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医学读书心得 范文 1:《西方医学史》 读书笔记 简单地说,世上行医的人大致可以分为几类:医匠(为赚钱陌生而行医)、医生(为治病救人而行医)、医师(为弘扬医学而行医)、医学家(为人类健康而行医) 大致说来,广义的医学在数千年的发展过程中,先后经历的三个不同的、相互交替的阶段:神道医学(Magical or Religious Medicine)、 经验 医学(Empirical Medicine)和理性医学(Scientific Medicine). 神道医学:将人类疾病归因于神灵的惩罚或魔鬼的作祟,而以祈祷、驱邪为主要手段,球的疾病缓解。 经验医学:医生运用自己的感官,对患者所表现的症状进行直接观察、描述,根据经验作出适当诊断,基本上派出了超自然因素(魔鬼、神灵)致病的可能。医生根据对患者的观察与分析,结合自己或他人的经验,使用药物或其他相应的辅助治疗,获得疾病的缓解。也被称为感性医学。 理性医学:完全排除了超自然的致病因素,以生物科学坐位临床实践的基础,又被称为生物医学或现代医学。 医学读书心得范文2:《大医精诚》读书心得 “博学而后成医,厚德而后为医,谨慎而后行医”这句话是我在一位德高望重的医生的博客中看到的,当时感觉说的非常好,就记了下来。今天读完孙思邈的《大医精诚》,发现这句话正是这篇 文章 的一个非常恰当的缩影,博学而后成医,厚德而后为医,这不正是孙思邈所强调的行医所必需的“精”与“诚”吗?在《大医精诚》中要求医者要有精湛的医术,认为医道是“至精至微之事”,习医之人必须“博极医源,精勤不倦”,即为“精”;要求医者要有高尚的品德修养,以“见彼苦恼,若己有之”感同身受的心,策发“大慈恻隐之心”,进而发愿立誓“普救含灵之苦”,且不得“自逞俊快,邀射名誉”、“恃己所长,经略财物”此为“诚”。不论是这位医生的话,还是《大医精诚》这篇文章,两者都极为准确的概括出了作为医生这两个最基本的品质--技术精湛,品德高尚。 自古至今,我国历史上出现过很多很多的名医,像李时珍,孙思邈,张仲景等等,他们不但技术精湛,医德更是高尚,正因此才被当时的老百姓所推崇,被历史所铭记。祖国医学繁荣发展离不开诸如此类的人。他们本着仁术、仁心治病救人,为后代的医者树立了榜样。像东汉茗仪张仲景以救人活命为己任,以仁爱救人为准则,指导自己的医疗实际活动。明代大医药学家李时珍历时27年著成了《本草纲目》的巨著,该书吸取了后代本草著作的精华,纠正了以前的错误,并冒着违反统治者意志的危险列举服食丹药的害处。该书不仅学术价值高,而且道德价值也很高。 关于医学读书心得范文3: 行为医学是研究和发展关于行为科学中与健康和疾病有关的知识和技术,并把这些知识和技术应用于疾病的诊断、防治和康复的一门多学科领域。其实,行为医学就是研究行为在人体健康和疾病发生中的作用规律的一门学科。行为医学作为一门与多个学科相关的交叉性学科,覆盖面宽,应用范围广,目前,行为医学的研究已涉及基础医学、临床医学、预防医学、社会学、人类学、流行病学、营养学、心理学、疾病防治、医学教育、中西医结合、医学哲学以及健康教育等领域。有学者认为行为医学与生物医学、社会医学并列,是现代医学体系的三大支柱之一,在保障和促进人们的健康方面发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。 行为医学发展迅速,但其基本的学科体系与研究内容包括以下五个方面: 一是健康行为。如充足休息和睡眠,合理膳食,适度运动;积极应对现实生活;保持愉悦心情;注重预防接种、定期体检、健康咨询、戒除不良奢好等自我保健。包括这些行为的特征、产生、发展、巩固。 二是异常行为。包括饮食、吸烟、酗酒、致胖等不良习惯行为;过分固执、好争辩、急躁、紧张、好冲动等 A型 性格行为;赌博、吸毒、酗酒、网络等成瘾行为;致意外行为;自杀行为;卖淫、嫖昌、婚外性行为;同性恋、双性恋、易性癖、露阴癖、窥淫癖、恋物癖、恋童癖等性变态行为;不良就医与医疗行为;占卜、风水、祭祀、个人崇拜等迷信行为;巫术、催眠术、等神秘行为。包括这些行为的特征、产生、发展、巩固、转变的原因和机制。 三是行为评价和诊断。研究发展一套测量评价各种行为的 方法 和技术,包括心理测验、智力测验、人格测验、神经心理测验、行为评定量表等。行为评定量表包括生活事件量表、 儿童 行为量表、简明精神病量表、精神症状全面量表、抑郁自评量表、焦虑自评量表、躁狂量表、A型行为量表、恐怖强迫量表、老年期人格和痴呆测验、日常生活能力量表、述情障碍问卷、社交回避及苦恼量表、个人评价问卷、康乃尔医学调查表等。 四是行为干预与治疗。包括认知行为治疗、行为矫治法、行为塑造法、经典分析疗法、松弛疗法、满灌疗法(又叫冲击疗法、暴露疗法)、音乐疗法、暗示疗法、脱敏疗法、森田疗法、理性情绪疗法、代币调节法、厌恶疗法、生物反馈疗法、自我控制疗法、应激调节疗法、改变生活方式疗法、 体育运动 疗法、气功疗法、药物治疗、心理咨询等。 五是行为 医学知识 和技术的具体应用。在应用研究方面,产生了行为流行病学(常见的有抑郁性、强迫性、焦虑性等神经症的行为流行病学,消化性溃疡、肥胖症、神经性厌食、冠心病、高血压、皮肤病、糖尿病等心身疾病的行为流行病学)、预防行为医学(健康教育、传染病与非传染病预防、临床预防、社会医学、道路交通、职业卫生、社区卫生服务等都与行为医学息息相关)、临床行为医学(如病人就医、遵医行为、医患合作行为、临床诊疗中药物治疗、手术治疗、心理治疗、中医治疗、危重患者抢救、会诊、转诊等临床行为)、女性行为医学(少女、女青年、成年女性、更年期、老年等女性不同阶段的行为特征、女性计划生育、性行为等行为特征)、儿童行为医学、老年行为医学、护理行为医学等以应用研究为主要内容的分支学科。在基础研究方面涉及到神经行为学、行为生理学、行为药理学、行为解剖学、行为病理学、行为毒理学、行为生化学、行为遗传学等,并逐步形成相对独立的分支学科。 在行为医学发展历史方面: 行为科学的起源是近代心理学的行为主义学派, 而行为主义的立场、观点和方法又建立在欧洲16 世纪“文艺复兴”以后的实证科学精神基础上的,它使得科学的心理学从宗教神学、经院哲学的桎梏中独立出来。 20 世纪初, 美国著名心理学家华生(, 1878-1958)首倡行为主义运动的著名文章《行为主义心目中的心理学》,首先提出了行为主义心理学, 他认为意识是不可捉摸的,不应列为心理学研究内容,只有通过观察、实验记录下来的行为才是心理学研究的内容行为的基础是刺激一反应行为不是生而有之,而是后天环境学习获得。在此之前,俄国生理学家巴甫洛夫建立了经典条件反射的基本原理,美国动物心理学家桑代克创立了关于联想学习的实验方法。 20世纪30年代的现代实验心理学强调行为疾病学习模仿理论、行为治疗、行为矫正,其理论基础建立在经典性条件反射及操作性条件方面,不良行为得以矫正。1973年,美国生物反馈专家Birk L 应用生物反馈技术研究治疗癫痫、哮喘、紧张性头痛、偏头疼,取得较好效果,并第一次提出行为医学之词。 1977年2月,以Schwarz 和weiss在等人为代表的医学家在美国Yale大学召开了第一次行为医学大会,并第一次提出了行为医学的定义。1978年,出版了世界第一本行为医学刊物:《行为医学杂志》;1990年在瑞典成立了国际行为医学学会。1989年,成立我国中华医学会行为医学与生物反馈分会,1990年10月,在天津召开全国行为医学学术会议。1992年6月出版我国的行为医学刊物《中国行为医学科学》。1992年8月在山东青岛举行第二次全国会议,学会正式更名中华医学会行为医学分会。2008年,我国正式加入国际行为医学学会。 研究表明,除生物、社会和自然因素外,不良的心理、行为因素亦是致病的重要因素,人类的疾病均与自身生活习惯、行为方式等密切相关。在我国,占前三位死因顺位的心血管疾病、脑血管疾病和肿瘤的病因中,人类的生活方式和行为因素已超过生物因素、环境因素而成为第一位与死亡有关的重要因素。随着社会的进步和发展、医学模式的转变及人们对健康的追,行为医学将越来越被重视。因此,学习、研究行为医学具有非常重要的意义。 医学读书 心得体会 范文4:《医学的历史》读书心得 《医学的历史》是由希望出版社出版的,英国罗伯特•玛格特写的一本专门史读物。全书分为了八大章节,简单地介绍了医学的历史。全本书图文并茂,穿插着医者们的 故事 ,与当时的历史背景,是一本非常不错的历史读物。 第一章原始人类,其中只有一个小节,巫术与经验医学。主要介绍了原始时期,巫医合二为一的医生起源。 第二章早期文明,分为四个小节,分别是美索不达米亚、中东、古印度医学和中国传统医学。主要介绍了原始的、没有系统化的,早期的医学在各个非西方的文明古国的发展。 第三章古典时代,分为六个小节,分别是古希腊、西方医学之父、希波克拉底之后、医药 百科 学家、妇产科之父和盖伦。主要介绍了欧洲古典时代,几位杰出的医学人物,以及其当时成就和对后世的影响。 第四章黑暗时代,分为罗马的衰落、阿拉伯学术的兴起、萨勒诺的学校、大学的创立、瘟疫和传染病、行会、药房和医院。主要介绍了,黑暗时代,西欧医学遭遇发展的缓慢的尴尬局面,和阿拉伯医学吸收其他文明成果后的异军突起。这与当时大部分科技的发展遭到的际遇,大致相同。 第五章文艺复兴,分为七小节,分别是医学和人道主义、艺术和解剖学、盖伦学派的终结、梅毒和感染理论、帕拉塞萨斯、伯雷和他外科学以及产科学。这一章,主要介绍了文艺复兴期间,医学的蓬勃发展及其成果。当中还特别提到了达•芬奇,称之为“解剖学之父”。 第六章17世纪,分外五小节,分别是科学的黄金时代、哈维与血液循环、物理医学和化学医学、第一个显微镜学家和发展与偏颇。而在17世纪的医学发展中,哈维的血液循环论,无疑是一个重大的突破。而引进物理学和化学到医学中来,无疑是对过去医学的经验主义一种质的飞跃,医学也进入了可以量化的时代。而医德的重要,也在这个特别的世纪被重提。 第七章18世纪,分为五小节,分别是启蒙时代、博哈弗和追随者们、现代病理学奠基人、催眠术和顺势疗法和牛痘接种的发现。其中又一个有趣的关于万物有灵论,在医学研究方法上的争辩。 第八章近代以来,分为十小节,分别是硕果时代、巴黎学派、麻醉术、军事医学与现代护理、消毒、公共卫生、战胜感染、x射线出现以后、神经疾病和精神疾病和医学的过去与未来。消毒的重要性被发现,无疑是医学史上的又一次重要飞跃。从此以后,因医学器材不洁,而带来的细菌感染,逐渐减小。而x射线发现后,从此在不解剖的情况下,观察活体的内部结构,不再成为问题。在治疗肿瘤时,更新增加了放射疗法。 读完以后,对医学一路走来的历史,有了初步了解。可惜,里面的中医,只是在医学的历史中早期文明一章里,占很小的一部分而已。 医学读书心得体会范文5《西方医学史》读书心得 简单地说,世上行医的人大致可以分为几类:医匠(为赚钱陌生而行医)、医生(为治病救人而行医)、医师(为弘扬医学而行医)、医学家(为人类健康而行医) 大致说来,广义的医学在数千年的发展过程中,先后经历的三个不同的、相互交替的阶段:神道医学(Magical or Religious Medicine)、经验医学(Empirical Medicine)和理性医学(Scientific Medicine). 神道医学:将人类疾病归因于神灵的惩罚或魔鬼的作祟,而以祈祷、驱邪为主要手段,球的疾病缓解。 经验医学:医生运用自己的感官,对患者所表现的症状进行直接观察、描述,根据经验作出适当诊断,基本上派出了超自然因素(魔鬼、神灵)致病的可能。医生根据对患者的观察与分析,结合自己或他人的经验,使用药物或其他相应的辅助治疗,获得疾病的缓解。也被称为感性医学。 理性医学:完全排除了超自然的致病因素,以生物科学坐位临床实践的基础,又被称为生物医学或现代医学。



