.数字电子钟的电路设计 222.鸡舍电子智能补光器的设计 223.高精度超声波传感器信号调理电路的设计 224.电子密码锁的电路设计与制作 225.单片机控制电梯系统的设计 226.常用电器维修方法综述 227.控制式智能计热表的设计 228.电子指南针设计 229.汽车防撞主控系统设计 230.单片机的智能电源管理系统 231.电力电子技术在绿色照明电路中的应用 232.电气火灾自动保护型断路器的设计 233.基于单片机的多功能智能小车设计 234.对漏电保护器安全性能的剖析 235.解析民用建筑的应急照明 236.电力拖动控制系统设计 237.低频功率放大器设计 238.银行自动报警系统


频率计相关毕业设计 ·波形发生器、频率计和数字电压表设计·智能数字频率计·数字频率计毕业设计论文·单片机控制的微型频率计设计·等精度数字频率计·基于FPGA和单片机的多功能等精度频率计·基于VHDL数字频率计的设计与仿真·数字频率计 课程设计·基于CPLD器件的数字频率计的设计·多功能频率计的设计·等精度频率计的设计·数字频率计·小型数字频率计的设计·基于单片机的频率计设计·基于VHDL语言设计数字频率计·等精度数字频率计的设计和分析·基于单片机的频率计的设计·基于单片机的数字频率计的设计·数字频率计设计

6、 基于单片机的超声波测距仪的设计11、 定时闹铃的设计与实现

w w 我给你找了一篇 是我们学校数据库里弄来的 题目名字是Relationship of acute left main coronary artery occlusion and ST2segment elevation in lead AVR我想这个应该可以做为你的论文的 我也找了好久这篇文章是期刊论文Relationship of acute left main coronary artery occlusion and ST2segment elevation in lead aVRYU Fu2jun 于富军, FU Xiang2hua 傅向华, WEI Ya2li 卫亚丽, LI Shou2lin 李寿霖, XIAO Yun2zhi 肖蕴陟DING Chao 丁 超and ZHAO Zhan2yong 赵战勇Keywords : left main coronary artery ·acute myocardial infarction ·ST2segment elevation ·lead aVR ·electrocardiograp hyDepartment of Cardiology , Bethune International Peace Hospital of thePLA , Shijiazhuang 050082 , China (Yu FJ , Fu XH , Wei YL , Li SL ,Xiao YZ, Ding C and Zhao ZY)Correspondence to : Dr. Yu Fu2jun , Department of Cardiology , BethuneInternational Peace Hospital of the PLA , Shijiazhuang 050082 , China(Tel : 862311279988431 Fax : 862311279982261 Email : dingch2001 @sohu1com)It is well known that acute left main coronary artery(LMCA) occlusion is one of the most severe lesionsassociated with coronary artery disease1 A large number ofLMCA patients die suddenly at the very beginning of a heartattack1 Noninvasive identification of acute LMCA occlusionis very important for patient prognosis and survival ,especially to predict the need of the invasive procedure ofcoronary artery reconstruction1 In this study , we sought toevaluate retrospectively the value of ST2segment elevation inlead aVR in predicting acute myocardial infarction (AMI)and acute LMCA obstruction1METHODSPatientsPatients were recruited into this study if they had sufferedAMIs from December 1997 to December 2002 with or withoutreceiving thrombolysis , undergone coronary angiographywithin 6 weeks of the heart attack , and obtained 122leadelectrocardiography (ECG) records of the AMI mean while1In addition , patients were only selected if a coronaryangiography revealed significant stenosis in only one coronaryartery , and this single lesion was identified as the cause ofthe AMI1 Patients with severe lesions in two or three vesselswere excluded , as were patients with conditions that mightconfuse ECG analysis , such as chronic myocardial infarctionand intraventricular conduction block1 Patients were dividedinto three groups based on site of stenosis : LMCA ( 9patients) , proximal left anterior descending coronary artery(LADp) (46 patients) , and right coronary artery (RCA)(36 patients) 1 In total , 91 patients were selected for thisstudy , including 72 men and 19 women , with ages rangingfrom 29 to 64 (average 5211 ±1017) years1 There were nostatistically significant differences in ages among the threegroups1 However , the LMCA group contained only men1ECGanalysisThe 122lead ECG records of the very beginning of the AMIwere sent to ECG doctors who were not aware of anyangiographic findings1 The ST2segment shift was measured at60 milliseconds after the J point of the QRS complex1 ST2segment elevation was defined as present when the ST2segment elevation was > 011 mV both in the limb leads andthe precordial leads1 The results of ST2segment elevation inthe 122leads , including the aVR lead , were comparedbetween the LMCA , LADp , and RCA groups1Statistical analysisData were expressed as the mean ±standard deviation1 Thedifferences among the qualitative data were analysed byχ2test1 A statistical difference was evaluated first by ANOVAtest1 The variance within groups was analyzed by q test(SPSS , versin 1010) 1 Value of P < 0105 was consideredsignificant1RESULTSIncidence of ST2segment elevation on the 122lead ECGin the LMCA, LADp , and RCA groupsThe incidence of ST2segment elevation ( > 011 mV in everylead) on a 