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论会计电算化岗位的职责与权限全文加七四五六九零四六零摘  要:会计电算化是会计工作现代化的前提和手段,也是会计改革的重要内容,在会计电算化条件下,科学设置会计岗位的职责和权限显得十分重要。

【摘要】会计电算化的应用是高校会计制度改革和高等教育发展的必然结果。本文探讨了当前高校会计电算化工作中存在的一些问题,提出了选择适用的会计核算软件、改善会计电算化的运行环境、落实会计电算化档案管理、完善内部控制制度、加快会计信息化建设的对策建议。 【关键词】高校;会计电算化;问题;对策



回答 工商管理、经济学、法学、管理学、微观经济学、宏观经济学、管理信息系统、会计学、财务管理、市场营销、管理会计、审计学等。 请问您还有什么问题需要咨询呢? 专业基础必修:会计学原理 、管理学、经济法、微观经济学、宏观经济学、经济统计学原理 专业基础选修:公司法、管理信息系统、技术经济学、国际贸易、运筹学、组织行为学 专业必修:金融学、财务会计、计量经济学、财务管理、投资学、管理会计、财务报告分析、高级财务管理 专业选修:成本会计、审计学、税收会计、高级财务管理、会计信息系统、货币银行学、中级微观经济学、国际金融等。 提问 你好,初中毕业,空白了6年,可以学什么专业。 回答 学汽车维修很不错的。汽车在人们的生活中越来越重要,汽车维修技术人才很吃香的,学这个发展前途很好的 提问 嗯,谢谢 回答 这个专业还可以 提问 那个女生的话,学什么好? 回答 幼师或者高铁乘务都很不错 提问 嗯,谢谢 回答 这些都是初中毕业女孩子学习的 更多12条 





会记电算化原文,是英文,如下:China's accounting work of the late start from the 1970s until the end of the year, try going through the stages of development and self-organized and planned way stage of steady development, the current management accounting software-development In the 20 years of development, has made considerable progress, and commercialization of GM's financial software is widely Many accounting software development has been toward specialization, commercialization and socialization of the However, due to the financial characteristics of the work itself, as well as the rapid development of the network, the rapid rise of e-commerce and so on, a number of advanced, modern things keep cropping up on the accounting system, a higher demand, so that the establishment of modern Enterprise development needs of the new financial system has become Since the accounting is a systematic project, in the process of development there is much work to do, there are many issues to be resolved in a timely manner or face serious obstacle to China's accounting to a deeper This article on China's accounting process and must be resolved on a few First, people's thinking to solve problems Computerization of China's cause of a late start, people thought the idea has not yet fully aware of the significance and importance of Most units are used in computerized accounting in place of hand, is only alleviate the burden on the accounting staff and improve efficiency of the accounting aspects, it does not recognize the establishment of a complete accounting information systems for enterprises, so that the existing accounting information provided Timely and effective decision-making and enterprise management At the same time, software updates and hardware investment in areas such as lack of support, not to mention the establishment of enterprise local area network as well as the registration of their Web site, did not make use of the advantages of information technology to improve the operational efficiency of Accounting for this understanding is very detrimental to the Accounting is the accounting work in computer applications in the short to the computer is represented by modern data-processing tools and information theory, systems theory, cybernetics, databases and computer networks, such as new theories and technology used in accounting Accounting and financial management work to improve the management of accounting and economic benefits, and the realization of the modernization of We must recognize that accounting is not only changed the accounting method in the form of data storage, data-processing procedures and methods to expand the areas of accounting data to improve the quality of accounting information, but also changed the accounting and internal control audit methodology and technology, Thus promoted the theory of accounting and accounting for the further development of technology to improve and promote the accounting management system reform, is the study of accounting theory and accounting practice a fundamental On the face of it, accounting only applies to the computer accounting work to reduce the labor intensity of accountants, accounting to improve the speed and accuracy to the computer to replace manual In fact, accounting is not only accounting tools and methods to improve accounting, and would doubtless have been a division of accounting and personnel changes, and promote the quality of personnel and accounting knowledge structure, accounting efficiency and quality of the all-round improvement Accountants to save time and energy, changing the functions of accounting, accounting theory and accounting to promote technological progress, raise the level of accounting work, a significant increase in economic efficiency of enterprises, accounting theory and practice so that all aspects will be unprecedented in-depth C For example, with a focus on data storage and management features of the "Computerized Accounting", the use of advanced database and data warehouse technology, data classification has focused on storage, the total abolition of a variety of accounting and reconciliation operation, the various statements of the data Able to share data through timely and accurately Second, attention should be paid to accounting theory research Theory is the precursor of action, accounting dependent on the development of computerized accounting theory of the development of computerized accounting theory behind the study, will be restricted accounting software maturity and development, computerized accounting The theory is to guide and promote the new accounting on the basis of constant improvement and development of practice In a sense, the emergence and development of the computerized accounting process, but also break the traditional concept of accounting, the current method of accounting theory and new issues, new issues, as well as research and the establishment of new theories and If the computerized accounting system in the design, work organization, information processing and accounting procedures to deal with ways and means to change itself to the current accounting theory and methods and improve the Although in the short term, the impact of these is the gradual, but in the long run, with the rapid development of electronic technology and computerized information systems of universal application, new problems and new issues will arise, such as: information-processing network After the establishment of enterprises will not only how to achieve the legitimate provision of accounting information in a timely manner, can the effective protection of trade secrets; accounting of the two sub-systems combine to achieve, how to improve the existing financial reporting; information on existing economic theories and methods of accounting have any effect on the And so On the subject of a new in-depth study will become a new accounting theory and methods, and new accounting theory and methods to establish and make computerized accounting on a new basis for further improvement and Traditional accounting theory of how to use the main computer system by hand, and the system did not have higher requirements of the characteristics of its own, this is not Computerized Accounting theoretical research that is the realization of the computerized accounting information systems, accounting procedures and management systems, accounting methods, as well as the use of the computer as the main tool for accounting after the accounting theory, the impact of the accounting system and accounting The work of the new Computerized Accounting theoretical study to determine the electronic accounting information system the basic functions of the system, regulate the operation and characteristics of the interface audit, accounting files, and other basic requirements, it is consistent with the basic requirements of the accounting manual, at the same time, with their own Some of the Computerized Accounting fundamental question of thorough





