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关于公布广西大学各学科博士研究生取得博士学位科研成果量化指标要求的通知(西大学位字〔2012〕54号)校属各单位:为提高我校博士研究生培养质量,促进我校学科建设与发展,各博士点学科重新修订了博士研究生取得博士学位科研成果量化指标要求,并经校第十届学位评定委员会第九次工作会议(2012年6月15日)审议通过。现将《广西大学各学科博士研究生取得博士学位科研成果量化指标要求(2012年6月15日修订)》予以公布。附件:广西大学各学科博士研究生取得博士学位科研成果量化指标要求(2012年6月15日修订)广 西 大 学 二○一二年七月十二日广西大学各学科博士研究生取得博士学位科研成果量化指标要求(2012年6月15日修订)1应用经济学(一级学科)应用经济学博士研究生从就读到提出申请博士学位期间,发表的论文需与学位论文有关,申请人署名第一或第二 (其导师第一),且以广西大学为第一署名单位:1.国外权威经济类杂志发表学术论文1篇:要求在国外高级别经济学类期刊(影响因子居前10位、影响因子均大于1)发表论文1篇,这些刊物包括:Journal of Political Economy(University of Chicago Press,影响因子3);Journal of Economic Literature(American Economic Association,影响因子);The Quarterly Journal of Economics(MIT Press,影响因子);Journal of Financial Economics(Elsevier,影响因子);Review of Economic Studies(Blackwell Publishing,影响因子);American Economic Review(American Economic Association,影响因子);Journal of Monetary Economics(Elsevier,影响因子);Review of Economic Dynamics(Academic Press for the Society for Economic Dynamics,影响因子);Journal of Economic Perspectives(American Economic Association,影响因子)。2.国内相关权威杂志发表学术论文1篇:要求在国内经济学权威刊物《经济研究》或人文社科类权威刊物《中国社会科学》发表学术论文1篇。3.国内外较高级别经济类杂志发表学术论文2篇:可在国内CSSCI目录中经济类期刊前20%(除权威期刊《经济研究》外)的期刊,包括《中国工业经济》、《世界经济》、《金融研究》、《经济科学》、《中国农村经济》、《国际经济评论》、《中国农村观察》、《数量经济技术经济研究》、《财经研究》、《农业经济问题》、《国际金融研究》、《财贸经济》、《南开经济研究》发表学术论文2篇;或在列入SSCI目录的经济类期刊发表学术论文2篇(以学位申请人每篇论文发表当年最新版SSCI目录为准)。4.按以下规定发表学术论文3篇:在列入CSSCI目录的经济类期刊前20%(除权威期刊《经济研究》外)的期刊,包括《中国工业经济》、《世界经济》、《金融研究》、《经济科学》、《中国农村经济》、《国际经济评论》、《中国农村观察》、《数量经济技术经济研究》、《财经研究》、《农业经济问题》、《国际金融研究》、《财贸经济》、《南开经济研究》或在列入SSCI目录的经济类期刊发表学术论文1篇,加上其他列入CSSCI目录的经济类期刊发表论文2篇(以学位申请人每篇论文发表当年最新版SSCI或CSSCI目录为准)。5.按以下规定发表学术论文4篇:在列入CSSCI目录的经济类期刊发表学术论文2篇,加上列入CSSCI目录的其它相关期刊(含CSSCI目录分类中的管理学,统计学,综合性社会科学,人文、经济地理,高校综合性社科学报类期刊)发表学术论文2篇(以学位申请人每篇论文发表当年最新版CSSCI目录为准)。1.所列5项要求须满足其中1项。在国内外出版的各种增刊(或专刊)和论文集发表的论文不予认定;2. 与国外高校及科研机构联合培养的博士研究生发表的科研成果,若以国外高校及科研机构作为第一署名单位,广西大学作为第二署名单位的,可视同于广西大学为第一署名单位;3.论文的研究写作要在导师指导下进行,杜绝学术不端行为;论文发表必须与导师共同署名,但学位申请人至少要有1篇论文是第一作者(申请人不是第一作者的论文,导师必须是第一作者、申请人必须是第二作者)。4.学位申请人只有达到了本学科科研成果的要求后,方可申请博士毕业及进入博士论文答辩阶段。5.所列第5点中的“其它相关期刊”包含《广西大学学报》(哲社版),但发表多篇时只认定1篇。6.从公布之日开始执行。序号学科名称科 研 成 果 量 化 指 标 及 要 求备 注2生物学(一级学科)1.以第一或并列第一作者(如署名第二,则导师必须署名第一)在本领域国际权威刊物(期刊最新SCI影响因子等于或大于)发表(含已被正式接受) 论文1篇;2. 以第一或并列第一作者(如署名第二,则导师必须署名第一)在本领域SCI收录刊物发表(含已被正式接受)论文2篇;3. 以第一或并列第一作者(如署名第二,则导师必须署名第一)在本领域SCI收录刊物发表(含已被正式接受)论文1篇,并同时满足以下条件之一:1)以第一或并列第一作者(如署名第二,则导师必须署名第一)在国内本领域核心刊物发表(含已被正式接受)论文1篇;2)署名第一(如署名第二,则导师必须署名第一)获得授权国家发明专利1项或授权计算机软件著作权1项或部门审定的植物(作物、经济林)新品种权1项;3)获省部级科技奖项1项(一等奖排名前3,二等奖排名前2,导师必须是核心成员,内容与博士学位论文有关)。1.以上条件须满足其中1项,且科研成果要与学位论文有关并以 “亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室(广西大学)”或“广西大学”为第一署名单位;如是中外联合培养博士生, “广西大学”为第一或第二署名单位;2.从2012级博士研究生开始执行.3生态学(一级学科)1.在本领域国际权威刊物(SCI影响因子等于或大于)发表(含已被正式接受) 论文1篇。2.在本领域SCI收录刊物发表(含已被正式接受)论文2篇。3.在本领域SCI收录刊物发表(含已被正式接受)论文1篇,及在国内本领域一级学报发表(含已被正式接受)论文1篇。4.在国内本领域一级学报发表(含已被正式接受)论文2篇,并至少获得1项发明专利授权或获得1项省部级以上科技进步奖(含省部级)或获得省部级社会科学优秀成果二等奖以上(含二等奖)。1.以上条件须满足其中1项,论文、科研成果、授权专利和获奖等要与学位论文有关,且要以“广西大学”为第一署名单位. 申请人署名第一或第二(其导师为第一)。2.从公布之日开始执行。序号学科名称科 研 成 果 量 化 指 标 及 要 求备 注4电气工程(一级学科)基本条件:(1)至少在与本一级学科相关的SCI 1区及2区(以投稿当年为准)的专业期刊上或重点认定SCI收录期刊上发表一篇论文(见附录A)。(2)获得一项与研究方向相关并投入工业应用的发明专利。(3)在国内顶级期刊上发表一篇论文(见附录B,不含增刊)。(4)在SCI收录期刊发表一篇论文(见附录C)。(5)在指定EI收录期刊发表一篇论文(见附录D)。(6)至少发表一篇被三大索引收录的英文论文。满足下列条件之一,方可申请学位:1.满足上述基本条件(1)或(2);2.满足上述基本条件(3),并满足基本条件(5)和(6);3.满足上述基本条件(4),并满足基本条件(5)。1.论文必须以广西大学(业务关系及科研项目、成果管理关系均在广西大学,如“广西大学”、“广西电力系统最优化与节能技术重点实验室”)的名义、研究生为第一(或第二)作者署名发表。2.研究生以广西大学的名义以第一作者或者以第二作者(第一作者必须是其指导教师)发表的论文或获得的发明专利予以确认,第三作者及以后者不计。博士生在攻读硕士期间正式发表的论文或发明专利不计入其博士生学习阶段的论文或专利。3.所有博士生(包括在职委托培养、定向培养、联合培养)在读期间所发表的与学位论文相关的学术论文,其署名单位必须是广西大学。在职培养博士生在读期间,如有与广西大学合作的科研项目,并且该项目的主要内容将作为其学位论文的组成部分,对博士生本人,在获奖、鉴定或发明专利成果的署名单位时可不作硬性要求,但广西大学作为合作方必须在科研成果中有所体现,也应当作为署名单位之一。凡不符合上述要求体现的成果,在学位申请时将一律不予考虑,仅作为参考。4. 博士生学术论文统计,一律以正式发表或收到录用通知为准。5.从公布之日开始执行。序号学科名称科 研 成 果 量 化 指 标 及 要 求备 注5土木工程(一级学科)1.在本学科领域sci收录的期刊发表论文1篇,同时在国内本领域核心刊物发表论文1篇。2.在本学科指定国内顶级杂志发表论文1篇,同时在国内本领域核心刊物发表论文1篇。3.在本学科领域EI收录的期刊发表论文2篇。4.获得与本学科领域相关的国家发明专利1项,同时在国内本领域核心刊物发表论文1篇。说明:以上各项只需符合1项,其中:[1]SCI收录的期刊论文、EI收录的期刊论文不含增刊、国际会议、学校学报发表的论文;[2]核心期刊以北京大学图书馆最新发布的中文核心期刊要目为准;[3]学科指定国内顶级杂志目录:土木工程学报、建筑结构学报、力学学报、岩土工程学报、水利学报、中国公路学报、建筑学报、机械工程学报;[4]除满足以上条件之一外,另要求发表1篇外文论文(可为国际会议发表的论文);[5]所有论文均是已发表或已被正式录用的论文; [6]论文、科研成果、授权专利等要与学位论文有关,必须有导师署名,申请人署名第一或第二 (其导师或协助导师为第一),第一署名单位必须是“广西大学”。从2012级博士研究生开始执行。6化学工程与技术(一级学科)1、指标要求:在本一级学科及相关领域SCI或EI源期刊发表(含已被正式接受)论文3篇,其中必须有1篇SCI源期刊发表(含已被正式接受) 的论文。未达到要求者,原则上不准申请学位论文答辩。2、成果折算:(1)申请人署名第一或第二(其导师或协助导师为第一)的授权国家发明专利,1项等同于1篇EI论文。(2)高水平论文,即SCI二区以上的期刊论文1篇等同于3篇被SCI收录的国际学术期刊论文,SCI三区期刊论文1篇等同于2篇被SCI收录的国际学术期刊论文。从2012级博士研究生开始执行。序号学科名称科 研 成 果 量 化 指 标 及 要 求备 注7作物学(一级学科)1.申请人在影响因子以上(含)的SCI刊物上发表论文1篇。申请人署名第一或第二 (其导师为第一);2.申请人在影响因子以下的SCI刊物上发表论文2篇,或申请人分别在影响因子以下的SCI刊物和本学科规定的核心刊物上发表论文各1篇。申请人署名第一或第二 (其导师为第一);3.申请人在本学科规定的核心刊物上发表论文1篇,以及至少获1项与学位论文有关的国家发明专利授权。