欧洲先进的世界观传入我国后,究竟曾产生多大的影响?我们从《明史》中便能觅得踪迹。《明史·天文志》说:“明神宗时,西洋人利玛窦等入中国,精于天文历算之学,发微阐奥,运算制器,前此未尝有也。兹掇其要论,著于篇而实录所载。”〔(7)〕“掇其要论”,既然是利氏等人的理论,当然包括艾儒略,若将《外纪》卷一之首“五大洲总图界度解”中的观点与《天文志》、《外国传》记载对比,不难发现,主要影响至少可表现在四个方面。 其一,大地乃圆形球体,踞于天体(宇宙)的中心。《外纪》说:“天体一大圆也,地则圆中一点,定居中心,永不移动。盖唯中心离天最远之处,万重所趋,而地体至重就下,故不得不定居中心。稍有所移,反与天体一边相近,不得为最下处矣……可见天圆地方,乃语其动静之德,非以形论也。地既圆形,则无处非中,所谓东西南北之分,不过就人所居立名。”对此,《天文志》汲取并发挥说:“楚词言:圜则九重,孰营度之。浑天家言:天包地如卵裹黄,则天有九重,地为浑圆,古人已言之矣。西洋人之说,即不背于古而有验于天,故表出之。”艾氏承认地理大发现所取得的成就,宣传大地是球形这是进步的,但终没有跳出宗教神学的束缚,鼓吹在天体中,地球“定居中心,永不移动”,对波兰天文学家哥白尼的《天体运行论》(1543)和他的同胞、意大利著名天文学家布鲁诺所宣布的太阳系及地球围绕太阳旋转的科学理论(1581)讳莫如深,暴露出他世界观的局限性,故未能引导我国学者科学地认识太阳系。 其二,世界分为五大洲。《明史·外国传》说:“意大利亚,居大西洋中,自古不通中国。万历时其国人利玛窦至京师为《万国全图》,言天下有五大洲。第一曰亚细亚洲,凡百余国而中国居其一;第二曰欧罗巴洲,中凡七十余国而意大里亚居其一;第三曰利未亚洲,亦百余国;第四曰亚墨利加洲,地更大,以境土相连分为南北二洲;最后得墨瓦泥加洲,为第五。”自古以来,我国传统文化一直认为天下分九洲。故世界分为五大洲的新颖观点,对明末清初知识分子产生较大影响,如吴承恩在他的神话小说《西游记》第一回中说:“感盘古开辟,三皇治世,五帝定伦,世界之间,遂分为四大部洲:曰东胜神洲,曰西牛贺洲,曰南赡部洲,曰北具芦洲。”在谈到猴王寻师时说:“忽行西洋大海,他想海外必有神仙,独自个依前作筏,又飘过西海,直到西牛贺洲地界。”〔(8)〕吴承恩将世界分为东西南北四大洲,各洲之间都有大海相隔,去西牛贺洲要漂西洋大海,显然吸收了明代中西海上往来及世界地理知识的营养,从而构思创造了神话小说中的四大部洲。


