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我们平时过日子精打细算,可却从来没算过,把时间用来生气,对自己的身心有着多么巨大的损失; 我们平时省吃俭用,节省钱财,可却从没想过,节省无聊的时间,用在有意义的事情上。做什么生意都会有赚有赔,只有一样生意只赔不赚, 那就是生别人的气,伤自己的身体,就是利用闲暇时间,生产八卦是非、无聊空虚这个坏东西。









门前老树长新芽,院里枯木又开花,时间都去哪了,一不小心就流走了。杨柳枯了,有再青的时候,桃花谢了,有再开的时候,时间走了,可没有再来的时候,“君不见,高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪”,诗仙李白的感慨,人人都有吧,世上没有什么比时间更宝贵的,时间就是生命啊,聪明的你,可要好好利用它,让时间的土壤,生产的不是怨,而是恕,不是恨,而是爱,生产出人人喜爱的真善美来,如此 ,在有限的生命时段,我们才能活出人生的质量,活出生命的温度。















It was a cold winter farmer found a snake on the ground. It was nearly dead by cold. The Farmer was a kind man. Hepicked up thesnake carefully and put it under the coat. Soon the snake Began to move and it raised its mouth and bit the farmer. "Oh, My god!" said the farmer, "I save your life, but you thank me in that way. You must die." Then he killed the snake with a stick. At last he died, too.

Today is Susan's birthday. She is nine years old. Her friends are in her home now. There is a birthday party in the evening. Look! Mary is listening to the music. And Tom is drinking orange juice. Jack and Sam are playing cards on the floor. Lily and Amy are watching TV. Someone is knocking at the door. It's Henry. He brings a big teddy bear for Susan. The teddy bear is yellow. Susan is very happy. All the children are happy. They sing a birthday song for Susan.

Tony is seven years old. He is an honest and polite boy. One day, it was Sunday. Tony, his sister and his mother stayed at home. He was watching TV and his sister was reading books. His mother was washing clothes. Just then, his father came back with a bag

of pears. Tony likes pears very much and he wanted

to eat one. His mother gave him four and said, "Let's share them." "Which pear do you want, Tony?" asked his mother. "The biggest one, mum." "What?" said his mother, "You should be polite and want the smallest one." "Should I tell a lie just to be polite, mum?"

One day a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth was crossing a plank over a stream. As he walked along, he looked into water, and he saw his reflection. He thought this was another dog carrying

a piece of meat. And he felt he would like to have two pieces. So he snapped at the reflection in the water, and of course, as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat disappeared quickly.

Today is Sunday! On Sundays, I usually play the flute. My father usually reads the newspaper. My mother usually cleans the house. But today my mother is in bed. She is ill. My father has to do the housework. Now, he is cleaning the house. "Sam, can you help me?" "Yes, Dad!" Now, we're washing the car. Where's my sister, Amy? She is playing my flute. What a lucky girl!

There are many apple trees in a garden. They're good friends. One day an old tree is ill. There are many pests in the tree. Leaves of the tree turn yellow. The old tree feels very sad and unwell. Another tree sends for a doctor for him. At first, they send for a pigeon, but she has no idea about it. Then they send for an oriole, and she can't treat the old tree well. Then they send for a woodpecker. She is a good doctor. She pecks a hole in the tree and eats lots of pests. At last the old tree becomes better and better. Leaves turn green and green.

Air is all around us. It is around us as we walk and play. From the time we were born air is around us on every side. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cannot live for more than a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working or running we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air. We live in air, but we cannot see it. We can only feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in front of your face,close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air.

When Adam and Eve wereexpelledfrom Eden, there was an incident when the flames of a blazing sword of an angel, who had sent them away, burned a birds' nest.

The birds were all burned to death, but a new bird was born from one of theruddilyheated eggs. This means that the unique 'Phoenix' was born.

The phoenix builds its nest in Arabia, and there is a myth that it set fire to its own nest once every 100 years. Among those ruddy eggs heated by the fire, a new Phoenix comes to be born again.

The phoenix flies as fast as a ray of light, its feathers are ofdazzlingbeauty, and the sound of its voice is very sweet.

When a mother sits next to her baby's cradle and dandles the baby, the Phoenix comes down to the baby's pillow, and the glaring feathers of Phoenix make a halo around the baby's head. The phoenix flies around rooms of poor people,sprinklessunshine, and carries the fragrance of violets into the rooms.

The phoenix stays not only in Arabia but it flies around the far North Pole, broad field, above the rivers where the sunshine falls in coal mines and in our front yards where beautiful flowers bloom.

On the carriage of the Greek tragic poet, Thespis, the Phoenix became atalkativecrow, for the troubadours of Island it played the harp disguised as a swan, and on the shoulder of Shakespeare the phoenix whispered "eternity" as it was the Odin's crow.

The phoenix sang beautiful songs, and people kissed its shining fallen feathers from its wings. Even though the Phoenix came from glorious Paradise, people may not see the Phoenix because they are busy with seeingsparrows.

The bird of the Paradise! Born once every 100 years, dies in flames! When it was born under the tree of wisdom in the garden of the Paradise, God kissed the Phoenix and gave him a name. That was "Poetry and Art".

John is a Canadian. He lives in a tall building in the city of Toronto (多伦多).There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He uses a lift to go up and down.

John works very hard. He goes to work early. Every day he gets out of the lift. Then he walks to a bus stop. The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from his home.

He usually catches the number 11 bus to work, but sometimes he goes by train. John works in a factory about ten kilometers from his home. He starts working at 8:30, and finishes at 4:45. He gets back home at a quarter past five. He gets into the lift, and he goes up to the twelfth floor. Then he gets out of the lift and climbs up to the fifteenth floor on foot.

There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. She is my good friend. All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneer.

Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. It made the old lady out of patience. At last she could not hold any more, uttering. "Trust me, Sir, and trust the money. They are real US dollars. They are directly from America."



第一篇:风和太阳(The Wind And The Sun)

One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”

“We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.”

So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.

“I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.

(有一天风跟太阳说: “看看那个沿着路上走的人.我可以比你快让他把披风脱下来.)

(“我们等着看吧,”太阳说, “我让你先试.)


(“我放弃了,”风最后说, “我无法让他把披风脱下来.”然后由太阳试试看.他尽可能地晒他.不久,那个人很热就把披风脱下来了.)

第二篇:Fox and cock狐狸和公鸡

One morning a fox sees a cock. He thinks," This is my breakfast.''

He comes up to the cock and says, "I know you can sing very well. Can you sing for me?'' The cock is glad. He closes his eyes and begins to sing. The fox sees that and catches him in his mouth and carries him away. The people in the field see the fox. They cry," Look, look! The fox is carrying the cock away.'' The cock says to the fox," Mr. Fox, do you understand? The people say you are carrying their cock away .Tell them it is yours. Not theirs.''

The fox opens his mouth and says," The cock is mine, not yours.' 'Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.






A wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, "Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you.

"Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly?"

"I would have no objection," said the wolf, "if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work."

So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.

On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog's neck.

He felt quite surprised, and asked him why it was like that?

"Oh, it is nothing," said the dog. "Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get used to it."

"Is that the only reason?" said the wolf. "Then good-bye to you, my friend. I would rather be free."








1. Hi! My name is Harry. I live with my family in this cave. I like to make new things.


2. This is Chief Grump. He is always mad about something. Tomorrow is his birthday. Maybe my present can make him happy. Wow! I have never seen anything like it!

这是Chief Grump。他经常发火。明天是他的生日。大概我的礼物会让他开心吧。哇!我从没见过像它这么棒的礼物。

3. It's time for Chief Grump's party. He gets lots of presents. A rock, some wood, a fish and a bone. Chief Grump says, "I do not want these!" He throws them down the hill.

是Chief Grump生日宴会的时间了。他说,“我不想要什么生日宴!”他把所有的东西扔下了山。

4. Now Chief Grump opens my present. "What does it do?" Everyone looks at my new thing. But no one can guess what it does. Not even me.

然后Chief Grump打开了我的礼物。“这是用来干嘛的?”所有人都看着我的新发明。但是没人能猜出这是个什么东西。就连我自己也不知道。

5. Chief Grump says, "It does not do anything!" He kicks it down the hill. Hey! Now I know what this new thing does. It rolls!