申请人署名第一或第二 (其导师为第一);4.申请人在本学科规定的核心刊物上发表论文2篇,以及至少有1个与学位论文有关的通过省部级以上(含省部级)审定的作物品种或获1项省部级以上(含省部级)科学技术奖。申请人署名第一或第二(其导师为第一)。本学科规定的核心刊物:中国科学(C辑,生命科学)、科学通报、自然科学进展、中国生物化学与分子生物学报、中国农业科学、中国水稻科学、中国农业大学学报、华中农业大学学报、华南农业大学学报、中国油料作物学报、分子植物、生态学报、应用生态学报、植物生态学报、生物化学与生物物理学报、林业科学、生物工程学报、生物多样性、农业环境科学学报、土壤学报、植物营养与肥料学报、水土保持学报、作物学报、遗传学报、棉花学报、园艺学报、果树学报、中草药、植物保护学报、植物病理学报、微生物学报、病毒学报、菌物学报、昆虫学报、应用昆虫学报、农药学学报。1.以上4项须满足其中1项,且论文、授权专利、科研成果和获奖等要与学位论文有关并以“广西大学” 第一署名单位。凡学位论文未达到以上要求者,一律不准举行学位论文答辩。2.本规定从2012级开始执行。2008-2011级按照“西大学位字[2008]16号”文执行。2007级之前(含2007级)按照“西大学位字[2007]71号”文执行。序号学科名称科 研 成 果 量 化 指 标 及 要 求备 注8兽医学(一级学科)1.在影响因子以上(含)或本学科SCI二区以上(含二区)的刊物上发表论文1篇(含录用)。申请人署名第一或第二(其导师为第一)。2.在影响因子以下的SCI刊物上发表论文2篇。申请人署名第一或第二(其导师为第一)。3.在影响因子以下的SCI刊物上发表论文1篇的,还需在国内本领域核心期刊上发表(含录用)论文1篇。申请人署名第一或第二(其导师为第一)。1.以上3项须满足其中1项,且论文要与学位论文有关并以“广西大学” 为第一署名单位。2.从2012年入学的博士研究生开始执行。9制糖工程(二级学科)1. SCI或EI收录≥2篇(英文,含已被正式录用的论文,非会议论文);2. SCI或EI收录≥1篇(含录用),科研成果、专利和获奖等≥1篇(项);3. SCI或EI收录≥0篇,科研成果、专利和获奖等≥2篇(项)。(说明:科研成果、专利和获奖等分别为经鉴定达到国内先进水平的科研成果或经省部级以上(含省部级)主持鉴定、验收的科研成果或授权专利或获得省部级以上(含省部级)科技进步奖。(排序:前二名)1.以上3项须满足其中1项,且论文、科研成果、授权专利和获奖等要与学位论文有关,必须有导师署名,申请人署名第一或第二(其导师或协助导师为第一),第一署名单位必须是“广西大学”。2.从2012级开始执行。序号学科名称科 研 成 果 量 化 指 标 及 要 求备 注10植物病理学(二级学科)1.申请人在影响因子以上(含)的SCI刊物上发表论文1篇。申请人署名第一或第二 (其导师为第一);2.申请人在影响因子以下的SCI刊物上发表论文2篇,或申请人分别在影响因子以下的SCI刊物和本学科规定的核心刊物上发表论文各1篇。申请人署名第一或第二 (其导师为第一);3.申请人在本学科规定的核心刊物上发表论文1篇,以及至少获1项与学位论文有关的国家发明专利授权。申请人署名第一或第二 (其导师为第一);4.申请人在本学科规定的核心刊物上发表论文2篇,以及至少有1个与学位论文有关的通过省部级以上(含省部级)审定的作物品种或获1项省部级以上(含省部级)科学技术奖。申请人署名第一或第二(其导师为第一)。本学科规定的核心刊物:中国科学(C辑,生命科学)、科学通报、自然科学进展、中国生物化学与分子生物学报、中国农业科学、中国水稻科学、中国农业大学学报、华中农业大学学报、华南农业大学学报、中国油料作物学报、分子植物、生态学报、应用生态学报、植物生态学报、生物化学与生物物理学报、林业科学、生物工程学报、生物多样性、农业环境科学学报、土壤学报、植物营养与肥料学报、作物学报、遗传学报、园艺学报、果树学报、植物保护学报、植物病理学报、微生物学报、病毒学报、菌物学报、昆虫学报、应用昆虫学报、农药学学报。1.以上4项须满足其中1项,且论文、授权专利、科研成果和获奖等要与学位论文有关并以“广西大学” 第一署名单位。凡学位论文未达到以上要求者,一律不准举行学位论文答辩。2.本规定从2012级开始执行。2008-2011级按照“西大学位字[2008]16号”文执行。2007级之前(含2007级)按照“西大学位字[2007]71号”文执行。11动物遗传育种与繁殖(二级学科)1.在影响因子以上(含)或本学科SCI二区以上(含二区)的刊物上发表论文1篇(含录用)。申请人署名第一或第二(其导师为第一)。2.在影响因子以下的SCI刊物上发表论文2篇。申请人署名第一或第二(其导师为第一)。3.在影响因子以下的SCI刊物上发表论文1篇的,还需在国内本领域核心期刊上发表(含录用)论文1篇。申请人署名第一或第二(其导师为第一)。1.以上3项须满足其中1项,且论文要与学位论文有关并以“广西大学”为第一署名单位。2.从2012年入学的博士研究生开始执行。说明:发表的科研成果(包括论文、专著、获奖、发明专利等)需与学位论文有关,申请人署名第一或第二 (其导师第一),且以广西大学为第一署名单位;与国外高校及科研机构联合培养的博士研究生发表的科研成果,若以国外高校及科研机构作为第一署名单位,广西大学作为第二署名单位的,可视同于广西大学为第一署名单位,在申请学位时予以认定;在《广西大学学报》发表的论文,可作为国内核心期刊在申请学位时予以认定,但发表多篇时只认定1篇;在各增刊发表的论文不予认定。附:电气工程一级学科博士点博士研究生申请博士学位发表论文期刊目录附录A 与本一级学科相关的SCI 1区及2区(以当年认定为准)的专业期刊或重点认定SCI期刊:(一)电气工程类1. Proceedings of the IEEE(SCI:1区,IF=)2. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems(SCI:2区,IF=)3. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (SCI:3区,IF=)4. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (SCI:3区,IF=)5. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution (3区,IF=)6. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics And Electrical Insulation (SCI:3区,IF=)7. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility (SCI:3区,IF=)8. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics(SCI:3区,IF=)9. Applied Energy(2区,IF=)10. Solar Energy(2区,IF=)11. Progress in Photovoltaics(1区,IF=)(二)应用数学类 Programming(SCI:1区,IF=) Journal on Optimization (SCI:2区,IF=) Journal of Operational Research(SCI:2区,IF=)附录B 国内顶级期刊:中国电机工程学报、自动化学报、电子学报、计算机学报、数学学报、机械工程学报附录C SCI收录期刊:(一) 电气工程类1. IEEE transactions on Industry Applications(3区,IF=)2. Electric power systems research(3区,IF=)3. IET Renewable Power Generation(3区,IF=)4. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems(3区,IF=)5. European Transactions on Electrical Power(4区,IF=)6. Electric Power Components and Systems(4区,IF=)7. Journal of Power Electronics(4区,IF=)8. Power(4区,IF=)9. Energy Conversion and Management(3区,IF=)10. International Journal of Green Energy(4区,IF=)11. Engineering Optimization(3区,IF=)12. Electrical Engineering(4区,IF=)13. Electrical Engineering in Japan(4区,IF=)14. Electromagnetics(4区,IF=)15. Advanced Powder Technology(4区,IF=)16. IEEE Transactions on Circuits And Systems I-Fundamental Theory And Application(3区,IF=)17. IEEE Transactions On Circuits And Systems Ii-Analog And Digital Signal Processing(3区,IF=)18. Energy Exploration & Exploitation(4区,IF=)19. Energy Sources20. Energy Journal(3区,IF=)21. European Journal of Information Systems(3区,IF=)22. Powder Technology(3区,IF=)23. IET Circuits Devices & Systems (4区,IF=)24. IET Control Theory And Applications(3区,IF=)25. IET Electric Power Applications (3区,IF=)26. IEEE Electrical Insulation M