122lead ECG is summarized in Fig1 Lead aVRshowed ST2segment elevation in 89 % (8/ 9) in the LMCAgroup , 24 % (11/ 46) in the LADp group , and only 6 %(2/ 36) in the RCA group1 Thus , there were very significantdifferences in the incidence of ST2segment elevation in leadaVR among the three groups , with the highest incidence inthe LMCA group ( P < 0101) 1Chinese Medical Journal 2004 ; 117 ( 3) : 4592460 ·459 ·' 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. of ST2segment elevation in leads aVR andV1 between LMCA and LADp groupsSignificantly higher ST2segment elevation in lead aVR wasobserved in the LMCA group is compared to the LADp group[ (0118 ±0111) mV vs (0105 ±0109) mV , P < 0101 ]1Conversely , ST2segment elevation in lead V1 wassignificantly lower in the LMCA group than in the LADpgroup [ (0112 ±0109) mV vs (0120 ±0116) mV , P <0105]1 As shown in Fig , there was a significantly differentrate of incidence of ST2segment elevation in lead aVRbetween the LMCA and LADp groups [88 % (7/ 8) vs 36 %(4/ 11) , P < 0105 ]1 According to our results , ST2segmentelevation in lead aVR predicts LMCA occlusion , as opposedto LADp occlusion , with 8012 % sensitivity , 8714 %specificity , 8910 % positive predictive value , and 7610 %negative predictive value1Fig1 The incidence of ST2segment elevation on the 122leadelectrocardiography in the three groups1Analysis of ST2segment elevation in leads aVR, Ⅱ, Ⅲ,and aVF in the LMCA and RCA groupsST2segment elevation in lead aVR occurred with asignificantly higher incidence in the LMCA group than in theRCA group [ 89 % (8/ 9) vs 6 % (2/ 36) , P < 01001 ] ,and also with a significantly higher amplitude in the LMCAthan in the RCA group [ (0118 ±0111) mV vs (0105 ±0106) mV , P < 0101 ]1 ST2segment elevation in lead aVRdistinguished LMCA occlusion from RCA occlusion with asensitivity of 9317 % , a specificity of 8915 % , a positivepredictive value of 8910 % , and a negative predictive valueof 9410 %1 There were no cases of ST2segment elevation inleads Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and aVF of the LMCA group1 Thus ,sensitivity and positive predictive value of ECG data inwarning of LMCA occlusions are both increased by examiningST2segment elevation data in lead aVR , in combination withdata from leads Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and aVF1DISCUSSIONIn practice , the ST2segment shifts in lead aVR are oftenbelieved to give information that duplicates data obtainedfrom the left lateral side , including leads aVL , Ⅱ, V5 andV61 Consequently , lead aVR is often largely ignored11 ,2The present study suggests that during AMI , a significantlyhigher ST2segment elevation in lead aVR is a very importantECG representative characteristic of LMCA occlusion1 Datafrom lead aVR are important predictors of patient prognosis ,and aid in determining treatment strategy , especially inselecting candidates for the invasive procedure of coronaryartery reconstruction1As described by Engelen et al ,3 lead aVR ST2segmentelevation in acute LADp occlusion , in which the culpritlesion is located proximal to the first major septal branch , isthe result of transmural ischemia of the basal part of theseptum, directing the electric current at the site of injurytoward the right shoulder1 It is certainly reasonable totheorize that acute LMCA obstruction also causes ischemia ofthe basal part of the septum by interfering with blood flow inthe major septal branch1 In addition , in cases of LMCAobstruction , disturbance of left circumflex artery blood flowthat causes ischemia in the left lateral part of the heartcreates another injury2induced electric current vector towardthe right upper part of the heart1 This process may explainthe large ST2segment elevation in lead aVR in acute LMCAocclusion , especially compared to acute LADpobstruction14 ,5One limitation of this study is the fact that patients were allrelatively young1 In addition , the number of patients wassmall , especially in the LMCA group1 Finally , retrospectivedata used in this study should be confirmed in the futurewith a prospective study1REFERENCES11 Gorgels AP , Engelen DJ , Wellens HJ1 Lead aVR , a mostlyignored but very