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回答 企业盈利能力是对公司的利润表中的财务畅据进行分析,主要几项指标可以在《财务管理》中找到,每个指标可能会涉及多个会计科目,请逐一分析。综合性越强的指标越要深入分析。 企业盈利能力分析主要是以资产负债表、利润表、利润分配表为基础,通过表内各项目之间的逻辑关系构建一套指标体系,通常包括销净利率、成本费用利润率、总资产报酬率、利息保障倍数等,然后对盈利能力进行分析和评价。 扩展: 注意事项: 盈利的用途有两种,一种是向股东分红,一种就是作为资本金投入企业的经营当中,前者为企业所有者带来了收益,后者则为企业经营了更多的可使用资金。 投入经营的资金可以用于偿还长期债务、扩大经营规模等经营活动,如果能够引起企业经营规模扩大、盈利增长,就会形成一个正向的循环,使得盈利和营收互相促进一起增长。 如果企业亏损,那么表示企业的成本费用开支大于收入,企业未来的资金储备可能不足,长期债务可能无法得到偿还,不但不能为股东带来收益,而且可能还会需要进行融资。 亲,希望以上回答对您有所帮助~如果对我的回答满意,记得给个赞哦亲 更多6条 


回答 供参考:《上市公司财务报表分析新探》摘 要:上市公司财务报表分析是公司会计工作的主要内容之一,是投资者、股东、债权人、政府和普通大众都想要关心和了解的。在财务报表分析的过程中一定要注意将各种不同的分析方法综合运用,在结合宏观经济环境、同行业的不同公司和本公司历史业绩的横向、纵向的比较过程中,通过多种方法的应用达到透过纷繁的财务业务表象理解公司盈利能力的目的,为利益相关者的能够做出正确决策提供帮助。 关键词:上市公司;财务报表;分析随着中国国民经济的迅速发展和人们收入的不断提高,如何理财日益成为大众关注的焦点,而投向证券市场,尤其是购买上市公司的股票则是不少人投资理财的首选。由于大众普遍对各个上市公司缺乏足够的了解,怎样选择具有良好升值前景的股票、基金并规避可能的投资风险自然成了大众关心的迫切需要解决的问题。通过对上市公司必须向公众发布的上市报告书、年度报告和中期报告等报告书中所披露的上市公司财务报表的分析就可以对上市公司发行的股票的盈利前景等情况做出比较客观的评判。当然,对上市公司财务报表的分析决不是只为了“炒股”这么简单,它是了解上市公司过去、现在运营的基本情况和未来发展前景的基本途径,是投资者、股东、债权人和政府都要关心和了解的。 所谓财务报表分析就是通过一定的分析方法使报表中的会计数据、资金流转、财务状况和盈利水平以及公司的经营情况和发展趋势转化成投资决策的依据,是了解上市公司基本面的重要途径。它是运用会计报表数据对企业财务状况和成果及未来前景的一种评价。上市公司的财务报告分为季报、半年报、年报三种,具有公布集中、数量庞大、行业复杂的特点。它的经营状况是通过财务报表反映出来,因此分析和研究上市公司的财务报表是很重要的。了解上市公司的财务状况和经营成效及其股票价格涨落的影响是投资者进行决策的重要依据,是债权人、投资者、股东和政府都关心的事情。一、财务报表分析的主要内容 (一)对上市公司盈利能力的分析 投资者为获得满意的投资回报,必须关心一个上市公司的盈利情况,因为盈利数额的大小、利润率的高低是衡量公司管理绩效的主要标志。而公司股票价格的高低,股息发放的多少,也主要是由公司的盈利水平决定的。可见,公司盈利能力的大小是股票投资中首先要考虑的因素,同时也是政府、债权人和股东方关心的主要方面。对公司盈利能力的分析,可根据资产负债表和损益表提供的资料 提问 盈利能力有何创新点? 回答 :创新之处的,,,进本的 更多5条 