如果评选中国最优秀的杂志,我相信中国国家地理一定会入选,不仅仅是精美的印刷,优美的图片,更有历史的厚重和深刻的人文关怀。 当然这些优点大家都知道了,读了这么久,我主要想写写这本杂志的不足,虽然这些不足有点鸡蛋里挑骨头的意思。 一,就是受中国国情影响,有些只能唱赞歌,不能提异议,这点不是杂志的原因,而是国情的原因,所以就不多谈了。 二,广告。虽然广告图片很美很有创意,但是读者购买杂志是为了更好的阅读而不是看广告。希望杂志社把广告归到一起,不要在正文中突然插广告,这很影响阅读心情的。再优美的广告如果突兀的出现,也会破坏读者沉醉的心情。 三,文笔。文笔差异很大,文章的作者有的是专家,有的是亲身经历者,有的是旅游者。这些人也许是最尖端的专家,有的经历了最令人激动的心情,有的见多识广,但是这些跟能否用一支笔将美丽,惊心动魄等心情表达出来完全是两码事。有些文章平铺直叙,就像是看最蹩脚的旅游景点介绍。最烂的是同一专题的作者年龄差异极大,前一篇文章还在以年轻人的视角写,然后突然就是一个老者再说自己当年。这样阅读起来没有连续感。如果不能解决这个,能否在每个作者下面标注下这个作者的生平简介,不要这么突兀。 四,相片。相片可以说是这本杂志的灵魂,但显然杂志选用的相片有很多流于形式,甚至是凑数用的。我想这个可能是作者自己的供稿,或者杂志社能够选择的杂志相片过少。因为杂志中的地图实在是做的很好。希望杂志社能够有自己的专职摄像师,向美国的地理杂志看齐。要知道,相片是这种地理杂志的重中之重。






