首页 > 期刊发表知识库 > 我打算写文章并寄给杂志和报刊英语




there is a wireless station; so long

I'm going to write articles and publish them to the magazine!

选Bsend to 把文章发给杂志和报纸, 就是投稿的意思, 一般是寄信的形式take to / bring to 都是带过去, 暗含要亲自走一趟,不正确,没有send to好


选Bsend to 把文章发给杂志和报纸, 就是投稿的意思, 一般是寄信的形式take to / bring to 都是带过去, 暗含要亲自走一趟,不正确,没有send to好


选Bsend to 把文章发给杂志和报纸, 就是投稿的意思, 一般是寄信的形式take to / bring to 都是带过去, 暗含要亲自走一趟,不正确,没有send to好

I'm going to keep writing articles to magazines and


I plan to write srticle and send them to periodical office and newspaper office

选Bsend to 把文章发给杂志和报纸, 就是投稿的意思, 一般是寄信的形式take to / bring to 都是带过去, 暗含要亲自走一趟,不正确,没有send to好

I'm going to write articles and send them to magazines


I plan to write srticle and send them to periodical office and newspaper office

I'm going to keep writing articles to magazines and

I intend to write articles to the magazine everyday

  • 索引序列
  • 我打算写文章并寄给杂志和报刊英语
  • 我打算写文章寄给杂志社和报社英语
  • 我打算写文章并把它们寄给杂志社和报社的英语
  • 我打算写文章并把它们寄给杂志和报纸
  • 我打算不断写文章寄给杂志社和报社英语
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