Chief Grump说,“它什么用处也没有!”他把它踢下了山。嗨!我终于知道了这个新发明的用处了。它可以滚!

6. I take it back. I put something here. I add something there. Maybe Chief Grump will like it now. I tell him, "Sit here. Put your feet there." I give him a push.

我把它拿回来。我在上面放了些东西。又添置了些东西。可能Chief Grump现在就会喜欢它了。我告诉他说,“请坐。把您的'脚放在上面。”我推了他一下。

7. Look! I make something really new. And I make Chief Grump smile!

瞧!我真的发明了新玩意。我让Chief Grump笑了。


1. "Clifford, I have to go out now. Will you help me take care of Wally?" says Emily. Clifford wags his tail.


2. Cleo and T-bone come to visit. "Wally is so lovely. Can we take him out and play with him?" says Cleo. "OK!" says Clifford.


3. Clifford opens the cage, and Wally runs away. Clifford and his friends run after him. T-Bone is stuck in a log.


4. Where is Wally? The three dogs run here and there, but still can't find Wally. "There he is!" says Clifford. "Gosh, he's fast!" says Cleo.


5. "Where is he going?" asks T-Bone. "I don't know. But I know where I would go if I were a rabbit." says Clifford. They run to the vegetable farm. And there is Wally!


6. "He'll never want to go home. And I'm too tired to catch him," says Cleo.


7. "We can't catch Wally. But we can catch a carrot." says Clifford.


8. Wally runs after Clifford all the way home. Wally wants to eat the carrot, so he goes back to his cage.



'm a little black puppy. I live in a pet shop. Soon I will have a kid of my own.


2. This is a boy for me. He says hello. He pats my head. Woof! Woof! He takes me home.


3. I start taking care of my boy right away. I keep him clean.


4. I teach him about tug-of-war .


5. My boy is not good at everything. He can not dig very fast.


6. He can not hide under the bed.


7. He can not run as fast as I can.


8. I run and run. Oh, no! I do not see my boy. Is he lost? I look everywhere, but I can't find him.


9. Now I see my boy. He sees me too. Woof! Woof! I tell my boy he must not get lost again.


House chores are boring routine stuff that everybody laundry is laundry career began when my wife started assigning me little duties in the name of gender no time,I've become an expert in laundering.

With these new washing machines,turning stinking clothes back smelling good takes almost no work at other tasks that put me baking in the sun,sweating,burning,and getting myself all oily,washing clothes gives me the comfort of the laundry room and involves only pushing take credits for 2 hours even though I only spend 15 minutes on my part.

Actually,doing laundry is not as simple as I I started reading the labels on those found that some like to be washed cold while others like it clors don't mix well,expecially in hot everything should be dried in the dryer,and women's clothes tend to be less was put off duty from ironing since I made a hole through my suit the other day.

But after doing if for so long,laundry is now a no-brainer for it doesn't get I handwash my wife's more delicate underwear with some imagination,it gets pretty interesting.

The Wilsons arrived (到达) at Spring Town at four o’clock. They looked for Spring Street, because their friends, the Johnsons, lived at No. 25 Spring Street. They found Spring Street soon. The Johnsons” house was near the post office. Mr Wilson parked (停车) his car in front of the house. Mr and Mrs Johnson came out of the house and welcomed their visitors. They were very happy. Mr Johnson asked Jean and Jerry,” Did you enjoy your trip (旅行)?” Jean said, “ yes, we enjoyed it very much. The town (镇) is beautiful.” Mrs Johnson said, “ Put your things down and we’re going to show you around our new house.”

I am Wang Lin, I am twelve years old. My pen pal Tom is form the United States. He is the same age as I. He is a middle school student in Beijing. There are three people in his family. His father is a teacher, he teaches English in a high school in Beijing. His mother is an English teacher, too. But they work in different schools. Tom goes to school in his mother’s car every day. They all like Chinese food. Tom’s father likes Guangdong food, he thinks it is delicious. Tom’s mother’s favorite food is Sichuan food. But Tom doesn’t like Sichuan food, he thinks it is too hot. So they often eat out on weekends.

Poor Man!

Look at this man. What is he doing? He’scarrying a very big box. The box is full of(充满) big apples. He wants toput it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that? No, I don’tthink so. Why not? Because(因为) thebox is too full(满) and too heavy(重). Look! What’s wrong? Hedrops the box. Poor man!

John is six years old. He can read and write well. But he can`t tell the time. His mother, Mrs Brown teaches him many times, but he still can`t tell. He would say “brerakfast time”, “lunchtime” and “teatime” instead of (代替) saying eight o`clock, twelve o`clock and four o`clock in the afternoon. His mother doesn`t know how to help him.

One day John`s aunt, Mary comes to see his mother. His mother tell her about that. His aunt says. “Let me help you. I think I can help him.”

When John comes home after school, Mary begins (开始) to teach him..

“Can you count,John ?” she asks him.

“Yes. One ,two three,four …”John says.

“That`s fine. Now I put the long hand (钟表的长指针) on twelve and the short hand on one -that is one o`clock. If I put the short hand on two, what is the time?’’

“Two o`clock.”

“Good. And on three?”

“Three o`clock.”

Then it is four o`clock in the afternoon, and John`s aunt asks him, “What time is it now ,John?”

“Teatime, Aunt, and I am very hungry (饥饿).” John looks at the clock and answers.

My name is Mike. Let me tell you about my neighbour, Jack. He is 25 years old. I call him Uncle Jack. He is tall. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He likes playing football and fishing. I often play football with him in the park at weekends. Yesterday was Sunday. My father and I went fishing with Uncle Jack in the afternoon. We caught some fish and we brought them home. Then Uncle Jack stayed for dinner with us. He cooked the fish. We all liked the fish. It was delicious. My father said to him. “ you’re a good cook, Jack!” After dinner, Uncle Jack told us some interesting stories about fishing and football. We had a great time.


Today was Macdonalds’ Tree Planting Day. I went to the park with my parents. At about ten o’clock the manager of Macdonalds’ made a speech. Then we started to plant trees. We needn’t to dig holes because the people in the park dug them before. We just put the young trees into the holes. My father filled the holes with me. My mother carried water for the young trees. We were so tired when we finished the work. All of us hope the trees will grow well. I hope I can plant trees next year.

A train stops at a station(车站). A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. "Can you go and get us two hambugers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars." "Great!" say the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. "Where is my hamburger?" asks the young man. "Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I'm eating mine. Here is your dollar. "

This is my friend, Jim. He is an English boy. He is twelve. He is in Class Three, Grade One. He is Number Two in Row Five. My name is Dong Cheng. I am a Chinese boy. I am twelve, too. I am in Class One. I am Number One in Row One.

There are forty-two students in our class. There are also two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they don't like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons. She is my good friend. All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneer.

Bill is an English boy . he is twelve . He lives (住) with his family in China . There are four people in his family . they're his father Jack Clinton , his mother Catherine and his little sister Abby . He has a yellow dog . It's name is Barbi , His father is mending his bike . What is Bill doing ? Ah , he is doing Chinese homework . He can't speak Chinese very well , but he loves Chinese very much . Bill's father works in middle school . He's an English teacher . His mother is in a TV factory(工厂) . Bill and his sister go to the same school .

Mrs. Jones is an American doctor. She is now in China. She works in a children's hospital in Shanghai. She likes the children and she likes to work for children. She works hard in the day time and learns Chinese in the evening school. She also learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read and write some Chinese, too. She says it's not easy to learn Chinese well. Mr. Jones, her husband is a teacher . He teaches English in the Middle School. He works from Monday to Friday. He teaches 3 classes every day.

My Father’s Old Coat

Teacher: Children, name the material we often use to make things, please.

Student: Glass, gold, metal ,paper, plastic, silver, wood and wool.

Teacher: Very good, sit down, please. And what do we get from sheep?

Student: Wool.

Teacher: You’re quite right. Tom what do we make from wool?

Tom: I’m sorry. I don’t know.

Teacher: Well, what is your coat made of?

Tom: My coat is made of my father’s old coat.