中华护理杂志。全称是Chinese Journal of Nursing,此杂志为中华护理学会主办、国内外公开发行的综合性护理学学术期刊。


Impression after reading of " Anna Karenina Tolstoy " " Anna Karenina Tolstoy " is the second milepost type novel written by Tolstoy in 1873 – 1877. The Works constructs by two parallel and interconnected clues: one is Anna and Karenin, Levine family, marriage and love entanglement;one is Levine and his love life and manor reform by. Anna is a society lady, young and beautiful, her pursuitis individuality liberation and freedom of love, but her husband is a nature indifferent " bureaucratic machine ". The novel exposes Russian high society is ugly and hypocrisy in sixty or seventy time in nineteenth Century , but also expresses the complex moral exploration and thinking carried by the author in the social transition period. 《安娜·卡列尼娜.托尔斯泰》读后感 《安娜·卡列尼娜.托尔斯泰》是托尔斯泰第二部里程碑式的长篇小说,创作于 1873—1877年。作品由两条既平行又相互联系的线索构成:一条是安娜与卡列宁、渥伦斯基之间的家庭、婚姻和爱情纠葛;一条是列文和吉娣的爱情生活及列文进行的庄园改革。安娜是一个上流社会的贵妇人,年轻漂亮,追求个性解放和爱情自由,而她的丈夫却是一个性情冷漠的“官僚机器 ”。小说揭露了19世纪六七十年代俄罗斯上流社会的丑恶与虚伪,同时也表达了作者处在社会转型期时所进行的复杂的道德探索和思想探索。

Impression after reading of " Anna Karenina Tolstoy " " Anna Karenina Tolstoy " is the second milepost type novel written by Tolstoy in 1873 – 1877. The Works constructs by two parallel and interconnected clues: one is Anna and Karenin, Levine family, marriage and love entanglement;one is Levine and his love life and manor reform by. Anna is a society lady, young and beautiful, her pursuitis individuality liberation and freedom of love, but her husband is a nature indifferent " bureaucratic machine ". The novel exposes Russian high society is ugly and hypocrisy in sixty or seventy time in nineteenth Century , but also expresses the complex moral exploration and thinking carried by the 《安娜·卡列尼娜.托尔斯泰》是托尔斯泰第二部里程碑式的长篇小说,创作于 1873—1877年。作品由两条既平行又相互联系的线索构成:一条是安娜与卡列宁、渥伦斯基之间的家庭、婚姻和爱情纠葛;一条是列文和吉娣的爱情生活及列文进行的庄园改革。安娜是一个上流社会的贵妇人,年轻漂亮,追求个性解放和爱情自由,而她的丈夫却是一个性情冷漠的“官僚机器 ”。