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July 2008, "Fortune", "Global 500" list published in 2007, Ping An of China 18 billion US dollars of operating income for the first time into the Global 500, ranked N 462 and became elected to the list of China and Africa The first state-owned April 2008, "Forbes" Global 2000 companies (Forbes Global 2000) published the list, Ping An of China re-entry into the global top 500 than the 147 seats forward in 2007 ranked N 293; 151 list in China companies, ranked N 9, won the first non-state-owned At the same time, the British "Financial Times" published in 2008 the market value of the global top 500 enterprises (FT Global 500), Ping An of China in the global ranking of companies accounted for the first 140, the global insurance industry in the The company through its subsidiary, the professional a total of about 4,095 million individual customers and corporate clients about 1,970,000 provides insurance, investment management and other financial Group has approximately 315,000 life insurance sales and more than 7 full-time employees and marketing all types of branches serving more than 3, 1 January, 2008 to June 30, 2008, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, the Group achieved revenues of 633 billion yuan, net profit reached 719 billion From premium income, Ping An Life is China's second largest life insurance company, Ping An Property & Casualty for China's third largest P & C The Company's mission is: to investors, customers, integrity protection; of staff, career planning, home and enjoy; to shareholders, asset value, stable return; of the community, society, nation- Ping An of China in order to maximize the value of advocacy-oriented and process excellence, high moral character, and so valuable, and the formation of the "honesty, trust, progress, achievements," the personal values, and "unity, vitality, learning and innovation" values of the Group of the "competition, motivation, elimination" mechanism, the implementation of "difference, professional, advanced and long-term" business Ping An of China is China's finance and insurance industry's first enterprise to introduce foreign capital, with a sound governance structure, international and professional management team, Group senior management team more than 1 / 2 from China Ping An of China's financial companies have an integrated financial services platform, to achieve the company's strategy, corporate culture, brand communications, IT technology, human resources, asset management, project management and risk control is centralized and can provide individual customers and businesses provide customers with personalized series products and Ping An of China building a call center and the Internet as the core, relying on service center stores and professional sales team 3A (Anytime, Anywhere, Anyway) service delivery model to provide clients with the national pass loss, hospitals, stores "one counter pass "and other differentiated Also introduced the industry take the lead in disaster relief services both at home and abroad, policy loans, pay in advance the dignity of life, customer service section and many other value-added 2008年7月,《财富》“世界500强”排行榜公布,中国平安以2007年180亿美元的营业收入,首次进入全球500强,位列第462位,并成为入选该榜单的中国非国有企业第一名。2008年4月,《福布斯》全球上市公司2000强(Forbes Global 2000)排行榜公布,中国平安再次进入全球500强,较2007年前进147席名列第293位;在151家上榜的中国企业中,排名第9,蝉联非国有企业第一名。同时,在英国《金融时报》公布的2008年全球市值500强企业排行榜(FT Global 500),中国平安在全球企业排名中占第140位,在全球保险行业排名第四。公司通过旗下各专业子公司共为约4,095万名个人客户及约197万名公司客户提供了保险保障、投资理财等各项金融服务。集团拥有约5万名寿险销售人员及7万余名正式雇员,各级各类分支机构及营销服务部门3,000多个。2008年1月1日至2008年6月30日,按照国际财务报告准则,集团实现总收入为人民币33亿元,净利润达到人民币19亿元。从保费收入来衡量,平安人寿为中国第二大寿险公司,平安产险为中国第三大产险公司。中国平安的企业使命是:对客户负责,服务至上,诚信保障;对员工负责,生涯规划,安家乐业;对股东负责,资产增值,稳定回报;对社会负责,回馈社会,建设国家。中国平安倡导以价值最大化为导向,以追求卓越为过程,做品德高尚和有价值的人,形成了“诚实、信任、进取、成就”的个人价值观,和“团结、活力、学习、创新”的团队价值观。集团贯彻“竞争、激励、淘汰”三大机制,执行“差异、专业、领先、长远”的经营理念。中国平安是中国金融保险业中第一家引入外资的企业,拥有完善的治理架构,国际化、专业化的管理团队,集团高层管理团队超过1/2来自海外。中国平安拥有中国金融企业中真正整合的综合金融服务平台,实现了公司战略、企业文化、品牌传播、IT技术、人力资源、资产管理、计划管理和风险控制等集中统一,可以为个人客户和企业客户提供系列的个性化产品和服务。中国平安建设了以电话中心和互联网为核心,依托门店服务中心和专业业务员队伍的3A(Anytime、Anywhere、Anyway)服务模式,为客户提供全国通赔、定点医院、门店“一柜通”等差异化的服务。还在业内率先推出了海内外急难救助服务,保单贷款,生命尊严提前给付,客户服务节等许多增值服务。


1:Barton J, Simko P TheBalance sheet as an Earnings Management Constraint[J]2:Baron DA model of thedemand for investment banking advising and distribution services for newissues [J]




