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sci投稿cover letter写法如下:


这一部分,主要是介绍文章的亮点和主要内容。先用一句话概括文章的核心内容:This manuscript addresses XXX。




3、最后附上通讯作者的信息:Name,Degree,address and institution,phone,email等。有的期刊还需要提供通讯作者的传真(fax)。

最后来一句Sincerely yours,以表敬意。最后再来一个署名XXX。

cover letter写作要点






一般向SCI投稿论文时都会写一份Cover letter,即投稿信。它是为了帮助 编辑 快速了解文章内容和找到合适的审稿人,一篇内容恰当的cover letter会给你的工作锦上添花,掷出投稿第一块敲门砖。

但 Cell Press 的editor觉得不少人都不知道为什么要写Cover letter,错误地在这部分重复摘要中的内容,这无疑是极大的浪费。因此就有了下面的指导,跟着 Cell 学,离投 Cell 就不远了。

我稍微整理了一下格式,并将重点加以标记。后面提供了三份 模板 ,有一份有详细的注释。

Cover letters are provided for editors only , which means that, unlike the title and abstract that will be visible to, let’s hope, billions of people once the paper is published, the cover letter is going to be seen and read by a very tiny group of people.

Nevertheless, these are the people who have the responsibility to decide whether a manuscript is suitable for consideration in the journal it was submitted to . So, convincing the editors that your paper makes a valuable contribution to the knowledge in the field is important, and that’s why you need to put your cover letter to work.

The cover letter is your first “formal” interaction with a journal, and it embodies a request, so to speak, to consider your article for publication. But it also provides you with an excellent opportunity to present the significance of your scientific contribution.

Some Tips from Catarina, the Editor of Trends in Molecular Medicine.

Two aspects you need to understand clearly.

1). Let’s start with content.

You should succinctly explain what was previously known and then state your motivation for wishing to publish.

Such as:

2). Get to the point .

Succinctly explain the topic of discussion , and quickly convey the key conclusions . Generally, one page suffices and is preferred.

3). Do not rehash the abstract of the paper .

Copying and pasting the abstract into your cover letter verbatim is a big no-no . Instead, you need to venture beyond the summary: write a sentence that takes you further than the obvious conclusions .

Such as:

4). Get excited !

Your excitement about the scientific contributions can undoubtedly inspire the editor who’s reading the cover letter. Overall, the sentiment of “ you’re gonna love reading this paper! “ should seep through—make that happen!

5). Including a wish list of reviewers .

Relevant information on potential reviewers (including their field of expertise) can be included and is definitely a plus , as it can be quite helpful to the editor .

Don’t provide a long list of excluded reviewers (three maximum), and most certainly do not suggest excluding authors from entire continents on the map! Also, save the editor some time by specifying which author should be the lead contact , and indicate their affiliation.

当然这一部分有的会直接在投稿系统中填写,就不需要占用Cover letter的空间了。

6). Keep it simple and humble .

In terms of style, consider sincerity and simplicity . Statements indicating that the article or related findings have been presented at X number of conferences and are “tremendously” well received by the scientific community—or otherwise— do not add much to the cover letter. They might instead suggest right off the bat that a lot of cooing and convincing of the journal editor will be required. So let the “science” speak for itself . Also, a statement declaring that the article is original and isn’t being considered elsewhere can only add to your cause!

7). Proofread your letter by checking the spelling, grammar, and syntax .

8). Check every detail .

Avoid mistakes such as directing the cover letter to the editor(s) of a different journal, or to a different journal altogether .

A poor example:

Dear Editor-in-Chief,   I am sending you our manuscript entitled “Large Scale Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators in bladder cancer” by Researcher et al. We would like to have the manuscript considered for publication in Pathobiology.   Please let me know of your decision at your earliest convenience.   With my best regards,   Sincerely yours,   A Researcher, PhD

[Replace bracketed text with your own information and writing.   Best of luck! Email us at    with any questions!]

[My Name University of Research 804 Research Drive Los Angeles, CA, USA 90210 ]

[Dr. John Editorian Editor-in-Chief Journal of Science]

Dear [Dr. Editorian]:

I am pleased to submit an original research article entitled [ “Neofunctionalization of polymerase rho in Ustilago maydis” by Albert Postdoc and My Name] for consideration for publication in [the Journal of Science]. We previously uncovered a role for [polymerase rho in DNA repair in U. maydis (citation)], and this manuscript builds on our prior study to determine the evolution of this unique enzyme.