近五年作为通讯作者,共发表了研究论文200余篇,其中被SCI收录180余篇,主要发表在国际著名的Adv. Funct. Mater.、Chem: .、Chem. Commun.、J. Mater. Chem.、 J. Phys. Chem. B、J. Phys. Chem. C、J. Comput. Chem.、Inorg. Chem.、Appl. Catal. B、Nanotechnology、J. Phys.: Condensed Matter等学术期刊上,影响因子在以上的论文有50余篇,其中影响因子在以上8篇。成果被SCI收录期刊正面引用1400余次。出版专著两部,美国科学出版社邀请为纳米科学技术大百科全书撰写了完整的一章。申请发明专利14项。已发表和已录用的主要论文清单如下(以下均为SCI期刊收录论文,*代表通讯联系人)·Pan Qing-Jiang,Guo Yuan-Ru,Li Li,Fu Hong-Gang*,and Zhang Hong-Xing “Structures,Spectroscopic Properties and Redox Potentials of Quaterpyridyl Ru(Ⅱ) Photosensitizer and its Derivatives for Solar Energy Cell: A Density Functional Study” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2011,DOI:.·Gao Xiao-Qin,Pan Qing-Jiang,Li Li,Guo Yuan-Ru,Zhang Hong-Xing,Fu Hong-Gang* “Structures and Spectroscopic Properties of Ruthenium Phenanthroline Solar-Cell Sensitizers: A Computational Study” Chemical Physics Letters,2011,506,146-151.·Zhou W,Sun FF,Pan K,Tian GH,Fu HG*. Well-ordered large-pore mesoporous anatase TiO2 with remarkably high thermal stability and improved crystallinity: Preparation,characterization and photocatalytic performance. Advanced Functional Materials,2011,21,1922-1930..·Jiang Baojiang,Tian CG,Fu Honggang*,et al. In-Situ Growth of TiO2 in Interlayers of Expanded Graphite for the Fabrication of TiO2-Graphene with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity. Chemistry-A European Journal,2011,Accepted,.· Li Sun,Chungui Tian,Lei Wang,Jinlong Zou,Guang Mu,Honggang Fu*,Magnetically Separable Porous Graphitic Carbon with Large Surface Area as Excellent Adsorbents for Metal Ions and Dye. Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,2011,21,7232-7239.· Zhao H,Yang J,Wang L,Tian CG,Jiang BJ,Fu HG*. Fabrication of palladium nanoparticles/graphene nanosheets hybrid via sacrifice of copper template and its application in catalytic oxidation of formic acid. Chemical Communications,2011,47,2014-2016.· Yang J,Tian CG,Wang L,Fu HG*. An effective strategy to small-sized and high-dispersed palladium nano particles supported on graphene with excellent performance for formic acid oxidation. Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,21,3384-3390.· Tian GH,Chen YJ,Zhou W,Ren ZY,Tian CG,Fu HG*. Facile solvothermal synthesis of hierarchical flower-like Bi2MoO6 hollow spheres as high performance visible-light driven photocatalysts. Journal of Materials Chemistry,2011,21,887 – 892.· Hu ZF,Shen PK*,Fu HG*,et al. Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysis Enhanced by Nanosized Cubic Vanadium Carbide. Electrochemistry Communications,2011,Accepted,ELECOM 3881.· Tian Guohui,Chen Yajie,Zhou Wei,Pan Kai,Huang Xu-ri and Fu Honggang *,3D hierarchical flower-like TiO2 nanostructure: morphology control and its photocatalytic property. CrstEngComm,2011,13,2994.· Dong Youzhen,Pan Kai,Zhou Wei,Pan Qingjiang,Xie Tengfeng,Wang Dejun,Fu Honggang*,Dye-sensitized solar cells based on TiO2-B nanobelt/TiO2 nanoparticle sandwich-type photoelectrodes with controllable nanobelt length. Dalton Transactions,2011,40,3808–3814.· Cai ZC,Tian CG,Wang L,Zhou W,Wang BL,Fu HG*. One-pot synthesis of silver particle aggregation as highly active SERS substrate. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy,2011,1,5-11.· Tian CG,Li W,Fu HG*,et al. Glucose-mediated solution-solid route for easy synthesis of Ag/ZnO particles with superior photocatalytic activity and photostability,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2011,509,6935-6941.· Tian CG,Li W,Fu HG*,et al. Controllable Fabrication of Various ZnO Micro/nanostructures from a Wire-like Zn-EG-AC Precursor via a Facile Solution-based Route,Materials Research Bulletin,2011,MRB5116.· Zhao H,Fu HG,Tian CG,et shape-controlled synthesis of palladium nanostructures on copper for promising Surface-enhanced Raman scattering,MATERIALS LETTERS,2010,64,2255-2257· Zhao H,Fu HG,Tian CG,et al. Fabrication of silver nanoparticles/single-walled carbon nanotubes composite for surface-enhanced Raman scattering,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE,2010,351,343-347.· Jiang BJ,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. Facile Fabrication of High Quality Graphene from Expandable Graphite: Simultaneous Exfoliation and Reduction. Chemical Communication. 2010,46,4920 - 4922.· Feng SS,Ren ZY,Fu HG*,et al. Synthesis and application of hollow magnetic graphitic carbon microspheres with/without TiO2 nanoparticle layer on the surface. Chemical Communication. 2010,46,6276-6278.· Liu Y,Ren ZY,Fu HG*,et al. Synthesis and applications of graphite carbon sphere with uniformly distributed magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles (MGCSs) and MGCS@Ag,MGCS@TiO2. Journal of Material Chemistry 2010,20,4802- 4808.· Wang L,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. Mass production of graphene via an in situ self-generating template route and its promoted activity as electrocatalytic support for methanol electroxidization. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010,114 (19),8727–8733.