参加会计电算化培训班  会计核算软件是专门用于会计核算工作的电子计算机应用软件,包括采用各种计算机语言编制的用于会计核算工作的计算机程序,从而替代人工,实现会计核算任务。  会计核算系统是以账务处理功能为核心,包括多种功能的有机组合体。大部分的会计核算软件将会计核算系统按功能划分为若干个相对独立的子系统,于系统每一部分的功能简单明了并相对独立,各子系统的会计信息相互传递与交流。形成完整的会计核算系统。会计核算软件中具备相对独立地完成会计数据输入、处理和输出功能的各个部分,称之为会计核算软件的功能模块。  会计核算软件的功能模块包括以下部分:  账务处理模块主要包括:①账务初始(建账);②凭证处理(输入、审核、汇总);③查询;④对账;⑤结账;⑧打印输出;⑦其他辅助功能。  账务初始是根据程序要求和内部管理需要自定义会计科目体系、记账凭证格式、账簿体系的过程。相当于手工状态下设立一套新的账务核算体系,是用计算机建账的过程。  凭证处理包括凭证的输入、修改、审核、汇总、打印等内容。  查询是设定查询条件标志,灵活迅速查询某会计期间的会计凭证及有关明细分类账、总账的有关内容。例如:寻找特定内容的会计凭证,查找会计科目的发生额或余额等。  对账功能一部分是由会计核算软件在设计时由程序自动检查核对,如总账、明细账、日记账之间的账账核对;另一部分则提供给用户进行核对,如与银行对账单核对,与往来账核对,与其他辅助账核对等,并能做出调节表等相关资料。  结账功能由程序完成,按国家会计制度规定,按会计科目分级进行计算、汇总,结出借贷发生额和余额,结束当期核算,开始下一个会计核算循环。结账还包括会计信息跨年度结转,开始一个新的会计年度的特殊内容。  打印输出功能是打印记账凭证、账簿等会计信息资料,以便用户使用和归档保管。  (2)报表处理模块。报表处理模块是按国家统一的会计制度规定,根据会计资料而编制会计报表,向公司管理者和政府部门提供财务报告。会计报表按其汇编范围可分为个别报表、汇总报表以及合并报表。  报表处理模块包括:①报表定义;②报表计算;③报表汇总;④报表查询;⑤报表输出。  报表定义是依据会计软件,建立一个新的报表体系所做的工作。主要包括:定义报表名称,描述空白表格的格式,定义报表项目填写内容的数据来源和报表项目及运算关系,确定表格项目审核校验及报表间项目的勾稽关系,检查公式以及汇总报表的汇总范围等步骤。  经过报表定义之后,就可以按规定计算或汇总产生所需要的会计报表,通过审核校验确认后,可以打印、复制、查询,输出会计报表。  (3)固定资产核算模块。固定资产核算模块主要是用于固定资产明细核算及管理。  固定资产核算模块包括:①建立固定资产卡片;②建立固定资产账簿;③录入固定资产变动情况;④计提固定资产折旧;⑤汇总计算;⑥查询及打印输出;⑦编制转账凭证。  此模块主要是根据财务制度的规定,建立固定资产卡片,确定固定资产计提折旧的系数、方法,录入固定资产增减变动情况,汇总计算固定资产原值、累计折旧及净值。按预先设计自动编制转账分录,完成转账的记录,打印输出固定资产明细账和资料卡片,详细反映固定资产价值状况。  (4)工资核算模块。工资核算模块以计提发放职工个人工资的原始数据为基础,计算职工工资,处理工资核算。  工资核算模块包括:①设计工资项目及项目计算公式;②录入职工工资基础资料;③增减变动及修改;④计算汇总;⑤查询;⑥打印输出。  工资核算模块,首先设计工资的项目及项目计算公式,按项目录入职工应发、扣减、实发金额,按使用者的要求计算配发不同面值的零、整钱数。  该模块应具备自行定义工资的项目,选择分类方式,灵活修订工资项目,调整职工个人基础资料,定义工资计算公式(如代扣个人所得税计算公式)进行汇总计算。自动制作转账凭证,填制分录,进行工资分配,计算工资福利费。  (5)其他模块。其他模块主要包括:存货核算,成本核算系统,应收应付款核算、销售核算和财务分析等等。根据行业的特点,又有:零售业进销存核算系统、批发业进销存核算系统等。根据管理的需要,又有:劳资人事管理系统、国有资产管理系统等。