1. 初三文言文10篇阅读练习 不要课内的,包括文章和练习题,适合初三 朱云见汉成帝故槐里令朱云上书求见,公卿在前,云曰:“今朝廷大臣,上不能匡①主,下亡以益民,皆尸位素餐②。 臣愿赐尚方斩马剑,断佞臣一人头以厉③其馀。”上问:“谁也?”对曰:“安昌侯张禹⑤!”上大怒曰:“小臣居下讪上,廷辱师傅,罪死不赦。” 御史将④云下,云攀殿槛⑥,槛折。云呼曰:“臣得下从龙逢、比干⑦游于地下,足矣!未知圣朝何如耳?”御史遂将云去。 于是左将军辛庆忌免冠,解印绶,叩头殿下曰:“此臣素著狂直于世,使其言是,不可诛;其言非,固当容之。臣敢以死争。”庆忌叩头流血,上意解,然后得已。及后当治槛,上曰:“勿易!因而辑⑧之,以旌⑨直臣。” 选自《汉书•朱云传》【注释】①匡:辅助。②尸位素餐:空占着职位,不做事而白吃饭。 ③厉:激励,此处有“警戒“之意。④张禹:汉成帝的老师。 ⑤将:拿。⑥槛jiàn:栏杆。 ⑦龙逢、比干:古代因直谏而被杀的忠臣。⑧辑:连缀、修补。 ⑨旌:表彰。9.解释文中加点字的含义。 (3分)遂将云去( ▲ ) 然后得已( ▲ ) 勿易( ▲ ) 10.下列句子中虚词用法和意义相同的一项是( ▲ )(3分)A.下亡以益民 皆以美于徐公 B.以厉其馀 其如土石何C.因而辑之 公将鼓之 D.素著狂直于世 谤讥于市朝11.用现代汉语翻译下面的句子。(3分)使其言是,不可诛;其言非,固当容之。 ▲ 12.朱云劝谏汉成帝的方式与邹忌劝谏齐威王有何不同?(2分) ▲ 齐桓公出猎齐桓公出猎,逐鹿而走,入山谷之中,见一老公而问之曰:“是为何谷?”对曰:“为愚公之谷。”桓公曰:“何故?”对曰:“以臣名之。” 桓公曰:“今视公之仪状,非愚人也,何为以公名?” 对曰:“臣请陈之:臣故畜牝牛①,生子而大,卖之而买驹。少年曰:‘牛不能生马!’遂持驹去。 傍邻闻之,以臣为愚,故名此谷为愚公之谷。”桓公曰:“公诚愚矣!夫何为而与之?”桓公遂归。 明日朝,以告管仲。管仲正襟再拜曰:“此夷吾②之过也。 使尧在上,皋陶③为理,安有取人之驹者乎?若有见暴④如是叟者,又必不与也。公知狱讼之不正,故与之耳!请退而修政。” [注]①牝(pìn)牛:母牛。 ②夷吾;即管仲。 ③皋陶:人名,法官。舜的臣子。 ④见暴:即被强行夺了马驹。21.解释下列加点词。 (3分)(1)以臣名之 ( ) (2)臣故畜牝牛 ( )(3)公诚愚矣 ( ) 22.下列句中“为”字用法与另三句不同的一项是( )(2分) A.是为何谷 B.何为以公名之 C.以臣为愚 D.故名此谷为愚公之谷23.用现代汉语翻译下面语句。 (2分) 使尧在上,皋陶为理,安有取人之驹者乎? 24.作者借“齐桓公出猎”的故事想告诉我们什么?(3分) 张秀才,寿州人也。 寿俗尚武,比户蓄兵器。邻人有市鸟枪归者,夜试之宅旁,猝闻号声。 急往视之,有死者,则秀才子也。邻人惧,曰:“杀他人子且不可,况杀张秀才子乎!”乃率家人环跪秀才门,泣诉其故,且曰:“惟君所欲为。” 秀才强忍痛,曰:“子岂敢故杀吾子哉,是吾子命当绝也。且安知非我不德,天之降罚,杀吾子以报吾耶?”自具棺葬之,无他语。 (选自徐珂《清稗类钞》)21.解释下面句中加点的词。(4分)①比户蓄兵器 ②邻人有市鸟枪归者 ③乃率家人环跪秀才门 ④自具棺葬之22.翻译下面的句子。 (3分)且安知非我不德,天之降罚,杀吾子以报吾耶?23.张秀才的优点是: ,但以现代人的眼光看,他的缺点是: 。(4分) 一、《赵襄主学御》 赵襄主学御于王子期①,俄而与子期逐②,三易马而三后③。 襄主曰:“子之教我御,术未尽也。”对曰:“术已尽,用之则过也。 凡御之所贵,马体安于车,人心调④于马,而后可以追速致远。今君后则欲速臣,先则恐逮于臣。 夫诱⑤道争远,非先则后也。而先后心皆在于臣,尚何以调于马?此君之所以⑥后也。” 导读:王子期教赵襄主学御,特别指出:“凡御之所贵,马体安于车,人心调于马,而后可以追速致远。”其实我们做任何事情皆如此,要全神贯注,目标明确。 注释 :①赵襄主:赵襄子。御:驾车。 王子期:古时善于驾车的人。②逐:追赶,这里指驾车赛马。 ③易:更换。后:方位名词做动词,落后。 ④调:谐调。⑤诱:引导。 ⑥此……所以:这就是……的原因。一、解释加点的词1、赵襄主学御于王子期( ) 2、术未尽也( )3、先则恐逮于臣( ) 4、夫诱道争远( )二、翻译1、术已尽,用之则过也2、人心调于马,而后可以追速致远3、而先后心皆在于臣,尚何以调于马?三.你认为赵襄王落后的原因是什么?你赞成王子期的看法吗?二、《老马识途》 管仲、隰朋从于桓公而伐孤竹①,春往而冬反,迷惑失道②。 管仲曰:“老马之智可用也。”乃放老马而随之,遂得道。 行山中无水,隰朋曰:“蚁冬居山之阳,夏居山之阴,蚁壤一寸而仞有水。”乃掘③地,遂得水。 导读 :自然万物都有其独特的个性,人能善于向大自然学习,则万物可为我所用,为人类造福。注释:①管仲、隰(xī )朋:皆齐桓公时大臣,帮助桓公成就了霸业。 孤竹:古国名。②迷惑失道:迷路而找不到归途。 ③掘:挖。一、解释加点的词 1、春往而冬反( ) 2、迷惑失道( ) 3、遂得水( )二、翻译1、管仲曰:“老马之智可用也。” 2、蚁冬居山之阳,夏居山之阴。三、文中故事是成语 的来历,现比喻 一、。 2. 初一课外文言文阅读题 初一课外文言文阅读(及答案)2010/04/19 22:55 初一课外文言文阅读 一、《请君入瓮》① 周兴与丘神绩通谋,太后命来俊臣鞫②之。 俊臣与兴方推事③对食,谓兴曰:“囚多不承,当为何法?”兴曰:“此甚易耳!取大瓮,以炭四周炙④之,令囚入中,何事不承!”俊臣乃索大瓮,火围如兴法,因起谓兴曰:“有内状推⑤兄,请兄入此瓮!”兴惶恐,叩头伏罪。〔导读〕:本文写的是来俊臣“以其人之道,还治其人之身”及周兴作法自毙的故事。 〔注释〕:①瓮(wèng):大坛子。②鞫(jū ):审讯犯人。 ③推事:研究事情。④炙(zhì ):烧烤。 ⑤内状:宫内递出的状辞。推:追究,检举。 一、解释加点的词。1、俊臣与兴方推事对食 2、囚多不承 3、当为何法 4、因起谓兴曰 二、解释下列句中加点的“之”。 1、太后命来俊臣鞫之 2、以炭四周炙之 三、翻译下列句子。1、兴曰:“此甚易耳!取大瓮,以炭四周炙之,令囚入中,何事不承!”2、因起谓兴曰:“有内状推兄,请兄入此瓮!”四、来俊臣请周兴入瓮,是采用了 的方法。 二、《覆巢之下安有完卵》 孔融被收①,中外惶怖②。时融儿大者九岁,小者八岁。 二儿故琢钉戏③,了无遽容。融谓使者曰:“冀罪止于身④,二儿可得全不⑤?”儿徐进曰:“大人岂见覆巢之下复有完卵乎?”寻亦收至⑥。 〔导读〕:八九岁的孩子能在家庭遭难时毫不惊恐,很是了不起。说明孩儿的明理聪明,也反映了封建社会中株连迫害的罪恶。 〔注释〕:①孔融被收:建安十三年,融因触怒曹操,坐弃市(被判死刑)。②中外惶怖:朝廷内外非常惊恐。 中外,指朝廷内外。③二儿故琢钉戏:两个儿子仍然在玩琢钉游戏。 琢钉,古时一种儿童游戏。④罪止于身:罪责仅限于自己一身。 意思是不涉及家属。⑤二儿可得全不:这两个孩子可不可以保全他们生命?⑥亦收至:捕他们的人也到来了。 一、解释加点的词。1、孔融被收 2、冀罪止于身 3、二儿可得全不 4、寻亦收至 二、翻译下列句子。 1、大人岂见覆巢之下复有完卵乎?2、二儿故琢钉戏,了无遽容。三、写出出自本文的成语并说明它的比喻义《鲁人曹沫》① 曹沫者,鲁人也,以勇力事鲁庄公。 庄公好力②。曹沫为鲁将,与齐战,三败北。 鲁庄公惧,乃献遂邑③之地以和,犹复以为将。 齐桓公许与鲁会于柯④而盟。 桓公与庄公既盟于坛上,曹沫执匕首劫齐桓公,桓公左右莫敢动,而问曰:“子将何欲?”曹沫曰:“齐强鲁弱,而大国侵鲁亦甚矣。今鲁城坏即压齐境,君其图之!”桓公乃许尽归鲁之侵地。 既已言,曹沫投其匕首,下坛,北面就群臣之位,颜色不变,辞令如故,桓公怒,欲倍其约。管仲曰:“不可。 夫贪小利以自快⑤,弃信于诸侯,失天下之援,不如与之。”于是桓公乃遂割鲁侵地,曹沫三战所亡地,尽复予鲁。 ①这里所选的是《史记》中《刺客列传》的第一部分。②好力:喜欢勇士。 力,有力之士。③遂邑:今山东宁阳县。 ④柯:齐邑,今山东阳谷县阿城镇。⑤快:快意。 