· Qu Y,Zhou W,Fu HG*,et al. Hierarchical anatase TiO2 porous nanopillars with high crystallinity and controlled length: An effective candidate for dye-sensitized solar-cells. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2010,12,9205 - 9212.· Wang BL,Tian CG,Fu HG,et al. Chitosan: a green carbon source for the synthesis of graphitic nanocarbon,tungsten carbide and graphitic nanocarbon/tungsten carbide composites. Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 025606 (9pp).· Li YJ,LV RJ,Fu HG*,et al. Fabrication and evaluation of chiral monolithic column modified by β-cyclodextrin derivatives. Talanta 80 (2010) 1378–1382· Zhou W,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. Photodegradation of organic contamination in wastewaters by bondingTiO2/single-walled carbon nanotube composites with enhanced photocatalytic activity. Chemosphere 81 (2010) 555–561.· Guohui Tian,Chen Yajie,Pan Kai,Fu Honggang*,Efficient visible light-induced degradation of phenol on N-doped anatase TiO2 with large surface area and high crystallinity. Applied Surface Science 2010,256,3740-3745.· Tian CG,Li W,Fu HG*,et al. One-pot Synthesis of the Ag Nanoparticles modified ZnO Microspheres in Ethylene Glycol Medium and Their Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance. Journal of Solid State Chemistry,2010,183,2720-2725.· Zhou W,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. The sandwich structure electrodes based on wire-likeTiO2–β-cyclodextrin–SWCNT composite for dye-sensitized solar cells. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2009,207,306–310.· Tian XQ,Wan LJ,Fu HG*,et al. Facile synthesis of mesoporous ZnAl2O4 thin films through the evaporation-induced self-assembly method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009,488,320–324.· Wang RH,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. In situ simultaneous synthesis of WC/graphitic carbon nanocomposite as a highly efficient catalyst support for DMFCw. Chemical Communication 2009,3104-3106.· Pan QJ,Fu HG*,Zhang HX*,et al. Theoretical Studies on Metal−Metal Interaction,Excited States,and Spectroscopic Properties of Binuclear Au−Au,Au−Rh,and Rh−Rh Complexes with Diphosphine Ligands: Buildup of Complexity from Monomers to Dimers. Inorganic Chemistry,2009,48,2844–2854.· Zhou W,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. Solar-induced Self-assembly of TiO2-β-cyclodextrin-MWCNT Composite Wires. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2009,11,1713-1718.· Kang CH,Jing LQ*,Fu HG*,et al. Mesoporous SiO2-Modified Nanocrystalline TiO2 with High Anatase Thermal Stability and Large Surface Area as Efficient Photocatalyst. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009,113,1006–1013.· Wang BL,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. A simple and large-scale strategy for the preparation of Ag nanoparticles supported on resin-derived carbon and their antibacterial properties. Nanotechnology 2009,20,025603(7pp)· Tian GH,Fu HG*,Jing LQ,et al. Synthesis and photocatalytic activity of stable nanocrystalline TiO2 with high crystallinity and large surface area. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009,161,1122-1130.· Zhang GX,Yu HT*,Fu HG,et al. First-principles calculations of the stability and electronic properties of the PbTiO3 (110) polar surface. Journal of Computational Chemistry 2009,30,1785-1798.· Tian GH,Pan K,Fu HG*,et al. Enhanced photocatalytic activity of S-doped TiO2-ZrO2 nanoparticles under visible-light irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009,166,939-944.· Pan K,Dong YZ,Fu HG*,et al. TiO2-B narrow nanobelt/TiO2 nanoparticle composite photoelectrode for dye-sensitized solar cells. Electrochimica Acta 2009,54,7350-7356.· Kan K,Fu HG,Shi KY*,et al. Amidation of single-walled carbon nanotubes by a hydrothermal process for the electrooxidation of nitric oxide. Nanotechnology 2009,20,185502 (7pp).· Wang L,Tian CG,Fu HG*,et al. Controllable Synthesis of Graphitic Carbon Nanostructures from Ion-Exchange Resin-Iron Complex via Solid-State Pyrolysis Process. Chemical Communication 2008,5411-5413.· Zhou W,Fu HG*,Pan K,et al. Mesoporous TiO2/α-Fe2O3: Bifunctional Composites for Effective Elimination of Arsenite Contamination through Simultaneous Photocatalytic Oxidation and Adsorption. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008,112,19584-19589.· Liu KS,Fu HG*,Xie Y,et al. Assembly of β-Cyclodextrins Acting as Molecular Bricks onto the Multiwall Carbon of Physical Chemistry C 2008,112,951-957.· Tian GH,Fu HG*,Jing LQ,et al. Preparation and Characterization of Stable Biphase TiO2 Photocatalyst with High Crystallinity,Large Surface Area and Enhanced Photoactivity. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008,112,3083-3089.· Zhou W,Liu KS,Fu HG*,et al. Multi-modal mesoporous TiO2–ZrO2 composites with high photocatalytic activity and hydrophilicity. Nanotechnology 2008,19,035610(7pp).· Pan QJ,Zhou X,Fu HG*,et al,“Isovalent Gold(I),-(Ⅱ),and -(Ⅲ) and Mixed-Valent Gold(I)/Gold(Ⅲ) Phosphorus Ylide Complexes. Combined ab Initio and Density Functional Study of Electronic Structures and Spectroscopic Properties” Organometallics 2008,27,2474–2482.· Wan LJ,Fu HG*,Shi KY,et al. Facile synthesis of ordered nanocrystalline alumina thin films with tunable mesopore structures. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2008,115(3),301-307.· Pan QJ,Zhou X,Fu HG*,et al. A theoretical probe on the ground- and excited-state properties of heterobinuclear Au–Pt complex with phosphine ligands. Comparison with analogous homobinuclear Au–Au and Pt–Pt complexes. Chemical Physics Letters 2008,453,7-12.· Jing LQ*,Li SD,Fu HG*,et al. Investigation on the electron transfer between anatase and rutile in nano-sized TiO2 by means of surface photovoltage technique and its effects on the photocatalytic activity. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 2008,92,1030– 1036.· Wan LJ,Fu HG*,Shi KY,et al. Facile synthesis of iron oxide with wormlike morphology and their application in water treatment. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2008,181(4),735-740.· Chi YJ,Fu HG*,Qi LH,et al. Preparation and photoelectric performance of ITO/TiO2/CdS composite thin films. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2008,195(2-3),357-363.· Xie Y,Yu HT,Fu HG*,et al. Lattice dynamics investigation on different transition behaviors of cubic BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 by first-principles calculatoins. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter,2008,20,215215 (8pp)· Wan LJ,Fu HG*,Shi KY,et al. 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Retarded modes of a lateral antiferromagnetic/nonmagnetic superlattices, Phys. Rev. B. , , 1995, . Surface retarded modes of magnetic superlattices with antiferromagnetic coupling, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, , , 2003, . Nonlinear magnetostatic surface waves of magnetic multilayers: Effective- medium theory, Phys. Rev. B. , , 2001, . Magnetostatic surface waves of lateral-magnetic superlattices, Phys. Lett. A. , 1999, . Xuan-Zhang Wang and Shu-Fang Fu, Dispersion properties of nonlinear bulk polaritons in uniaxial antiferromagnetic/nonmagnetic superlattices, J. Magn. Magn. Materals, , , 334(2004).37. Xuan-Zhang Wang and Hua Li, Nonlinear polaritons in antiferromagnetic superlattices, Phys. Rev. B,, , 054403 (2005).38. Xuan-Zhang Wang, The Faraday effect of an antiferromagnetic photonic crystal with a defect layer, J. Phys.: Condens. Matters, , , 5447 (2005).39. Jing Bai, Sheng Zhou, Feng-Li Liu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nonlinear infrared transmission through and reflection off antiferromagnetic films, J. Phys.: Condens. Matters, , 046217(2007).40. Rui-Hua Zhu, Cheng Jia and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Magnetostatic modes of a lateral ferromagnetic/ferromagnetic superlattice, Physics Letters A, , , 77 (2006)41.类维萍,贾城,王选章,涡流对侧向反铁磁/非磁超晶格中表面推迟模的影响,<<物理学报>> , 535(2008)42.Di Zhang, Jianing Ma, Hua Li, Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Anti-resonance of electron tunneling through a four-quantum-dot ring with two side-coupled quantum dots, Phys. Lett. A, , , 3085 (2008)43. Hong Gao, Zhou mingyu, Ji Hong, Xuan-Zhang Wang and Zhiguo Zhang, Synthesis and photoluminescence of Sb-induced ZnO nanowires along [0-1,1,1] with island attached, J. Alloy and Compounds, . 234-237 (2008).44. Hong Gao, Xitian Zhang, Mingyu Zhou, Zhiguo Zhang and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nanohelices modified by SiO2 sheathed ZnO disks, Nanotechnology , 065601(2007)45. Yan Zhao, Hong Gao, Sheng Zhou, Hua Li Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nonlinear Response of Uniaxial Ferromagnets and Applications to Surface Magnetostatic Waves J. Magn. Magn. Materials, , , 2560-2567(2008)46. Zhou Sheng and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Method of enhancing second-harmonic generation of antiferromagnetic film, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, , , 1639-1644(2008).47. 宋玉玲,王选章, 一维受限反铁磁光子晶体的性质, <<光学学报>> No12 (2008)48. 