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In my 0Pini0n




一、开头句型选择1、人们有不同的观点。一些人认为There are different opinions among people as to_ Some people suggest that___。2、俗话说(常言它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。There is an old saying_,Its the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correctin many cases even 二、中间过渡篇1、People' S views vary from person to Some hold 。However,others believe 人们对的观点因人而异。有些人认为。。然而其他人却认为2、People may have different opinions 人们对可能会有不同的见解。3、Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。三、结尾句型1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the 把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the 考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论

knowing that you 听说你将要~~looking forward to you reply 期待你的回信



英语议论文的写作思路准确把握议论文的三要素:论点,论据和论证。论点是作者要阐述的观点;论据则包括事实论据(现实与历史的事实)和理论论据(科学原理、经典名言等);论证即论点与论据之间的逻辑关系,也就是用充分有力的论据来证实论点的过程和方法。 掌握议论文的一般结构层次:这类文章通常都以三段式的形式展开议论:第一段开门见山,提出论点;第二段为核心论证段,摆出事实或引出理论进行具体论证。第三段为总结语。重申论点,首尾呼应。当然所谓的三段论只是一个一般的说法,并不是说议论文就永远一成不变的是“三段”,如果作者在中间论述部分需要从正反两个方面进行论证,完全可以将这一部分拆分为两段,那整个文章就是四段,这一点也需要灵活处理。



英语写作35个经典句型一、~~~ the + ~ est + 名词+ (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/heard/had/read, etc) ~~~ the most + 形容词 + 名词+ (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/heard/had/read, etc)二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too (再怎么强调的重要性也不为过。)四、There is no denying that + S + V (不可否认的)五、It is universally acknowledged that + 句子~~ (全世界都知道)六、There is no doubt that + 句子~~ (毫无疑问的)七、An advantage of ~~~ is that + 句子(的优点是)八、The reason why + 句子 ~~~ is that + 句子(的原因是)九、So + 形容词 + be + 主词+ that + 句子(如此以致于)十、Adj + as + Subject(主词)+ be, S + V~~~ (虽然)十一、The + ~er + S + V, ~~~ the + ~er + S + V ~~~ The + more + Adj + S + V, ~~~ the + more + Adj + S + V~~~(愈愈)十二、By +Ving, ~~ can ~~ (借着,能够)十三、~~~ enable + Object(受词)+ to + V (使能够)十四、On no account can we + V ~~~ (我们绝对不能)十五、It is time + S + 过去式(该是的时候了) 十六、Those who ~~~ (的人)十七、There is no one but ~~~ (没有人不)十八、S+ be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V (不得不)十九、It is conceivable that + 句子(可想而知的) It is obvious that + 句子 (明显的) It is apparent that + 句子 (显然的)二十、That is the reason why ~~~ (那就是的原因)二十一、For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式(过去年来,一直) 二十二、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。二十三、It pays to + V ~~~ (是值得的。)二十四、be based on (以为基础)二十五、S+ spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的)二十六、bring home to + 人 + 事(让明白事)二十七、be closely related to ~~ (与息息相关)二十八、Get into the habit of + Ving = make it a rule to + V (养成的习惯)二十九、Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving, ~~~ (因为)三十、What a + A + N + S + V!= How + A + a + N + V!(多么!)三十一、Leave much to be desired (令人不满意)三十二、have a great influence on ~~~ (对有很大的影响)三十三、do good to (对有益),do harm to (对有害) 三十四、S+ pose a great threat to ~~ (对造成一大威胁) 三十五、S+ do one's utmost to + V = do one's best (尽全力去)更多的例句,可以去我的博客/zhangdanada1211

