首页 > 毕业论文 > 致谢毕业论文法语翻译




谢谢  merci











1、规则: 字尾为c时,一般来说要发音:

例子: sac,avec,sec,lac,truc...

例外: tabac,blanc...

2、规则: 字尾为d时,一般来说不发音:

例子: grand,nord,rond...

3、规则: 字尾为e时,一般来说不发音:

例子: belle,madame,table...

4、规则: 字尾为f时,一般来说要发音:

例子: neuf,chef,bref...

5、规则: 字尾为g时,一般来说不发音:

例子: poing,long,vingt...

6、规则: 字首为h时,一般来说永不发音:

例子: haut,humble,heureux...



A la fin de cette mémoire, je tiens à exprimer ma sincère gratitude à tous ceux qui mont aidé ou encouragé moi au cours des trois dernières années.

Tout dabord, je dois la plus grande gratitude à mon superviseur Prof Huang Ming ,qui ma beaucoup aidé lors de la rédaction de cette mémoire. Sans elle, éclairant des conseils, des encouragements, des conseils précieux et minutieux révisions, je naurait pas terminé mes études. Ma gratitude aimerait également être étendu à tous les professeurs de la faculté de la langue et de la culture anglaise. leur source dinspiration cours et conférences ont contribué à la construction de la fondation littéraire cette mémoire.

Deuxièmement, mes remerciements vont également à mes collègues dipl?més et amis, surtout Li Xue, et Wang Yang, ils ma fourni tout matériel quils pouvaient trouver, et a montré un grand soutien au cours de mon écriture.

Enfin, je dois mes plus sincères remerciements à ma famille bien-aimée pour leur incessant amour et une grande confiance en moi tout au long de ces années, sans eux, je naurais nont jamais devenir la personne que je suis maintenant.


Avril 2013

Avant de vous présenter mon mémoire, je voudrais tout d’abord remercier mes parents qui m’encouragent depuis toujours dans ma vie et dans mes études. Ensuite, je tiens à remercier sincèrement le Professeur HUANG Ming, directrice de mon mémoire, qui m’a aidé à choisir ce sujet, et surtout je la remercie de s’être occupée de la correction de mon mémoire. Je suis reconnaissant en même temps du soutien, de l’encouragement et des renseignements à d’autres professeurs du Département de Francais.

Je tiens tout d’abord à présenter mes sincères remerciements à tous ceux qui ont eu l’amabilité de m’aider en me procurant des documents, en me donnant de précieux conseils et renseignements, et en corrigeant mon mémoire.

Je remercie tout particulièrement ma directrice de mémoire, Madame XX, pour les observations et les corrections qu’elle m’a suggérées. Merci de tout mon coeur !

Je tiens tout d’abord à présenter ici mes sincères remerciements à monsieur le professeur XX, mon directeur de mémoire, pour tous les conseils qu’il m’a donnés.

Je le remercie également pour tous les renseignements avec responsabilité et les corrections avec patience qu’il m’a suggérés.

Merci de tout mon cur !

谢谢:Merci   音标为mer'si:

法语谢谢是:merci,merci[mɛrsi]   [f.] 谢谢,感谢,致谢,谢意[interj.] 谢谢

法:Merci, quand vous arriverez

英:Thank you,when do you arrive




1、不用客气,祝你好运。De rien. Bonne chance.

2、不用说谢谢,因为我能够帮你,也是我的荣幸。Inutile de dire merci. C 'est un honneur pour moi de t' aider.











[f.] 谢谢,感谢,致谢,谢意

[interj.] 谢谢


法:Merci pour vos félicitations .

英:Thank you for your congratulations


法:Merci, quand vous arriverez ?

英:Thank you,when do you arrive?




1)跟不熟的,用vous来称呼的:je vous en pris(不客气), 或者c'est mon plaisir(很乐意为您效劳)。

2)跟熟的人,用te来称呼的:je t'en pris(不客气), 或者de rien(没事儿)。

别人表扬你,如果是带有夸奖意味的,比如表扬你法语说的好啊,唱歌唱得好之类的,一般回答 merci (谢谢),如果是带有感谢意味的表扬,比如说因为你帮助了他,他说你人真好之类的,则用je vous en pris 或者 c'est mon plaisir就可以了。




Upon the completion of this thesis,I am grateful to those who have offered meencouragement and support during the course of my study.