valuable lead in clinical electrocardiography1 JAm Coll Cardiol 2001 ;38 :1 Hurst JW1 Methods used to interpret the 122leadelectrocardiogram: pattern memorization versus the use of vectorconcepts1 Clin Cardiol 2000 ;23 :4213131 Engelen DJ , Gorgels AP , Cheriex EC , et al1 Value of theelectrocardio2 gram in localizing the occlusion site in the leftanterior descending coronary artery in acute anterior myocardialinfarction1 J Am Coll Cardiol 1999 ;34 :3892395141 Yamaji H , Iwasaki K, Kusachi S , et al1 Prediction of acute leftmain coronary artery obstruction by 122lead electrocardiography :ST segment elevation in lead aVR with less ST segment elevationin lead V11 J Am Coll Cardiol 2001 ;38 :1 Topaz O , Disciascio G, Cowley MJ , et al1 Complete left maincoronary artery occlusion : angiographic evaluation of collateralvessel patterns and assessment of hemodynamic correlates1 AmHeart J 1991 ;121 :45024561( Received July 8 , 2003)本文编辑: 汪谋岳 孙 静·460 · Chinese Medical Journal 2004 ; 117 ( 3) : 4592460' 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Mega8 is a section of high performance, the low power loss, uses the advanced RISC simplification instruction, built-in PWM and a/D 8 monolithic integrated circuits, design the digital power amplifier cost with it to be not only low, the hardware is simple, moreover easy to realize each kind of extended function. In the article introduced how and new VMOS manages IRF7389 using AVR series monolithic integrated circuit mega8 to design the highly effective digital power amplifier the method, simultaneously has given the corresponding electric circuit schematic diagram, the procedure flow and the test result. mega8 mega8 不是太好啊,将就吧~~~


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8、 基于单片机的数字温度计的设计最简单 驱动DS18B02就能实现

楼主看这个合适不,不合适发消息给我,我再找找AbstractA 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter meeting the size of an SD card and being provided thereon with a plurality of electric conducting sheets meeting the transmission specification of the SD car, the adapter has a fitting groove; wherein the fitting groove can afford direct insertion of a Mini SD card therein for positioning, alternatively, it can afford positioning therein of a positioning rack meeting the size of the Mini SD card, the positioning rack can afford positioning therein of a Micro SD card, so that the Micro SD card can indirectly positioned in the fitting groove; the fitting groove has therein a first pin set and a second pin set in connection with windows for a plurality of electric conducting sheets, the first pin set is for connecting a Mini SD card, and the second pin set is for connecting a Micro SD card. ClaimsThe invention claimed is:1. A 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter meeting the size of an SD card and meeting a specification for connecting of said SD card, being used to make connecting of said memory card adapter with one of a Mini SD card and a Micro SD card, said memory card adapter at least comprises: a housing meeting said size of said SD card, and provided on its front end with a plurality of windows for a plurality of electric conducting sheets having at their rear ends a fitting groove meeting the size of said Mini SD card for positioning the latter after insertion; a base plate with pins being provided in said housing and being provided with said electric conducting sheets in opposition to said windows, said electric conducting sheets meet said specification for connecting of said SD card; said base plate has thereon a first pin set and a second pin set, said first pin set and said second pin set are electrically connected with said electric conducting sheets; when said Mini SD card is inserted in said fitting groove for positioning, said first pin set is exactly connected with said Mini SD card; and a positioning rack meeting said size of said Mini SD card and being provided thereon with a positioning portion for positioning of said Mini SD card; when said positioning rack is inserted in said fitting groove for positioning, said second pin set is exactly connected with said Micro SD card. 3. The 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter as in claim 2, wherein said upper lid is made of metal. 