1、解释下列句中加点词语: (1)、乃献遂邑之地以和 (2)、桓公与庄公既盟于坛上 (3)、曹沫三战所亡地 (4)、欲倍其约 (5)、齐桓公许与鲁会于柯而盟 2、翻译句子。 (1)、子将何欲? (2)、今鲁城坏即压齐境,君其图之。 3、读了此文后,你对春秋战国时期的刺客有了怎样的认识? 《马价十倍》① 有人卖骏马者,比②三旦立市,人莫知之。 往见伯乐曰:“臣有骏马欲卖之,比三旦立于市,人莫言,愿子还③而视之,去而顾之,臣请献一朝④之费。” 伯乐乃还而视之,去而顾之,一旦⑤而马价十倍。 注释:①选自《战国策·燕策》。 《战国策》,西汉末年刘向校正编订。共三十三篇,记载了战国时期各国政治、军事、外交方面的一些活动,着重记录了谋臣的策略和言论。 刘向,除编订《战国策》外,还编有《说苑》等书。②比:副词,接连地。 ③还:通“环”环绕。④朝:早晨。 ⑤一旦:一天。 阅读训练: 1、解释句中加点的词。 (1)、往见伯乐曰 (2)、愿子还而视之 (3)、去而顾之 (4)、伯乐乃还而视之 2、与“去而顾之”中的“去”的意义不同的一项是( ) A、去死肌 B、游人去而禽鸟乐也 C、.则有去国怀乡 D、黄鹤一去不复返 3、从下面选出与“去而顾之”中的“而”字用法相同的一项是( ) A、后狼止而前狼又至 B、学而时习之 C、峨冠而多髯者 D、出淤泥而不染 4、本不懂得货色,而“名家”说好就认为好,人云亦云,这样不加分析地盲目地虚推、崇拜对吗?请谈谈你的看法。《欧阳公事迹》【原文】 欧阳公四岁而孤,家贫无资。 太夫人以荻画地,教以书字。多诵古人篇章。 及其稍长,而家无书读,就闾里士人家借而读之,或因而抄录。以至昼夜忘寝食,惟读书是务。 自幼所作诗赋文字,下笔已如成人。【阅读训练】 1.文中“教以书字”的“书”的含义,跟下面哪一句中的“书”相同?( ) A. 卒买鱼烹食,得鱼腹中书,固以怪之矣。 B. 惟予之公书与张氏之吝书若不相类。 C. 一男附书至,二男新战死。 D.乃丹书帛曰“陈胜王”,置人所罾鱼腹中。. 2. 翻译句子。 ①欧阳修四岁而孤。 译文: ②惟读书是务。 译文: 3. 就本文而言,欧阳修。 3. 初中文言文阅读训练102篇 答案 (—) 世有伯乐,然后有千里马。千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。故虽有名马,只辱于奴隶人之手,骈死于槽枥之间,不以千里称也。 马之千里者,—食或尽粟—石。食马者不知其能千里而食也。是马也,虽有千里之能,食不饱,力不足,才美不外见,且欲与常马等不可得,安求其能千里也? 策之不以其道,食之不能尽其材,鸣之而不能通其意,执策而临3233363533e58685e5aeb9331之,曰:“天下无马!”呜呼!其真无马邪?其真不知马也。 1.下列各组句子中加点词的意义和用法完全相同的一组是:( ) A.千里马常有而伯乐不常有 先帝创、业未半而中道崩殂 B.且欲常马等不可得 北山愚公者,年且九十 C.其真无马邪 乃重修岳阳楼,增其旧制 D.只辱于奴隶人之手 执策而临之 2.将下列文言文语句翻译成现代汉语。 ①策之不以其道 译句 。 ②食之不能尽其材 译句 。 3.文中揭示千里马被埋没的根本原因的句于是 作者对此表现出强烈的 之情。 4.文中 “世有伯乐,然后.有千里马” 一句强调了 作用。在今天,如果你的才华不被人发现,完全可以 (填相关成语),把自己的才华积极主动地显露出来;而在位者也应 (填相关成语)正确识别、选拔和任用人才。文言文阅读题答案 (一)1.考查虚词能力,答案A。 ( “而”都表示转折关系。) 2.考查古文翻译能力。要通观全文;抓住关键词、(如“策” “道”“食”“尽其材”)坐实词义,疏通句意,译句便水到渠成。答案:①鞭策它,不按正确的方法。②喂养它,又不让它充分发挥自己的才能。 3.考查提取文段要点能力。“不知马”是贯穿全文的核心, 造成千里马悲剧的根源,抓住就迎刃而解。答案:食马者不知其能千里也。4、命运起决定作用。毛遂自荐知人善任或举贤授能 4. 十篇初二文言文阅读 15.将下列语段中划线的句子,翻译为现代汉语(8分) 范乔邑人腊夕盗斫其树,人有告者,①乔阳不闻,②邑人愧而归之。 乔往喻曰:“卿节日取柴,③欲与父母相允娱耳,④何以愧为!”⑤其通物善导,皆此类也。 ①_________________________________________________________ ②__________________________________________________________ ③__________________________________________________________ ④__________________________________________________________ ⑤___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 16.[译文]范乔同乡腊月除夕盗砍他家的树,有人告诉了范乔,①范乔佯装没有听见,②同乡惭愧地将盗砍的树归还给了。 范乔前去明白地告诉同乡:“您在节日拿点些,③想跟父母一起高高兴兴地过节罢了,④为什么惭愧呢!”⑤他通情理善开导,都像这样。(每句1分) 北京市东城区2005年高三年级综合练习(二) 11.把下面文言文中画线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 (5分) ①管仲束缚,自鲁之齐,道而饥渴,过绮乌(1)封人(2)而乞食。②绮乌封人跪而食 之,甚敬。 ③封人因窃谓仲曰:“④适幸及齐不死而用齐,将何以报我?”曰:“如子之 言,⑤我且贤之用,能之使,劳之论,我何以报子?”封人怨之。 (《韩非子·外储说左下》) [注](1)绮乌,地名。 (2)封人,官名,守边境的官吏。 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ 11.(5分)(每句1分) [译文]①管仲被捆绑起来,由鲁国(押送)到齐国,走在路上,又饥又渴,经过绮乌守边境的官吏身边,向他乞讨食物。 ②绮乌守边境的官吏跪着让他吃东西,样子十分恭敬。③守边境的官吏乘机偷偷地对管仲说:④“假如侥幸(幸亏,或敬词,不译)回到齐国不被处死而被齐国重用,你将用什么来报答我?”管仲说:“假如真的像你说的,⑤我将重用贤人,使用能人,评定(奖赏)有功之人,我凭什么来报答你呢?”边境的官吏听了埋怨(责怪、怨恨)他。 11.将下面文言文中划线的部分用斜线/断句。(5分) 御孙曰俭德之共也侈恶之大也共同也言有德者皆由俭来也夫俭则寡欲君子寡欲则不役于物可以直道而行小人寡欲则能谨身节用远罪丰家故曰俭德之共也侈则多欲君子多欲则贪慕富贵枉道速祸小人多欲则多求妄用败家丧身是以居官必贿居乡必盗故曰侈恶之大也 ①共 同 也 言 有 德 者 皆 由 俭 来 也 ②夫 俭 则 寡 欲 君 子 寡 欲 则 不 役 于 物 可 以 直 道 而 行 ③小 人 寡 欲 则 能 谨 身 节 用 远 罪 丰 家 故 曰 俭 德 之 共 也 ④侈 则 多 欲 君 子 多 欲 则 贪 慕 富 贵 枉 道 速 祸 ⑤小 人 多 欲 则 多 求 妄 用 败 家 丧 身 是 以 居 官 必 贿 居 乡 必 盗 11.①共/同也/言有德者皆由俭来也 ②夫俭则寡欲/君子寡欲则不役于物/可以直道而行 ③小人寡欲则能谨身节用/远罪丰家/故曰/俭/德之共也 ④侈则多欲/君子多欲则贪慕富贵/枉道速祸 ⑤小人多欲则多求妄用/败家丧身/是以居官必贿/居乡必盗 (断句每句1分,建议实行减分制。 每句中断错一处扣去半分;其中“君子寡欲”、“小人寡欲”、“君子多欲”以及“小人多欲”四处之后可断可不断,若断,不减分) 15.翻译。(8分) ⑴将上面文言文阅读中划线句翻译成现代汉语(4分) 今之学者,莫不慕古圣贤之不朽,而勤一世以尽心于文字间者,皆可悲也。 ⑵将下面短文中画线句子翻译成现代汉语。(4分) 孟子曰:“易其田畴,薄其税敛,民可使富也;食之以时,用之以礼,财不可胜用也。 民非水火不生活;昏暮叩人之门户求水火,无弗与者,至足矣。圣人治天下,使有菽粟如水火。 菽粟如水火,而民焉有不仁者乎?” 