开头   Recently, the problem of … has aroused people’s   最近,…问题已引起人们的关注  Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as   互联网已在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色它给我们带来了许多好处,但也产生了一些严重的问题  Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to   如今,(人口过剩)已成为我们不得不面对的问题了  It is commonly believed that… / It is a common belief that…  人们一般认为…  Many people insist that…  很多人坚持认为…  With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that…  随着科技的发展,越来越多的人认为…  A lot of people seem to think that…  很多人似乎认为…  引出不同观点:  People’s views on… vary from person to Some hold that… However, others believe that… 人们对…的观点因人而异有些人认为… 然而其他人却认为...  People may have different opinions on… 人们对…可能会有不同的见解  Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to 人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异  There are different opinions among people as to… 关于… 人们的观点大不相同  Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure) 对(失败)人们的态度各不相同  结尾  Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…  把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论…  Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that…  考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论…  Hence/Therefore, we’d better come to the conclusion that…  因此,我们最好得出这样的结论…  There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as   毫无疑问,跳槽有优点也有缺点  All in all, we cannot live without… But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would   总之,我们没有…是无法生活的但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现的新问题  提出建议:  It is high time that we put an end to the (trend) 该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了  It is time to take the advice of … and to put special emphasis on the improvement of …  该是采纳…的建议,并对…的进展给予特殊重视的时候了  There is

1、With the society moving forward,more and more ……随着社会的发展,越来越多的……(你可以把社会换成其他的)2、Recent years have witnessed the fact It goes without saying that No one can deny the fact There is absolutely no reason to refuse As the coin has two sides,this thing is not an Young as she is,Only in this way can we It's obvious To one's delight/astonishment,As is known to us,I can assume 这些是我自己总结出来的比较常用的,基本上什么文体都能用上的。和你分享分享


写作思路:先明确一个主题,然后再进行创作。这里以我的家为主题,可以介绍我的家里有几个人,每个人分别是干什么的,以及他们喜欢什么。开头第一段,引入要讨论的话题。第二段,叙述讨论话题的主要内容,第三段,抒发自己的情感。My familyThere are four people in my They are my father,my mother,my brother and IMy mother is very She is an She is very kind to My father is a He works He is strict with My brother is a 12-year-old He is very He likes playing computer I am a middle school I like singing My dream is to be a This is my It is I like it very 译文:我的家我家有四口人。他们分别是我的爸爸,妈妈,弟弟和我。我妈妈很漂亮,她是个工程师。她对我很好。我爸爸是个工人,他工作很努力,他对我很严格。我弟弟是一个12岁的男孩,他很顽皮,他最喜欢玩电脑。我是一个中学生,我最喜欢唱歌。我的梦想是当一名歌唱家。这就是我的家,它很温暖,我很爱我家。

一,议论文的格式:   议论文的格式应由三个部分组成:立论部分,论证部分。结论部分。二,一般说来,议论文可分三个基本段落来写:第一段引出话题,第二段立论且加以论证,第三段给出明确的结论。第二段是中心段落,应试者应将主要的内容放在第二段中,同时也要注意开篇及结尾段落的完整性,且应尽量做到首尾呼应,切忌前后矛盾。   三,写作攻略:初中生在写议论文时要首先考虑自己的观点是什么,明确观点后要围绕观点进行论证,最后再进行总结。议论文在写作手法上以议论为主,但有时也要运用说明,叙述,描写等手法。初中议论文的写作格式一般为三段式:开头,主体和结尾。四,一般写作步骤如下:确定主题,引出论点。通过摆事实,讲道理来支持自己的观点。所用的事实,原因,理由应紧密地同结论联系在一起。得出结论。要简明扼要,回扣全文。扩展资料:模板范文Many students think that they do not need to learn Engish, because they don't plan to go abroad。But as to me, I am not in favour of this point of view。I think that English is very important to us, so we should learn English well。First of all, in the opening times, if you want to do business with foreigners, you must use English because most of them speak and write in English。Secondly, in the world today most books are written in English。If you know much English, you can read newspapers and magazines in English。Most important of all, you can learn something more widely。All in all, I hold the opinion that we should learn English well。 And I hope that all the students can use English freely。参考资料:百度百科——英语作文

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