尹永琦, 李华, 马佳宁, 贺泽龙, 王选章, 多端耦合量子点分子桥的量子输运特性研究, <<物理学报>> , 69(2009).49. Yu-Ling Song, Jing-Xing Ta, Hua Li and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Presence of left-handedness and negative refraction in antiferromagnetic/ionic-crystal multilayered films, J. Appl. Phys. , , 063119 (2009).50. Sheng Zhou, Hua Li, Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Second-Harmonic Generation from an antiferromagnetic film in one-dimension photonic crystals, Phys. Rev. B, , 205409 (2009) (12 pages)51. Jing-xiang Zhao, Yi-hong Ding, Qing-hai Cai, Xiao-guang Wang andXuan-Zhang Wang, Theoretical Studies of the Magnetism of the First-Row Adatom on the Silicon Carbide (SiC) Nanotube, J. Phys. Chemistry C , , 3825-3829 (2010)52. Jin-Xing Ta, Yu-Ling Song and Xuan-Zhang Wang, J. Appl. , 013520(2010)(4 pages)53. Shu Fang Fu, Jing Bai, Sheng Zhou, Xiu Rong Qu, Hua Li, Xuan Zhang Wang, Effects of molecular shape on polymeric liquid crystal, Key Engineering Materials, , 216-219(2010)54. Jing Bai, Shu Fang Fu and Xuan-zhang Wang, Dispersion properties of bulk polaritons in uniaxial antiferromagnetic film, Key Engineering Materials , 198-201 (2010)55. Jing Bai, Shu-Fang Fu, Sheng Zhou, Li Niu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nonlinear transmission through and reflection off antiferromagnetic sandwich, Materials Science Forum, (Optoelectronic materials), 995-998 (2010)56. Jing-Xiang Zhao, Yi-Hong Ding, Qing-Hai Cai, Xiao-Guang Wang, and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Chemical Functionalization of pyridine-like and porphyrin-like nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes with transition metal atoms: A theoretical study, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, (5-6), 727-733 (2010)57. Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Effects of magnetic field on shear stress of nematic liquid crystalline polymer under simple shear flow, Journal of Polymer Science: Part B48: Polymer Physics, (17), 1919-1926 (2010).58. Yu-Ling Song, Jin-Xing Ta and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Band gaps of two-dimensional antiferromagnetic photonic crystal, J. Appl. Phys. . 013525-5 (2011).59. Yan Zhao, Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Bistable transmission of antiferromagnetic Fabry-Perot resonator, J. Appl. Phys. . ,023512-6 (2011)59. Jing Bai, Shu-Fang Fu, Sheng Zhou and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Reflective optical bi-stability of antiferromagnetic films, The European Physical Journal B83, ,343-348(2011) Bo, Zhao J-x, Cai Qinghai, Wang Xiaoguang, and Wang Xuan-Zhang, Doping of Calcium in C60 Fullerence for enhancing CO2 capture and N2O Transformation: A Theoretical Study, J. Phys. Chem. A115 (36), 9969-9976(2011)61. Jin-Xiang Zhao, Yi-Hong Ding, Xiao-Gang Wang, Qing-Hai Cai, And Xuan-Zhang Wang, Diamond and Related Materials , 36-41(2011)62. Xuan-Zhang Wang and Hua Li, Nonlinear propagation of electromagnetic waves in antiferromagnets, in Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Complex Matter, edited by by Ahmed Kishk, (Intech-Open Access Publisher, 2011), . Zhao J-X, Gao Bo,Cai Qing-Hai, Wang Xiao-Guang, and Wang Xuan-Zhang,Theoretical study of phenol adsorption on the (8, 0) silicon carbide nanotube,Chemistry and Material Science : Theoretical Chemistry Accounts Vol29 , 85-92(2011).64. Dongmei Sun, Shufang Fu, Sheng Zhou and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Numerical simulation of optical bi-stability in antiferromagnetic sandwich structure, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, , , (2012)65. Jin-Xing Ta, Xuan-Zhang Wang, Optical properties of antiferromagnetic/ ion-crystal superlattices, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, , (2012) . Yu-Ling Song, Jin-Xing Ta and Xuan-Zhang Wang, High second-harmonic generation of antiferromagnetic/ion-crystal composite medium with negative refraction, J. Magn. Magn Materials , 1214-1217 (2012)67. Jin-Xing Ta and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Magneto-phonon polaritons in two-dimensional antiferromagnetic/ion-crystalic photonic crystal, Photonics and nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, (2012) . Yan Zhao, Shu-Fang Fu and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Nonlinear Far Infrared Transmission of Antiferromagnetic Fabry-Perot Resonator, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, , 1597-1600(2012)69. 张强,周胜,厉强华,王选章,付淑芳,一维反铁磁光子晶体光学双稳效应研究,《物理学报》 , , 157501-7(2012)70. 周胜, 王选章,付淑芳,厉强华,曲秀荣,梁爽,张强,Voigt 位型下电介质/反铁磁体/电介质结构的二次谐波生成非倒易性研究,《物理学报》 , 187501-(2012)71. Shu-Fang Fu, Jing Bai and Xuan-Zhang Wang, Effects of magnetic field on discotic nematic liquid crystalline polymers under simple shear flow, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, (2012)72. Xuan-Zhang Wang, Coupled Edge Plasmon Modes of Metal/Dielectric Multi-Wedges, Chinese Physics B, (2013),accepted for publication73. Xuan-Zhang Wang and Yan Zhao, High Faraday effect of antiferromagnetic/ion- crystal photonic crystals in far infrared region, J. Appl. Phys. (2013), accepted for publication.