First,specialacknowledgment is given to my respectable supervisor whose patient instruction andconstructive suggestions are beneficial to me a lot.

Second, particular thanks go to allthe teachers and professors who have taught me for their instruction and generoussupport during these years. What is more, I would like to present my thanks to one ofmy special friend from whom I get tremendous love and encouragement as well astechnical instruction. Finally, I would like to express the most heartfelt gratitude to myfamily members who have provided me great help and support.

Though the mostunfortunate thing happened to me, while I survived and became sfronger. Their love isalways the source of my strength during the period of thesis writing. And I love you,dad.

I would like to dedicate my paper to all those who have offered me tremendousassistance during the three years in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics.

First of all, my heartiest thanks flow to my supervisor, Professor Cao Daogen, forhis helpful guidance, valuable suggestions and constant encouragement both in mystudy and in my life. His profound insight and accurateness about my paper taught meso much that they are engraved on my heart. He provided me with beneficial help andoffered me precious comments during the whole process of my writing, without whichthe paper would not be what it is now.

Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the professors who havetaught me in this university that greatly broadened my horizon and enriched myknowledge in my study. Their inspirational and conscientious teaching have providedme with a firm basis for the composing of this paper and will always be of great valueto my future academic research.

My thanks also go to the scholars whose monographs and academic papers haveenlightened me in the writing of this paper.

Finally, I would like to extend my deep gratefulness to my family and friends,especially my three roommates, Chen Linghua, Gong Sha and Huang Jin, whoseencouragement and support have made my accomplishments possible.


















































First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.





Dormitory superintendent school Dong principal fellow teachers fellow schoolmates hello. I am sixth grade ___________. Today can represent the sixth grade all schoolmate to lecture to on I really was honored extremely. Six years enough have established six years sentiment in the school day today were last day put on the school uniform in the school to be together with the schoolmates. I give up the alma mater teacher and the schoolmate very much. We also will move on tomorrow will track down own to the different place ideal a our like shortsighted person just is suddenly rescued by the crow had a look the beautiful world and the true society. Believed in alma mater teacher certainly can hope our naive leaving another day succeeds ing back. Finally I the schoolmate which am going to graduate on behalf of all wishes fellow teachers to work happily wishes the schoolmates studies to be progressive. Thanks you. 帮你改咗少少 校监、校董、校长、各位老师、各位同学 你哋好。我系六年级嘅___________。今天,能够代表六年级到台上演讲,我真的感到十分荣幸。六年了,在学校的日子足足建立了六年的感情,今天是最后一天在学校穿着校服跟同学们相处了。 我很舍不得母校、老师和同学。明天起,我们也各奔前程,到不同的地方追寻自己的理想,我们恍如一只井底之蛙刚被乌鸦救了出来,去看看美丽的世界和真正的社会。相信在母校的老师一定会希望我们天真的离开,他日成功的回来。 最后,我代表全体将要毕业的同学,祝各位老师工作愉快,祝同学们学业进步和身体健康! The dormitory superintendent school Dong principal fellow teachers fellow schoolmates you are good. I am sixth grade ___________. Today can 够 represent the sixth grade to lecture to on I really was honored extremely. Six years enough have established six years sentiment in the school day today were last day put on the school uniform in the school to be together with the schoolmates. I give up the alma mater teacher and the schoolmate very much. We also will move on tomorrow will track down own to the different place ideal a our like shortsighted person just is suddenly rescued by the crow had a look the beautiful world and the true society. Believed in alma mater teacher certainly can hope our naive leaving another day succeeds ing back. Finally I the schoolmate which am going to graduate on behalf of all wishes fellow teachers to work happily wishes the schoolmates studies progress and the health! Headmaster staff and students. I'm __________ from Primary 6. Today it's my honour to speak on stage on behalf of primary 6. I have been in this school for 6 years. Today it's my last day to speak with my schoolmates with my school iniform on. I could not fet my school teachers and Tomorrow we would spread out to different places and pursue their own are like the trapped frogs being rescued by the oak. and see how beautiful the world is . I believe the teacher would expect us to leave gloriously from school and bee a successful man in the future. We appreciate the school staff and teachers in particular for their effort to maintain the wellbeing of each student and help developing each student in a stable way so that each of us wouls gain the knowledge we need and how to deal with the society ahead of us. Finally On behalf of the graduates I wish the happiness of the teacher and wish every student to make tremendous progress on their academic life at school. 参考: Longman Dictionary Speech Preparation