My RoomThis is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase, a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my shoe under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside.我的房间这是我的房间。 在窗口附近有一张书桌。 我经常在那做我的家庭作业。 您能看有些书,有些花在花瓶里,一把格尺和笔。 在墙壁在书桌有猫的图片。 有一个时钟在我的床上的末端。 我通常把我的鞋子放在我的床下。 当然有一把椅子在书桌前面。 我坐那里,并且我能看外面的树和路SkatingMom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your feet again and keep on moving, you are very good!滑冰妈妈买了我一双冰鞋鞋子在我的第五个生日。 从那时起,我爱好滑冰。 它不仅使我越来越加强,而且帮助我知道生活许多真谛。 我知道摔倒是正常的,并且,如果只有你能摔倒后再站起来,就是非常好!The SeaWhat do you know about the sea? Some people know about it, but others don’t. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day, the sea is very big. In the world, there is more sea than land. Do you know Hainan Island? It’s really very nice. We can see beaches, trees and the sea. We can swim and visit a lot of beautiful places.海你对海知道些什么? 某些人知道关于它,但其他不。 海看起来美丽在一个美好的晴天,海是非常大的。 在世界上,比土地有更多海。 您是否知道海南岛? 那非常好。 我们能看海滩、树和海。 我们可以游泳和参观很多美好的地方。ComputersComputers are changing our life. You can do a lot of things with a computer. Such as, you can use a computer to write articles, watch video CDs, play games and do office work. But the most important use of a computer is to join the don’t need to leave home to borrow books from a library or to do shopping in a help us live a more convenient life.计算机计算机改变我们的生活。 您能做很多事用计算机。 例如,您能使用计算机写文章,手表录影CDs,戏剧比赛和完成办公室工作。 但对计算机的最重要的用途是加入Internet.我们不需要离开家去从图书馆借用书或在超级市场做购物。计算机帮助我们居住更加方便的生活。SmilingI think smiling is as important as sunshine. Smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. If you aren’t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. Someone may say, “But I don’t feel happy.” Then I would say, “Please smile as you do when you are happy or play with your friends happily. You will really be happy again.”Smiling can let you have more I say, smiling is like a flower. It will give you happiness.微笑我认为微笑是一样重要的象阳光。 微笑是象阳光,因为它可能使人愉快和有一个早晨好。 如果您不是愉快的,您能微笑,您然后将感觉愉快。 某人也许说, “但是我不感到愉快”。 然后我会说, “请微笑,您,当您愉快地是愉快或戏剧与您的朋友。 您真正地再将是愉快的”。微笑可能让您有更多朋友。如此我说,微笑是象花。 它将给您幸福。SundayIt was Sunday and I didn't have to go to school. I finished my homework the day before. So I decided to help mother do housework. I washed some clothes after I got up. Then I went shopping with a basket. I bought some meat, eggs and some vegetables in the market. After I came back, I started to cook dinner for the whole family. In the evening, I sat at the table and began to write down on my notebook what I had done during the day.星期天它是星期天,并且我没有必须去学校。 我前一天完成了我的家庭作业。 如此我决定帮助做家事。 在我起来了之后,我洗了一些衣裳。 然后我带着篮子去购物。 我在市场上买了一些肉、蛋和有些菜。 在我回来了之后,我开始为全家烹调晚餐。 在晚上,我在我的笔记本写下什么我白天做了什么。春天:SpringSpring is a delightful season. The temperatures are moderate, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors. This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more often. Smaller children like to bring their kites out to the spacious square. Also I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months.春天是个让人欣喜的季节.气温适中,挂满绿叶的树和盛开的花朵给城市增添了明亮的色彩.在这个时节里,我们可以穿上轻便靓丽的衣服经常出门去了.小孩子们则喜欢在广阔的天空中放风筝.在城里呆了一个冬天之后,我也喜欢回到村子里度假.夏天:Summer is the great season for all sports in the open air. It is the season for football which is often called the national sport because of its popularity. I usually watch television and read the newspaper reports about the football results of the little leagues. During the summer I like to go to the beach often because it is very close to my home. I usually go there during the summer vacation to relax after many months in school in the city. I feel very comfortable with the familiar quiet life of the villagers.夏天是户外运动最好的季节.这是一个橄榄球的季节,橄榄球由于广受欢迎被称为全民运动.我常常看电视,看报纸,从报道中获得小联盟橄榄球赛的比赛结果.夏日里,我喜欢经常去海滩,因为那里离我家不远.在城里的学校呆了几个月后,暑假我常常去那里放松一下.此处有我很熟悉的村民们的宁静生活,这让我倍感舒适.秋天:AutumnFor me the autumn or fall starts in September when school starts its new term. I usually do some shopping. The mild weather made it very nice to study outside under the trees in a small park close to my house. I like to look up the leaves changing colors from green to red and yellow, and then brown colors. The park also has many bright fall flowers; sometimes I see a small squirrel coming down from the tree to hunt for food on the ground. On the weekends, I sometimes like to fly my kite. Usually on the street corners you can see street peddlers selling warm baked sweet potatoes. This is a nice time of the year.我觉得秋天是在9月份新学期开始的时候来临.我常常要去买一些东西.宜人的天气让我感觉在离家不远的小公园的树下学习是件非常惬意的事.我喜欢抬起头看蓍枝头上的树叶由绿变红,变黄,然后再变褐.公园里还有许多鲜艳的秋花.有时我会见到小松鼠从树上跳到地上觅食.在周末,我有时会去放风筝.在街头的拐角处,常常会有街头小贩在卖烤红薯.秋天是一年中的好时节.冬天:WinterWinter is very cold and windy in most parts of China. I usually look forward to the Spring Festival and the winter holiday when I can go to the south where the climate is warmer during these holidays. Also, I look forward to seeing my grandparents and my friends. Winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood. In the city, I usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of eh cold weather outside.中国大部分地区的冬天是即冷又有风的。我总是盼望着春节或寒假,到时候我就可以去南方了,当地的气候在这时会暖和的多。我也盼望着去探望我的祖父母和我的朋友。冬天,每个人都怀着喜庆的心情。在城里,冬天的时候我经常待在家里尽情地看书,因为外面的天气非常的冷。