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Any survey of tax sources should begin with the nation’s fairest and most productive soure of revenue, the individual income tax. 任何税收来源的调查都应开始于国家最公正、生产性最强的国民收入来源--个人所得税. All advanced industrial countries levy a dircct tax on individual incomes, but nowhere is this tax as important as in the United States. In recent years,about 40 percent of federal cash receipts has been collected from this source. 所有先进的工业国家都对个人所得直接征税,但没有哪个国家在征此税时像美国一样重要。近年来,约40%的联邦现金收入都来源于此. The individual income tax is uniquely suited for raising revenue in a democratic country where the distribution of income, and therefore of ability to pay,is unequal. Theoreticians may disagree about the meaningfulness of the term “ability to pay,” but the close association between a man’s income and taxpaying ability is commonly accepted. There is also general acceptance of the idea of progression in income taxation. 个人所得税是非常适合民主国家增加国民收入的,在民主国家里收入分配和支付能力是不平等的. 理论家可能不赞成"支付能力"的长远意义,但个人收入和纳税能力间的密切关系却是普遍接受的. 级数所得税的观点也被普遍接受. The individual income tax has still another attractive feature. Income alone does not differentiate a man’s ability to pay—his family responsibilities are also important. A single person may be able to along on an income of $3000 a year, but a married man with two children would have great diffculty making ends meet. The individual income tax takes such differences into account through the personal exemptions and deductions, which are subtracted before arriving at the income subject to tax. 个人所得税还有另一个吸引人的特点. 收入不足以区分一个人的支付能力—他的家庭责任也是很重要的. 单身男士也许每年收入达3000美元, 但带着两个孩子的已婚男人要想收支相抵却很困难. 个人所得税通过个人豁免和扣除将这种差异解决了, 个人免税额在应纳税收之前就扣除了. The revenue potential of the individual income tax has been recognized only recently. For almost thirty years after its adoption in 1913, the tax applied mainly to a small group of high income people. Exemptions were high by current standards and few incomes were large enough rates. In the national effort to raise needed revenue during World War Ⅱ, exemptions were drastically were increased in 1946 and 1948,but have remained low by prewar standards. Tax rates were also raised in wartime, and have remained much higher than in earlier years. At the same time, personal incomes have continued to increase with the growth of the economy (and with the inflation that occurred during and after World WarⅡ and the Korean War). The combination of lower exemptions, higher rates, and higher incomes increased the yield of the individual income tax manyfold. In1939, tax liabilities were about $1 billion; in 1966, they are in excess of $50 billion. 个人所得税的收入潜力最近才得到公认. 在1913年实施后的30年里,个人所得税主要应用于一小部分高收入人士. 在现行标准下豁免是很高的,低收入者占很大的比率. 二战期间,国家努力增加收入,豁免急剧减少。1946年和1948年有所提高,但从战前的水准看,仍然很低。税率在战时也有人提出,但比起早些年仍高多了. 在此同时, 个人收入随经济增长继续增加,(也与其间和二战后的通货膨胀和朝鲜战争的因素) . 较低的豁免,高利率,高收入的结合成倍地增加了个人所得税. 1939年,纳税义务约为10亿美元; 但1966年,超过了500亿美元. This tremendous expansion could not have been possible without ready compliance with income tax laws and effective many countries where compliance is poor and administration is weak, there is great reluctance to rely heavily on the income tax. In this country, the record of compliance is good—although it can still be improved—and practical methods have been developed for administering a mass income tax (at a cost of only about 1/2 of 1 percent of tax collected). In the late 1930’s many people—even high-placed officials of the Internal Revenue Service—doubted that an income tax covering almost everyone could be administered effectively. Although some problems remain, in an advanced country the administrative feasibility of an individual income tax of almost universal coverage is no longer questioned. 没有所得税法律的遵守和有效的管理,这个巨大的扩张是不可能的。许多国家法律意识差,管理松散,过于依赖所得税就很困难. 在这个国家, 守法记录还好--虽然它仍可以得到改善--实用方法已制定用来管理大量所得税(按成本仅约为1%的税收额的1 / 2 ) . 在20世纪30年代后期,很多人甚至美国国内税局的高级官员都认为关系每个人的所得税应得到有效管理. 尽管一些问题依然存在, 在一个先进的国家个人所得税的几乎全面普及在行政上的可行性已不存在质疑. There are good economic reasons for using the income tax as a major source of revenue. The automatie flexibility of the income tax promotes economic stability and the progressive rates help prevent excessive concentration of economic power and control. Some believe that the income tax is also needed to moderate the growth of private savings of high income people, which is likely to hold down private demand for goods and believe that a high income tax impairs work and investment incentives and , therefore, reduces the nation’s economic growth. These are difficult questions which will be discussed later. Nonetheless, it is correct to say that the modern individual income tax. If carefully designed and well administered, is a powerful and essential economic instrument for a modern indusrtial econmy. 