In this manuscript, we show that [polymerase rho… (list a few important results)].

We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by [the Journal of Science] because it… [specific link to the journal’s aims & scope]. [Our manuscript creates a paradigm for future studies of the evolution of essential enzymes in yeast.]

This manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. We have no conflicts of interest to disclose, but we do respectfully request that [Dr. Glen Meanie] not review our manuscript. If you feel that the manuscript is appropriate for your journal, we suggest the following reviewers:

[list reviewers and contact info, if requested by the journal]

Thank you for your consideration!


[My Name, PhD Professor, Department of Evolutionary Mycology University of Research]

Sample cover letter

[Your Name] [Your Affiliation] [Your Address]


Dear [Editor name], I/We wish to submit an original research article entitled “[title of article]” for consideration by [journal name]. I/We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In this paper, I/we report on / show that _______. This is significant because __________. We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by [journal name] because it… [specific reference to the journal’s Aims & Scope]. __________. [Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in this journal. Do not simply insert your abstract into your cover letter! Briefly describe the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readership of the journal would be interested in it.]

We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at [email address]. Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript. Sincerely, [Your name]

后台回复 cover letter 或点击获取三份模板的word版。


投稿信的重要性查尔斯沃思论文润色编辑认为投稿信是非常重要的,尽管在线提交文章的系统盛行,但投稿信可以告诉杂志及其编辑为什么他们应该考虑你的文章。这是特别重要的,因为当初审编辑在筛选你的论文时,就此决定是否在同行评审环节中寻找特定的专家,所以期刊欢迎增加对你研究的简要总结。 以下是论文润色编辑对如何撰写投稿信的一些建议: 始终检查期刊的撰写人笔记 - 许多期刊都有模板或具体建议他们期望您包括什么。简要说明:尽量将您的信件保存在一页,除非有特殊原因需要添加更多详细信息。重要的是要简洁。 查尔斯沃思论文语言润色编辑告诉你投稿信一定要包括以下内容: ●您的完整联系方式●写信给具体的期刊编辑,或写“亲爱的编辑”。表明你知道编辑的名字是一个好的征兆,你提交之前评估的日记。(不要使用称呼“亲爱的先生”,特别是因为许多编辑是女性!)●在标题开头,日志范围以及您的文章为什么相关。这是至关重要的,因为它会“标记”到期刊,无论您的文章是否在期刊的宗旨和范围内。●描述你的方法和研究结果目的是让编辑知道为什么你的研究是新颖的。●简要说明主要结果和结论。●如果期刊政策允许或可以自己邀请,那么您还可以为您的论文推荐潜在审稿人的详细信息。请务必检查审稿人的详细信息是否正确和有效。●确保您的论文没有提交到另一个杂志 - 一般的“规则”是期刊不考虑正在接受其他期刊审查的论文。 来自SPIE()的一个有用的模板在下面粘贴,可能有助于指导您遵循的主要标准: [YourName][YourAffiliation][YourAddress][Date]Dear Dr. [Editor name],I/We wish to submit a new manuscriptentitled “[title of article]” for consideration by the [journal name].I/We confirm that this work is original andhas not been published elsewhere nor is it currently under consideration forpublication this paper, I/we report on _______. Thisis significant because __________. Thepaper should be of interest to readers in the areas of __________.[Please explain in your own words thesignificance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed, andwhy the manuscript belongs in this journal. Do not simply insert your abstractinto your cover letter! Briefly describe the research you are reporting in yourpaper, why it is important, and why you think the readership of the journalwould be interested in it.]Please address all correspondenceconcerning this manuscript to me at [email address].Thank you for your consideration of ,[Yourname] 参考:查尔斯沃思论文润色小贴士


介绍信 是用来介绍联系接洽事宜的一种应用文体,下面我为大家带来一些sci投稿介绍信模板,望大家采纳。


Cover letter Dear Editors:

We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.

In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.

The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration: 1) Name A E-mail: ××××@×××× 2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××

We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any

queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below. Thank you and best regards. Yours sincerely, ××××××

Corresponding author: Name: ×××

E-mail: ××××@××××


Dear Prof. ×××:

Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章 稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not? I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.

Thank you very much for your consideration. Best regards! Yours sincerely, ××××××

Corresponding author:

Name: ×××

E-mail: ××××@××××


Cover letter

Dear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):

On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).