1<小王子>英语读后感[日期:2007-05-10] [字体:大 中 小] the Little Prince – A Tale of Love and Life Title: the Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince. As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids. On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth. Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. At that time a fox appears. The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend. At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him. From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose. At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake. “It’s too far. I can not carry this body with me. It’s too heavy.” he said. He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back. At the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly. Maybe it’s more significant for us to imagine, and for more, think over. One of the important characters is the rose. Growing on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her coquetry and vanity suffer the little prince a lot. In spite of they love each other, he soon becomes unhappy. On the time of his departure, he just knows she certainly loves him. The character of the little prince actually represents the children, and their native thoughts and deeds. On the contrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, such as the king, the businessman and the conceited man, they also reflect the defects in the grown-up’s world. The real theme of this fairy-tale with a little sadness, I guess, is the consequence of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “matters of consequence” of the grown-ups. Unbelievable, this little book moved me a lot. I seldom think about the true meaning of love and life before. Well, now I can say, with my short sixteen-year’s life experience, it’s like the stars in the sky that lit my heart. The little prince is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for children, but also for grown-ups, and our teenagers. Nevertheless, when I read this book, I feel a little sad – about ourselves, whom are losing more and more innocence2只有这篇最好。。。Yesterday, I read a book, the name of the book is《Dr Bethune》. Dr Bethune was a famous doctor From Canada. In 1938, he came to China. At that time , China was at war with Japan. He worked as a doctor in the Chinese army and saved many soldiers’ lives. He worked very hard and became sick. Dr Bethune died in 1939. He was only 49 years old. He was a good man and we remember him today. I think the book is very, very good!3雾都孤儿 英文读后感 Learn to love and care Here I am sitting on a couch alone, thinking about what I have just finished reading with tears of sadness filling my eyes and fire of indignation filling my heart, which revived my exhausted soul that has already been covered by the cruelty and the selfishness of the secular world for a long time. It is truly what I felt after reading Oliver Twist, written by the prominent British author Charles Dickens. the resonance between me and the book makes me feel not only the kindness and the wickedness of all the characters in the novel, but what this aloof society lacks, and what I lack deep inside. These supreme resources I’m talking about right now are somewhat different from minerals, oil that we usually mention. They’re abstract like feelings, and some kinds of spiritual stimulation that all of us desire anxiously from one another —— love and care. Those charitable figures whom Dickens created in the novel are really what we need in life. They showed love and care to others, just as the gentle rain from the sky fell upon the earth, which was carved into my heart deeply. Mr. Brownlow is one such person. the other day he had one of his elaborate watches stolen by two skilled teenage thieves, Artful Dodger and Charley Bates, and thought naturally it was Oliver, who was an orphan and forced to live with a gang of thieves, that had done it because he was the only one near by after the theft had taken place. Being wrathful, he caught Oliver, and sent him to the police station where the ill-tempered, unfair magistrates worked. Fortunately for him, Oliver was proved innocent by one onlooker afterwards. With sympathy, Mr. Brownlow took the injured, poor Oliver to his own home. There Oliver lived freely and gleefully for some months as if he were Mr. Brownlow’s own son. One day, however, Mr. Brownlow asked Oliver to return some books to the bookseller and to send some money for the new books that he had already collected. The thief Oliver once stayed with kidnapped him. After that he disappeared in Mr. Brownlow’s life. Searching for a while, Mr. Brownlow had to believe the fact that he had run away with his money. But dramatically, they came across each other again a few years later. Without hesitation, Mr. Brownlow took Oliver home for the second time not caring if he had done something evil. Perhaps most of us would feel confused about Mr. Brownlow’s reaction. But as a matter of fact, this is just the lesson we should learn from him. Jesus said in the Bible. “Forgive not seven times, but seventy-times seven.” Why is that? Because forgiveness is our ability to remove negative thoughts and neutralize them so our energy may be spent on doing what we came here for. We cannot move forward in our future if past issues cloud our thinking. Stop put Mr. Brownlow into the list of your models. Always give people a second chance no matter what they might have done. That’s also a substantial part of loving and caring others. then there are Mrs. Maylie and Rose, Oliver’s other benefactors. Maybe the reason they loved and cared Oliver was not because of forgiveness. In my point of view, it was trust. They had faith in Oliver when he was considered to be a filthy burglar who tried to break the front door of Maylie’s at midnight. But this wasn’t how these two ladies saw the whole thing. They denied Oliver’s crime immediately and listened attentively to Oliver’s own description of his miserable life. They were deeply touched by Oliver’s strong perseverance and astonishing vitality. Accordingly, they remedied Oliver’s body and heart and turned him into a different boy. He began to wear appropriate and clean suits which were tailor-made for him and receive education. As far as we can see, it is trust that helps us all live together without precaution. Sometimes trust can even lead us to miracles, which we often expect to come about, so why not trust? Trust yourself, trust others, and you’ll salute miracles every single day. In the novel, though the young Oliver again and again fell for conspiracies of those hideous thieves, who tried to torture Oliver’s body and poisoned Oliver’s heart intensely, he always lived on and tried hard to seek for his own life. Then I realized what supported him all through were actually beliefs. In most cases, what you believe is what you’ll become. Believe that you are unlimited, that you can do anything you commit to doing, and when you do, your accomplishments will know no bounds. You control your beliefs and that is how you ultimately control your life. It’s all dictated by your attitude. In the final analysis, love and care contain numerous forms, there are love of forgiveness, love of trust, etc. but they all come from your beliefs in life. When someone tells you he’s deceived you, forgive him anyway, when someone tells you what he’s done, trust him anyway, and when you face adversities while chasing your dreams, think about your beliefs, then what hinders you will become a piece of cake in no time. So find out “Olivers” in your life and do as Mr. Brownlow and Mrs. Maylie do: love them and care them, which cost nothing but save much. They enrich those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. They can be certain smallest words or actions, but the memory of them sometimes last forever. Charles Dickens said:“Love makes the world go around.” These immortal words have inspired and will keep on inspiring us to chant the melody of love and to say the prayer of care forevermore. Let us, therefore, enjoy life and treat other people lovingly. These principles are the roots and foundations of beliefs supporting this article and our mission together. 4简·爱 英文读后感(初中组一等奖) Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past. We remember her pursuit of justice. It’s like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side. We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in status、in property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality. We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidence… When we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality. Actually, she wasn’t pretty, and of course, the ordinary appearance didn’t make others feel good of her, even her own aunt felt disgusted with it. And some others even thought that she was easy to look down on and to tease, so when Miss Ingram met Jane Eyre, she seemed quite contemptuous, for that she was obviously much more prettier than ‘the plain and ugly governess’. But as the little governess had said: ‘Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!’ This is the idea of equality in Jane Eyre’s mind. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. Her idea of equality and self-respect impress us so much and let us feel the power inside her body. In my mind, though a person’s beauty on the face can make others once feel that one is attractive and charming, if his or her mind isn’t the same beautiful as the appearance, such as beauty cannot last for, when others find that the beauty which had charmed them was only a falsity, it’s not true, they will like the person no more. For a long time, only a person’s GREat virtue, a noble soul, a beautiful heart can be called as AN EVERLASTING BEAUTY, just as Kahill Gibran has said, that ‘Beauty is a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted’. I can feel that how beauty really is, as we are all fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but fleshly men, so we can’t distinguish whether a man is of nobleness or humbleness, but as there are great differences in our souls, and from that, we can know that whether a man is noble or ordinary, and even obscure, that is, whether he is beautiful or not. Her story makes us thinking about life and we learn much from her experience, at least, that is a fresh new recognition of the real beauty.



