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回答 您好,请问是书籍标注符号吗?如果是的话,用书名号《》这个标注呢。 提问 我的意思是我的论文脚注问题,如果我引用教育知识与能力这本书该如何标注 人呢 回答 引用书籍时,该列出的信息有些与期刊论文相似,包括作者名称和出版年份。另一方面,每本书籍都是独立不附卷号的印刷本,因此参考文献中要表示书籍的引用时,必须列出的信息有书名、出版商、出版地点、总页数和版本(初版除外)。如果书中没有版本信息,表示它是初版。 一、引用书籍时的典型格式如下 Klein G Sources of power: how people make Cambridge, Massachusetts: the MIT P 330 二、对应信息的顺序为 Klein G(作者名称)1998(出版年份) Sources of power: how people make decisions(书名) Cambridge, Massachusetts(出版地点): the MIT Press(出版商) 330 pp(总页数) 三、虽然具体的格式可能会有一些细节差异,但要注意以下几点 书名应以斜体字表示,书名里每个单字的开头字母需要大写,副标题只需把第一个字的首字母大写即可,并用分号将其与主标分开。 先列出出版地点,然后才是出版商名称,两者之间使用冒号分开。 注明书籍的总页数。 提问 中文的格式呢? 回答 您好,上面内容括号里面写了噢 更多12条 

回答 您好,您的问题我已经了解。正在打字回复您,请给我五分钟的时间,一定回复您~ 您好,亲爱的-- 一、参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著? C——论文集? N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章? D——学位论文 R——报告 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 二、对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点: ①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是: 姓,名字的首字母 如: Malcolm Richard Cowley 应为:Cowley, MR,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norris, F & IG; ②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。 【希望回答对您有帮助哦】\x09 更多12条 


What is Authority?Differentiating Authority, Power, and LegitimacyThe term “authority” refers to an abstract concept with both sociological and psychological As a child born of a myriad of different social situations which have some rough similarities, no easy definition Of particular concern throughout the literature on the topic is the entanglement of the concepts of authority, power, and This is a concern not only in the abstract (by which I mean that scholars discuss and disagree on how the three are entangled), but also in the concrete because scholars themselves are often guilty of entangling One is defined as a function of the other and vice-versa until the reader doesn’t know where to turn anymore for Power and LegitimacyPower is the ability, whether personal or social, to get things done — either to enforce one’s own will or to enforce the collective will of some group over Legitimacy is a socially constructed and psychologically accepted right to exercise A person can have legitimacy but no actual power (the legitimate king might reside in exile, destitute and forgotten) A person can have actual power but not legitimacy (the usurper who exiled the king and appropriates the symbols of office) Here, now, we begin to approach an understanding of what authority is because in all social situations a person is treated as an authority only when they have both power and We might consider, for example, the phrase uttered so often when someone intrudes into our business in order to give commands: “You have no authority ” What does that mean? It might mean that the person has no legitimate claim to be heard or It might mean that the person has no social power — he has not the ability to enforce his will over the objections of Or, it might be In any event, both must be present for authority to exist (socially) and be acknowledged (psychologically) Psychology of AuthorityThis is still not quite enough, however, because it defines authority a bit too closely to the concepts of legitimacy and When a person has authority over others, it means something a bit more than simply that they have a right to exercise existing The missing ingredient is psychological — the previously mentioned but not explicated issue of Both power and legitimacy are social in that they exist in the interplay between two or more Yet what goes on in the mind of person when he acknowledges the authority of another? It isn’t simply that he accepts the factual existence of power or legitimacy; rather, it’s also that he accepts that an authority figure is justified in making a decision without also explaining the reason for that decision and persuading others to accept that the decision was reached The importance of this is not too difficult to Exercising AuthorityIf I have authority over you, I can expect that when I make a decision you will go along with that decision, even if I don’t take the time to explain it to you and persuade you that it is indeed In turn, your acceptance of me as an authority implies that you have already agreed to be persuaded, implicitly, and won’t demand explicit explanations and Once I begin to explain my reasoning process and get you to agree that my conclusion was the proper one, then you have reached your own When you act, it won’t be because of me enforcing my will over you, nor will it have anything to do with the legitimacy of my Instead, it will simply be you exercising your will for your own Consider the appropriate example of a priest as a religious authority over a This priest has the legitimate social power to see that his will and that of and his superiors is enforced over the membership of the More than this, however, we must understand that those members have implicitly accepted that the priest does not need to patiently reason with each one of them in turn in order to get them to independently agree to the decisions in Why doesn’t the priest explain everything? There can be many reasons — perhaps members of the congregation lack the sophisticated training necessary in order to understand them, or maybe there just isn’t enough What’s important is that the priest could explain things, but doesn’t — authority means not having to explain everything but being able to wield legitimate power Only in a community of infinitely rational individuals with an infinite amount of time would it be possible for everything to be fully explained all of the In the real world, however, we must rely upon authority figures to make decisions for As a part of this, we invest them with the power and legitimacy necessary to cause those decisions to be meaningful and


Author Affiliation是著者简历或作家简介的意思。




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