To complete an English paper process is long, need abundant knowledge reserves and access to a large number of relevant data, as well as strong ability of English majors. If it is my personal, it is impossible to finish the paper. Here, I want to thank my thesis guidance teachers zou teacher. From the selected topic to paper outline, she gave me good advice and help. In addition, she spend a lot of time on paper has carried on the guidance of grammar problems, with her help, my thesis to complete. I would also like to thank my roommates and classmates, we do papers together, communicate with each other, encourage each other. Finally, to thank my family and friends, they shall be my spiritual and material support, make me at ease study. Near graduation, I sincerely thank you for your teacher and classmates, and my family and friends to complete papers for help.


First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.




Acknowledge First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.




Upon the completion of this thesis,I am grateful to those who have offered meencouragement and support during the course of my study.

First,specialacknowledgment is given to my respectable supervisor whose patient instruction andconstructive suggestions are beneficial to me a lot.

Second, particular thanks go to allthe teachers and professors who have taught me for their instruction and generoussupport during these years. What is more, I would like to present my thanks to one ofmy special friend from whom I get tremendous love and encouragement as well astechnical instruction. Finally, I would like to express the most heartfelt gratitude to myfamily members who have provided me great help and support.

Though the mostunfortunate thing happened to me, while I survived and became sfronger. Their love isalways the source of my strength during the period of thesis writing. And I love you,dad.

I would like to dedicate my paper to all those who have offered me tremendousassistance during the three years in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics.

First of all, my heartiest thanks flow to my supervisor, Professor Cao Daogen, forhis helpful guidance, valuable suggestions and constant encouragement both in mystudy and in my life. His profound insight and accurateness about my paper taught meso much that they are engraved on my heart. He provided me with beneficial help andoffered me precious comments during the whole process of my writing, without whichthe paper would not be what it is now.

Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the professors who havetaught me in this university that greatly broadened my horizon and enriched myknowledge in my study. Their inspirational and conscientious teaching have providedme with a firm basis for the composing of this paper and will always be of great valueto my future academic research.

My thanks also go to the scholars whose monographs and academic papers haveenlightened me in the writing of this paper.

Finally, I would like to extend my deep gratefulness to my family and friends,especially my three roommates, Chen Linghua, Gong Sha and Huang Jin, whoseencouragement and support have made my accomplishments possible.

This paper is on the guidance and mentor XXX support. During this period, the teacher not only in the study on the X to the teachings of my life, and in the given meticulous care and concern. X teacher profound specialized knowledge, rigorous doing scholarly research attitudes, excelsior work style, and indefatigable noble virtue of my profound influence. This thesis topic to complete, each step is under the guidance of teachers in X X, the teacher painstaking efforts. In this, the teacher said to X highest respect and heartfelt thanks! Heartfelt thanks to my steps, the teacher elder sister XXX, she accompany me to overcome difficulties, for my experiment and gave a lot of help and guidance. Both experiments or life, her patience and care cherishes guiding gave me great spiritual power, in the deep gratitude for her. Thanks to the lab, thank them for elder sister my help and guidance, Thanks to the students, they together experiment in the laboratory and life, I also gives selfless assistance and care. Thank my family, is their hard work, for I created the broad space for development, They take education, let my master direction. Thanks to all the help I graduated in the experiment, concerned about me, I support the teachers and classmates and friends!


First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.




My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.




Upon the completion of this thesis,I am grateful to those who have offered meencouragement and support during the course of my study.

First,specialacknowledgment is given to my respectable supervisor whose patient instruction andconstructive suggestions are beneficial to me a lot.

Second, particular thanks go to allthe teachers and professors who have taught me for their instruction and generoussupport during these years. What is more, I would like to present my thanks to one ofmy special friend from whom I get tremendous love and encouragement as well astechnical instruction. Finally, I would like to express the most heartfelt gratitude to myfamily members who have provided me great help and support.