答: 15、⑴如今一些有学问的人,没有谁不羡慕古代圣人、贤人的不朽,但一辈子竭尽全力从事文章的写作,都是很可悲的事。 ⑵孟子说:“耕种田地,减少税收,就可以使人民富裕了。 按时饮食,按礼节花费,财物就用不完了。百姓没有水和火就不能生活;黄昏傍晚时去敲别人的门去借水和火,没有不给的。 因为相当的充足。圣人治理天下,就会让豆、米像水与火一样充足。 粮食像水火一样充足,百姓哪会有不仁的呢?” 11.将文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语(4分) 年寿有时而尽,荣乐止乎其身,未若文章之无穷。是以古之作者,寄身于翰墨,见意于篇籍,不假良史之辞,不托飞驰之势,而声名自传于后。 故西伯幽而演《易》,周旦显而制《礼》,夫然,则①古人贱尺璧而重寸阴,惧乎时之过已。而人多不强力,贫贱则慑于饥寒,富贵则流于逸乐,②遂营目前之务,而遗千载之功。 日月逝于上,体貌衰于下,忽然与万物迁化,斯志士之大痛也! 选自曹丕《典论论文》 ① ② 11.①古人把直径一尺的美玉看得很轻,却把很短的时间看得很重,惧怕时间匆匆而过(2分) ②于是就(只顾)经营眼前的事务,而抛弃了名传千古的大事。(2分) 15.将下面文言文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 (8分) 桓公问管仲曰:“王者何贵?”曰:“贵天。”桓公仰而视天。 管仲曰:“所谓天者,非谓苍苍莽莽之天也。君人者以百姓为。 5. 初中文言文阅读训练25篇 1.钟毓、钟会小时趁父亲值夜偷酒喝。其父假装睡觉,看见钟毓先行礼再喝酒,钟会是只喝酒不行礼。父亲问他们愿意,钟毓说酒是一种文化礼数,不能不拜。钟会说,偷酒喝本身就是非礼,只能不拜了 2.常羊子向屠龙子朱学射箭。屠龙子朱对他说:从前楚王曾到云梦涉猎,想射左边的鹿,右侧的鹿又出来,刚想开弓,头上又飞来一只鹄鸟。楚王看着弓箭不知向哪里射去。大臣养书进谏说:我能百步穿杨,但给我十枚树叶,我也不知道能不能射中了 3.有个荆州人叫次非,在干遂得了一把宝剑。坐船回家的途中,遇见了两条蛟龙。次非问:船遇两条蛟龙人能活下来吗?船手答道:没有能活下的。次非便拿着宝剑,跳进江里跟蛟龙搏斗。蛟龙死了,船上的人都活着回家去了。 4.南岐在蜀中的山谷中,那里的水甜但是水质不好,喝了的人都会得病。因此那里的人没有一个不是有病的。当他们看到了外地人,都会耻笑外地人的脖子平滑,不像内地人有很多突出的包囊。外地人告诉他们说,他们都是有病的,应该吃药看病。内地人说,当地人都这样干么去看病啊。始终他们都不知道自己有多丑。 5.高阳应要盖房子,工匠对他说:不行,木材还没干透,再涂上漆,一定会腐烂的。用湿木材盖房子,现在看是挺好,将来会腐烂败坏的。高阳应说:依你所说,则新房子不会败破的——木头越干越有劲力,涂料越干越轻,用大的劲力承受轻的会越来越坚固(不会败坏)。工匠无言以对,接受命令盖房。房子刚盖成时很好,后来果然腐烂败破了。 6. 谁有10篇初中的文言文练习 邹忌讽齐王纳谏● 课文①邹忌修八尺有余,而形貌昳丽.朝服衣冠,窥镜,谓其妻曰:"我孰与城北徐公美 "其妻曰:"君美甚,徐公何能及君也 "城北徐公,齐国之美丽者也.忌不自信,而复问其妾曰:"吾孰与徐公美 "妾曰:"徐公何能及君也 "旦日,客从外来,与坐谈,问之:"吾与徐公孰美 "客曰:"徐公不若君之美也."明日,徐公来,孰视之,自以为不如;窥镜而自视,又弗如远甚.暮寝而思之,曰:"吾妻之美我者,私我也;妾之美我者,畏我也;客之美我者,欲有求于我也."②于是入朝见威王,曰:"臣诚知不如徐公美.臣之妻私臣,臣之妾畏臣,臣之客欲有求于臣,皆以美于徐公.今齐地方千里,百二十城,宫妇左右莫不私王,朝廷之臣莫不畏王,四境之内莫不有求于王:由此观之,王之蔽甚矣."③王曰:"善."乃下令:"群臣吏民能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏;上书谏寡人者,受中赏;能谤讥于市朝,闻寡人之耳者,受下赏."令初下,群臣进谏,门庭若市;数月之后,时时而间进;期年之后,虽欲言,无可进者.④燕,赵,韩,魏闻之,皆朝于齐.此所谓战胜于朝廷.● 翻译邹忌身高八尺多,形体容貌光艳美丽.一天早晨,邹忌穿戴好衣帽,照着镜子,对他的妻子说:"我同城北徐公比,谁漂亮 "他妻子说:"您漂亮极了,徐公哪里比得上您呢 "城北的徐公,是齐国的美男子.邹忌不相信自己会比徐公漂亮,就又问他的妾:"我同徐公比,谁漂亮 "妾说:"徐公怎么能比得上您呢 "第二天,有客人从外面来,邹忌同他坐着闲聊,邹忌又问他:"我和徐公比,谁漂亮 "客人说:"徐公不如您漂亮."又过了一天,徐公来了,邹忌仔细地看他,自己觉得不如徐公漂亮;再照镜子看看自己,觉得自己远远不如徐公漂亮.晚上躺着想这件事,说:"我的妻子认为我漂亮,是偏爱我;妾认为我漂亮,是害怕我;客人认为我漂亮,是想有求于我."于是邹忌上朝拜见齐威王,说:"我确实知道自己不如徐公漂亮.可是我妻子偏爱我,我的妾害怕我,我的客人想有求于我,他们都认为我比徐公漂亮.如今齐国有方圆千里的疆土,一百二十座城池,宫中的妃子,近臣没有谁不偏爱您,朝中的大臣没有谁不害怕您,全国范围内的人没有谁不有求于您:由此看来,大王您受蒙蔽很深啦!"齐威王说:"好!"就下了命令:"大小官吏百姓能够当面指责我的过错的,受上等奖赏;上书劝谏我的,受中等奖赏;能够在公共场所批评议论我的过失,并能传到我的耳朵里的,受下等奖赏."命令刚下达,许多大臣都来进谏,宫门前院内人多得像集市一样;几个月以后,还不时地有人偶尔来进谏;满一年以后,即使有人想进谏,也没什么可说的了.燕,赵,韩,魏等国听说了这件事,都到齐国来朝见齐王.这就是所谓在朝廷上战胜别国.● 练习一,解释加点的字:邹忌修八尺有余………( )而形貌昳丽……………( )而形貌昳丽……………( )朝服衣冠………………( )朝服衣冠………………( )窥镜……………………( )谓其妻曰………………( )我孰与城北徐公美……( )君美甚…………………( )徐公何能及君也………( )而复问其妾曰…………( )旦日……………………( )与坐谈…………………( )徐公不若君之美也……( )明日……………………( )孰视之…………………( )自以为不如……………( )暮寝而思之……………( )吾妻之美我者…………( )私我也…………………( )欲有求于我也…………( )臣诚知不如徐公美……( )皆以美于徐公…………( )今齐地方千里…………( )今齐地方千里…………( )宫妇左右莫不私王……( )王之蔽甚矣……………( )乃下令…………………( )能面刺寡人之过者……( )能谤讥于市朝…………( )能谤讥于市朝…………( )能谤讥于市朝…………( )闻寡人之耳者…………( )令初下…………………( )时时而间进……………( )时时而间进……………( )期年之后………………( )无可进者………………( )皆朝于齐………………( )二,给加点字注音:昳丽( ) 朝服衣冠( ) 时时而间进( ) 期年之后( )三,翻译句子:1,而形貌昳丽2,我孰与城北徐公美3,君美甚,徐公何能及君也4,忌不自信5,孰视之,自以为不如6,窥镜而自视,又弗如远甚7,吾妻之美我者,私我也;妾之美我者,畏我也;客之美我者,欲有求于我也8,臣诚知不如徐公美.臣之妻私臣,臣之妾畏臣,臣之客欲有求于臣,皆以美于徐公9,宫妇左右莫不私王,朝廷之臣莫不畏王,四境之内莫不有求于王10,由此观之,王之蔽甚矣11,群臣吏民能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏12,上书谏寡人者,受中赏13,能谤讥于市朝,闻寡人之耳者,受下赏14,令初下,群臣进谏,门庭若市15,时时而间进16,期年之后,虽欲言,无可进者17,皆朝于齐.此所谓战胜于朝廷四,选择:1,下列句中加点字与"由此观之"中的"之"用法相同的一项是( )A.渔人甚异之B.此诚危急存亡之秋也C.何陋之有D.甚矣,汝之不惠2,朗读下面的文言句子,语气停顿有误的一项是( )A.臣诚知/不如徐公美B.臣之妻/私臣,臣之妾/畏臣C.今齐地方/千里,百二十。