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On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " ofHemingway , famouswriter of . ,. I admire the old fishermans will in thenovel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremittingspirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an old fisherman almostthe sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a bigfish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a fewdays, just find this is a big Malins fish which exceeds several times of onesown fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win ,does not give up yet.

Because big Malin fish fishlike smell of wound attract odd herds of sharkvie for the foodagain later, but the old man is still unwilling to give up likethis, stress the tight encirclement finally , take the large fish back tofishing port , let other fishmen admire it endlessly. The old fisherman thinksthat as I read ": It is really too close from here to coast, perhaps there arebigger fish in the farther place ……" When,admire very much because this oldfisherman in the persons, because play not for some fishing he already at thismoment I, but he is not satisfied with the existing state of affairs , butadvance towards greater goal.

Seeing us again, meet some little difficulties at ordinary times , all ofus complain bitterly. We are the future of the motherland, should be asambitious as this old man, go to pursue well , greater goal. Read as me " bigMalin fish is it enclose light fishing boat move about , is it get mast to twinecable fast to begin, old man right hand hold steel fork high , jump out in aflash , affording to try ones best above water in it, a sound of wail hasfinished the life of the loud fish, it floats on the surface of water silently……"When,the I one heart is too fall like pieces of stone not big. I admire thatkind of fearing of the old man at all , unremitting spirit very much, thoughknow rivals strength is very strong , but he has not shrunk back at all , meetsthe difficulty. Just because there is this kind of spirit, the old fisherman hasobtained the victory of the trial of strength of this life and death. We shouldstudy the old fishermans spirit too in life, do the thing and is not afraid ofthe difficulty , could achieve success . Read big blood offensive smell of fishsmell one shark , fall over each other to visit to vie for the food, left handof old man pull a muscle just, he can only use right hand, can weapon attackedto used for defend oneself with stick , mouth of swordfish that catcheverything, and has driven away this herd of shark finally. But big meat of fishtake into big half already, but old man criticize ones own left hand " when thework this when have a rest " humorously also, I am subdued by old mansoptimistic spirit too.

In life, some losses are unavoidable, we should treat the optimisticattitude , cant worry about petty gain or loss . Finally, the novel sees with ateenager that old fisherman has 18 feet of big long Malins fish totally in thetolerance , the ones that have described this fish are enormous again, provethat old fishermans difficulty overcome is big, than ordinary. Old fishermansspirit that makes great efforts to struggle fearless of danger and difficultythat the novel has been extolled, we should be like him too, can t be satisfiedwith the current situation , should be positive upwards, it should beunremitting to do anything, it must not give up halfway to meeting difficultyshould meet the difficulty. Only in this way, we could obtain greater successand victory .