4. The 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter as in claim 2, wherein said upper lid is made of plastic. 5. The 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter as in claim 1, wherein said housing includes a lower lid, an inner lid connecting with said lower lid for sandwiching said base plate having thereon pins, and an upper lid connecting with said lower lid for obscuring said base plate having said pins. 6. The 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter as in claim 5, wherein said upper lid is made of metal. 7. The 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter as in claim 5, wherein said upper lid is made of plastic. 8. The 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter as in claim 5, wherein said base plate is provided with a plurality of holes, said lower lid is provided thereon with a plurality of studs to be molten in opposition to said holes and to be abutted against said inner OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter, and especially to an adapter for converting a Mini SD card or a Micro SD card to have the specification for connecting suiting an SD card after insertion of the Mini SD card or the Micro SD card. 2. Description of the Prior Art Memory cards in the markets nowadays have numerous kinds, and memory cards of various brands have different sizes, this renders users to have to purchase compatible electric products in use in order to allow the memory cards to be used commonly with them. However, among various memory cards, some are used by the identical reading mode, for instance, Mini SD cards, Micro SD cards and SD cards all are commonly used in the reading mode, they are different only in size; there have been many "Mini SD-converting into-SD adapters" in the markets to convert a Mini SD card to have the specification for connecting suiting an SD card, with which the Mini SD card can be connected through a "Mini SD-converting into-SD adapter" and applied in an electronic product that can only read an SD card. Alternatively, there have been "Micro SD-converting into-SD adapters" in the markets to convert a Micro SD card to have the specification for connecting suiting an SD card, with which the Micro SD card can be transferred through a "Mini SD-converting into-SD adapter" to be applied in electronic products that can only read an SD card. However, when portable electronic products that can be carried on users' persons, for instance, PDAs, mobile phones, mobile albums, computers etc. are used to do data, image or sound access, if their specifications for connecting suit SD cards, a "Mini SD-converting into-SD adapter" or a "Micro SD-converting into-SD adapter" are often used to do connecting for Mini SD cards or Micro SD cards, so that data can be up loaded or down loaded. For a consumer, when in use, he must purchase two kinds of adapters (a "Mini SD-converting into-SD adapter" and a "Micro SD-converting into-SD adapter") for specification converting. In other words, this may induce inconvenience for a user in carrying, and is subjected to making confusing in use. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In view of the problems resided in the technique of the prior art, the main purpose of the present invention is to design a 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter that renders a Mini SD card or a Micro SD card to connect to an electric product having an SD card insertion port through connecting of the adapter. The 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter of the present invention is in coincidence with the size of an SD card and the specification for connecting of the SD card to convert one of a Mini SD card and a Micro SD card. The adapter comprises at least a housing, a base plate with pins and a positioning rack. Wherein the housing meets the size of an SD card, it is provided on its front end with a plurality of windows for a plurality of electric conducting sheets having at their rear end a fitting groove meeting the size of a Mini SD card for positioning the card after insertion; the base plate with pins is provided in the