初二暑假 必读书目






















《庄子选译》王寅生选译人民 教育 出版社













五种有效阅读 方法


批注笔记法就是在阅读时将自己对文本内容的见解、质疑和 心得体会 等写在书中的空白处。其形式有三种:一是“眉批”,即批在书头上;二是“旁批”,即批在 句子 或一段话的旁边;三是“尾批”,即批在一段话或整篇 文章 之后。




用各种符号在书中重要的地方做标记,以便于应用时查阅和再阅读时注意的一种阅读方法。其要点是:1.在重要的句子下划横线。2.在重要的段落旁划竖线。3.将关键性的词或 短语 圈出来。4.在有疑惑处划问号。5.在有感悟的地方划感叹号,马克思读书就喜欢采用这一方法。











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★ 中国中学生必读书目及简介6篇



A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I've been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations?

Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday. They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally. The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise. At first sight, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it doesn't bear much analysis.

To begin with, people do different kinds of jobs featuring different labor intensity and so the time needed to refresh their physical condition varies. For example, blue collar workers may work longer hours before they get tired physically, while white collar workers such as doctors and teachers are more mentally stressed. Unable to work continuously as long as those physical labor workers, white collars need more time to pull through the mental weariness than physical tiredness. All in all, people in different jobs assume different responsibilities and have different degrees of pressure.

Secondly, different tasks and duties are required for different professions, resulting in the variety of holiday periods for people in different walks of life. Some employees cannot have their legal holidays and even have to work overtime, such as policemen, construction workers and people in the service professions just can't be interrupted for a mornent;other wise the society will be in a mess. Even for some people in the same occupation, they cannot have the same holidays entitled to them due to many factors out of human control, such as special assignments, and health conditions etc, then not to say people in different fields.

Suppose we, as teachers do, all have three months' holiday in a year. Then factories have to employ considerably more workers because some of them are enjoying happy 's obviously against the principles of doing business at lower cost and efficiency.

If we have only three days off in a year, then all the people in our country will be working day after day. No one can squeeze time to visit those tourist resorts leisurely. It goes without saying that the tourist trade and catering industry thus cannot develop rapidly and healthily.

Last, the development of science and technology allows the ways of work to be changed. Computer experts make their programs, doctors give patients diagnosis and tutors give students instructions at home through optical fabric cable 's how the new term SOHO bore. In other words, the way people work is not fixed so that they need different holiday phases.

Some people need more time to recover from the fatigue of labor. And some people cannot make ends meet though they work for 365 days in a year, for whom holiday is a waste of time.

It is neither possible nor necessary for people with different jobs to have the same amount of holiday off. Holiday is a kind of bonus, just as the Chinese idiom goes, distribution according to


简 评




It's a true story in the summer of 1998 when I was attending a youth conference in L. A... and it feels so good to rewind it in the recollection...

Fog swirls, swallowing the car in front of us. Dense, impenetrable, the wall of white throws back the lights into my eyes. There are four of us in a family van that is creeping along the free way from downtown L. A. to Lancaster. Fog gets even stronger and spreads out like a blanket over the flat land. It's Noah's turn to drive with complaints about the couldn't be lower visibility. But he is whispering so that Eugene and Kikki can sleep still. With eyes slightly closed, I am playing Bob Dylan on the disk, whose rhythm echoes the midnight prays.

Well, we've truly had enough prayers just now. Being off from the annual Vineyard Church International Yough Conference, I find myself deeply buried in the ferment that kids create from all over the world. There are cries and whisper, laughter and tears, bless and pain, confidence and disbelief mixed together, building up a confession of the detours of soul. Bible has recorded all this since centuries ago. It's about God, but it's not all time religion.

A boy from Panama asked me if I eat turkey as an Irish Catholic when pastor David was presenting his speech. I smilingly nodded my head and turned back to Mr. David. He is an authentic English with dark blue pupils, eyes right fixing into his listener while talking. He has truly handsome chins that show up his decency of smile and subtleness of wit.

"There is only one door into heaven and Jesus said, 'I'm the door' (John 10: 9), he quoted, "The way you enter is by expressing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus is a commitment to the one whose life becomes your life and his life within you makes you a new person."

There was a dead silence for praying before a burst of weeping broke the ice. A blonde girl threw herself into the arms of the peer beside her, hiding her face. A boy of crew cut on the first row was bending his knees, forehead down to the ground,whispering his regrets. A black girl standing right beside me was shivering her lips with tears hanging up in her eyes, showing a piece of uncertainty. It was truly heart wrenching when more and more kids were peacefully touched by the power of God,harmonizing their words with tears, rather than screaming out their logo as "we love Jesus yes we dm we love Jesus how about you."