Though the mostunfortunate thing happened to me, while I survived and became sfronger. Their love isalways the source of my strength during the period of thesis writing. And I love you,dad.

I would like to dedicate my paper to all those who have offered me tremendousassistance during the three years in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics.

First of all, my heartiest thanks flow to my supervisor, Professor Cao Daogen, forhis helpful guidance, valuable suggestions and constant encouragement both in mystudy and in my life. His profound insight and accurateness about my paper taught meso much that they are engraved on my heart. He provided me with beneficial help andoffered me precious comments during the whole process of my writing, without whichthe paper would not be what it is now.

Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the professors who havetaught me in this university that greatly broadened my horizon and enriched myknowledge in my study. Their inspirational and conscientious teaching have providedme with a firm basis for the composing of this paper and will always be of great valueto my future academic research.

My thanks also go to the scholars whose monographs and academic papers haveenlightened me in the writing of this paper.

Finally, I would like to extend my deep gratefulness to my family and friends,especially my three roommates, Chen Linghua, Gong Sha and Huang Jin, whoseencouragement and support have made my accomplishments possible.


First and foremost, I appreciate my college which gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Miss Zhang, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form.

I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.




Dormitory superintendent school Dong principal fellow teachers fellow schoolmates hello. I am sixth grade ___________. Today can represent the sixth grade all schoolmate to lecture to on I really was honored extremely. Six years enough have established six years sentiment in the school day today were last day put on the school uniform in the school to be together with the schoolmates. I give up the alma mater teacher and the schoolmate very much. We also will move on tomorrow will track down own to the different place ideal a our like shortsighted person just is suddenly rescued by the crow had a look the beautiful world and the true society. Believed in alma mater teacher certainly can hope our naive leaving another day succeeds ing back. Finally I the schoolmate which am going to graduate on behalf of all wishes fellow teachers to work happily wishes the schoolmates studies to be progressive. Thanks you. 帮你改咗少少 校监、校董、校长、各位老师、各位同学 你哋好。我系六年级嘅___________。今天,能够代表六年级到台上演讲,我真的感到十分荣幸。六年了,在学校的日子足足建立了六年的感情,今天是最后一天在学校穿着校服跟同学们相处了。 我很舍不得母校、老师和同学。明天起,我们也各奔前程,到不同的地方追寻自己的理想,我们恍如一只井底之蛙刚被乌鸦救了出来,去看看美丽的世界和真正的社会。相信在母校的老师一定会希望我们天真的离开,他日成功的回来。 最后,我代表全体将要毕业的同学,祝各位老师工作愉快,祝同学们学业进步和身体健康! The dormitory superintendent school Dong principal fellow teachers fellow schoolmates you are good. I am sixth grade ___________. Today can 够 represent the sixth grade to lecture to on I really was honored extremely. Six years enough have established six years sentiment in the school day today were last day put on the school uniform in the school to be together with the schoolmates. I give up the alma mater teacher and the schoolmate very much. We also will move on tomorrow will track down own to the different place ideal a our like shortsighted person just is suddenly rescued by the crow had a look the beautiful world and the true society. Believed in alma mater teacher certainly can hope our naive leaving another day succeeds ing back. Finally I the schoolmate which am going to graduate on behalf of all wishes fellow teachers to work happily wishes the schoolmates studies progress and the health! Headmaster staff and students. I'm __________ from Primary 6. Today it's my honour to speak on stage on behalf of primary 6. I have been in this school for 6 years. Today it's my last day to speak with my schoolmates with my school iniform on. I could not fet my school teachers and Tomorrow we would spread out to different places and pursue their own are like the trapped frogs being rescued by the oak. and see how beautiful the world is . I believe the teacher would expect us to leave gloriously from school and bee a successful man in the future. We appreciate the school staff and teachers in particular for their effort to maintain the wellbeing of each student and help developing each student in a stable way so that each of us wouls gain the knowledge we need and how to deal with the society ahead of us. Finally On behalf of the graduates I wish the happiness of the teacher and wish every student to make tremendous progress on their academic life at school. 参考: Longman Dictionary Speech Preparation

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