(3)书设计合理,字迹工整规范。一个中学英语教师应在教学工作中充满生机和活力,富有创新意识和超前意识,对待教学实践中所遇到问题应经常反思,并保持探索的习惯。创新在本质上是一种超越,要越过传统和现实以及自我的障碍。教师如果富有创新意识和创新能力,能使学生的创造能力在潜移默化中不断提高。 中学英语教师在教学过程中会遇到很多意想不到的问题,这就要求中学英语教师进行反思。上完一节课后,静静地坐在办公桌前,从容地整理自己的教学思路,反思自己的教学行为,总结自己的教学得失。使自己的教学更上一个台阶!









商务英语口语实训已经结束了,通过为期两周的学习,我受益匪浅,口语能力得到了一定的提高,同时还学到了许多英语知识。 本实训旨在使学生更加重视英语口语训练并掌握口语表达的有效技巧,使学生进一步强化英语口语能力以适应职业的需要,从而培养较强的商务英语口语实际交际能力。通过本实训,介绍几种有效提高听力和口语的学习方法,力图克服学生开口难的畏惧心理,最终为学生提高商务英语的应用能力、增强商务环境下的英语口头沟通能力提供具有建设性的语言学习启示,从而建立起具有持续性的语言学习能力。

本次商务英语口语实训主要学习了国际音标和情景剧练习。通过这两大部分的训练,培养了我们用英语朗读各种题材书面材料的能力,培养我们在没有文字凭借的情况下用英语表达自己的观点的能力,清楚而逻辑的论证自己的观点的能力,培养在特定的商务情境下不借助文字辅助资料进行连贯而得体的交谈的能力。 实训要求我们认真参与、刻苦训练,在准备阶段能运用各种工具解决所遇到的问题,必要时能进行成功地团结合作,在检查中能自如发挥,独立完成所要求的任务。

学习的第一大部分是国际音标。标准英语中共有48个音标,其中20个为元音音标,28个辅音音标。发音时声带振动且气流在通路上不受发音器官阻挡的是元音。发音时气流在通路上受到发音器官阻挡的是辅音。老师首先讲解了基础音标的读法,通过重新学习语音音标,让我对音标有了新的认识,发现了我以前在读音标时存在许多错误。对于口语中常出现的惯例性的特定读法,老师也给与我们及时的改正。让我们的英语口语更流畅,更标准。 在学习了基本音标的基础上,有根据这些音标列举出常见的单词、短语、例句,让我们能更好的消化这一读音,让我们的发音更标准。 通过音标的学习让我认识到准确的学习音标为我的英语口语发音打下了良好的基础,成为我学习英语的优势。通过英语音标记单词是快速记背单词的最有效的一种方法。如果熟练掌握了英语音标发音的规律,就能很好的背下单词。通过基础语音训练让我确信它确实带给我很大的改变,可以培养我的语感。而英语学习的最高境界就是语感的形成。这不仅让我们的口语变得更流畅、标准,也会在我们的英语笔试考试中起到极其重要的作用。


在面试时应做的准备工作,包括:面试前、面试中、面试后。 通过面试的口语对话练习,让我了解到面试时的常用语。通过把学到的英语知识运用到实际中,锻炼了我们的口语能力。同时面试也是我们步入社会的第一步,对我们的将来起着极其重要的作用。第二章《reception and visit》学习的内容主要是如何向外宾致欢迎词,如何与外商进行对话,以及与外商讨论公司合作的有关事宜。 通过学习这一部分的知识,使客人更好地了解我们的公司,相信我们的公司,才能更好的进行交流合作。第三章《meeting and organization》学习的主要内容是组织会议的流程,包括会议的开始,回顾过去,陈述会议目标,重申会议重点,提醒大家注意时间,评论与反馈,结束会议等等。第四章《negotiation》主要讲的是谈判的一些技巧,比如如何开始谈判,如何理解和赞同对方或反对和不赞同对方,如何进行讨价还价,如何结束谈判等等。第五章《marketing and sales》市场销售是对外贸易也是商务活动中重要组成部分,其中包括市场调查、产品介绍、销售产品、售后服务等方面。只有进行良好的市场调查才能更好的销售商品。

确的介绍产品,并安排正确的销售手段、提供最好的售后服务。只有做好这些,才能销售好商品。第六章《advertising and public relations》主要讲了公司怎样去做一些广告宣传,比如如何确定广告的目标和战略,如何制定广告的预算,如何设计广告的信息及如何处理公关关系等等。第七章《business telephone》主要讲的是当你不能亲自前往时,电话可以帮助你实现预定宾馆房间、进行商务预约、寻求商品信息、上午留言等方面的要求。,这样既可以节约时间,又可以不影响到商务活动。同时也学习了如何根据传真的信息进行电话通话,如何在与外国客户的交谈中获取更多的信息。第八章《business dinner》这一课主要学习的是餐桌上如何点餐以及正确的餐桌礼仪。 良好的餐桌礼仪能够给我们的顾客留下良好的印象,获得更多的青睐。给我们带来无限的商机。第九章《business presentation》在进行产品介绍前要通过三步选好自己的主题。一是确定为什么要选择这件商品,既要容易表达也要有足够的特点。二是要明确听众是什么类型。如果是同行,就要提供更多的信息。如果只是顾客,就要提出吸引他们的地方。三是明确听众知道些什么关于产品的知识,想知道些什么。通过这些过程,一定可以做出吸引人眼球的产品介绍会。



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