It hasn't been long before I am used to the way of praying here in the States. The melancholies in the air soon put me on the way of figuring out the fact lying behind the tears. It numbed me to see the fear and solitude that root deeply in this materially rich world. There is a false security that drastically reshapes the country by drug, crimes, pre marital sex and racism. And it seemed here every tiny little souls were certain victims. Jesus wasn't truly there, but the void became the savior.

It was then that the mother of pastor David rose to sing "Ave Maria". She came up to piano in a gentle pace, took a breath, closed her eyes, and delivered the goods. Well, never have heard the song offered with more feeling, more passion and fervor. She was seventy years old and magnificent. The plain voice flowing in the air was neither scratchy nor dramatic that you might expect from an aging third rate opera singer. This was actually the voice of a grandmother distilling her life into the music to honor what she loved and believed in. when the last lovely note faded and silence held us firm, the "grandma" opened her eyes, smiled at us, and said, "my lord be with you."

That is basically what received from the journey of soul. I told out my sins with once-in-life-time honesty. I may never get a chance to bump into Pastor David and I truly miss this mid aged gentleman of deep sea pupil, although he didn't succeed making me believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin and paid my sin debt in full.

Noah is now too sleepy to drive. It's my turn to stay awake in this misty of midnight Los Angeles. Fog stands still when we are inching along the road of this spiritual trip. I don't know what keeps me in such a wild and peaceful excitement. Well, if the fog doesn't lift, may we at least have some lines and reflectors put down along the road to guide us.

简 评




Lectures and Discussions


1. 大学里有讲座式和讨论式两种授课方式。

2. 两种授课方式各有利弊。

3. 我的看法。

There are mainly two styles of teaching at universities -- lectures and discussions. Each has its own characteristics.

Lectures are actually the teacher's talk to a class for the purpose of teaching. In this kind of class, the teacher plays a central role, while the students are mainly the listeners. Compared with lectures, discussions are more flexible. Students can examine and argue about a subject with each other in this kind of class. Lectures are especially suitable for big classes hecause it will be easier to keep the students under control, while discussions are typically for small classes for the reason that they are more likely to go out of control.

In a word, lectures and discussions are two quite different styles of teaching, so we should choose either of them or combine them together reasonably according to the circumstances.

Science and Human Beings


1. 科学使人类进步,生活得更美好。

2. 科学有时也会带来负面效应,如原子能毁掉一切。

3. 就科学与人类的关系谈谈你的观点。

Science enables human beings to progress rapidly and lead a better life. For example, Edison's invention of the light bulb brought our gloomy life to the end and created a bright world for us. Another case in point is Watt's discovery of the steam engine, which triggered the industrial revolution in the western countries, and later all over the world.

Meanwhile, sometimes science does have some side effects. A good illustration of this is atomic energy, which can destroy human beings completdy when used in nuclear weapons.

Anyhow, it is men who develop science. And science, in turn, will do us good in general. As for its side effects, I believe human beings will be rational enough to avoid them or keep them under control.

随着经济全球化发展,英语在全球范围内被广泛使用,成为国际通用语, 具有国际化。但是随着英语在世界各地的使用, 不可避免地受到当地文化的影响,英语又具有本土化。我精心收集了经典英语小短文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 经典英语小短文带翻译:良好的生活态度 A Good Life Attitude Life is posed of plex things and emotions, but sometimes a good life attitude can change a lot, showing a different world for everyone. We all know that taking the college entrance examination is one of the most important things for a person’s whole life. Of course, high school students will under great pressure. So, how to treat it properly before and after the exam is very important. My opinions are as following. 生活有各种复杂的事情以及情感构造而成,然而有时候良好的生活态度可以有很大的改变,为我们展示了一个不一样的世界。众所周知参加高考是每个人一生中最重要的事情之一。当然,高中生肯定得承受很大的压力。所以,如何在考前以及考后看待这个考试是很重要的。我的观点如下。 First of all, keeping a good life attitude is helpful for college entrance exam. As everyone regards it as so important and students themselves also put so much effort on it, they are surely stressful when it is ing. Some cannot fall asleep, some cannot think, and some cannot memorize things well because they are too nervous. As a result, they may not perform well in the exam. However, if they can keep a usual mind, they maybe at their best to get a good mark. 首先,保持良好的生活态度有助于高考。因为每个人都把高考看得那么重要,而且学生本身也为此付出了很大努力,当高考即将来临时他们肯定会压力山大。由于过于紧张,有人会失眠,有人会脑子一片空白,还有人会记不住知识。所以,他们在考试中可能会表现失常。但是,如果他们可以保持良好的生活态度,他们就有可能处他们最好的状态,从而取得好成绩。 In addition, after the high school entrance examination, keeping a good lift attitude is very important. Having experienced so stressful study for a long time, some students start to indulge themselves. Some may be very lazy and some may do some crazy things to relax. However, it turns out that their behavior will ruin themselves at last. If they have a good life attitude, they would relax themselves in a proper way not excessive. 而且,高考之后保持良好的心态也是很重要的。在长期经历高压学习后,有些学生会开始堕落。有些可能会很懒,或者做一些疯狂的事来放松自我。然而,他们的这些行为最终有可能会毁了他们。如果他们能保持良好的生活态度,他们就会正确的放松而不是过度。 In a word, keeping a good life attitude is significant and helpful in everyone’s whole life. 总之,保持良好的生活态度在每个人的一生中都是很重要,也是很有帮助的。 经典英语小短文带翻译:旅游景点的保护和拯救 Protection and Rescue of Tourist Attractions Over the past decades, we have seen a conspicuously soaring number of international tourists visiting a diversity of tourist attractions. At the same time, I am despondent to discover that the positions of cultural heritages and natural attractions are jeopardized severely. 在过去的几十年间,我们已经可以看到参观各种各样旅游景点的旅客数目显著地急剧增长。与此同时,我很伤心的看到文化遗产和自然景区正遭受着严重的损害。 According to a recent report conducted by Thames, the well-known vacation resort-- Mediterranean is getting close to a toilet, posing a disastrous hazard of getting infected by bacteria to visitors who swim in the sea. What’s more deleterious, the famous fresco and sculptures in Sistine Cathedral located in Vatican was eroded and rotten by heat emitted from visitors. Apart from that, pared with the number that 14 people went down the Colorado River in USA twenty years ago, the present visitors aggregate to over one thousand, making the river much more congested. 根据泰晤士报最新的资料,妇孺皆知的度假胜地-地中海正在变成像是一个无法冲水的马桶,因为它使得在其中游泳的旅客有被细菌感染的威胁。更加严重的是,梵蒂冈大教堂中著名的壁画和雕塑正在被游客散发出的热量所腐蚀。除此之外,20年前美国的科罗拉多河上每天只有14个人顺流而下,相比之下如今这一资料已经超过了一千,使得科罗拉多河变得极其拥挤。 It is high time that we should place some regulations to protect tourist attractions. The primary proposal came up in my mind is that, local government should carry out more rigid laws banning mi *** ehavior in tourist attractions such as doodling and spitting arbitrarily. In the second place, it is undeniable that restriction on the number of tourists can make a difference. Keeping the flow of visitors under control will undoubtedly exert beneficial influence on cultural heritages such as the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. 现在真的是我们应当出台保护旅游景点管理条例的时候了。我脑中浮现的第一个解决措施就是让当地的 *** 出台更加严格的法律条例来惩治旅游景点内旅客的品行不端,如随手涂鸦和随地吐痰。第二,可以肯定的说限制旅客数量也会产生重大意义。保持旅客数量在控制范围之内必然会对诸如紫禁城,长城这类文化遗产祈祷好的影响。 Last but not least, the rising awareness of acting morally is also a necessity. Only with more citizens attaching crucial significance to the living condition of tourist attractions can we solve this conundrum from its foundation. 最后但不是最次要的一点是人们增强文明表现的意识也必不可少。只有当更多的公民能重视旅游景点的现状,我们才能真正从根本上解决这一问题。 经典英语小短文带翻译:Preparing For A Perfect Journey 为完美旅程做准备 Beautiful landscapes, exotic cultures and a relaxing time all contribute to the perfect journey. Journey can bring us much happiness, people all think about how wonderful their journey will be, but the preparation is also a fun part of one’s trip. 美丽的风景,异国情调的文化和放松的时间,所有这些都是完美假期所包含的。旅途可以带给人很多乐趣,人们所能想到的就是他们的假期将会有多么的美妙,但是准备也是旅途有趣的一部分。 Liu is a college student, he went to travel to Tibet last week, “thinking about my experiences of travel, it’s the preparation beforehand that helps me a lot, I keep an enduring memory.” Liu says. We know preparation before the journey is very important, it ensures people safety, at the same time, people can have fun. What should people prepare for? 刘是一名大学生,他上周去 *** 旅游,“想到我的旅游经验,提前的准备给我带来了很大的帮助,我留下了难忘的回忆。”刘说。我们知道在旅游前做准备是很重要的,这能确保人们的安全,同时,人们可以享受乐趣。人们应该准备什么呢? People should sketch a detailed route taking into account first. They need to check out their route very clearly, so they won’t lose their way. The second is to book the hotel earlier, make sure there is available room for you when you go to the place, if people don’t do it, sometimes there will be no room left. The third is to check out the weather during your journey, to make sure it fits your journey. 人们首先应该描绘出详细的路线。他们需要检查清楚路线,这样他们就不会迷路。第二要早点订旅馆,确保当你去目的地的时候还有空余的房间,如果不这样做,有时候会没有房间。第三要看看在你旅游期间的天气,确保和你旅游期间的相符。 Preparation before journey is of importance, it decides how much fun you will share, so don’t ignore it. 旅游前的准备很重要,这决定了你快乐的程度,因此不要忽略。