使用所得税作为财政收入主要来源有很好的经济原因. 该所得税的自动灵活性能促进经济稳定,累进税率有助于防止经济权力和控制过分集中. 有人认为所得税也需缓和高收入人群的私人储蓄增长, 这很可能压抑商品的服务的私人需求。有人认为高所得税降低工作和投资动力,因此,减少了国家的经济增长. 这些都是日后讨论的难题. 但是,现代的个人所得税是正确的. 如果经过精心设计和良好管理,是现代工业化经济的有力而必要的经济手段。 Structure of the Federal Income Tax 联邦所得税结构 The basic structure of the federal income tax is simple. The taxpayer adds up all his taxable sources of income, subtracts certain allowable deductions and exemptions for himself, his wife, children, and other dcpendents,and then applies the tax rates to the difference. But this procedure has many pitfalls for the taxpayer, and difficult questions of tax policy arise at almost every stage. Consequently, it is important to understand the main features of the income tax structure. 联邦所得税的基本结构是很简单的. 纳税人增添了他的一切应纳税收入,减去某些自己的、妻子的、孩子的和其他相关人的允许扣除和豁免权,然后适用税率差额. 但这种程序对纳税人也有很多陷阱,税收政策的难题几乎出现在每一阶段. 因此,了解所得税结构的主要特征是重要的. Adjusted Gross Income and Taxable Income调整过的总收入和应纳税收入 The two major concepts of income that appear on the tax return are: adjusted gross income and taxable income. 出现在纳税申报单上的两大收益好象是:调整过的总收入和应纳税收入. Adjusted gross income is the closest approach in tax law to what all economist might call “total income.” But it departs from an economic definition of income in some important respects. It represents the total income from all taxable sources, less certain expenses incurred in earning that income. In general, only money income is treated as taxable, but many items are excluded. Such exclusions include one-half of realized capital gains on assets held six months or more, interest on state and local government bonds,all transfer payments(for example,social security benefits and unemployment compensation), fringe benefits received by employees from their employers(the most important of these are contributions to pension plans), and income on savings through life insurance. The emphasis on money income automatically excludes unrealized capital gains and such imputed income as the rental value of owner-occupied homes. 在税法上调整的总收入是所有经济学家称之为"总收入"的最接近说法。 但是,在某些重要方面,它背离了收入的经济学定义. 它表示所有应纳税来源的总收入,较少的赚取收入中的确定开支. 一般说来,只有货币收入被视为应税的,但很多项目都被排除在外. 这种排除包括二分之一的持有六个月或以上的已实现资本收益,国家和当地政府公债的利息,所有的转移支付(例如,社会保障福利和失业补偿) , 雇员从其雇主那得到的附加福利(贡献中最重要的是为养老金计划) , 和加入了人寿保险的储蓄收入. 对货币收入的强调自动排除了未实现资本收益和这种像所有者租税价的推算收入. Adjusted gross income is used on the tax return in two ways. First, it is the income concept built into the simplified tax table, which is used for determining tax on more than 25 million returns. Second,it provedes the basis for placing limits on some of the personal deductions which are subrtacted in computing taxable income. 调整后的总收入用于纳税申报单有两种方式. 第一,它是收入概念建成的简易税表, 用于决定税收突破2500万美元的回报. 第二,它提供了限制某些个人扣除的基础,个人扣除在计算应纳税收入时已经减去了. Taxable income is computed by making two sets of deductions from adjusted gross income. The rirst are personal expenditures which are allowed as deductions by law—charitable contributions, interest paid,state-local income, general sales, property and gasoline taxes, medical and dental expenses above 3 percent of adjusted gross income, and casualty and theft losses above $100 for each lieu of these deductions, the taxpayer may use the standard deduction of 10 percent of adjusted gross income(with a minimum of $200 plus $100 for each exemption,and a maximum of $1000 for single persons and married persons filing joint returns and $500 for married couples filing separate returns). 应税收入是从调整过的总收入中制作两套扣除法计算而来的. 剩下的是法律允许扣除的个人支出--慈善捐款,所付利息,国有地方收入,一般销售 财产和汽油税, 高于调整后总收入3%的医疗及牙科服务费用, 伤亡和每次损失100美元以上的偷盗损失。代替上述扣减, 纳税人可使用10%调整后的总收入的标准扣除额 (最低200美元,加上每项豁免100美元,单身和夫妻联合备案的已婚人士每人最高1000美元,并返回500美元为已婚备案夫妻分开报税) . When the present standard deduction was first adopted in 1944, it was used by over 80 percent of the persons filing incomes have risen and deductible expenditures have increased,the percentage using the standard deduction has declined. In 1963, the standard deduction was still being used on million returns, or 56 percent of the million filed(Appendix Table C-6). But the amount of the standard deduction was small compared to home ownership, state-local taxes,and use of consumer credit, as well as the normal increase in expenditures that occurs as incomes rise. Total deductions reported on all 1963 returns amounted to $ billion; of this amount, $ billion were itemized deductions and $ billion were standard deduction. 现行标准扣除额首次在1944年应用时, 它被用于个人存档返还的80%以上.随着收入的增加和可扣除支出增加, 用于标准扣除额的比率也有所下降. 1963年标准扣除额仍被用于3580万的回报, 或6390万存档56% (附录表C 6 ) . 但征收的标准扣除额是比较小的,与国有、地方税,消费品信贷的使用, 以及随收入增加而不断增加的正常开支相比.1963年报告的总扣除额回到了592亿美元; 这一数额中, 有461亿美元详细说明了扣除项目,131亿美元为标准扣除额.


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