We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration. We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you and best regards. Yours sincerely, ××××××

Corresponding author: Name: ×××

E-mail: ××××@××××




标题要求:1.阐述具体、用语简介,一般不超过20个字。2.文题相称、确切鲜明,标题体现内容,内容说明标题。3.重点突出、主题明确,突出论文主题,高度概括 ,一目了然。不足以概括论文内容时,可加副标题。


1摘要内容和格式 一般格式:(1)目的(objective):说明论文要解决的问题及其起源、由来。 (2)方法(methods):说明研究时间、参与研究的患者或受试者的人数和研究的主要方法。 (3)结果(results):说明研究内容中主要结果,包括数据和统计学检验结果。 (4)结论(conclusions):说明主要结论,包括直接的临床应用。

2摘要的写作要求:(1)连续写出,不分段落,不加小标题,不举例证。 (2)格式规范化。 (3)简短、完整,一般占全文文字的10%左右。 (4)文字性资料,不用图、表、化学结构式。 (5)英文摘要与中文摘要内容基本一致。


4选择关键词的方法:(1)可从标题、摘要和全文内容中选择,以从标题中选择最常用。 (2)要严格筛选,充分、准确、全面地反映文章的中心内容。 (3)查阅医学主题词表确认。


1.引言的基本内容:(1)简要叙述研究此项工作的起因和目的 (2)研究此项工作的历史背景 (3)国内外对研究此项工作的研究现状和研究动态 (4)强调此项工作的重要性、必要性和研究意义 (5)适当说明研究此项工作的时间、材料和方法。

2.引言的`写作要求:(1)简明扼要,重点突出,一般为200-500字,约占全文的1/8-1/10关于SCI论文格式规范关于SCI论文格式规范。 (2)实事求是、客观评价,不能蓄意贬低前人,切忌妄下断言。 (3)少用套话,水平如何,自有共论。 (4)勿与摘要相同,避免与正文重复,不涉及结果或结论。 (5)一般不写“引言”字样标题。


1.材料与方法的主要内容: (1)实验对象。 (2)实验仪器:仪器设备名称、生产厂家、型号、操作方法、改进之点。(3)实验材料:药品和试剂的名称、成份、规格、纯度、来源、出厂时间、批号、浓度、剂量、给药方法、途径、用药总量。 (4)实验方法与条件。 (5)统计学方法: 结果(results) 结果是论文价值所在,是研究成果的结晶。

2.结果的内容: (1)数据:不用原始数据,要经统计学处理。 (2)图表:用于显示规律性和对比性。(3)照片:能形象客观地表达研究结果。 (4)文字:对数据、图表、照片加以说明。

3.结果的写作要求:(1)按实验所得到的事实材料进行安排,可分段、分节,可加小标题。 (2)解释客观结果,不要外加作者的评价、分析和推理。 (3)结果要真实性,不可将不符合主观设想的数据或其它结果随意删除。 (4)因图表和照片所占篇幅较大,能用文字说明的问题,尽可能少用或不用图表或照片。



讨论的内容:(1)对实验观察过程中各种数据或现象的理论分析和解释。 (2)评估自己结果的正确性和可靠性,与他人结果比较异同,并解释其原因。 (3)实验结果的理论意义及对实践的指导作用和应用价值。 (4)作用机制或变化规律的探讨。 (5)同类课题国内外研究动态及与本文的关系。













































《药物分析杂志》编辑部: 我单位 撰写的文章“ (论 文 题 目) ” , 稿件编号: ,经我单位审核,符合投稿要求。论文内容真实,数据可靠,不涉及泄密,作者署名无争议,未曾公开发表,不存在一稿多投。作者及我单位同意你刊出版权声明,并接受编委会对稿件的审核修改。















签字日期: 20xx年xx月xx日


《* * * * * *》杂志编辑部:

我单位 *** 科室 等同志撰写的题为:《 》一文,现投予贵刊,此稿件作者署名无争议,内容真实,无一稿多投,不涉及保密内容,请予以审阅,录用为盼!




20xx 年8月21 日


我单位 (稿件中的所有作者姓名 按稿件中顺序排列) 撰写的'文章“ (论 文 题 目) ” , 稿件编号: ,经我单位审核,符合投稿要求。论文内容真实,数据可靠,不涉及泄密,作者署名无争议,未曾公开发表,不存在一稿多投。作者及我单位同意你刊出版权声明,并接受编委会对稿件的审核修改。现推荐投稿你刊,请审核刊用。






我校药学院xx教研室(中心) xxx等撰写的题为:xx。一文现预投贵刊, 此稿件作者署名无争议,无一稿多投,不涉及保密内容,请予以审阅,录用为盼!






