首页 > 期刊发表知识库 > 图书馆允许读者可以借阅这本杂志两个月翻译




We are allowed to borrow books in the school

You can check out these books for heck out登记并借出图书馆的图书

Our school library are three floors and 9800 square Be equipped with First Reading Room, Second Reading Room, Newspapers Reading Room, Comprehensive reading room, Research Reading room, Electronic Document Reading Room, Study Room, Small Lecture Hall and other departments which opened up to the Among those, Book Reading Room, Newspaper Reading Room, and Study Room have received the reader and the other rooms are starting to open The First Reading Room located on the first floor east, nearly 80,000 books have Opened-R Some of the collections from the college instructor, some related to the profession, also a considerable part of the book is Dangdang hot-selling books such as fiction, PubMed counseling books, the category covers "Chinese Library Classification," 22 major Everyone could borrow five books at most in one month, only show the application There are 596 kinds of impurities and 60 kinds of 20 readers reading in the room with 10 years binding of the newspapers and magazines of 1000 books, not to borrow Newspapers and impurities are varied typesComprehensive reading room is located in the southern second floor, preserved in the closed reserve, art books, donation books, reference books and so on amount to 15000 All books only for reading in the room, not the external for I museum save library Art books of 3000 books, including the design of art, architecture, and so on, most are hardcover Game over, you can contact me if there's any Research center is located at the second reading the west for the school, deposit some academic type magazines and newspapers to meet with teacher and the student special needs Indoor set have a computer, is available for readers to access information Electronic literature reading room is located at three central layer, a total of 80 units for students to use the



多少书 学生多大?-----------------2.本馆实行凭学生证开架借阅,学生每次可借2本3.为加速图书周转,借书期限为一个星期,因故不能按期归还者应办理续借手续。4.过期不还者按超期一天罚款0。1元。5.阅览室内报刊、杂志工具书限室内阅读(杂志工具书押学生证阅读)为能私带出室外6.爱护图书人人有责,不得将图书、杂志、报刊斯毁、涂污划线摺角等,如有违反按情节轻重,给予罚款处理。7.丢失本馆图书。以赔偿原书为主,如果赔原书有困难者,按原价二倍至五倍赔偿。8.保持室内整洁、安静,严禁在室内大声说话,吃零食、吸烟、丢果皮、纸屑。9.如果发现偷书者,一律处理,按该书的五至十倍罚款,并全校通告批评。

借阅图书时,听从图书管理员的安排。每次借书必须经班级图书管理员允许,并确认签字后方可将书拿走, 归还时也必须有图书管理员的签字并注明归还时间。每位同学每次只允许借书一本, 要签好书名、 借阅人姓名及借阅时间。借阅者应爱护图书,严禁图画,撕割,如有污损,撕割,涂写或丢失 的现象,要赔偿相同版本的图书或按原价 1-3 倍赔偿。 (图书丢失有记录 的借去者赔偿,无记录的管理员赔偿)有偷窃图书的行为,一经发现按情节轻重按原价的 2-5 倍进行赔偿。拓展资料图书馆(公共文化机构)图书馆,是搜集、整理、收藏图书资料以供人阅览、参考的机构,早在公元前3000年就出现了图书馆,图书馆有保存人类文化遗产、开发信息资源、参与社会教育等职能。据《在辞典中出现的“图书馆”》说,“图书馆”一词最初在日本的文献中出现是1877年的事;而最早在我国文献中出现,当推《教育世界》第62期中所刊出的一篇《拟设简便图书馆说》,时为1894年。中国最早的省级图书馆为1904年创办的湖北省图书馆。设施秩序图书馆:公共图书馆是一个供人借阅书籍,并阅读的地方。图书馆源于保存记事的习惯。图书馆是为读者在馆内使用文献而提供的专门场所。图书馆的阅览室一般分为普通阅览室、专门阅览室和参考研究室3种类型。图书馆基本秩序: 严禁在图书馆内吸烟。 保持室内整洁,禁止将食物及饮料带入馆内;请勿随意搬拽阅览桌椅。 保持室内安静:入馆请将呼机和手机关机或调为静音状态;在馆内请轻声交谈,以免影响他人阅读。 尊重管理人员,做个文明读者。 爱护书刊资料及一切公共财物,请勿涂抹、撕毁、私藏书刊