housing, the electric conducting sheets are provided in opposition to the windows for the electric conducting sheets which meet the specification for connecting of the SD card; the base plate has thereon a first pin set and a second pin set, the first pin set and the second pin set are electrically connected with the electric conducting sheets; and the base plate can be provided with a plurality of holes, a lower lid is provided thereon with a plurality of studs to be molded in opposition to the holes and to be abutted against an inner lid. When a Mini SD card is inserted in the fitting groove for positioning, the first pin set is exactly connected with the Mini SD card; The above mentioned positioning rack meets the size of a Mini SD card, and is provided thereon with a positioning portion for positioning of the Mini SD card; when the positioning rack is inserted in the fitting groove for positioning, the second pin set can be exactly connected with a Micro SD card; when it is desired to have the Micro SD card positioned in the 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter, the Micro SD card shall be inserted in the positioning rack for positioning firstly, then the positioning rack having the Micro SD card positioned therein is inserted in the fitting groove, thus the Micro SD card is indirectly positioned in the fitting groove to be connected with the second pin set. Accordingly, the 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter can afford direct insertion of a Mini SD card therein for connecting; alternatively, it can afford indirect insertion for connecting of a Micro SD card therein through positioning of the positioning rack. Besides, providing of the above mentioned housing can have the following three kinds of technical measures: 1. The structure of the housing includes a lower lid, an upper lid connecting with the lower lid for sandwiching the base plate having thereon pins and for obscuring the base plate having pins; the upper lid is made of plastic and is connected with the lower lid to render the housing to present a contour looking like that it is formed completely of plastic. 2. The structure of the housing includes a lower lid, an upper lid connecting with the lower lid for sandwiching the base plate having thereon pins and for obscuring the base plate having pins; the upper lid is made of metal and can cover the lower lid to render the housing to present a contour looking like that it is formed on one side of plastic, and on the other side of metal. 3. The structure of the housing includes a lower lid, an inner lid connecting with the lower lid for sandwiching the base plate having thereon pins, an upper lid connecting with the lower lid for sandwiching the base plate having thereon pins and for obscuring the base plate having pins; wherein the inner lid is made of plastic, the upper lid is made of metal to render the housing to present a contour looking like that it is formed on one side of plastic, and on the other side partially of metal and partially of plastic. As comparing with the prior art, the present invention at least has the following effects: 1. The same adapter can afford connecting of memory cards of two different kinds of specifications; it has an effect of being convenient for carrying. 2. The first and the second pin sets are provided on the base plate having thereon pins, thereby when the housing deforms by exerting of an external force, distances between the pins and the electric connecting effect originally obtained will not be affected directly; especially, the upper lid and the lower lid of the housing are connected with each other by adhering or high frequency means, the technical measure provided in the present invention is evidently superior to the prior art in fixing the pin sets and in the effect of electric connecting of the pin sets. 3. Additionally, the technical measure that the two pin sets are arranged on the base plate can render the adapter more efficient in assembling and manufacturing. The present invention will be apparent after reading the detailed description of the technical measures of the preferred embodiment thereof in reference to the accompanying drawings. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is an anatomic perspective view of a first embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 2 is an anatomic perspective view of a second embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 3 is an anatomic perspective view of a third embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a schematic rear view of a base plate having thereon pins of the third embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a schematic view showing a lower lid and the base plate having thereon pins of the third embodiment of the present invention after assembling; FIG. 6 is a schematic view showing the lower lid, the base plate having thereon pins and an inner lid of the third embodiment of the present invention after assembling; FIG. 7 is a schematic view showing the lower lid and an upper lid the third embodiment of the present invention after assembling; FIG. 8 is a schematic view showing direct inserting of a Mini SD card in the third embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 9 is a schematic sectional view showing indirect insertion connecting of a Micro card in the third embodiment of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT Referring to FIG. 1 which is an anatomic perspective view of the first embodiment of the present invention, wherein the 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter comprises: a lower lid 10, a base plate 20 having thereon pins, an upper lid 40, a slide block 50 for preventing reading/writing and a positioning rack 60. Wherein the lower lid 10 and the upper lid 40 form a housing meeting the size of an SD card, and the lower lid 10 is a structure somewhat in the form of a U shaped disk having on its front end a plurality of windows 11 for electric conducting sheets 21, the lower lid 10 is provided thereon with a plurality of ribs 12 and studs 13 to be molten, while the slide block 50 for preventing reading/writing is provided for an electric product having an SD card insertion port for distinguishing to prevent reading/writing. In the first embodiment, the upper lid 40 is made of metal, and is engaged with the lower lid 10. FIG. 2 is an anatomic perspective view of a second embodiment of the present invention, wherein the 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter comprises: a lower lid 10, a base plate 20 having thereon pins, an upper lid 40, a slide block 50 for preventing reading/writing and a positioning rack 60. Wherein the upper lid 40 is made of plastic, and is connected with the lower lid 10. FIG. 3 is an anatomic perspective view of a third embodiment of the present invention, wherein the 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter comprises: a lower lid 10, a base plate 20 having thereon pins, an inner lid 30, an upper lid 40, a slide block 50 for preventing reading/writing and a positioning rack 60. In this embodiment, the inner lid 30 is made of plastic, while the upper lid 40 is made of metal. The lower lid 10, the inner lid 30 and the upper lid 40 form a housing meeting the size of an SD card, and the lower lid 10 is a structure somewhat in the form of a U shaped disk having on its front end a plurality of windows 11 for electric conducting sheets 21, the lower lid 10 is provided thereon with a plurality of ribs 12 and studs 13 both to be molten, while the slide block 50 for preventing reading/writing is provided for an electric product having an SD card insertion port for distinguishing to prevent reading/writing. Referring simultaneously to FIGS. 3, 4 and 5, the rear side of the base plate 20 having thereon pins is provided at a place in opposition to the windows 11 with the electric conducting sheets 21, the electric conducting sheets 21 meet the specification for connecting of an SD card; the base plate 20 has thereon a first pin set 22 and a second pin set 23, the first pin set 22 and the second pin set 23 are electrically connected with the electric conducting sheets 21; and the base plate 20 is provided with a plurality of holes 24 in opposition to the studs 13 to be molten; after assembling of the lower lid 10 with the base plate 20, it