我单位 撰写的文章“ (论 文 题 目) ” , 稿件编号: ,经我








我单位 (稿件中的所有作者姓名 按稿件中顺序排列) 撰写的文章 (论 文 题 目) ,稿件编号: ,经我单位审核,符合投稿要求。论文内容真实,数据可靠,不涉及泄密,作者署名无争议,未曾公开发表,不存在一稿多投。作者及我单位同意你刊出版权声明,并接受编委会对稿件的审核修改。现推荐投稿你刊,请审核刊用。







1.第一行顶格写对方的称呼,如“《××× ×》杂志编辑部"、“编辑同志”、或“×× ×编辑同志"。




















××大学经济研究所  研究员



一般向SCI投稿论文时都会写一份Cover letter,即投稿信。它是为了帮助 编辑 快速了解文章内容和找到合适的审稿人,一篇内容恰当的cover letter会给你的工作锦上添花,掷出投稿第一块敲门砖。

但 Cell Press 的editor觉得不少人都不知道为什么要写Cover letter,错误地在这部分重复摘要中的内容,这无疑是极大的浪费。因此就有了下面的指导,跟着 Cell 学,离投 Cell 就不远了。

我稍微整理了一下格式,并将重点加以标记。后面提供了三份 模板 ,有一份有详细的注释。

Cover letters are provided for editors only , which means that, unlike the title and abstract that will be visible to, let’s hope, billions of people once the paper is published, the cover letter is going to be seen and read by a very tiny group of people.

Nevertheless, these are the people who have the responsibility to decide whether a manuscript is suitable for consideration in the journal it was submitted to . So, convincing the editors that your paper makes a valuable contribution to the knowledge in the field is important, and that’s why you need to put your cover letter to work.

The cover letter is your first “formal” interaction with a journal, and it embodies a request, so to speak, to consider your article for publication. But it also provides you with an excellent opportunity to present the significance of your scientific contribution.

Some Tips from Catarina, the Editor of Trends in Molecular Medicine.

Two aspects you need to understand clearly.

1). Let’s start with content.

You should succinctly explain what was previously known and then state your motivation for wishing to publish.

Such as:

2). Get to the point .

Succinctly explain the topic of discussion , and quickly convey the key conclusions . Generally, one page suffices and is preferred.

3). Do not rehash the abstract of the paper .

Copying and pasting the abstract into your cover letter verbatim is a big no-no . Instead, you need to venture beyond the summary: write a sentence that takes you further than the obvious conclusions .

Such as:

4). Get excited !

Your excitement about the scientific contributions can undoubtedly inspire the editor who’s reading the cover letter. Overall, the sentiment of “ you’re gonna love reading this paper! “ should seep through—make that happen!

5). Including a wish list of reviewers .

Relevant information on potential reviewers (including their field of expertise) can be included and is definitely a plus , as it can be quite helpful to the editor .

Don’t provide a long list of excluded reviewers (three maximum), and most certainly do not suggest excluding authors from entire continents on the map! Also, save the editor some time by specifying which author should be the lead contact , and indicate their affiliation.

当然这一部分有的会直接在投稿系统中填写,就不需要占用Cover letter的空间了。

6). Keep it simple and humble .

In terms of style, consider sincerity and simplicity . Statements indicating that the article or related findings have been presented at X number of conferences and are “tremendously” well received by the scientific community—or otherwise— do not add much to the cover letter. They might instead suggest right off the bat that a lot of cooing and convincing of the journal editor will be required. So let the “science” speak for itself . Also, a statement declaring that the article is original and isn’t being considered elsewhere can only add to your cause!

7). Proofread your letter by checking the spelling, grammar, and syntax .

8). Check every detail .

Avoid mistakes such as directing the cover letter to the editor(s) of a different journal, or to a different journal altogether .

A poor example:

Dear Editor-in-Chief,   I am sending you our manuscript entitled “Large Scale Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators in bladder cancer” by Researcher et al. We would like to have the manuscript considered for publication in Pathobiology.   Please let me know of your decision at your earliest convenience.   With my best regards,   Sincerely yours,   A Researcher, PhD

[Replace bracketed text with your own information and writing.   Best of luck! Email us at    with any questions!]