你完D 成的。



July 2008, "Fortune", "Global 500" list published in 2007, Ping An of China 18 billion US dollars of operating income for the first time into the Global 500, ranked N 462 and became elected to the list of China and Africa The first state-owned April 2008, "Forbes" Global 2000 companies (Forbes Global 2000) published the list, Ping An of China re-entry into the global top 500 than the 147 seats forward in 2007 ranked N 293; 151 list in China companies, ranked N 9, won the first non-state-owned At the same time, the British "Financial Times" published in 2008 the market value of the global top 500 enterprises (FT Global 500), Ping An of China in the global ranking of companies accounted for the first 140, the global insurance industry in the The company through its subsidiary, the professional a total of about 4,095 million individual customers and corporate clients about 1,970,000 provides insurance, investment management and other financial Group has approximately 315,000 life insurance sales and more than 7 full-time employees and marketing all types of branches serving more than 3, 1 January, 2008 to June 30, 2008, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, the Group achieved revenues of 633 billion yuan, net profit reached 719 billion From premium income, Ping An Life is China's second largest life insurance company, Ping An Property & Casualty for China's third largest P & C The Company's mission is: to investors, customers, integrity protection; of staff, career planning, home and enjoy; to shareholders, asset value, stable return; of the community, society, nation- Ping An of China in order to maximize the value of advocacy-oriented and process excellence, high moral character, and so valuable, and the formation of the "honesty, trust, progress, achievements," the personal values, and "unity, vitality, learning and innovation" values of the Group of the "competition, motivation, elimination" mechanism, the implementation of "difference, professional, advanced and long-term" business Ping An of China is China's finance and insurance industry's first enterprise to introduce foreign capital, with a sound governance structure, international and professional management team, Group senior management team more than 1 / 2 from China Ping An of China's financial companies have an integrated financial services platform, to achieve the company's strategy, corporate culture, brand communications, IT technology, human resources, asset management, project management and risk control is centralized and can provide individual customers and businesses provide customers with personalized series products and Ping An of China building a call center and the Internet as the core, relying on service center stores and professional sales team 3A (Anytime, Anywhere, Anyway) service delivery model to provide clients with the national pass loss, hospitals, stores "one counter pass "and other differentiated Also introduced the industry take the lead in disaster relief services both at home and abroad, policy loans, pay in advance the dignity of life, customer service section and many other value-added 2008年7月,《财富》“世界500强”排行榜公布,中国平安以2007年180亿美元的营业收入,首次进入全球500强,位列第462位,并成为入选该榜单的中国非国有企业第一名。2008年4月,《福布斯》全球上市公司2000强(Forbes Global 2000)排行榜公布,中国平安再次进入全球500强,较2007年前进147席名列第293位;在151家上榜的中国企业中,排名第9,蝉联非国有企业第一名。同时,在英国《金融时报》公布的2008年全球市值500强企业排行榜(FT Global 500),中国平安在全球企业排名中占第140位,在全球保险行业排名第四。公司通过旗下各专业子公司共为约4,095万名个人客户及约197万名公司客户提供了保险保障、投资理财等各项金融服务。集团拥有约5万名寿险销售人员及7万余名正式雇员,各级各类分支机构及营销服务部门3,000多个。2008年1月1日至2008年6月30日,按照国际财务报告准则,集团实现总收入为人民币33亿元,净利润达到人民币19亿元。从保费收入来衡量,平安人寿为中国第二大寿险公司,平安产险为中国第三大产险公司。中国平安的企业使命是:对客户负责,服务至上,诚信保障;对员工负责,生涯规划,安家乐业;对股东负责,资产增值,稳定回报;对社会负责,回馈社会,建设国家。中国平安倡导以价值最大化为导向,以追求卓越为过程,做品德高尚和有价值的人,形成了“诚实、信任、进取、成就”的个人价值观,和“团结、活力、学习、创新”的团队价值观。集团贯彻“竞争、激励、淘汰”三大机制,执行“差异、专业、领先、长远”的经营理念。中国平安是中国金融保险业中第一家引入外资的企业,拥有完善的治理架构,国际化、专业化的管理团队,集团高层管理团队超过1/2来自海外。中国平安拥有中国金融企业中真正整合的综合金融服务平台,实现了公司战略、企业文化、品牌传播、IT技术、人力资源、资产管理、计划管理和风险控制等集中统一,可以为个人客户和企业客户提供系列的个性化产品和服务。中国平安建设了以电话中心和互联网为核心,依托门店服务中心和专业业务员队伍的3A(Anytime、Anywhere、Anyway)服务模式,为客户提供全国通赔、定点医院、门店“一柜通”等差异化的服务。还在业内率先推出了海内外急难救助服务,保单贷款,生命尊严提前给付,客户服务节等许多增值服务。

1:Barton J, Simko P TheBalance sheet as an Earnings Management Constraint[J]2:Baron DA model of thedemand for investment banking advising and distribution services for newissues [J]

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