回答 会计电算化信息系统的构成包括人员、数据、硬件、软件和规程五大部分。会计电算化是一个人机相结合的系统,其基本构成包括会计人员、硬件资源、软件资源和信息资源等要素,其核心部分则是功能完善的会计软件资源。


Budget accounting is the national budget management and administrative institution of financial management is an important foundation, accounting, supervision and is reflected by the government and the administrative institution of budget implementation of fiscal funds for the center of professional However, China's economic system reform of socialist market economic system, the establishment and development of the wto, China successfully, and to accelerate economic internationalization, originally planned economy system of financial management mode of GongGeiXing budget accounting system has not conducive to its functions, the budget accounting system can not meet the needs of economic and social development, are mainly embodied in the entire budget budgets not a single form of content and basic accounting unit can highlight the difference and budget budget accounting system is not perfected This paper expounds the present perfect budget accounting system problems facing problems, at the same time, on the basis of analysis of combining the actual situation in our country, and puts forward Suggestions of long-term


谷歌学术有 你多看一些文献,然后列出几个关键词,比如现有问题,改革前景,祝好运[1] 李玲 关于中国预算会计制度改革的进一步认识[J] 现代经济信息, 2009, (01) [2] 蒋晓凤 关于我国预算会计体系改革的探讨[J] 现代商业, 2009, (17) [3] 王永奇 当前会计信息化的主要问题及其对策[J] 商业文化(学术版), 2009, (02) [4] 郜保萍 对当前会计信息化发展的几点思考[J] 山西财税, 2007, (12) [5] 卢月,蒋越,王辉 事业单位预算会计制度新问题和改革前景研究[J] 水利科技与经济, 2008, (05) [6] 潘友琴 加强行政事业单位会计信息系统内部控制的设想[J] 上海财税, 1999, (07) [7] 李筱佳 会计信息化对会计实务的影响及对策[J] 财会研究, 2009, (06) [8] 杜安国 行政事业单位会计信息化内外部问题研究——基于公共治理视角下的会计信息化管理[J] 会计之友(上旬刊), 2008, (01) [9] 顾豫蓉 行政事业单位内部会计控制现状、成因及对策[J] 市场论坛, 2009, (02) [10] 田春燕 适应预算管理的要求,改革预算会计制度[J] 河套大学学报, 2009, (03)