[My Name University of Research 804 Research Drive Los Angeles, CA, USA 90210 ]

[Dr. John Editorian Editor-in-Chief Journal of Science]

Dear [Dr. Editorian]:

I am pleased to submit an original research article entitled [ “Neofunctionalization of polymerase rho in Ustilago maydis” by Albert Postdoc and My Name] for consideration for publication in [the Journal of Science]. We previously uncovered a role for [polymerase rho in DNA repair in U. maydis (citation)], and this manuscript builds on our prior study to determine the evolution of this unique enzyme.

In this manuscript, we show that [polymerase rho… (list a few important results)].

We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by [the Journal of Science] because it… [specific link to the journal’s aims & scope]. [Our manuscript creates a paradigm for future studies of the evolution of essential enzymes in yeast.]

This manuscript has not been published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. We have no conflicts of interest to disclose, but we do respectfully request that [Dr. Glen Meanie] not review our manuscript. If you feel that the manuscript is appropriate for your journal, we suggest the following reviewers:

[list reviewers and contact info, if requested by the journal]

Thank you for your consideration!


[My Name, PhD Professor, Department of Evolutionary Mycology University of Research]

Sample cover letter

[Your Name] [Your Affiliation] [Your Address]


Dear [Editor name], I/We wish to submit an original research article entitled “[title of article]” for consideration by [journal name]. I/We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In this paper, I/we report on / show that _______. This is significant because __________. We believe that this manuscript is appropriate for publication by [journal name] because it… [specific reference to the journal’s Aims & Scope]. __________. [Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in this journal. Do not simply insert your abstract into your cover letter! Briefly describe the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readership of the journal would be interested in it.]

We have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at [email address]. Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript. Sincerely, [Your name]

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收件人:编辑邮箱主题:投稿《杂志名》【栏目】《你的文章题目》【笔名】附加:可以添加,用WORD就可以,里面要注明自己的联系方式正文:短篇的话附上全文最后注明你的笔名,联系方式电子邮件投稿要注意以下几点: 一、 电子邮件投稿应该用什么格式? 主题:投稿栏目、文章名、发表笔名。 内容:文章的全部内容。 落款:您的真实联系地址、邮编、姓名、邮箱地址、固定电话、手机、QQ号码(注明QQ名)、其他您觉得有必要留的联系信息。 除了以上内容,一概不欢迎。 二、 为什么不欢迎使用附件? (只发附件不行。如果正文与附件一起发则非常欢迎。) 大家知道,很多病毒是通过邮件附件传送的,就我知道,很多杂志社的电脑上都装了病毒粉碎机这个软件,就是说在处理电子邮件的时候,有附件的系统一律删除。这意味着您辛苦的文字永远不会被编辑看到。 另外,附件来稿格式不同,往往因为软件问题而打不开,或者,打开是乱码。 所以,为了您自身利益,别使用附件投稿。













Cover Letter 既投稿信,对于科研论文新手来说,不知该如何下手,而对于论文老司机来说,重视程度普遍比较低。查尔斯沃思 论文润色 在往期的文章中多次介绍过投稿信的重要性(参见《投稿信的重要性》),投稿信可以告诉杂志及其编辑为什么他们应该考虑你的文章。这是特别重要的,因为当初审编辑在筛选你的论文时,就此决定是否在同行评审环节中寻找特定的专家,所以期刊欢迎增加对你研究的简要总结。 不同的期刊对投稿信的要求各不相同,例如有的杂志会要求推荐几位审稿人。一般会在杂志的作者指南(guide for authors)中看到具体的要求。许多作者并没有注意到投稿信的重要性,即便它的重要性已经成为常识问题。有些作者甚至对此有一些误解。 投稿信应包含哪些内容?这一问题在《投稿信的重要性》中已经有给出了详细的说明,在此再次强调一下,除了一些基本信息外,最主要的是把该篇论文的研究重点及学术贡献、创意简洁的强调下。 我们也为大家准备了一个通用模板,供作者参考,该模板来自SPIE: [Your Name] [Your Affiliation] [Your Address] [Date] Dear Dr. [Editor name], I/We wish to submit a new manuscript entitled “[title of article]” for consideration by the [journal name]. I/We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. In this paper, I/we report on _______. This is significant because __________.  The paper should be of interest to readers in the areas of __________. [Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in this journal. Do not simply insert your abstract into your cover letter! Briefly describe the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readership of the journal would be interested in it.] Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at [email address]. Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript. Sincerely, [Yourname]


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