We can only __borrow___two books __from__the __library__ __at__ _a____ _time_

你可以免费借阅这些书英文是You can borrow these books for free

In the library,everybody every time can borrow five books,and keep ten


The library

图书馆规则英语10条:1、The reading room is a civilized learning Readers should consciously keep the reading room clean and 阅览室是文明的学习场所,读者应自觉保持阅览室的整洁、安静。2、Readers are not allowed to eat, throw paper scraps or make loud noises 读者不得在室内吃东西、乱丢纸屑、大声喧哗,不准抢占座位及随意搬动桌椅,不得在阅览室内拨打或接听手机。 3、When the reader takes a book, must the substitute book board into the newly taken book's position, after reading, voluntarily returns to the 读者取书时,必须将代书板插入新取图书的位置,阅览后自觉归架。4、No smoking 不要在这里吸烟。 5、Don't tear the  不要撕书。6、Readers should return the book on  读者应该按时把借的图书还给图书馆。7、You should put the book back on the right shelf when you finish  当你看完的时候,你应该把书放回正确的书架上。8、To ensure the safety of the library, no smoking is allowed in the reading 为确保图书馆的安全,禁止在阅览室内任何地点吸烟。9、Inflammable and explosive materials are prohibited in the reading 严禁携带易燃、易爆物品入阅览室。10、Readers who enter the reading room shall hold the library (room) reading card and verify by the staff on duty before entering the reading 凡进入阅览室的读者,须持图书馆(室)阅览证且经值班人员验证后,方可进入阅览室阅览,包、书籍、书夹不得带入。

Library borrower card is not transferable Members are responsible for any damage caused by them to the books or any other property belonging to the library and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed upon them by the Librarian Members leaving the library should stop at the exit so that the material borrowed or taken out of the library by them may be checked Upon any infringement of the library rules members shall forfeit the privileges of admission and membership of the library The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner The members caught tearing pages/stealing of books will be suspended forthwith from using the library facilities and further disciplinary action will be initiated against them by the University 微笑past╱/ 希望可以帮到您,祝您愉快!Y(^_^)Y 谢谢你,o(∩_∩)o 欢迎采纳,~(⊙_⊙;) 祝你早日把问题解决!↖(^ω^)↗加油!`~

Keep quiet,please!请保持安静!you should return the book on 你应该按时把借的图书还给图书馆。You should put the book back on the right shelf when you finish 当你看完的时候,你应该放回正确的书架上。Take care of the 要爱护书籍。Don't draw or write anything on the 不要在书上乱涂乱画。



是的,书籍对外借阅,杂志可在馆内阅读,还有自习室对外开放,每周末有免费公开讲座。普通证120元(其中100元是押金),可借书4本,凭有效证件办理A:个人借阅证 普通借阅证共可以借4册 押金:100(可退)手续费: 20(第二年之后每年10元) 一楼 综合借阅处 30天,可续借一次,逾期每册书、刊每天收取逾期费20元 4册 二楼 文学艺术图书借阅室 中文报纸期刊借阅室 三楼 外文阅览室 四楼 图书馆学资料室 三楼 中文参考图书借阅室非保存本书刊 14天,可续借一次,逾期每册书每天收取逾期费00元, 读 者俱乐部证(共计8册书刊,一套连续剧)押金: 100(可退)手续费: 20 卡费:50(一年)卡费:30(半年) 共计:170/150 一楼 综合借阅处 30天,可续借一次,逾期每册书、刊每天收取逾期费20元 4册 二楼 文学艺术图书借阅室, 中文报纸期刊借阅室 三楼 外文阅览室 四楼 图书馆学资料室 三楼 中文参考图书借阅室非保存本书刊 14天,可续借一次,逾期每册书每天收取逾期费00元, 四楼 读者俱乐部书、刊、光碟 30天,可续借一次,逾期每册书、刊每天收取逾期费20元 4册 读者俱乐部电视连续剧 21天,不可续借;逾期每张碟每天收取逾期费20元 一套(26张) 注: 1、申请办理新借阅证的读者,须持有效证件,按规定交纳押金、工本费,会员须交纳服务费。如提供通讯方式,即可享受本馆公益服务咨询。有效证件包括:身份证、户口簿、军人证、护照、驾驶证等。 2、办证时间:8:30~18:00(周二下午不办理) 3、续借须知:请读者在应还日期之前办理续借,借期从办理续借之日算起。 电话续借:直接拨打电话:0731-84174174(周一至周日8:30-12:00,14:30-18:00;周二下午不办理)。 网上续借: ①点击“湖南图书馆”网站主页→“读者服务”→“发新帖”;帖子主题请注明“xxxxxx号续借”(证号为借阅证背面的6位数条形码)并注明读者姓名或需续借的图书条码号和图书题名,以便核对正确的信息。发帖后请关注有关回复。 ②借阅普通借阅证范围内的书刊可通过网上自助续借一次。具体操作:点击“湖南图书馆”主页→在读者信息查询栏注册成为网上读者→输入证号、密码登陆→借阅查询→点击续借→完成。 4、补证、退证须知: (1) 补办证或退证必须将证上所借图书全部还清,证上无逾期费方可办理。 (2)补办证,需交纳持卡人和代办人有效证件复印件及工本费20元。 (3)退证,持本人有效证件的原件和复印件一份及借阅证办理。 (4)退老借书证(套蓝色封皮的小本子)需持本人有效证件及押金条办理。 (5)代他人办理退证:须凭借阅证、持证人和代办人的有效证件原件和复印件(各一份)办理。 (6)借阅证只退押金100元。 5、具体事宜请咨询工作人员。



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