随着当今社会对大学毕业生英语水平要求的不断提高,学生英语综合性实用能力越来越多地受到人们的关注。我整理了大学英语口语考试短文,欢迎阅读! 大学英语口语考试短文:英语学习之我见 My view on English Learning When it es to English learning, people may start pouring out their woes about how it difficult to learn. Well, as an English major student, I think there are several ways we can do to improve our English skills and make it easier to learn. Some English learners believe that extensive reading is an important way to learn English. I really agree with that. For every English learner, extensive reading is a indispensable part to enhance their English. There are some of the advantages of reading: 当提到学习英语时,人们就开始大倒苦水,抱怨英语是有多么的难学。好吧,作为一名英语专业的学生,我认为我们有几种方法可以使我们的英语水平提高,让其更容易学。一些英语学习者认为泛读是学习英语的重要方法。我同意这种看法。对于每个英语学习者来说,泛读是提高英语水平不可缺的一部分。关于阅读,有这些好处: First of all, reading on different kinds of topics can broaden our horizon. We can know about the things we don’t know before and learn about the cultural differences. To a large extend, we acquire our knowledge through reading. Second, reading English books or novel can avoid we speak “Chinglish”. We can know the way how the native English speakers express themselves. Third, reading is a good way to enlarge our vocabulary. If we encounter a new word in the book, we can refer to the dictionary, and then write it down on the notebook. What’s more, the more we read, the better our reading prehension will be. It’s a very useful skill for English learner. Last but not least, reading can provide us with a lot of pleasure. We will not feel lonely if we read an interesting book. 首先,阅读不同题材的文章可以扩宽我们的眼界。我们可以知道那些我们不曾了解的事物,并了解文化差异。从很大的程度上来说,我们通过阅读来获取知识。其二,阅读可以避免我们说“中式英语”。我们可以了解到地道的英语应该怎么样说。第三,阅读可以帮助我们扩充套件自己的词汇量。如果我们遇到一个新的单词,可以查阅字典,然后把新的单词抄在笔记本中。这对于英语学习者来说非常有用。最后,阅读可以提供给我们很多快乐。当我们阅读一本有趣的书时,就不会觉得孤独了。 In a word, reading is a good way to improve our English skills. Try to read extensively, you’ll have a lot of benefit from it. 一句话总结,阅读是提高我们英语学习能力的好方法。试着去广泛的阅读吧,你会从中收获很多的。 大学英语口语考试短文:Be a Truly Smart Consumer 做一个精明的消费者 Social and economic development today has not only brought us new kinds of goods and services, but also greatly changed the way we buy goods and services. As students mostly rely on their families, along with the increasing pressure of daily life, they are more careful with their money: they collect all kinds of coupons, look for group-buy deals for eating and travelling, and buy clothes only on sale. For most people, this seems to be a *** art way of enjoying better life at less expense. For me, however, this may not make us bee *** art buyers. 今天社会和经济的发展不仅给我们带来了新的商品和服务,同时也大大改变了我们购买商品和服务的方式。作为主要依靠家庭的学生,随着生活压力越来越大,他们用钱需要更加谨慎了:他们收集各类优惠券,组团吃饭和旅游,只买打折的衣服。对大多数人来说,这似乎是一个聪明的享受更好生活的方式,因为这些消费只需较少的费用。对我来说,然而,这也不意味着我们是精明的消费者。 I think such habits as buying with coupons or in the form of group-buy deals will easily result in overbuying and blind consumption. Buyers tend to think that coupons and group-buy deals give them a great advantage of saving money. It is praiseworthy that students choose to buy something they’re really in need of in such a way. But most of time, it is hard for them to refrain from being tempted to buy things offered at a tempting discount. The ultimate result is that they spend more money than they have planned before and harvest a heap of what they don’t really need. 我认为这样的习惯如购买优惠券或团购很容易导致不必要的盲目消费。购买者往往认为优惠券和团购能帮助他们省钱。值得赞许的是,学生选择去买东西,他们真的有这样的需要。但是大多数情况,他们不想购买一个诱人的折扣的东西是很难的。最终的结果是,他们的花费超过了预算,买下了一堆他们根本不需要的东西。 All in all, we should buy things out of necessity and ration instead of impulse. Don’t be confounded with lust and greed when seeing much cheaper things. Look before you leap. Only in this way can we be a truly *** art consumer. 总之,购物应出于必要合理的需求,而不要一时冲动。当我们看到非常便宜的东西时,不要被欲望和贪婪混淆,三思而后行。只有这样我们才能成为一个真正聪明的消费者。 大学英语口语考试短文: *** 之我见 My view on part-time jobs Some people say that college students should take up part-time jobs because they have much more free time than in the high school. While the others worry about that taking part-time jobs may have negative effects on study. In my opinion, I think part-time jobs have both advantages and disadvantages. 一些人说大学生应该去 *** ,因为他们有很多空余的时间。而另外一些人则认为参加做 *** 会对学习有负面影响。在我看来,我认为 *** 有利有弊。 On one hand, part-time jobs can broaden students’ horizon and make their free time more colorful. They do not only have the life on campus but also have many social activities. In this way, they can lead to a varied life. What’s more, their personal development can be enhancing to a better level. Some part-time jobs can have great contribute to the society. For instance, to be a volunteer in the orphanage, or do some cleaning for the munity. Through these work, the students will realize their personal value and know that they are capable people. The part-time jobs also help the students to realize that making money is not easy, they should appreciate that their parents hard working. With the money they earn, they can buy the things they want and reduce the family’s economic burdens. 一方面, *** 能够扩宽学生的眼界让他们的课余生活更加丰富多彩。学生们不光光有校园生活,也有诸多的社会活动。在这种情况下,他们的生活多姿多彩。更重要的是,他们的个人发展能上升到一个更好的水平。一些 *** ,能对社会有很大的贡献。例如说,去孤儿院当志愿者,或者会社群做些清洁工作。通过这些工作,学生们会体会到个人价值,知道自己是个有用的人。而 *** 也让学生们知道挣钱不易,他们应该体谅父母的辛勤劳动。通过 *** 赚了钱,就能够减轻家里面的经济负担了。 On the other hand, part-time jobs could have negative effects, too. The part-time jobs may take up too much of the free time that students would have no time to relax and study. What’s worse, some students may play truant in order to make more money. Some students even go to jail because they e under the influence of bad people through part-time jobs. 另一方面, *** 也会有负面影响。 *** 会占用过多的空闲时间导致学生没空学习休息。更糟糕的是,一些学 生可能会旷课去 *** ,以此赚取更多的钱。一些学生甚至进了监狱因为在业余工作中受到坏人的影响。 In conclusion, doing part-time jobs have both advantages and disadvantages. Students have to find a balance between their study and the jobs. After all, the main job of the students is to study. 总的来说,做 *** 有利有弊。学生们应该在 *** 和学习中找到平衡点。毕竟,学生的主要工作是学习。

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