forms on its rear end a fitting groove 14 for positioning a card with a size of that of a Mini SD card when the latter is inserted in. One thing is worth mentioning, in practicing, the 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter can be provided beneath the first pin set 22 with a corresponding non-penetrated first retracting groove set 25 to allow the first pin set 22 to elastically retract during its action of connecting; further the 2-in-1 card-insertion type memory card adapter can be provided with a non-penetrated second retracting groove set 16 to allow the second pin set 23 to elastically retract during its action of connecting. Performance of the first retracting groove set 25 can be as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, the base plate 20 is provided beneath the first pin set 22 with a penetrated first retracting groove hole-set 251, and the non-penetrated first retracting groove set 25 is provided on the lower lid 10 at a place in opposition to the penetrated first retracting groove hole-set 251. In this mode, when the first pin set 22 elastically retracts during its action of connecting, it penetrates the base plate 20 via the first retracting groove hole-set 251 into the non-penetrated first retracting groove set 25. Referring to FIGS. 4 and 5, in order to render the base plate 20 to get a better effect of positioning, the inner lid 30 can be connected by means of high frequency melting onto the lower lid 10 to sandwich the base plate 20, the state after sandwiching is as shown in FIG. 6. Referring to FIG. 7, in practicing, the upper lid 40 is made of plastic to be connected onto the lower lid 10; alternatively, it can be made of metal to be engaged with the lower lid 10. The upper lid 40 is engaged with the lower lid 10 to obscure the base plate 20, meantime, the fitting groove 14 can be formed an area having a one-way opening, and the upper lid 40 is provided on its two lateral sides with a plurality of upper lid fixing and engaging grips 41, the upper lid fixing and engaging grips 41 cooperate with a plurality of fixing and engaging slots 15 provided on the lower lid 10 to make engagement of the upper lid 40 with the lower lid 10. Referring to FIG. 8, by the fact that the fitting groove 14 can allow positioning of a memory card with the size meeting a Mini SD card after insertion, a Mini SD card 70 can thus be directly inserted into the fitting groove 14 from the rear end of the fitting groove 14 to effect positioning; and when the Mini SD card 70 is inserted into the fitting groove 14 and is positioned, the first pin set 22 can exactly electrically connect with the Mini SD card 70. As shown in FIG. 9, another feature of the present invention is, the fitting groove 14 can allow positioning of a memory card with the size meeting a Mini SD card after insertion, a positioning rack 60 meeting the size of a Mini SD card is provided, the positioning rack 60 has therein a positioning portion 61, when the positioning rack 60 is inserted in the fitting groove 14 for positioning, the second pin set 23 can be exactly connected with a Micro SD card 80; in other words, the Micro SD card 80 can be inserted in the fitting groove 14 indirectly to connect with the second pin set 23 after positioning of the positioning rack 60 in the fitting groove 14. The specification and the drawings for the present invention are only for illustrating the preferred embodiments of the present invention, and not for giving any limitation to the scope of the present invention. It will be apparent to those skilled in this art that various equivalent modifications without departing from the spirit of this invention shall fall within the scope of the appended claims.



近几年单片机得到了飞速的发展,单片机最明显的优势就是可以嵌入到各种仪器、设备中。下面是我精心推荐的一些单片机技术论文题目,希望你能有所感触! 单片机技术论文题目 1. 智能压力传感器系统设计 2. 智能定时器 3. 液位控制系统设计 4. 液晶控制模块的制作 5. 嵌入式激光打标机运动控制卡软件系统设计 6. 嵌入式激光打标机运动控制卡硬件系统设计 7. 基于单片机控制的数字气压计的设计与实现 8. 基于MSC1211的温度智能温度传感器 9. 机器视觉系统 10. 防盗与恒温系统的设计与制作 11. 防盗报警器 12. AT89S52单片机实验系统的开发与应用 13. 在单片机系统中实现SCR(可控硅)过零控制 14. 微电阻测量系统 15. 基于单片机的电子式转速里程表的设计 16. 基于GSM短信模块的家庭防盗报警系统 17. 公交车汉字显示系统 18. 基于单片机的智能火灾报警系统 19. WIN32环境下对PC机通用串行口通信的研究及实现 20. FIR数字滤波器的MATLAB设计与实现方法研究 21. 无刷直流电机数字控制系统的研究与设计 22. 直线电机方式的地铁模拟地铁系统制作 23. 稳压电源的设计与制作 24. 线性直流稳压电源的设计 25. 基于CPLD的步进电机控制器 26. 全自动汽车模型的设计制作 27. 单片机数字电压表的设计 28. 数字电压表的设计 29. 计算机比值控制系统研究与设计 30. 模拟量转换成为数字量的红外传输系统 31. 液位控制系统研究与设计 32. 基于89C2051 IC卡读/写器的设计 33. 基于单片机的居室安全报警系统设计 34. 模拟量转换成为数字量红外数据发射与接收系统 35. 有源功率因数校正及有源滤波技术的研究 36. 全自动立体停车场模拟系统的制作 37. 基于I2C总线气体检测系统的设计 38. 模拟量处理为数字量红外语音传输接收系统的设计 39. 精密VF转换器与MCS-51单片机的接口技术 40. 电话远程监控系统的研究与制作 41. 基于UCC3802的开关电源设计 42. 串级控制系统设计 43. 分立式生活环境表的研究与制作(多功能电子万年历) 44. 高效智能汽车调节器 45. 变速恒频风力发电控制系统的设计 46. 全自动汽车模型的制作 47. 信号源的设计与制作 48. 智能红外遥控暖风机设计 49. 基于单片控制的交流调速设计 50. 基于单片机的多点无线温度监控系统 51. 蔬菜公司恒温库微机监控系统 52. 数字触发提升机控制系统 53. 农业大棚温湿度自动检测 54. 无人监守点滴自动监控系统的设计 55. 积分式数字电压表设计 56. 智能豆浆机的设计 57. 采用单片机技术的脉冲频率测量设计 58. 基于DSP的FIR滤波器设计 59. 基于单片机实现汽车报警电路的设计 单片机技术论文 单片机应用技术探究 摘要:近几年单片机得到了飞速的发展,单片机最明显的优势就是可以嵌入到各种仪器、设备中。目前大量的嵌入式系统均采用单片机,本文分析了单片机的形成及发展过程以及当前的技术进展,同时分析了影响单片机系统可靠性的原因,并论述提高单片机可靠性的措施。 关键词:单片机;可靠性技术;发展趋势 中图分类号: C35 文献标识码: A 引言 单片机,亦称单片微电脑或单片微型计算机。它是把中央处理器(CPU)、随机存取存储器(RAM)、只读存储器(ROM)、输入/输出端口(I/0)等主要计算机功能部件都集成在一块集成电路芯片上的微型计算机。现在可以说单片机是百花齐放的时期,世界上各大芯片制造公司都推出了自己的单片机,从8位、16位到32位,数不胜数,应有尽有,它们各具特色,互成互补,为单片机的应用提供广阔的天地。纵观单片机的发展过程,可以预示单片机的发展趋势 。 一 、单片机的应用场合 智能仪器仪表。单片机用于各种仪器仪表,一方面提高了仪器仪表的使用功能和精度,使仪器仪表智能化,同时还简化了仪器仪表的硬件结构,从而可以方便地完成仪器仪表产品的升级换代。如各种智能电气测量仪表、智能传感器等。 机电一体化产品。机电一体化产品是集机械技术、微电子技术、自动化技术和计算机技术于一体,具有智能化特征的各种机电产品。单片机在机电一体化产品的开发中可以发挥巨大的作用。典型产品如机器人、数控机床、自动包装机、点钞机、医疗设备、打印机、传真机、复印机等。 实时工业控制。单片机还可以用于各种物理量的采集与控制。电流、电压、温度、液位、流量等物理参数的采集和控制均可以利用单片机方便地实现。在这类系统中,利用单片机作为系统控制器,可以根据被控对象的不同特征采用不同的智能算法,实现期望的控制指标,从而提高生产效率和产品质量。典型应用如电机转速控制、温度控制、自动生产线等。 家用电器。家用电器是单片机的又一重要应用领域,前景十分广阔。如空调器、电冰箱、洗衣机、电饭煲、高档洗浴设备、高档玩具等。另外,在交通领域中,汽车、火车、飞机、航天器等均有单片机的广泛应用。如汽车自动驾驶系统、航天测控系统、黑匣子还有分布式系统的前端模块等等。 二、分析单片机可靠性限制原因及应对措施 目前,大量的嵌入式系统均采用了单片机,并且这样的应用正在更进一步扩展;但是多年以来人们一直为单片机系统的可靠性问题所困惑。在一些要求高可靠性的控制系统中,这往往成为限制其应用的主要原因。 1.单片机系统的失效分析 一个单片机系统的可靠性是其自身软硬件与其所处工作环境综合作用的结果,因此系统的可靠性也应从这两个方面去分析与设计。对于系统自身而言,能不能在保证系统各项功能实现的同时,对系统自身运行过程中出现的各种干扰信号及直接来自于系统外部的干扰信号进行有效的抑制,是决定系统可靠性的关键。有缺陷的系统往往只从逻辑上去保证系统功能的实现,而对于系统运行过程中可能出现的潜在的问题考虑欠缺,采取的措施不足,在干扰信号真正袭来的时候,系统就可能会陷入困境。 2. 提高可靠性的措施 减少引起系统不可靠或影响系统可靠的外界因素: 1) EFT (Electrical Fast Transient)技术。EFT技术是一种抗干扰技术,它是指在振荡电路的正弦信号受到外界干扰时,其波形上会迭加各种毛刺信号,如果使用施密特电路对其整形,则毛刺会成为触发信号干扰正常的时钟,在交替使用施密特电路和RC滤波电路时, 就可以消除这些毛否则令其作用失效,从而保证系统的时钟信号正常工作。 2) 低噪声布线技术及驱动技术。在传统的单片机中,电源及地线是在集成电路外壳的对称引脚上,一般是在左上、右下或右上、左下的两对对称点上。这样,就使电源噪声穿过整块芯片,对单片机的内部电路造成干扰。现在,很多单片机都把地和电源引脚安排在两条相邻的引脚上。这样,不仅降低了穿过整个芯片的电流,而且在印制电路板上容易布置去耦电容,从而降低系统的噪声。现在为了适应各种应用的需要,很多单片机采用"跳变沿软化技术",从而消除大电流瞬变时产生的噪声。 3) 采用低频时钟。高频外时钟是噪声源之一,不仅能对单片机应用系统产生干扰,而且还会对外界电路产生干扰,令电磁兼容性不能满足要求。对于要求可靠性较高的系统,低频外时钟有利于降低系统的噪声。在一些单片机中采用内部锁相环技术,则在外部时钟较低时,也能产生较高的内部总线速度,从而保证了速度又降低了噪声。 三、单片机的发展趋势 1单片机技术的发展前景及趋势 由于通用型IC的仿冒现象比较严重,因此定制化IC将是未来单片机发展的主要方向。此外,尽管16位、32位单片机市场有所增加,但8位在未来三五年内仍将占主流,只是成长幅度会趋缓。从应用角度讲,盛扬看好消费类电子和家电产品,尤其是中小型家电产品,它属于比较成熟的单片机应用领域;其次是高端领域的车用产品。目前,盛扬已针对汽车周边领域推出系列产品,主要用于汽车防盗、车载电子、信息娱乐、胎压监测、里程表的面板等。 单片机拥有良好的应用前景,但厂商之间的竞争愈演愈烈。因此,对本土企业而言,要想脱颖而出,质量一定要好,同时还要注重产品的环保和可靠性,因为家电和汽车等产品对安全性的要求越来越高;其次,充分发挥本土厂商在特定应用领域的性价比优势。不过,这种性价比必须建立在性能过关、可靠度过关的基础上。 制作工艺CMO化。更小的光刻工艺提高了集成度,从而使芯片更小、成本更低、工作电压更低、功耗更低。CPU的改进。同时,采用双CPU结构,增加数据总线的宽度,提高数据处理的速度和能力;采用流水线结构,提高处理和运算速度,以适应实时控制和处理的需要。增大存储容量,片内EPROM的E2PROM化,程序的保密化,提高并行口驱动能力,以减少外围驱动芯片,增加外围?I/O?口的逻辑功能和控制的灵活性。最后,以串行方式为主的外围扩展;外围电路的内装化;和互联网连接已是一种明显的走向,可靠性及应用水平越来越高。 2微型单片化 现在常规的单片机普遍都是将中央处理器(CPU)、随机存取数据存储(RAM)、只读程序存储器(ROM)、并行和串行通信接口,中断系统、定时电路、时钟电路集成在一块单一的芯片上,增强型的单片机集成了如A/D转换器、PMW(脉宽调制电路)、WDT(看门狗)、有些单片机将LCD(液晶)驱动电路都集成在单一的芯片上,这样单片机包含的单元电路就更多,功能就越强大。甚至单片机厂商还可以根据用户的要求量身定做,制造出具有自己特色的单片机芯片。 此外,现在的产品普遍要求体积小、重量轻,这就要求单片机除了功能强和功耗低外,还要求其体积要小。现在的许多单片机都具有多种封装形式,其中SMD(表面封装)越来越受欢迎,使得由单片机构成的系统正朝微型化方向发展。 3串行扩展技术 在很长一段时间里,通用型单片机通过三总线结构扩展外围器件成为单片机应用的主流结构。随着低价位OTP(One-Time Password)及各种特殊类型片内程序存储器的发展,加之处围接口不断进入片内,推动了单片机“单片”应用结构的发展。特别是I2C、SPI 等串行总线的引入,可以使单片机的引脚设计得更少,单片机系统结构更加简化及规范化。 4、结语 单片机改变了我们生活,纵观我们现在生活的各个领域,从导弹的导航装置,到飞机上各种仪表的控制,从计算机的网络通讯与数据传输,到工业自动化过程的实时控制和数据处理,以及我们生活中广泛使用的各种智能IC卡、电子宠物等,这些都离不开单片机, 单片机有着广阔的应用前景。 参考文献 [1] 张志良; 单片机原理与控制技术; 北京,机械工业出版社,2008 [2] 李广第,朱月秀,王秀山.单片机基础.北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2002. [3] 胡汉才.单片机原理及系统设计.北京:清华大学出版社,2002. 看了“单片机技术论文题目”的人还看: 1. 电子应用技术论文题目 2. 计算机应用专业毕业论文题目大全 3. 单片机开题报告范文 4. 毕业设计科技论文题目 5. 电子信息工程技术论文题目 6. 大专计算机毕业论文题目







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